This document provides a summary of manpower planning for Triniti Land as of April 2020 across their Head Office, Triniti Menara Serpong office, and Puri Triniti Batam office. It lists the department, position, name, and contract expiry details for each employee. A total of 23 employees are represented between the three offices, with several contracts expiring in March, April, and other months throughout the year.
This document provides a summary of manpower planning for Triniti Land as of April 2020 across their Head Office, Triniti Menara Serpong office, and Puri Triniti Batam office. It lists the department, position, name, and contract expiry details for each employee. A total of 23 employees are represented between the three offices, with several contracts expiring in March, April, and other months throughout the year.
This document provides a summary of manpower planning for Triniti Land as of April 2020 across their Head Office, Triniti Menara Serpong office, and Puri Triniti Batam office. It lists the department, position, name, and contract expiry details for each employee. A total of 23 employees are represented between the three offices, with several contracts expiring in March, April, and other months throughout the year.
This document provides a summary of manpower planning for Triniti Land as of April 2020 across their Head Office, Triniti Menara Serpong office, and Puri Triniti Batam office. It lists the department, position, name, and contract expiry details for each employee. A total of 23 employees are represented between the three offices, with several contracts expiring in March, April, and other months throughout the year.
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Revamp Man Power Planning
As at April '20 HEAD OFFICE
No. Dept Position Name Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agt Sept Okt Nov Des Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agt Sept Okt Nov Des 1 Procurement Staff Procurement Dewi Yuliana 1 2 Legal Staff Legal Yudistira 1 3 Marketing SPV Agent Tjang Randy 1 3 Internal Audit Manager Internal Audit Ng Tjan Sin 1 Manager Corporate Finance Kian Yui 1 5 Fin & Acc SPV Fin & Acc Steven Ogeustav Rambi Personal Assistant Sharon Fricillia Sabatini Tampubolon 1 6 President Office Corporate Secetary Riska Afriani 1 Public Relation Elisabet Lisa Listiani Putri 7 Risk Management Staff Risk Management Rico Fernando 1 1 8 General Affair Receptionist Rafika Faradilla 1 Grand Total 1 3 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - TRINITI LAND Revamp Man Power Planning As at April '20 TRINITI MENARA SERPONG
No. Dept Position Name Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agt Sept Okt Nov Des Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agt Sept Okt Nov Des Architect Engineer Ramadhani Meiderista 1 1 Project Structure Engineer Faysal Jahan 1 Inspector Mep Abdurrakhman Hidayat 1 Staff Finance Risdaningsih 1 Ratna Alfaidah 1 MT Nabillah 1 2 Fin & Adm Manager Finance & Accounting Purwanto 1 Staff Finance & Tax Dewi Sartika 1 Staff Accounting Adelia Ananda Maimunah 1 Driver Dikal Lodi Ulric 1 Maintenance Riskhi Mahmudi 1 3 General Affair Driver Agus Suprianto 1 Messenger E. Sutisna 1 4 Legal Staff Legal Siti Nurmayda Purwaningrum 1 Grand Total 1 3 - 1 3 - 2 2 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - TRINITI LAND Revamp Man Power Planning As at April '20 PURI TRINITI BATAM
No. Dept Position Name Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agt Sept Okt Nov Des Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agt Sept Okt Nov Des Driver Arif Baco Langodai 1 1 General Affair Office Boy Bambang Prayogi 1 Spv Finance Lusianna Lumban Toruan 1 2 Fin & Adm Admin Finance Tanjung Pratiwi Haryanto 1 Staff Finance Ika Saudia Farida 1 Admin Agent Laurencia Louisa Leowardy 1 3 Sales & Adm Staff Design Grafis Boby Agima 1 Deputy Director Project Budhy A. Suryadharma 1 4 Project Admin Project Erda Tamba 1 Grand Total 1 1 2 3 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -