Meiko Operators Manual - K Series 101306

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High Temperature Sanitizing Rack Conveyor Dishwashers

(USA Version)
• K-44E, K-44ET, K-44S, K-44ST • K-54E, K-54ET, K-54S, K-54ST • K-64E, K-64ET, K-64S, K-64ST
• K-66E, K-66ET, K-66S, K-66ST • K-76E, K-76ET, K-76S, K-76ST • K-86E, K-86ET, K-86S, K-86ST
• K-80E, K-80ET, K-80S, K-80ST • K-90E, K-90ET, K-90S, K-90ST • K-100E, K-100ET, K-100S, K-100ST

Meiko • 917 Airpark Center Drive • Nashville, TN 37217 • Phone: (615) 399-6600 • (800) 55-MEIKO • Fax: (615) 399-6620
Rev. 10/06
TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.13 Connecting Chemical Containers
or Dispensers .......................................... 11
1. INTRODUCTION ................................. 3 3.14 Fresh Water Supply Connection(s).......... 11
1.1 Overview of Equipment ............................. 3 3.15 Steam System Connections .................... 12
1.2 General Safety Information........................ 3 3.16 Drain Connection ..................................... 12
2. TRANSPORT AND SHIPPING ............ 3 3.17 Final Assembly ........................................ 13

3. INSTALLATION .................................... 4 4. OPERATION ....................................... 14

3.1 Overview of Installation ............................. 4 4.1 Location and Description of Controls ....... 14
3.2 Requirements Before Installation .............. 4 4.2 Startup ..................................................... 15
3.3 Uncrating, Positioning and Leveling ............. 5 4.3 Loading .................................................... 16
3.4 Tabling Attachment .................................... 6 4.4 Operation ................................................. 17
3.5 Vent Cowl Collars (if so equipped) ............ 6 4.5 Clearing Jams.......................................... 17
3.6 Booster Heater Placement ........................ 7 4.6 Shutdown ................................................ 17
3.7 Accessing the Utility Connections ............. 7 5. CLEANING ......................................... 18
3.8 Main Electrical Supply Connection ............ 8 5.1 Daily Cleaning (or as required) ................ 18
3.9 Dispensing System Overview .................... 8 5.2 Weekly Cleaning (or as required) ............ 18
3.10 Installing an External Solid or Liquid 5.3 Exterior Cleaning (as required) ................ 20
Detergent System ...................................... 9 5.4 Deliming (as required) ............................. 20
3.11 Installing an External Liquid Rinse
Aid System ................................................ 9 6. TROUBLESHOOTING ........................ 21
3.12 Wiring External Chemical Dispensing
Systems ................................................... 10







Meiko reserves the right to change any specifications without notice at any time.

Meiko • 917 Airpark Center Drive • Nashville, TN 37217

Phone: (615) 399-6600 • (800) 55-MEIKO • Fax: (615) 399-6620
Page 2

Meiko K-Series rack conveyor dishwashers
1.1 Overview of Equipment have been designed exclusively for the
Meiko K-series rack conveyors are commer- washing of dishes, glassware, trays, cutlery
cial dishwashers designed for cleaning and kitchen utensils in a commercial or
dishes, glassware, trays, cutlery and kitchen institutional setting and must not be used for
utensils with a minimum of employee any other purpose.
intervention or supervision. 1.2 General Safety Information
A single on/off switch sets the machine into The following symbols and headings are used
automatic operation. When a rack is pushed throughout this manual to indicate possible
into the opening of the machine, the pawl bar hazards to persons or to the equipment. The
drive is activated. Mechanical actuating levers symbols and headings are shown in order of
inside the machine are activated by the importance. The descriptive text following these
movement of the rack, automatically
headings is italicized for easy recognition.
activating the prewash (if so equipped), wash
and rinse zones. WARNING! Possible hazard to per-
During idle periods, the wash and rinse are sons, such as from elec-
deactivated automatically to conserve water, trical shock, crushing, or
energy and chemicals, while steam coil or hot surfaces.
electric tank heaters maintain the water CAUTION Possible hazard to the
temperature for quick recovery. dishwasher or to other
Other features of the unit that affect operation equipment.
IMPORTANT Vital information or tips for
Side-drive system - Racks are advanced the installer or operator.
through the machine using pawl bars at the
sides of the rack rails. This provides an NOTE Information or tips for the
unobstructed wash pattern. installer or operator.
Wash arm manifolds - Wash arms are pre-
assembled into easily-removed manifolds for 2 TRANSPORT AND SHIPPING
faster cleaning. The nozzles are slotted and IMPORTANT
concave to minimize clogging. Wash arm end
caps are captivated to prevent their loss • Observe any notices on the crating
during cleaning. material that pertain to shipping.
External drain handle(s) - Pulling on the • Use care when transporting the equipment.
external handle(s) empties the machine • As you unpack the equipment, check that
quickly and safely. all components shown on the shipping
invoice are present and intact. Be sure to
Front-sloping wash tanks - For faster
check for shipping damage. If shipping
draining and easier cleaning.
damage is present, call Meiko Customer
For efficient and SAFE operation, be sure to Service at 1-800-868-3840, providing full
follow the installation and operating details on the customer, serial number and
instructions provided in this manual. In extent of damage present. Meiko will file
particular, all safety symbols and notices on a freight claim based on this information.
the equipment and in the supplied WARNING!
documentation must be followed. In NO EVENT should a damaged
appliance be installed or operated!
Page 3

