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VP - Lab 14

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National University of Modern Languages

Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering

Visual Programming

Lab 14


1. Adding bulk of records in database

2. Using Stored Procedures
3. Using User Defined Table Types

Adding bulk of records in database

Although ‘Insert’ query can be used multiple times to add bulk of records in database, however,
.Net environment and Microsoft SQL Server provide a better and effective approach for this.

It includes creating a stored procedure that is executed for inserting records; and a User Defined
Table Type that can be used as a parameter to stored procedure. This User Defined Table Type
can hold a DataTable which makes it easy to insert a while DataTable at once in database.

Task 1: Creating User Defined Table Type

For any table in your database, create a User Defined Type Table including columns for which
you want to add values. (They may or may not be all columns).

In your database, go to Programmability > Types > User-Defined Table Type > User-Defined
Table Type

Use the following sample script to add a User-Defined Table Type. Make changes as needed:

CREATE TYPE UD_Inventory as Table

ItemName nvarchar(50),
ItemDescription nvarchar(max),
Price int,
Quantity int,
DistributorID int
Task 2: Creating a Stored Procedure

Now, we have to create a stored procedure that uses the previously created User Defined Table
Type, in order to insert records.

Use the following script to create your stored procedure. Make changes where required.

CREATE PROCEDURE USP_InsertInventory(@InventoryTable [UD_Inventory] ReadOnly)


INSERT INTO dbo.Inventory

SELECT * FROM @InventoryTable

Notice that previously created User Defined Table Type (UD_Inventory) is being used here to
insert records in Inventory table. All records from UD_Inventory will be added to Inventory

Task 3: Checking if stored procedure is working fine

Before moving to Visual Studio for programming our application, we may test if the stored
procedure is running fine.

As our stored procedure takes a table as parameter, we will create one and pass it to the stored
procedure to check.

Use the following script to check your stored procedure. Make changes where required.

Declare @Tab as [UD_Inventory];

insert into @Tab

Select 'abc','aaa',54,58,6 UNION ALL
Select 'abc','aaasdasda',54,58,6

Exec USP_InsertInventory @Tab;

Task 4: Executing stored procedure from code

We will be using the following function DBAccess function to execute stored procedures.

Notice that we are simply using ExecuteNonQuery() function that was already used for insertion.
Moreover, command type has been modified to StoredProcedure in this case.

We just have to pass a paramter to our command, which is a datatable that will be replaced for
@InventoryTable defined in the stored procedure.

Specify your desired data table in a command and pass it to executeStoredProcedure()

function, and specify the name of Stored Procedure to be executed.

Run the project and observe rows added in database.

Pro Tips:

 The data table can be created with any approach; getting data from a grid view or even
textboxes or other controls.

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