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6/13/2020 Cuba


We must remember that Cuba began by transferring its dependency from the Yankee imperialists to
the Russian revisionists. This was a simple exchange of mucus for spit so that today, it has been left
totally without a floor. It is floating on nothing, and waiting for its final days according to the
wishes of Yankee and European imperialists.

We can say that Fidel Castro turned out to be a creature of Nikita Khrushchev in whose revisionist
theories of state capitalism (disguised as "socialism") was rocked and weaned. Once under Russian
tutelage, the Cuban leader did not undertake a socialist transformation of the economy, not even at
the time when was a victim of the humiliation suffered as a result of the collision and collusion
between the hierarchies of Russian-Soviet social imperialism and Yankee imperialism.

In reality, Castro has gone from being a bourgeois democrat to a progressive fighter, but never a
Marxist. Even though he has always lied to his people and the world, but as a Marxist he doesn't
even have one strand of hair.

Castro assumed "Marxism" later as an opportunistic alternative when the State Department of the
United States turned its back on him. It was then, that he and his troupe embraced the revised
Marxism of the XX Congress of the Soviet Communist Party (1956). The XX Congress approved
the restoration of capitalism (state bureaucratic capitalism) in all countries that made up the former
USSR. It preached socialism in words, but capitalism in deeds, with privileged bureaucratic
bourgeois class exploiting and oppressing the proletariat. After the death of Stalin, despite restoring
capitalism and overthrowing the proletarian class from power, Khrushchev still kept the label of
communism in the XX Congress of the Party. Thus, Russian imperialism, disguised as socialism
(social imperialism), was established thanks to the maneuvers of Nikita Khrushchev and the
bourgeois class in Russia, who were able to maintain themselves covertly in Russia and in the
Communist Party. This explains why after the death of Stalin in a coordinated effort with
imperialism, several leaders of the party led by Khrushchev initiated a relentless campaign to
undermine and denounce the Socialist Construction. Especially, they turned against the dictatorship
of the proletariat under the disguise of combating an imaginary "Stalinism."

Due to his actions of armed struggles developed in those early times, Castro perhaps was prevented
from learning about the doctrinaire enrichments of socialism in the 1960s. In these years, the
Communist Party of China was exposing the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU).
Perhaps Castro, due to the orphaned state he found himself in, once the guerrilla victory was
culminated, had no option other than placing himself under the squalid umbrella of Khrushchev the
bandit, the disciple of Bernstein and Kautsky (two renegades and enemies of the international
working class who adamantly opposed the victory of the proletarian revolution led by Lenin in

But what can never be accepted from him is that his own "focoism," added to that of Che Guevara,
had him so clouded and befuddled, to the extreme of receiving, ingesting and assuming "Marxism"
in a closed bundle, coming from the XX Congress of the CPSU. That ingestion has blurred Castro's
understanding of Marxism, to the point of not being able to notice the true revolutionary proletarian
line, thanks to which China was already developing the revolutionary class struggle to the highest
level in the history of humanity: The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. China confirmed in
deeds, the path to follow in order to defeat any possible capitalist restorations, which is the Cultural 1/4
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Revolution. The purpose is to continue the revolutionary class struggle under the dictatorship of the
proletariat. It is clear that a Cultural Revolution would have been met with resistance and rejection
in Cuba, but, don't forget that resistance and rejection come from the recalcitrant reactionary sectors
opposed to change, to whom the iron hand of the masses would defeat.

The countries of Eastern Europe, including the former URSS, never carried out any cultural
revolution, and that's the main reason why the bourgeoisies, with their old customs and traditions
based on exploitative relations were able to survive under "socialist covers." We should not be
surprised that so many "former communists," have emerged today as capitalist fungus in Russia,
Poland, Germany, Hungary, etc. This is the bourgeois class that was able to survive with the "party's
card." Similarly, in today's China members of the "Communist Party" are heading big capitalist
corporations. These are the hairs of the death renegade, Deng Xiao Ping, another genocidal enemy
of the working class, who is cheered and praised by the heads of the imperialist powers: Clinton,
Chirac, Blair, Yeltsin, etc. The facts confirm what was established by Mao: Not only one Cultural
Revolution is necessary, but several proletarian cultural revolutions. Castro's regime has never
developed one.

The cretinous revisionism of Khrushchev, assimilated by Castro, was a determinant factor so that in
Cuba, the proletariat was almost castrated politically, without possibilities (until now) of seizing
power. Only the proletariat can exercise a dictatorship with the goal of implanting a true socialism
in the island, impelling a proletarian cultural revolution which would reach the spirit of people
freeing them from the bourgeois individualistic selfishness. The workers of the world, have always
been humiliated and forced to survive selling their labor force to greedy capitalists. The capitalists
enjoy the wealth produced by the sweat and blood of the workers as their "private property."
Therefore, it is only by destroying the capitalist class and its exploitative production relations that
the proletariat (with its own efforts and in many battles) will build a new world based on justice,
freedom, and equality.

The reactionaries, apparently defeated in Cuba, are still there. There are many of them who are
waiting for the final push from the imperialists. But they have a problem. They have obsolete ideas,
and they want the return of the culture and customs of the exploitative classes. Furthermore, they
are trying to corrupt the people in order to restore the bourgeois power.