3 INSTALLATION • Contacting your Meiko Authorized Service

Agent to perform a Performance and
3.1 Overview of Installation Installation Inspection for the machine. This
The owner should contract with qualified step also validates the machine’s warranty.
personnel to move the appliance to the 3.2 Requirements Before Installation
installation location, unpack it, and prepare it Before the installer can uncrate and move the
for final utility connections. In most cases, appliance to the installation location, the
local codes prevent the final utility connections following conditions MUST be met:
from being made by any party other than a
licensed electrician, plumber and/or steam fitter.
- The area MUST be frost-free. Freezing
IMPORTANT temperatures (32°F/0°C or lower)
It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure inhibit proper operation and can
that all aspects of the installation comply with damage internal components.
all applicable local and national codes.
- The area MUST have a firm floor
IMPORTANT surface. It is possible to compensate
The appliance’s warranty is not valid until a for uneven flooring by adjusting the feet.
Meiko Authorized Service Agent performs a - The area should be away from
Performance and Installation Inspection. appliances, furniture or surfaces that
Installation of the dishwasher involves the can be damaged by steam. If this is
following steps: not possible, these items should be
• Verifying that the utility connections are protected from the steam that is
present, are appropriate for the appliance, released during normal operation of
and comply with all applicable local and the dishwasher.
• Unwrapping the appliance (leaving the - Connections must be present and
shipping skid in place for easier move- ready for hookup to the appliance. All
ment) and checking for shipping damage. utility supplies must comply with the
• Moving the appliance to the installation loca- electrical information labels, with the
tion, removing the skid, and leveling the feet. information on the data plate, and with
all applicable local and national codes.
• Connecting the machine to tabling.
- Electrical leads, water supply line(s),
• Connecting the machine to a ventilation drain line, and the steam supply and
system (if so equipped). condensate return lines (if so
• Connecting the machine to an external equipped) must be present. The water
booster heater (if so equipped). supply must match the pressure and
• Connecting the electrical supply. temperature specified on the data
plate. The steam supply (if so
• Installing the chemical dispensing system
equipped) must match the pressure
(if so equipped), following the manu-
and volume specified on the data plate.
facturer’s instructions AND the instructions
in Section 3 of this Manual. - For units using an external booster
heater, the heater should be installed
• Connecting the fresh water supply. and ready for connection to the appliance.
• Connecting the steam supply line (for - For units using a chemical dispensing
machines with steam heating). system, appropriate dispensers or
• Connecting the steam condensate return containers should be installed and
line, and routing it to a floor drain (for ready for connection to the appliance.
machines with steam heating). • GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
• Connecting the drain line, and routing it Authorized personnel should be available
to a floor drain. to perform the actual utility connections.
Page 4

3.3 Uncrating, Positioning and Leveling 4. If dish tables are already in place, it may
1. Remove all shipping and packaging ma- be necessary to remove the end cowlings
terial from the appliance, including sup- to install the machine. To remove the cowl-
ports and wrappings. Leave the shipping ings, refer to Figure 3-1.
skid in place at this time to allow for easier Each cowling is held in place by hex head
movement to the installation location. acorn nuts on the inside of the machine.
2. Check for shipping damage as described For easy access to the acorn nuts, simply
in Section 2, “Transport and Shipping.” If lift the front access door(s).
damage is present, call Meiko Customer 5. Using a spirit level, check that the appli-
Service at 1-800-868-3840, providing full ance is level in both directions (front-to-
details on the customer, serial number and back AND side-to-side). If necessary, level
extent of damage present. Meiko will file the appliance by rotating the bottom sec-
a freight claim based on this information. tion of each foot.
3. Move the appliance to the installation area CAUTION
and remove the skid. Meiko recommends The dishwasher MUST be level for proper
using a pallet truck to lift the entire pallet operation.
and avoid damage to the machine. Use 6. If you removed the cowling(s) in Step 4,
caution to avoid damaging the appliance replace them onto the machine at this
or any of its components. time. Be sure to check that the rubber gas-
CAUTION ket that fits between each cowling and the
If the pallet is removed, the frame of the body of the machine is properly seated.
dishwasher can be damaged by improper 7. Run a fine bead of clear silicone sealant
lifting. The machine’s weight must always along the top edge of the seam between
be distributed properly using cross-mem- each cowling and the machine.
bers to protect the frame.
Do not attempt to slide the machine on its
feet. This can bend the legs.

Figure 3-1: Removing

the end cowlings
(if required)
With cowlings
Gasket removed, set
machine into
place between


Threaded studs:
Qty. 16 for
standard height
Qty. 20 for high-
hood (“-T” model)
Open door(s) to
access acorn Replace cowlings
nuts and washers
Page 5

3.4 Tabling Attachment 3.5 Vent Cowl Collars (if so equipped)

1. Position the table lip-in at both ends of the For units that are not equipped with optional
machine, as shown in Figure 3-2. Be sure vent cowl collars, skip ahead to Section 3.6,
to seat the lip-in against the inner plate of “Booster Heater Placement.”
the sidewall of the dishwasher. 1. Check that the ventilation ducts (or “pant
CAUTION legs” are correctly positioned above the
If the table lip-in is forced between the vent cowl collars on the machine.
inner and outer plates, it will not seat 2. Determine how the ducts will be attached.
properly. Always ensure that the lip-in is See Figure 3-3.
seated correctly as shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-3: Vent cowl collar ducting
Figure 3-2: Tabling attachment

Table lip-in Table lip-in

extends to should not be
Inner inside face of inserted
plate inner plate. between inner
and outer plate.


2. Position the dishwasher and tables as (RECOMMENDED)
• Check that the centerline at the open-
ing of each table is aligned with the
centerline of the rack track of the dish-
• Check that the surface height of each
table matches the height of the rack
track of the dishwasher, to ensure a
smooth transition. The standard table
surface height is 34” (864mm). • In most instances, the ducts can be
• Check that the dishmachine is level. sleeved over the outside of the vent cowl
collars. This is the easiest installation and
The height of the dishmachine, and of
is recommended.
most tables, can be adjusted by rotating
the feet at the end of the legs. For this installation, the INSIDE
DIMENSIONS of the ducting, when
viewed from the front of the machine,
After adjusting the height of the
should be 4” W x 16” D. The duct can
dishmachine, always check that it is level
overlap the outside of the vent cowl collar
to ensure proper operation.
by up to 2” without interfering with the
3. After the tables have been positioned operation of the baffle.
correctly, secure them to the dishwasher
using silicone sealant.
Page 6

• Where required by local codes, the ducts 3.6 Booster Heater Placement
can be sleeved inside the edge of the vent
For units that are not equipped with an exter-
cowl collars.
nal booster heater (for instance, when using
For this installation, the OUTSIDE a building’s boiler as a 180°F water supply),
DIMENSION of the ducting, when viewed skip ahead Section 3.7, “Accessing the Util-
from the front of the machine, should be ity Connections.”
3-3/4”W x 15-3/4” D. The duct should
The booster heater should be positioned at
overlap the inside of the vent cowl collar
the unload end of the machine, close to the
by a maximum of 1/2” to avoid interfering
water inlet access panel. Meiko recommends
with the baffle.
a maximum pipe length from the booster to
3. Install the ducts to the vent cowl collars. the machine’s water inlet of 48”. If a longer
4. Secure the ducts to the collars using sili- pipe run is necessary, Meiko recommends the
cone sealant. use of pipe insulation to minimize heat loss.
5. The baffles cannot be properly adjusted 3.7 Accessing the Utility Connections
until the machine is turned on. Refer to
Section 3.17, “Final Assembly.” The utility connections for the machine are
shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4: Accessing utility connections


UNLOAD END Main electrical Additional holes for

(VIEWED FROM Machines without supply strain detergent pump and
relief accessory wiring
FRONT) prewash: Dummy plug in
wall for direct detergent (covered with blind
injection plugs)

Machines with prewash:

Pre-plumbed raceway
for detergent tubing

panel Remove
Rinse aid panel

Hot (180°F) water UNLOAD END

connection (VIEWED FROM REAR-
Warm (110-140°F) MACHINES ONLY)
water connection (if Steam supply line (outboard)
machine is equipped
with prewash) Steam condensate return (inboard)
Page 7

3.8 Main Electrical Supply Connection 3.9 Dispensing System Overview

WARNING! K-Series rack conveyor dishwashers are
Check that the circuit breaker/fused designed for use with a liquid rinse additive,
disconnect is in the OFF position and and either solid or liquid detergents. Detergent
that the unit is switched off before and rinse additive injection is supplied by
making the electrical utility connections. external dispensing systems (supplied by
IMPORTANT others).
In some cases, local codes dictate that The machine is equipped with:
electrical supply connections be made only • A location for detergent injection at the
by a certified professional. load end of the machine (see Figure 3-6).
1. Check that the incoming power leads are - Machines equipped with a prewash
of sufficient rating for the appliance’s section (K-66, K-76, K-80, K-86, K-90,
current draw. Amperage and minimum K100) have a pre-plumbed tubing
supply wire specifications are shown on raceway exiting the machine at this
the serial plate and on the electrical infor- location. The raceway is routed to deliver
mation label on the control box. detergent into the wash tank. Solid or
liquid detergent lines can be routed
2. Remove the top cover panel from the
down the raceway and into the tank.
electrical control box by removing the four
screws that hold it in place. - Machines that are NOT equipped with
a prewash section (K-44, K-54,
3. Locate the strain relief for the electrical
K-64), have a dummy plug at this
supply wiring on the back of the control
location. Removal of the plug allows
box (Figure 3-4). Thread the incoming the detergent line to be installed for
supply leads through the strain relief and direct chemical injection into the wash
to the main electrical supply terminal block. tank at this location.
4. Refer to Figure 3-5 and the electrical wiring • A dummy plug in the floor of the wash tank
diagram. Connect the power supply and that permits the installation of a detergent
ground leads as indicated. concentration probe.
5. Adjust the strain relief to fasten the wiring • A final rinse plenum chamber with a fitting
in place. You should leave enough slack for a liquid rinse aid line (see Figure 3-7).
in the wiring to prevent stress on the A threaded pipe connection just below the
terminal connections. plenum allows the installation of a final
rinse pressure switch.
Figure 3-5: Main electrical supply
A dispensing system terminal block inside the
control box of the machine provides contacts
L1, L2 and L3 = “hot” (line) for two line voltage relays. These relays,
GND = ground
when closed, provide a “window” for external
pump systems to activate.
• A relay labeled “DDC” (Detergent
Dispenser Connection) closes whenever
the wash pump is in operation. This relay
should be used for the detergent dispenser.
• A relay labeled “CVS” (Conveyor Voltage
Signal) closes whenever the conveyor
drive motor is in operation. This relay
should be used for the rinse aid dispenser.
Page 8

