Republic Act No. 11494 Bayanihan To Recover As One Act

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(Bayanihan 2)

Salient Points

Section 4 – Response and Recovery Interventions

- The President is hereby authorized to exercise powers that are

necessary and proper to undertake the following COVID-19 response and recovery

(f) Provision of any of the following subsidies

i. Php 5,000-8,000 emergency subsidy to affected low-income

households in areas under granular lockdown and to households with
recently returned OFWs.
- This shall be computed based on prevailing minimum
wage rates.

ii. Php 5,000-8,000 unemployment or involuntary separation

assistance for displaced workers or employees due to COVID-19
including probationary, project, seasonal, contractual and casual
employees in private health institutions, culture and arts, creative
industries, including, but not limited to, film and audiovisual workers,
broadcast, construction, public transportation, trade and industries,
cooperatives, and other sectors of economy, as may be identified by
DOLE, freelancers, self-employed, and repatriated OFWs, including
OFW's whose deployment were suspended due to a government-
imposed deployment ban.
- Any assistance given to OFWs shall be separate and
distinct from the benefits or assistance, if any, they receive as
members of OWWA.
- SSS members who have received unemployment benefits
under Section 14-B of R.A. 11199 during the pandemic shall no
longer be eligible to avail of this benefit.

iii. Emergency subsidy to low income households who are

qualified but were not granted such subsidy under Section 4(c) of
R.A. 11469.

(h) COVID-19 Special Risk Allowance for public and private health workers
directly catering to or in contact with COVID-19 patients every month that they are
serving during the state of national emergency.
- In addition to the hazard pay granted under R.A. 7305
and the active hazard pay under Bayanihan 2.
- Exempt from income tax.

(j) Assumption of all medical expenses of public and private health workers in
case of exposure to COVID-19 or any work-related injury or disease during the
state of national emergency.

(k) Compensation to public and private health workers who have contracted
COVID-19 in the line of duty.
- death of health worker – Php 1,000,000
- sever or critical sickness – Php 100,000
- mild or moderate sickness – Php 15,000
- Retroactive application from 01 February 2020
- Exempt from taxes under NIRC
- Shall be provided not later than 3 months after date of
death or confinement.
- Survives the expiration of Bayanihan 2 for as long as the
health worker dies or contracts mild or severe COVID-19 infection
while in line of duty.

(m) Financial relief to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries during the state of national
- payment of interests, penalties and surcharges of loans
used for land acquisition to any and all GOCCs including the Land
Bank shall be condoned, and the remaining principal value be
restructured without interest, provided that all previous payments for
interest be credited to principal payment.

(n) Provision of subsidies and allowances to qualified students in private and

public elementary, secondary, and tertiary education whose families are now facing
financial difficulties brought about by work stoppage and closure of establishments

due to community quarantine, and neither part of the Listahan of the DSWD nor
covered under the Education Service Contracting (ESQ), Senior High School
Voucher (SHS VP) and Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES).
- Shall be released directly to the private tertiary education
institutions or private basic education schools for the purpose of
applying the subsidy for unpaid tuition in school year 2019-2020 or
for the payment of tuition fee for SY 2020-2021.
- Shall be released prior to the opening of SY 2020-2021 or
within a reasonable time after school opening but in no case later than
September 2020.

(o) One-time cash assistance to displaced teaching and non-teaching personnel,

including part-time faculty or non-permanent teaching personnel, in private and
public elementary, secondary, and tertiary education institutions and part-time
faculty in SUCs who have lost their jobs or who have not received their wages.

(x) Ensure the availability of credit to the productive sectors of the economy
especially in the countryside through measures such as, but not limited to, lowering
the effective lending rates of interest and reserve requirements of lending
- Credit accommodation to MSMEs and cooperatives, as
well as those who are self-employed, shall be imposed a low interest,
payable within three (3) years and shall not require any collateral if
the loan does not exceed Php 3,000,000.

