Manual For Bridge Evaluation-Ch8 - For CTP Use
Manual For Bridge Evaluation-Ch8 - For CTP Use
Manual For Bridge Evaluation-Ch8 - For CTP Use
8.1.I-General C8.1.1
Load testing is the observation and measurement of The procedures outlined in this Section for the
the response of a bridge subjected to controlled and nondestructive load testing of bridges were developed in
predetermined loadings without causing changes in the NCHRP Project 12-28(13)A and reported in NCHRP
elastic response of the structure. Load tests can be used Research Results Digest, November 1998-Number 234,
to verify both component and system performance under "Manual for Bridge Rating Through Load Testing," and
a known live load and provide an alternative evaluation include certain modifications necessary to ensure
methodology to analytically computing the load rating of consistency with the load and resistance factor load-
a bridge. rating procedures presented in this Manual.
Literally thousands of bridges have been load tested
over the last 50 years in various countries. In some
countries, load tests are used to verify the performance of
new bridges compared to design predictions. The aim of
this Section is to emphasize the use of load testing as part
of bridge load-rating procedures.
S.2.3-Unintended ContinuitylFixity
8.3.2-Load Distribution
8.3.4-Fatigue Evaluation
8.4.1-Static Tests Tests
8.4.2-Dynamic Tests Testing
Dynamic response tests, under normal traffic or Dynamic tests preferably should use heavy test
controlled conditions using test vehicles, can be vehicles since load rating is governed by heavy vehicles
performed to obtain realistic estimates of the dynamic with much lower dynamic impact effects.
load allowance and live-load stress ranges that can be
used in load rating and fatigue evaluation calculations.
Dynamic load allowance is influenced primarily by the
surface roughness of the deck and the bridge approach,
and to a lesser extent by the bridge frequency and the
weight and dynamic characteristics of the vehicle. Many
of these parameters are difficult to quantify without the
use of full-scale dynamic testing.
The dynamic load allowance may be estimated
from the peak dynamic strain and the corresponding
peak static strain for vehicles on the same path or
transverse position on the bridge. A variety of vehicle
types, speeds, weights, and positions should be
considered in estimating the appropriate dynamic load
allowance. A representative estimate of the dynamic
load allowance can be obtained from statistical analyses
of measured values.
Displacement Measurements
Rotation Measurements
8.8.I-Introduction C8.8.1
Diagnostic and proof load tests can be employed to General load testing procedures are contained in
improve the evaluator's understanding of the behavior of Appendix A8 following this Section. For additional
the bridges being tested and to identify and quantify in a guidance, evaluators should consult NCHRP Research
scientific manner their true inherent reserve capacity. A Results Digest No. 234.
major part of the evaluator's responsibility is in
determining how much of any potentially enhanced load-
carrying capacity observed during the load test, as
compared to the values predicted analytically, could be
reliably utilized in establishing the bridge load rating.
Article 8.8 outlines methods and procedures for the
application of nondestructive load tests in the load rating
process and translating the results of the bridge load tests
into bridge load ratings.
A major part of diagnostic testing is the assessment The appropriate section factor (area, section
of the differences between predicted and measured modulus) to be used in calculating RFc should be
responses for subsequent use in determining the load determined after evaluation of the load test results,
rating of the bridge. Article provides guidelines including observations made during the placement of the
for modi tying the calculated load rating for a bridge test vehicle on the bridge. Observed enhancement to the
based on the results of a diagnostic load test. section factor resulting from unintended composite
The following equation should be used to modity the action needs to be critically evaluated. Analytical
calculated load rating following a diagnostic load test: evaluation of composite action in slab-and-girder bridges
without mechanical shear connection and the reliability
( ) of composite action found by a diagnostic test is
discussed in NCHRP Research Results Digest No. 234.
RFT = load-rating factor for the live-load capacity For composite structures with shear connectors, the
based on the load test result full composite section as defined by the AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications should be used unless
RFc = rating factor based on calculations prior to observations during the test indicate slippage at the deck-
incorporating test results (Eq. A6.4.2.l-1 should girder interface. Noncomposite structures which show no
be used). evidence of composite action under the test load should
K adjustment factor resulting from the comparison be evaluated based on noncomposite section factors.
of measured test behavior with the analytical
model (represents the benefits of the field load
test, if any)
The Adjustment Factor K is given by: The intent of "Can member behavior be extrapolated
to l.33W?" in Table is to provide some
( assurance that the structure has adequate reserve capacity
beyond its rating load level W. Normally this would be
where: established by calculation, but proof testing would also
be acceptable.
Ka = accounts for both the benefit derived from the Examples of typical calculations which could be
load test, if any, and consideration of the section performed to check this criterion include:
factor (area, section modulus, etc.) resisting the
applied test load 1. Load the analytical model with 1.33 Wand determine
whether there is linear behavior of the components
Kb accounts for the understanding of the load test of the structure. The model could be based on the
results when compared with those predicted by LRFD specifications or a three-dimensional
theory computer model.
Without a load test, K = 1. If the load test results 2. Using the procedures given in NCHRP Research
agree exactly with theory, then K = 1 also. Generally, Results Digest No. 234, determine whether there is
after a load test K is not equal to one. If K> 1, then composite action at 1.33 W where none was intended.
response of the bridge is more favorable than predicted
Diagnostic load test does not specifically address the
by theory and the bridge load capacity may be
fatigue limit state. However, at the time of the test it may
enhanced. On the other hand, if K < 1, then actual
be necessary to measure stresses at fatigue sensitive
response of the bridge is more severe than that
details to determine if fatigue cracking is possible.
predicted and the theoretical bridge load capacity may
have to be reduced.