Pump activation can be controlled as follows: 3.10 Installing an External Solid or Liquid
• Solid detergent systems should use a probe Detergent System
installed in the wash tank to measure de-
1. Locate the detergent line connection at the
tergent concentration and allow activation
load end of the machine. See Figure 3-6.
of the external pump. A dummy plug in
the bottom of the wash tank provides an • Machines WITH a prewash section
installation location for the probe. (K-66, K-76, K-80, K-86, K-90, K-100)
• Liquid detergent systems can use EITHER have the open end of a tubing raceway
a detergent concentration probe, OR a at this location.
timer system. A detergent concentration • Machines WITHOUT a prewash
probe is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. section (K-44, K-54, K-64) have a
• Liquid rinse aid systems should use a dummy plug at this location, covering
rinse line pressure switch so that rinse aid a direct opening into the wash tank.
is dispensed only when the final rinse is Remove the plug.
in operation. A 1/8” NPT female threaded
2. Route the detergent supply line to the
connection is provided in the rinse aid line
just below the final rinse plenum chamber. opening. For machines with a prewash
The pressure switch should be installed section, route the chemical supply tubing
at this location. completely down the raceway and into the
wash tank.
Figure 3-6: Detergent connection
Load end of
machine (viewed Make sure that the detergent line runs
from rear) Units wihout
prewash: completely down the raceway to the wash
Dummy plug tank. The raceway is NOT watertight, and
is NOT intended to be a tube for chemicals!
3. Fasten the line in place and seal the
4. If a detergent concentration probe will be
used, remove the dummy plug in the
Units with bottom of the wash tank. Then, install the
prewash: detergent concentration probe and seal
Tubing raceway
the connection.
Figure 3-7: Rinse aid connection 5. Check that the pump is correctly installed
according to the manufacturer’s
Rinse Final rinse
aid line plenum instructions.
connects chamber
here 3.11 Installing an External Liquid Rinse Aid
1. Route the rinse aid supply line to the fitting
on the side of the final rinse plenum chamber
and fasten it in place. See Figure 3-7. Check
that the connection is secure and seal it.
2. Install a rinse pressure switch to the 1/8”
NPT female pipe connection just below the
final rinse plenum chamber. See Figure 3-7.
Unload end of 1/8” NPT female 3. Check that the pump is correctly installed
machine (viewed connection for rinse
from front) pressure switch
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Page 9

3.12 Wiring External Chemical Dispensing Systems

Figure 3-8: Chemical dispenser circuit breakers

terminal block in
center of panel

CVS DDC Ground

Line voltage Line voltage
when conveyor when wash
drive motor is tank pump is
operating operating
Control box interior panel. Panel shown
is for a machine with electric tank heat.
Steam-heated machines have a slightly
different configuration, but the dispensing
terminal block is identical.

IMPORTANT • For both sets of terminals, check if it

Some local codes dictate that electrical is necessary to install a transformer
connections be made only by a certified to convert the line voltage supply for
professional. use with the dispensing systems. Refer
1. Locate the chemical dispenser circuit to the dishwasher’s serial plate and to
breakers inside the control box of the the documentation for the dispensing
machine. See Figure 3-8. systems.
2. Thread the incoming leads from the • A ground terminal is located next to
chemical pumps through the extra strain the circuit breakers and should be
reliefs (on the back side of the control box; used for both dispensing systems.
see Figure 3-9) and to the chemical • To control the activation of the
dispenser circuit breakers. detergent pump, wire the detergent
3. Connect the wiring for the external concentration probe or timer system
chemical dispensing system(s) as follows: (as appropriate) according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
• The terminals marked “DDC” (Detergent
Dispenser Connection) provide a line • To control the activation of the rinse
voltage signal to the external deter- aid pump, wire the rinse line pressure
gent pump. This supply is present switch according to the manufacturer’s
ONLY when the wash pump is operating. instructions.
These terminals should be used to 4. Adjust the strain reliefs to fasten the wiring
supply power to the detergent dispenser. in place. Leave enough slack in the wiring
• The terminals marked “CVS” (Conveyor to prevent stress on the connections, and
Voltage Signal) provide a line voltage bundle them together using wire ties.
power supply for the external dispens-
Figure 3-9:
ing equipment. This supply is present
whenever the conveyor drive motor is Strain reliefs
in operation. These terminals should Extra strain reliefs - for dispensing
be used to supply power to the rinse systems and other accessories
aid dispenser. Main electrical supply strain relief
Page 10