(y) Provision of loan interest rate subsidies for institutions of learning that have
been affected by the decrease in enrollment due to community quarantine or to
enable these institution s to adequately prepare to implement blended learning.
- Terms of the loan shall be more reasonable than the
prevailing market terms.
- Availment of such loan shall be conditioned on the non-
implementation of an increase in tuition and other fees for the next
school or academic year.
- Private schools, colleges and universities receiving grants
will retain their personnel complement at the time of receipts of aid,
and will not engage in retrenchment of employees for a period of nine
months from receipt of grant.

(z) Directing the Small Business Corporation (SBCorp) to expand its existing
loan programs for MSMEs, cooperatives, hospitals, tourism and OFWs affected by
the COVID-19 pandemic and by other socioeconomic reversals, through a
combination of increasing available loanable funds, reducing documentary
requirements, increasing maximum loan amounts per borrower, reducing interest
rates, extending loan terms, utilization of financial technologies to expand reach
and increase access and set fast turn-around loan processing time; and allow the
use of the loan proceeds for payroll costs, materials and suppliers, mortgage
payments, rent, utilities, including fuel and storage, creation of new supportive
businesses, re-purposing of existing business capital, any other business debt
obligations that were incurred before the covered period or the acquisition of new
technologies and systems to adjust business processes for resiliency.

(aa) LBP and the DBP to introduce a low interest and/or flexible term loan
program for operating expenses available to businesses affected by the COVID-19
pandemic, in order to assist and encourage them and their creditors to continue
investing in, lending to and operating their businesses.
- priority shall be given to agri-fishery and non-essential
businesses that are MSMEs including start-ups and cooperatives.

(bb) Philippine Guarantee Corporation to issue an expanded government

guarantee program for non-essential businesses, to ease current rules and
regulations and give preference to critically impacted businesses, MSMEs,
cooperatives and activities that support DOH initiatives towards ensuring an
adequate and responsive supply of health care services, and to guarantee the loan
portfolio of partner financial institutions of eligible MSME and cooperative loans.

(gg) DOTr and other agencies to extend the following assistance to critically
impacted businesses in the transportation industry, including transport

1. direct cash or loan interest rate subsidy

2. grants for applicable regulatory fees
3. substitution of refund option to travel vouchers
4. grants for fuel subsidy and/or digital fare vouchers
5. grants for training, equipment facilities test kits and
necessary personnel, on coping with increased health risks from
infectious diseases

(hh) DOT to assist critically impacted businesses that are tourism enterprises,
including tourism-oriented barangay micro business enterprises, cooperatives
engaged in tourism-related activities or other members of the informal sector in the
tourism economy in any of the following programs:
1. loan interest rate subsidy
2. Tourism Road Infrastructure Program of the DPWH
3. Cash-for-work programs and the unemployment and
involuntary assistance for the displaced workers or employees in the
tourism sector
4. Marketing and product development, promotions and
programs, including travel advertising and festival-support strategies
5. Grants for education, training, and advising of tourism
stakeholders for the new normal alternative livelihood programs
6. Utilization of IT for the improvement of tourism services
7. establish COVID-19 testing centers in tourist destinations
8. programs to mitigate the effects of COVID-19

(ii) Undertake measure in partnership with internet and communication service

providers in the acceleration and deployment of critical Information and
Communication Technology infrastructure particularly additional cell towers,
equipment, software and wireless technologies. Such measures shall include the
1. Temporary suspension of requirements to secure permits
and clearances for the construction of telecommunications and
internet infrastructure.
2. Streamlining of regulatory processes.

(jj) DTI to accelerate massive promotion of online commerce.

(pp) Directing the discontinuance of appropriated programs, activities or projects

of any agency of the Executive Department, including GOCCs, in the fiscal years
2019 and 2020 General Appropriations Act, which cannot be utilized effectively as
a result of the COVID-19 outbreak and utilize the savings generated therefrom to
augment the allocation for any item needed to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

(qq) Any unutilized or unreleased balance in special purpose funds shall be

considered to have their purpose abandoned during the state of national emergency.

