Modelling of A Gas Absorption Packed Col
Modelling of A Gas Absorption Packed Col
Modelling of A Gas Absorption Packed Col
This paper present a research work on the modeling of a gas absorption packed
column with the aim formulating a mathematical model and simulation of the model
using a computer software to obtain the rate of absorption and the amount of absorbed
carbon dioxide CO2 into dilute sodium hydroxide NaOH. Arm field gas absorption
column titration techniques were used for the analysis. The total concentration of
carbonate and hence the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed was determined using
gravimetric methods. The comparison between the obtained experimental and simulated
results shows that the formulated model is a good representation of the system. A
program was written in Q-Basic for simulation of any gas absorption packed column,
the model and computer program could therefore be used to determining the condition
in a counter-current continuous column at any given time, for any chemically reacting
absorption system.
Keywords: Packed column, modeling, simulation, gas-absorption, Q-Basic,
carbon dioxide - sodium hydroxide system.
AU J.T. 10(2): 132-140 (October 2006)
Description and Operation of the Gas The analysis of the process of absorption
Absorption Column so far given is based on the two-film theory of
Whitman (1923). It is supposed that the two
Gas absorption is usually carried out in films have negligible capacity, but offer all the
vertical counter current packed column 75mm resistance to mass transfer, and thus the flow is
in diameter in which there are two lengths of considered to be laminar and parallel to the
ranching. The liquid solvent is fed at the top of surface. An alternative theory was proposed by
the column and is distributed over the surface Higbie (1935) and later extended by
Danckwerts and Kennedy (1954) which gave
of the packing either by nozzle or distribution
plates. Pressure tapping is provided at the base, mass transfer rate (NA) to be directly
proportional to the concentration difference
center and top of the column to determine
(CAI - CAL). However, Higbie–Danckwerts also
pressure drops across the column. Sampling
points are also provided for the gas at the same used N’A ∝ VDL. Whereas N’a ∝ VDL in the
three points. The liquid outlet stream and feed two-film theory, Danchkwerts applied this
solution are also equipped with sampling point. theory to the problem of absorption coupled
Suitable manometer measurement is included. with chemical reaction but although in this case
Water/solvent is taken from a sump tank, and the three proposals give somewhat different
pumped to the column via a calibrated flow results, it has not been possible to distinguish
meter. Gas is taken from a pressure cylinder between them. The application of penetration
through a calibrated flow meter, and mixed theory to the interpretation of experimental
with air, supplied and monitored from a small results obtained in wetted-wall columns has
compressor in a pre-determined (but variable) been studied by Lynn et al. (1955).
mixed ration. The mixture is fed to the base of
the tower, in which a liquid seal is provided. CO2-NaOH Reaction System
The effluent gas leaves the top of the column
and is intended to be exhausted to atmosphere
The reaction is the absorption of carbon-
outside the laboratory building. The apparatus
dioxide into dilute caustic soda termed as
is designed to absorb CO2 / Air mixture into an
chemisorptions and is similar to the basic gas
aqueous solution flowing down the column.
liquid reactions widely used in chemical
Gas analysis is provided for this system (see
process industries as auxiliary steps in the
Fig. 1).
purification of gas mixtures:
Liquid phase inlet
Vapour phase
The process of interest is the absorption
Packing Support
of carbon dioxide into dilute solution of caustic
soda using the Arm field gas absorption column
(packed with ranching rings). For proper
Liquid phase outlet understanding of the behavior of the system,
prior knowledge of rate of reaction mass and
energy balances together with simple chemical
Fig. 1. Gas Absorption Column. reaction kinetics are required.
AU J.T. 10(2): 132-140 (October 2006)
The following assumptions are taken into moles of ‘B’ are consumed. In this case, for
consideration in developed/developing model each mole of CO2 reacted, 2 moles of NaOH
for gas absorption packed column and in the are consumed,
analysis of the predicted result of the model: CO 2 + NaOH → Na 2 CO 2 + H 2 O
1. Absorption process is carried out in a series (3a)
of contacts, with the occurrence of given by A + bB → Products, b = 2. Referring
unidirectional mass transfer and occurs to the diagram below (see Fig. 2),
counter-currently using diluted absorbent.
A(gas ) + bB(liquid ) ⎯⎯
→ Product . (3b)
2. The column operates at steady state
conditions, hence there are negligible heat However material balance about the end of
effects in the column and the absorption tower gives composition at any point in tower.
process is accompanied by (pseudo-first
order reaction).
3. There exist constant molal flow rates due to
the occurrence of perfect mixing. Low High Material balance about
PA CB end of tower gives
PA CB composition at any
Derivation of Mathematical Model for Arm point in tower
Field Gas Absorption Column Overall
Differential material
Material Balance
High Low
Mathematical analysis of a process is PA CB
always based on the material balance of the High Low
process drawn up for one of the components of
the reaction mixture and can be written as
differential equations for the elementary
volume. The material balance equation for the L2CA L2 CB2
main component contains the following terms:
Fig. 2. Material balance.