3.13 Connecting Chemical Containers or 2. Check the incoming water temperature.

Dispensers • Units without a prewash section (K-44,
This section applies to units with either inter- K-54, K-64) have one incoming water
nal or external chemical dispensing pumps. connection, which must be 180°F.
1. Check that the rinse additive and • Units with a prewash section (K-66, K-
detergent are compatible with the unit. In 76, K-80, K-86, K-90, K-100) have two
particular, a commercial (not a domestic) incoming water lines. The line for the
detergent MUST be used. final rinse connection must be 180°F.
2 Check that the containers/dispensers are The line for the prewash connection
correctly installed according to the must be 110-140°F.
manufacturer’s instructions. 3. Check the incoming water hardness.
3.14 Fresh Water Supply Connection(s) Meiko recommends a hardness of 4 grains
CAUTION per U.S. gallon (7 DH German hardness).
Before connecting the water supply line, it 4. Because the water inlet incorporates a
MUST be flushed clean of all debris, including stainless steel dirt trap, an additional trap
(but not limited to) pipe sealant, metal particles, is unnecessary unless required by local,
solder, etc. This debris can damage the appliance. national or international codes.
IMPORTANT 5. Connect the customer-supplied water
In some cases, local codes dictate that water line(s) to the appropriate connection(s). Fill
supply connections be made only by a line connections are 3/4” NPT female.
certified professional. 6. Check the incoming water pressure at the
The water supply connection(s) for the dish- final rinse pressure gauge, as shown in
washer are located behind an access panel Figure 3-11. The machine requires a
on the unload end of the machine. All connec- pressure of 15-25 psi at the final rinse for
tions are 3/4” female NPT. See Figure 3-10. correct operation. It may be necessary to
1. Check that iron or other metal particles increase the pressure (with a booster
cannot contaminate the fresh water pump) or to reduce the pressure (with a
supplied to the dishwasher. reducing valve).
Figure 3-10: Water connections Figure 3-11: Final rinse pressure
Final rinse
pressure gauge -
at unload end of
Unload end of
machine (viewed
from front)

Cold (110-140°F)
water connection (if
machine is equipped
with prewash)

Hot (180°F)
water Pressure must be 15-25 psi at the
connection final rinse for correct operation
Page 11

3.15 Steam System Connections 3.16 Drain Connection

In some cases, local codes dictate that steam In some cases, local codes dictate that drain
system connections be made only by a connections be made only by a certified
certified professional. professional.
The steam supply and condensate return The machine is equipped with a 2-15/16”
connections are located behind an access (75mm) OD vertical, gravity-fed drain. The
panel on back wall of the machine, at the machine requires a 4” or larger floor drain.
unload end. Both connections are 3/4” male See Figure 3-13.
NPT. See Figure 3-12. 1. In some cases, a grease trap (supplied
If the machine is against a wall, you can by others) must be fitted into the waste
remove the water connection access panel water line. If a trap is required for your
to reach the steam supply and condensate installation, check that it is present.
return connections, as shown in Figure 3-10 2. If possible, the machine drain can simply
on the previous page. be positioned directly above a floor drain,
as shown in Figure 3-13.
The steam supply connection is on the
outboard side (closest to the end of the 3. If a floor drain is not directly beneath the
machine). The condensate return is on the machine drain, or if local codes require a
inboard side (further away from the end of trap, a drain line can be attached using
the machine). the supplied rubber boot and clamp. Using
the boot and clamp, the machine drain can
Note that the condensate return is only for be connected either to a 3” OD drain line,
the steam system of the dishmachine. A or to a 3” NPT pipe (using the supplied 3”
steam booster heater, or a steam supply line NPT adapter). Choose a piping material that:
with an upward slope, will require individual
• Complies with any applicable local and
condensation removal systems (moisture
national codes.
trap, pump, etc.) that are in compliance with
all applicable local codes. • Is rated for use with water temp-
eratures up to 180°F.
1. Check the incoming steam pressure. At
the machine connection, pressure should • Is rated for 3-12 pH to accommodate
be 10-29 psi and constant. detergents and rinse aid in the drain
2. Check that the volume of steam delivered
is sufficient for proper operation. The Figure 3-12: Steam system connections
dishmachine requires 60 lbs./hr. of steam
at 10-29 psi (not including an external UNLOAD END
steam booster heater, if one is present). (VIEWED
3. Connect the customer-supplied steam line FROM REAR)
to the machine’s steam connection. The
machine’s connection is 3/4” NPT male.
4. Plumb the condensate return connection
to a floor drain as per local codes. The
machine’s condensate return connection
Right-to-left Left-to-right
is 3/4” NPT male. machine
Steam supply on
outboard side

return on
inboard side
Page 12

Figure 3-13: Drain connection

Load end of If it is necessary to re-
machine (viewed route the drain line:
from rear)

If possible, the
machine drain Rubber
can be positioned boot
directly above 4” (supplied)
or larger floor

3” NPT adapter Direct connection

(supplied)- connect to 3” OD drain line
to 3” NPT line (supplied by others)
(supplied by others)