(rr) Reprogram, reallocate and realign from savings on other items in the Fiscal
Year 2020 GAA in the Executive Department as may be necessary and beneficial
to fund measures that address and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

(ss) Allocate cash, funds, and investments of GOCCs or any national government
agency in order to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

(tt) Moving of statutory deadlines and timelines for the filing and submission
documents, payment of taxes, fees and other charges required by law, and the grant
of benefit in order to ease the burden on individuals under community quarantine.

(uu) Directing all banks, quasi-banks, financing companies, lending companies,

real estate developers, insurance companies providing life insurance policies, pre-
need companies, entities providing in-house financing for goods and properties
purchased, asset and liabilities management companies and other financial
institutions, public and private, including the GSIS, SSS and PAG-IBIG, to
implement a one-time 60-day grace period to be granted for the payment of all
existing, current and outstanding loans falling due, or any part thereof, on or before
December 31, 2020 without incurring interest on interests, penalties, fees, or other
charges and thereby extending the maturity of loans.
- All loans may be settled on staggered basis without
interests on interests, penalties and other charges until December 31,
2020 or as may be agreed upon by the parties.
- Nothing shall stop the parties from mutually agreeing for
a grace period longer than 60 days.
- Banks and other non-bank financial institutions that agree
to further loan term extensions or restructuring shall be entitled to
regulatory relief.
- Does not apply to interbank loan and bank borrowings.

(vv) Institutions providing electric, water, telecommunications, and other similar

utilities to implement a minimum of 30-day grace period for the payment of
utilities falling due within ECQ or MECQ without incurring interests, penalties and
other charges.
- Unpaid utility bills after the grace period may be settled
in not less than 3 monthly installments.
- Covered institutions may offer less onerous payment

- In the case of the electric power sector, the 30-day grace
period and staggered payment without interests, penalties and other
charges shall apply to all payments due within the period of
community quarantine in the entire electric power value chain to
include generation companies, the transmission utility, and
distribution utilities.

(ww) 30-day minimum grace period on residential and commercial rents of lessees
not permitted to work and MSMEs and cooperatives ordered to temporarily cease
operations, falling due within the period of community quarantine, without
incurring interests, penalties, fees and other charges.
- All amounts due within the period of community
quarantine shall be amortized in equal monthly installments until
December 31, 2020 without any interests, penalties and other charges.
- no increase in rent shall be imposed during the same
- the 30-day minimum grace period shall be reckoned from
the date of lifting of the ECQ or MECQ.

(xx) Expanded and enhanced 4Ps where the Secretary of DSWD or the Secretary
of DOLE shall transfer cash, cash vouchers, or goods through the LGUs or directly
to households who have no incomes or savings to draw from.

(yy) Lifting of the 30% cap on the amount appropriated for the QRF under R.A.

(zz) Assistance to the agriculture industry, including aquaculture cooperatives, by

creating the Plant, Plant, Plant Program.

(aaa) Implementation of a program which would:

1. fast track the approval of all pending and new
applications for housing loans, permits and licenses.
2. accommodate and prioritize critically impacted home
buyers who may shift from private bank financing to PAG-IBIG

(ccc) Encouraging the BSP to allow private banks and financial institutions to:

1. reallocate any unutilized loanable funds to housing loans.
2. grant subsidy to home loan borrowers at the rate
equivalent to the gross receipt tax imposed on banks and financial

(ddd) Encouraging the BSP and SEC to adopt measures including the relaxation of
regulatory and statutory restrictions and requirements for a period of not more than
one year from date of effectivity to encourage the baking industry and other
financial institutions to extend loans and other forms of financial accommodation
to help businesses recover from the economic effects of COVID-19 crisis.
- BSP and SEC are authorized to grant reporting relief to
its supervised entities by allowing staggered booking of allowance for
credit losses for all types of credit accommodations extended to
individuals and business entities affected by COVID-19.