The following general expression should be used in
determining Ka:
K a =~-1 (
In general:
= __ (
8.8.3. I-Introduction
x;, represents the target live-load factor (applied to A proof test provides information about the bridge
the test load) needed to bring the bridge to a rating factor capacity including dead-load effect, live-load
of 1.0. If the test safely reaches this level ofload, namely distributions, and component strengths. However, other
the legal rating plus impact allowance magnified by the uncertainties, in particular the possibility of bridge
factor Xp , then the rating factor is 1.0. The proof test load overloads during normal operations as well as the impact
factors are calibrated to provide the same safety targets allowance, are not measured during the test. These
implicit in the calculated ratings using load and remaining uncertainties should be considered in
resistance factor rating procedures. Only the live load is establishing a target proofload.
factored during the proof test. The dead load is assumed
to be the mean value.
Higher proof loads may also be warranted to
incorporate ratings for permit vehicles, and in this
instance the permit load vehicle plus dynamic load
allowance should be magnified by Xp.
Several site conditions may have an influence on the
load rating. These factors are included herein by making
adjustments to x;, to account for such conditions. Each of
these adjustment quantities is presented below. After X pA
(the adjusted Xp) is obtained, this value is multiplied by
the rating load plus dynamic load allowance to get the
proof-load magnitude that is needed to reach a rating
factor of 1.0.
Rn = 1.40(L+I)+D (
One-Lane Load Controls
Nonredundant Structure
Fracture-Critical Details Present +10%
Rateable, Existing RF? 1.0 -5%
ADTT-:;.lOOO -10%
ADTT-:;. 100 -15%
At the conclusion of the proof load test, the actual If there are observed signs of distress prior to
maximum proof live load Lp applied to the bridge is reaching the target proof load and the test must be
known. The Operating level capacity OP is found as stopped, then the actual maximum proof live load must
follows: be reduced by 12 percent by means of the factor k o. This
reduction is consistent with observations that show that
nominal material properties used in calculations are
typically 12 percent below observed material properties
from tests.
AASHTO. 2007. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Fourth Edition, LRFDUS-4-M or LRFDSI-4.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
NCHRP. 1998. "Manual for Bridge Rating through Load Testing," NCHRP Research Results Digest, Transportation
Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC, No. 234.
The steps required for load rating of bridges through load testing include the following:
Prior to load testing, a thorough evaluation of the physical condition of the bridge by a field inspection should be
carried out, followed by a theoretical load rating (where feasible) in accordance with the procedures described in
Section 6. These are necessary for use as the base condition for planning and conducting the load test and to ensure
the safety of the bridge under the test load. At this stage, a determination should be made as to whether load testing is
a feasible alternative to establishing the load rating of the bridge.
The analytical model developed for the theoretical rating will also be used in establishing the target test loading
required, predicting the response of the bridge to the test loading, evaluating the results of the load test, and
establishing the final load rating for the bridge. The procedure to interpret the test results should be determined
before the tests are commenced so that the instrumentation can be arranged to provide the relevant data.
A test program should be prepared prior to commencing with a load test and should include the test objectives,
the type of teste s) to be performed, and related criteria. The choice of either the diagnostic or proof load test method
depends on several factors including type of bridge, availability of design and as-built details, bridge condition,
results of preliminary inspection and rating, availability of equipment and funds, level of risk involved, and test
Careful planning and preparation of test activities are required to ensure that the test objectives are realized. At
this stage, the load effects to be measured are identified, instrumentation is selected, personnel requirements are
established, and test loadings are defined, all with due regard to safety considerations. The magnitude, configuration,
and position of the test loading are selected based on the type of bridge and the type oftest to be conducted.
The first step in the execution of a load test is to install and check the instrumentation, which could usually be
done without closing the bridge to traffic. The actual load test may then be conducted, preferably with the bridge
closed to all vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The loads should be applied in several increments while observing
structural behavior. Measurements of strains, displacements, and rotations should be taken at the start of the bridge
load test and at the end of each increment. To ensure that accurate and reliable data is obtained during the test, it is
important to assess the response of the bridge to repeated load positions and to account for temperature variations
during the load test. Load-deformation response and deflection recovery at critical locations should be monitored to
determine the onset of nonlinear behavior. Once any nonlinearity is observed, the bridge should be unloaded
immediately and the deflection recovery recorded.
At the completion of the field load test and prior to using the load test results in establishing a load rating for the
bridge, the reliability of the load test results should be considered in evaluating the overall acceptability of the test
results. It is important to understand any differences between measured load effects and those predicted by theory.
This evaluation is generally performed in the office after the completion of the load test.
The determination of a revised load rating based on field testing should be done in accordance with Article 8.8.2
for Diagnostic Tests and Article 8.8.3 for Proof Tests. The rating established should be consistent with the structural
behavior observed during the load test and good engineering judgment, and should also consider factors which
cannot be determined by load testing, but are known to influence bridge safety.
A comprehensive report should be prepared describing the results of field investigations and testing, description
of test loads and testing procedures, types and location of instrumentation, theoretical rating, and final load rating
calculations. The report should include the final assessment of the bridge according to the results of the load test and
rating calculations, and may also contain recommendations for remedial actions.