3.17 Final Assembly collars (if so equipped). Refer to Figure

1. Check and tighten all electrical terminal 3-3 (on Page 6). The baffles should be
screws. opened just enough to prevent steam from
exiting the ends of the machine with the
2. Replace all panels onto the warewasher.
curtains in place.
3. Check that all tools, hardware, metal shav-
After positioning the baffles, tighten the
ings or filings, etc. are removed from in-
hex bolt on the front of the cowlings to
side the machine.
hold them in place.
4. Check that the wash arm manifolds, scrap
screens, curtains, and all other removable 11. Allow the racks to exit the machine. Switch
components are correctly installed in the the POWER ON/OFF switch to the OFF
machine. position. Switch the circuit breaker/fused
disconnect to the OFF position.
5. Check that the front access door(s) are
closed. 12.Pull the external drain handle(s) to empty
the machine.
6. Switch the circuit breaker/fused discon-
nect to the ON position. 13.Remove the scrap screens, clean them if
they are soiled, and allow them to air dry.
7. Switch the POWER ON/OFF switch to the
ON position. Allow the machine to fill. 14.Remove the wash, rinse (and prewash if
so equipped) arm manifolds, clean them
8. Load several empty racks into the
if necessary, and allow them to air dry.
machine, checking that the racks move
smoothly without binding and that the 15.Access the two water inlets (see Figure
wash and rinse arms (and prewash arms, 3-4). Check the dirt traps and clean them
if so equipped) activate when a rack if necessary.
reaches the zone. 16.Replace all components into the dish-
9. Prime the detergent and rinse aid pumps washer. The machine is now ready for
according to the manufacturer ’s regular operation.
instructions. The chemical installer should IMPORTANT
check for correct chemical concentration The appliance’s warranty is not valid until a
at this time. Meiko Authorized Service Agent performs a
10. Adjust the baffles inside the vent cowl Performance and Installation Inspection.
Page 13

4.1 Location and Description of Controls
The dishwasher controls are on the control box. See Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1: Dishwasher controls


Page 14

A - POWER switch 4.2 Startup

Switches the machine on and off. When Check the level of the external detergent and
switched on at the beginning of a shift, the rinse aid dispensers. If necessary, replace or
machine automatically begins to fill. The refill the dispensers.
automatic rack drive will engage when a rack
Check that all components are correctly
is loaded. installed into the machine, including prewash,
wash, and recirculating rinse arm manifolds,
B - POWER ON light (red)
final rinse arms, curtains, scrap screens and
Illuminates when the POWER switch is in the baskets.
ON position.
Check that the front access door(s) are
C - HEATER HIGH LIMIT light (amber) closed.
Only present on machines with electric tank Switch the circuit breaker/fused disconnect
heat. Illuminates when the machine enters to the ON position.
high limit safety shutdown. This occurs when
the machine detects that the heaters are in Check that the
excess of their correct temperature. If this light external drain
illuminates, contact your Meiko Authorized handle(s) are in the
Service Agent. DRAIN CLOSED
D - FINAL RINSE temperature gauge
Shows the current temperature of the final
rinse. 180°F is the minimum temperature for Check that the
hot water sanitizing. AUTO/MANUAL
switch is set to the
E - Tank temperature gauges AUTO position.
Shows the temperature inside the wash tank,
power rinse tank (if so equipped) and prewash
tank (if so equipped). The minimum
temperatures for each tank are shown on Switch the POWER
labels on the control panel. switch to the ON
position to turn on
F - AUTO/MANUAL switch
the dishwasher.
Sets the machine to automatic mode (racks The POWER ON
load automatically and engage the wash and light will illuminate
rinse when required), or manual mode (wash to show that the
and rinse are in continuous operation). machine has been
Manual mode is used for deliming. turned on.

G - External drain handle(s)

Opens and closes the drain. The handle is
located on the unload end of the machine.
For machines equipped with a prewash
section (K-66, K-76, K-80, K-86, K-90, K-100), Allow the machine to fill and preheat. This
there is a second external drain handle (for should take approximately 10 minutes. Check
the prewash tank) on the load end of the the temperature gauges on the front of the
machine. machine to ensure that the correct tank
temperatures are reached.
Page 15

4.3 Loading
The loading guidelines shown here will lead Load plates, soup bowls, etc. at an angle with
to faster, more efficient cleaning of your the inside face pointing up. Ensure that water
dishware. cannot pool in the bottom of bowls.

Ware such as trays, sheet pans, plates and

bowls should be loaded into the racks facing
front or rear - so that the edges enter the
machine first. If they are loaded facing the
sides (so that the large front or rear faces
enter the machine first), they may bind on the
curtains or shift in the racks as they touch the
curtains. Items should not extend past the Load hollow or concave dishware (glasses,
edges of the rack. large bowls, etc.) upside-down and at an
angle. This allows water to drain more quickly,
preventing stains.

Trays, sheet pans,

plates, bowls, etc.
face front or rear
(edges enter first)

For greater efficiency in loading cutlery, you

can use cutlery holders. When loading them:
• Do not overload the cutlery
• Always load knives, forks
and spoons with the
handle DOWN.
• Do not load identical ware
into any given holder.
Instead, load an assort-
Ware cannot
extend past the ment of knives, forks and
edges of the spoons into each holder.
Identical ware is often too
closely spaced for effective

Do not stack items in a rack, such as plates,

glasses, etc. Stacked items require multiple
cleaning cycles because the wash water
cannot reach the food residue. It is more
efficient to load each rack with fewer items to
ensure effective water coverage on the first

Page 16

4.4 Operation 4.6 Shutdown

Operation of the dishwasher is fully automatic. Check that the last rack has exited the
Simply push a rack into the entrance end of machine.
the dishwasher until the rack conveyor drive
engages. Switch the POWER
switch to the OFF
As the rack is pulled through the machine, it position to turn the
automatically activates water jets at each dishwasher off. The
zone - prewash (if so equipped), wash, POWER ON light
recirculating rinse (if so equipped), and final will turn off.
rinse. Curtains between the zones prevent
splashing of soiled water into the next zone.
After the final rinse, the rack is pushed out of
the machine.