We know and understand the conditions, situations and circumstances which the Cuban process has
had to go through in order to survive. But the merit lies not only in surviving, but in being able to
develop itself to march toward Communism, and not maintain the country in a vegetative state
toward "whatever God wills." For about 30 years under the U.S. embargo, the Cuban economy was
heavily subsidized by social imperialism, and the only significant crop produced was sugar.

After the collapse of the former Soviet Union in 1991, Cuba allowed European imperialists to
exploit the hotel industry. This has become "artificially" the backbone of the Cuban economy and
has brought about 1 billion dollars profit in 1996. It is artificial because the imperialist powers can
cut it out at any time. However, at this time, it is beneficial for imperialist interests to pressure and
isolate Cuba, rather than carry out an outright Yankee military intervention. They know the fall of
Mr. Castro is a matter of time.

Meanwhile, the Yankees want to black mail and asphyxiate the regime by requesting 6 billion
dollars as a "settlement" for the imperialist "property" confiscated just after the triumph of the
Cuban Revolution. In this regard, in July 1997, Mr. Castro authorized the Italian state-owned
company Stet, the new owner of the Cuban phone Company, to pay a settlement of 30 million
dollars for the confiscation of ITT by the Cuban revolution more than 30 years ago. This is a
"subtle" voluntary compliance of the Helms-Burton law as a result of the ongoing negotiations of
Cuba with Yankee imperialism. On the other hand, the pressure of imperialism is utilized by the
regime to divert attention from its failures and to keep the population on line because of the natural
anti-imperialist position of the Cuban people. 2/4
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The last issue claimed by imperialism is a supposedly "human rights" violation against reactionaries
and bourgeois elements in Cuba. The truth is that who is violating the rights of the Cuban people is
Yankee imperialism itself. For example, the brutal embargo on sales of food and medicine violates
international law and harms the workers and people, not the ruling class in power.

In 1996, Castro arrived in the Vatican to beg for the blessing of the Pope as part of his efforts to
keep his corrupt regime in place. Castro may have God on his side, but never the Cuban masses.

The international proletariat undoubtedly, will extract a lesson from these experiences and will
conquer power by the only possible way, with armed struggles through the People's War, led by the
Communist Party, and guided by today's Marxism: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism.
The validity of this path is confirmed in deeds by the successful advances of the People's War, led
by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP).

At the moment, Fidel Castro avoids saying, whenever possible, the word "socialism or
communism," and always limits himself to calls in defense of his "revolution." Now he says that the
choice of Cuba is the global market, dollars and private property, which is in other words,
capitalism. In doing so, Castro is turning Cuba into a big whorehouse of European tourists,
especially of bourgeois Spanish men. These men show their bogus "solidarity" by taking advantage
of the misery and oppression of Cuban women. Hotels and nightclubs such as the Capri, National,
Cohiba, and Sol Melia have become the symbols of the putrefaction of Cuban society.

Spanish imperialism led by the reactionary Aznar is trying to maintain itself afloat by paying very
low wages to Cuban workers. Its efforts are complemented by the opportunists of the Spanish
"United Left" and the Catholic Church, who through their NGOs, collect handouts "for the starving

The working class in Cuba and in all countries deserve to enjoy a life with dignity, as a fruit of its
own work, and not from humiliating "handouts" which are attached to imperialist strings. Fake
"socialists," "democrats" and "labor leaders" offer miserable handouts, as if in Spain there was no
unemployment, drug addiction, illiteracy (they really need Cuban teachers), ignorance, and misery.

At the same time, the big Spanish corporations and bankers uphold a farcical "solidarity" and
"democracy." This is a cover for the penetration of European imperialism in Cuba. From Gonzales
to Aznar, the corrupt and illegitimate Spanish monarchy repeats and repeats the word "democracy"
as an imaginary candy that no one is able to see and touch in Spain. In the last election, Aznar got
less than 30% of the vote. Is this a democracy? It is enough to say that "King" Juan Carlos was
installed as such by Franco, the junior partner of Hitler and Mussolini, who has nothing of a
"democrat." This is a King who has a lavish life of sex and drugs in luxurious palaces, while the
Spanish working class suffers more exploitation and unemployment. This situation was aggravated
during the last years, due to the "privatization," repression and assassinations by the police, CESID
(the political police), and the army, and betrayal by the sell out union labor leaders (experts in
treason who sell the interests of the working class under the lie of "negotiations.") It is also a fact
that in Spain there is no freedom of expression, because any criticism against the regime, is
immediately repressed as "terrorism" and "apology of terrorism." Despite this fact, the Spanish
imperialists call for the respect of "human rights" in Cuba! And where is the freedom? It is in the
pockets of the bankers to exploit the working class. These are the traps with which the decadent
Spanish imperialists try to fool and exploit the Cuban people.

In conclusion, Yankee imperialism -and its obese Cuban worms in Miami are sitting at the table
with silverware in hand, ready to be served the Cuban turkey cooked and dressed by Russian-Soviet
social imperialism, which has caused so much evil and ruin with its treason to the people of the
world, in almost four decades of plunder, darkness, lies, exploitation, sadness and genocide. The
Yankees are not alone. A bunch of European capitalist wolves will eat what is left. The Spanish
jackals will chew the bones. It is not for mercy or compassion that the European powers oppose 3/4
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Clinton's embargo against Cuba (Helms-Burton bill). It is because they want a bigger piece of the

Published by the Peru People's Movement (MPP)

The New Flag

The New Flag
30-08 Broadway, Suite 159
Queens, NY 11106, USA. 4/4

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