Gt = Gd + Gr + Ga, (2)
The differential material balance for the
counter current flow is as shown below:
where Gt is the amount of the component fed to
the elementary volume per unit time; Gd is the [ A' lost by gas] = [ B ' lost by liquid] (4)
amount of the component out from the b
elementary volume per unit time; Gr is the rate or
of consumption of the component in the −L ⎡C ⎤
GdYA = dX B = − Ld ⎢ B ⎥
chemical reaction in the elementary volume; b ⎣ CU ⎦
and Ga is the rate of accumulation of the
component in the elementary volume. ⎡ G ' PA ⎤ − 1 ⎡ L' C B ⎤
= d⎢ ⎥= d⎢ ⎥ (5)
This can be written for the whole reactor ⎣ π ⎦ b ⎣ CT ⎦
if there is uniform distribution of materials over
the reactor volume. Compositions at any point in the tower are
found in terms of the end conditions by
integrating the material balance equation. Thus
Differential Material Balance ( X − X BI )
G[Y A − Y AI ] = − L B
The material balance of ‘A’ (CO2) and ⎡P P ⎤ L ⎡C C ⎤
‘B’ (NaOH) is obtained by noting that the two = G ⎢ A − AI ⎥ = − ⎢ B − BI ⎥
reactants, A alone is present in the main body ⎣ PU PUI ⎦ b ⎣ CU CUI ⎦
of gas and B alone is present in the main liquid. G" PA G" PAI
Secondly, for each mole of ‘A’ reacted, ‘b’ = −
π π
AU J.T. 10(2): 132-140 (October 2006)
AU J.T. 10(2): 132-140 (October 2006)
is ⎛ DK ⎞ 2 ( KD) 2
ε =M =⎜ 2 ⎟ =
. (36)
ωrA = KCACB. B (26) ⎝B L⎠ β2L
This could also be written as Thus, it is seen that an increase in the reaction
ωrA = K1CA, (27) rate constant K leads to greater absorption
where acceleration factors ε.
K1 = KC Bn . (28)
The concentration of reactant A in the boundary Determination of the Rate of Absorption of
film decreases not only due to diffusion, but CO2 into NaOH
also because it is used up in the reaction. This
leads to an increased concentration gradient of Methodology
the reactant at the interface and the numerical
value of the slope of the tangent of the CAZ This experiment is aimed at determining
curve at point M equal to grad CA, increases. As the rate of absorption of carbon dioxide into
a result, the individual coefficient of mass caustic soda solutions (NaOH) through analysis
transfer from the gas to the liquid phase is of liquid solution flowing down the absorption
increased, column and the effect of time on the absorption
WA = D grad CA. (29) rates.
This can be written as
Procedures (Equipment setting up)
⎪⎧ ⎛ 1⎞ 1 ⎛ 1 ⎞⎪⎫
W A = β i ⎨C Ab − C Al Cosh⎜⎜ M 2 ⎟⎟ M 2 tanh⎜⎜ M 2 ⎟⎟⎬ . 1. 7½ L of IM solution of caustic soda was
⎪⎩ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎪⎭ prepared and poured in 30litres of water to
(30) make 37.5litres of 0.2M solution of caustic
where soda, then poured into the reservoir tank at
D the base of the column.
βi = = ε , (31) 2. The gas flow control valves CS and C3 were
δ closed, the liquid pump started and the flow
which describes absorption accompanied by a
of caustic soda through the column was
chemical reaction and it differs from equation
adjusted to approximately 3litres/min on
WA = βi(CA – CAL), (32) flow meter F1 by adjusting control valve C1.
which describes physical absorption 3. The compressor was started and valve C2
WA = βi(CA – CAL). (33) adjusted to give an air flow of
AU J.T. 10(2): 132-140 (October 2006)
AU J.T. 10(2): 132-140 (October 2006)
Table 2. Analysis of Liquid Sample from Sump having the same velocity constant
Tank (Inlet) S4 K = K (OH ) less than that of Eq. (39).
AU J.T. 10(2): 132-140 (October 2006)
hand, the rate of absorption of CO2 in NaOH Lynn, S.; Straatemeier, J.R.; and Kramers H.
was found not to be proportional to C due to 1955. Absorption studies in the light of the
diluting effect of CO2 present in CO2. Hence, penetration theory I. Long wetted-wall
these need to correct it. The true absorption rate columns. Chem. Eng. Sci. 4:49-57.
of CO2 is 3% less than the observed rate due to Whitman, W.G. 1923. Preliminary
this effect. Packing, which will promote a high experimental confirmation of the two-film
interfaces area between the two phases and a theory of gas absorption. Chem. Metall.
high degree of turbulence in the fluid may be Eng., 29:146–148.
employed further.
Q-Basic Program
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AU J.T. 10(2): 132-140 (October 2006)
⎛ ⎛ 1 ⎞⎞
Q = C * ⎜⎜ DK ⎜ t + ⎟ ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎝ 2K ⎠ ⎠
QV .I .G = Q × W
Q ye
M = V .I .G b a
(1 − y b )22.4
P − Po
ΔPM = i
ln i
K y ΔPm
V =
δ = 1.29
G = QV .I .G × 1.29
⎧ 0.125
0.16 μ lq ⎫
⎛ L ⎞ ⎛⎜ δ ⎞⎟
⎪ σδ ⎪
VA = 10^ ⎨0.22 − 1.75⎜ ⎟ − log ⎬
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ lq ⎠⎜ δ ⎟ gV 3
⎪⎩ free lq ⎪
VC = 0.075V A
AC =
⎛ A ⎞
D=⎜ c ⎟
⎝ 0.785 ⎠
hp = C