(eee) Issuance of a directive that all government agencies and LGUs shall act on
all pending and new applications for permit, license, certificate, clearance,
authorization and resolutions within a non-extendable period of seven working
days to support business continuity and encourage resumption of all economic
- This does not apply to regulatory processes involving
administrative investigations or enforcement activities by government
regulators exercising quasi-judicial functions.
- The PCC shall promote business continuity and capacity
building, as such, all mergers and acquisitions with transaction values
below 50 billion pesos shall be exempt from compulsory notification
under Section 17 of R.A. 10667 if entered into within a period of two
years from the effectivity of this Act, and further, shall be exempt
from the PCC's power to review mergers and acquisitions motu
proprio for a period on one year from the effectivity of this Act.

(hhh) Provision of regulatory relief to the critically impacted creative sector by

tasking DTI and DILF to review the imposition of amusement tax
- The President shall have the power to suspend, reduce or
waive the imposition of fees and charges as recommended by the DTI
and DILG for a perio dof six months.

(iii) Provision of loan assistance, subsidies, discounts or grants to schools,

universities, colleges, technical vocational institutions, teachers, faculties and
students for the purchase of distance learning tools, such as computers, laptops,
tablets and other ICT devices and equipment necessary to conduct and access
classes and learning materials under alternative delivery modes of teaching and
- Private schools, colleges and universities receiving grants
will retain their personnel complement at the time of receipt of said
aid, and will not engage in retrenchment of employees for a period of
nine months from receipt of grant.

(jjj) Notwithstanding Section 272 of R.A. 7160, a portion of the SEF may be
used for the support of alternative learning modalities.

(kkk) Extension of the term of standby loans entered into by LGUs.

(lll) DPWH and other government agencies to expedite the implementation of

infrastructure programs and projects to generate local employment and stimulate
the local economy.
- Infrastructure flagship projects identified by NEDA shall
be fast-tracked.
- All permits and licenses for infrastructure flagship
projects shall be deemed waived for a period of one year from the
effectivity of this Act.
- Permit requirements relating to environmental laws,
health and occupation safety shall continue to be applicable and
subject to a processing time of seven working days.
- All laws requiring permits waived under this provision
shall be deemed amended during the one-year of fast-track

(nnn) Permits, licenses, certificates, clearances, consents, authorizations or

resolutions except those relating to taxes, duties, border control and environmental
laws and regulations, may be waived for private projects that are nationally
significant or those with high economic returns or high employment potential as
may be determined by a committee chaired by the Secretary of DOF.
- No court, except the Supreme Court, shall issue any TRO
or preliminary injunction or preliminary mandatory injunction against
the committee and the completion or operation of the project granted

regulatory relief.

(www) Provision of regulatory relief during the effectivity of this Act for
business entities by directing the SEC and other regulatory agencies to desist from
imposing fines and other monetary penalties for non-filing, late filing, failure to
comply with compulsory notification and other reportorial requirements relating to
business activities and transactions that promote continuity and capacity-building
in all sectors of the economy during the community quarantine.

(zzz) Exemption of personal computers, laptops, tablets or similar equipment

appropriate for use in schools, donated for distribution to public schools regardless
of level, including SUCs and vocational institutions under TESDA, from import
duties and taxes, including donor's tax.

(bbbb) The net operating loss of business or enterprise for taxable years 2020
and 2021 shall be carried over as a deduction from gross income for the next five
consecutive taxable years immediately following the year of such loss.
- This subsection shall remain in effect even after the
expiration of this Act.

Section 5 – Exemption from Tax of Retirement Benefits

- Retirement benefits received by official and employees of private

firms, individual or corporate, from June 5, 2020 until December 31, 2020 shall be
excluded from gross income and shall be exempt from taxation.
- Re-employment of such official or employee in the same firm within
the succeeding 12-month period shall be considered as proof of non-retirement and
shall subject the benefits received to appropriate taxes.

Section 6 – Tax on Sale, Barter or Exchange of Shares of Stock Listed and

Traded Through Initial Public Offering

- Section 127(B) of the NIRC, as amended, is repealed.


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