If the machine is equipped with an optional

table limit switch, the conveyor drive will stop
if the switch at the end of the clean dishtable
is engaged. When the racks of clean ware
Pull on the external
are removed, operation can continue
drain handle(s) to
empty the tank(s).
During idle periods, the dishwasher
automatically maintains water temperature in
the tanks, allowing instant recovery.

4.5 Clearing Jams Switch the circuit breaker/fused disconnect

Under normal operating conditions, racks will to the OFF position.
not jam as they move through the machine.
However, improper loading or improper Open the front access door(s). Clean the
curtain installation may cause a rack to jam. machine as described in Section 5,
When clearing a jam, ALWAYS switch the “Cleaning.” Meiko recommends that the door
POWER switch to the OFF position before of the dishwasher be left open overnight to
allow it to air thoroughly.
opening the front access doors OR reaching
into the machine. WARNING!
Before opening the doors, check that
the POWER switch is in the OFF
Before clearing a jam, ALWAYS switch
the POWER switch to the OFF
position. WARNING!
When the front access doors are
opened, steam will escape the interior
When the front access doors are
of the machine.
opened, steam will escape the interior
of the machine. WARNING!
For your safety, allow the interior of the
machine to cool before cleaning.

Page 17

5 CLEANING • Leave the doors of the machine open.

Allow the interior of the machine, as well
WARNING! as all scrap screens and baskets, to air
Before ANY cleaning, check that the dry thoroughly overnight.
circuit breaker/fused disconnect is in
• Reassemble all components into the dish-
the OFF position and that the unit is washer before operation.
switched off.
WARNING! 5.2 Weekly Cleaning (or as required)
When the front access doors are Once per week, or as required, perform the
opened after operation, steam will following steps:
escape the interior of the machine. • With the scrap screens removed from the
WARNING! machine, remove the wash arm manifolds
For your safety, allow the interior of the See Figure 5-1. If the machine is equipped
machine to cool before cleaning. with a prewash or recirculating rinse sec-
IMPORTANT tion, the arms and manifolds can also be
The headings Daily Cleaning and Weekly removed at this time.
Cleaning in this section are general IMPORTANT
recommendations based on typical soiling. Upper and lower manifolds are NOT in-
If soil beings to accumulate, the unit should terchangeable. However, some machines
be cleaned more frequently. Extensive food may have prewash or recirculating rinse
soil deposits inside the machine work against manifolds that are identical to the wash
optimal performance. Some items may not arm manifolds. In these machines, the
be cleaned as effectively, resulting in the need manifolds are interchangeable for easy re-
for either a longer cycle or repeat washing. In placement into the machine.
addition, heavy soiling in the wash water • Rotate each end cap counterclockwise to
increases detergent consumption. remove it from the end of its wash arm.
The tether prevents the loss of the cap
5.1 Daily Cleaning (or as required)
during cleaning.
Once per day, or as required, perform the fol-
• Clean the inside and outside of the
lowing steps:
manifolds, arms and end caps thoroughly
• Open the front access doors. with a brush and warm water.
• Remove the scrap screens (and prewash • Remove the upper and lower rinse arms
scrap basket, if so equipped). Discard any as shown in Figure 5-1.
food particles, scraps or bones. Then, IMPORTANT
clean the screens using a brush and warm Upper and lower rinse arms are NOT in-
water. terchangeable. However, the arms are
• Check the interior of the machine for any designed so that they cannot be rein-
food particles or debris. Then, clean the stalled in the wrong location. Note that the
interior. The tanks slope to the front for lower arm is shorter than the upper arm.
easier cleaning using a low-pressure hoze • Clean the inside and outside of the arms
or spray nozzle. thoroughly using a brush and warm water.
CAUTION • Allow all arms, manifolds and end caps to
Never use a high-pressure water spray when
air dry thoroughly overnight.
cleaning the machine.
• Reassemble all components into the dish-
washer before operation.
Page 18

Figure 5-1: Arm removal


Push lever
down to release

Pull Pull manifold forward

manifold to release it, then lift
out up and out

To reinstall, seat the water inlet at the back of the manifold firmly To reinstall, slide the manifold into its track, checking that the
onto the water supply tube. Then, push the front of the manifold front support clips are seated properly on their rails. Then, push
up until it snaps into place. the manifold back until it snaps into place.

Single or dual rinse
upper or lower arm
prewash arms
Pull front of arm
(K-66, K-76,
towards center of
and K-86 only) dishwasher, then
pull out

To reinstall, seat
back of arm in
socket then push
front into place.


Pull front of arm

up, then pull out

Rotate arm counter-

clockwise to free
the locking pin, To reinstall, seat
then pull out back of arm in
socket then push
To reinstall, seat the back end of the arm in its socket, then rotate front into place.
it clockwise to lock it in place.
Page 19

5.3 Exterior cleaning (as required) • Use deliming agents designed for use with
CAUTION commercial dishwashers.
When cleaning the exterior of the dishwasher, • Follow the instructions for the deliming
be sure to follow these guidelines: agent that is used.
• A commercial stainless steel cleaner can • After the deliming procedure, continue to
be used on exterior body panels. Follow run the dishwasher in MANUAL mode for
the manufacturer’s directions. at least 10 minutes to rinse the interior
• Meiko strongly recommends using deter- thoroughly.
gent, instead of a stainless steel cleaner, • Switch the AUTO/
when cleaning the control panel of the unit. MANUAL switch to
These chemicals can damage the gauges, the AUTO position.
lights and labels.
• Never use abrasive cleaners or pads when
cleaning the exterior of the dishwasher.
These can scratch the surface of the unit. • Switch the POWER switch to the OFF po-
WARNING! sition. Pull the external drain handle(s) to
Ensure that detergents and stainless drain the machine.
steel cleaners are kept out of the inte- • Remove all scrap screens, baskets, wash
rior of the dishwasher. If the interior of arm manifolds, prewash and recirculating
the unit requires cleaning, refer to the rinse arms (if so equipped), and final rinse
deliming procedures (Section 5.4). arms. Clean them as described in Sec-
5.4 Deliming (as required) tions 5.1 and 5.2 of this Manual.
Lime scale deposits will occur over time on • Inspect the interior for any remaining
the interior of the dishwasher if it is operated deliming agent residue. If residue is
using a hard water supply. Meiko recommends present, remove it using a soft cloth and
a hardness of 4 grains per U.S. gallon (7 DH hot water.
German hardness). • Thoroughly flush the interior of the
A deliming or de-scaling process can be used dishwasher using warm water from a low-
to remove these deposits, as well as any pressure hose or spray nozzle.
accumulated food residue. CAUTION
When deliming the interior, be sure to follow Never use a high-pressure water spray
these guidelines: when cleaning the machine.
• Switch the AUTO/ • Leave the doors of the machine open to
MANUAL switch to allow the interior to air dry thoroughly.
• Reassemble all components into the dish-
washer before operation.
Ensure that ALL residue of the
This activates the conveyor and the wash deliming agent is removed. Residue
pumps, but does NOT activate the final from the agent can:
rinse. Final rinse activation adds fresh
- Pose a health hazard;
water to the machine, which interferes with
the deliming process. - Damage seals and plastic compo-
nents inside the dishwasher.
Page 20

If the dishwasher encounters a problem, check this Troubleshooting Guide. Some simple
problems can be quickly resolved, allowing the dishwasher to be returned to operation faster
than placing a service call.
Problem Action
HEATER HIGH LIMIT light • On machines with electric tank heat, this light will illuminate if the machine enters
is illuminated a high limit safety shutdown. Contact your Meiko Authorized Service Agent.

Machine does not fill • Check that the external drain handle(s) are in the DRAIN CLOSED position.
• Check that the table limit switch (if so equipped) is not engaged.
• Check that the water supply is turned on.
• Check the dirt trap(s) in the water inlet(s) and clean them if necessary.
• Check the float switches in the tank(s). If the switch(es) are dirty or coated
with chemicals or lime deposits, they may not function correctly. If they are
dirty, clean or delime the interior.

Final rinse does not • Check that the water supply is turned on.
activate • Check that the AUTO/MANUAL switch is properly set in the AUTO position.
• Check the dirt trap in the hot water inlet and clean it if necessary.
• Check the water pressure at the final rinse pressure gauge. If the water
supply is turned on, the dirt trap is clean, and there is still low pressure at
the gauge, there may be low water pressure being supplied to the machine.

Steam escapes the All rack conveyor dishwashers release some steam at the ends of the machine.
machine during operation However, if steam is excessive, check the following:
• Check that the curtains are correctly installed.
• Check that the baffles in the vent cowl collars (if so equipped) are correctly
positioned. The baffles should be opened just enough to prevent steam
from escaping the ends of the machine with the curtains installed.
Water leaks around front • Check that the end caps are correctly installed at the end of all wash arms,
access door seams as well as prewash and recirculating rinse arms (if so equipped).
during operation
Stripes/smears on ware • Check that the curtains are installed properly.
• Check that the ware is correctly loaded into the racks. Refer to the
Operation section of this Manual.
• Check for correct detergent and rinse aid concentration.
• Check for excessive mineral content in the water supply. Meiko recommends
a hardness of 4 grains per U.S. gallon.

Foaming in the wash tank • Check that commercial (not domestic) detergents and rinse aids are being
• Check for correct detergent and rinse aid concentration.
• Check that heavily soiled ware is being correctly pre-scrapped. Excessive
amounts of grease or soiling in the wash tank can cause foaming.
• Check that the tank temperatures on the control panel gauges are correct.

Contact your Meiko Authorized Service Agent if you cannot correct the problem.
An Authorized Service Agency Listing was supplied with your dishwasher. If you do
not have the listing, call 1-800-868-3840 for assistance, or visit Meiko’s website at
Page 21























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Page 23
If you need service...

Meiko warewashers are designed for solid reliability as much as for

outstanding ware-cleaning ability. With proper care, your warewasher
should provide years of trouble-free operation.
If service is necessary, contact your local Meiko Authorized Service
Agent. With factory training, OEM parts and direct support from the
factory, Meiko’s nationwide service network is highly qualified to quickly
restore your warewasher to regular operation.
An Authorized Service Agency Listing is supplied with this Manual.
If you do not have the listing, call 1-800-868-3840 for assistance.

917 Airpark Center Drive
Nashville, TN 37217
Phone: (615) 399-6600
(800) 55-MEIKO
Fax: (615) 399-6620

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