Posaconazole Refractory: Original Research
Posaconazole Refractory: Original Research
Posaconazole Refractory: Original Research
Background: Coccidioides infections often result in chronic relapsing disease that presents a
challenge to the currently available therapy. Posaconazole, an oral extended-spectrum triazole
agent, has been shown in vitro and in vivo to have potent activity against this fungus.
Methods: An open-label multinational study of posaconazole, 800 mg/d, administered in divided
doses for the treatment of invasive fungal infection that has been refractory to previous therapy
was conducted. The data were reviewed by an independent data review committee (DRC).
Fifteen patients met the criteria for proven coccidioidal infection and disease refractory to
previous therapy. Success was a complete or partial response; nonsuccess was stable disease, lack
of response to therapy, or undetermined response.
Results: The sites of coccidioidal infection were pulmonary (seven patients) and disseminated
(eight patients). Patients were refractory to previous therapy (including amphotericin B with or
without an azole) for a median duration of 306 days. At the end of treatment (posaconazole
treatment duration, 34 to 365 days), therapy for 11 of 15 patients (73%) was considered to be
successful by the DRC. Four responses were complete and seven were partial; these included five
patients with pulmonary sites and six patients with disseminated sites. In responders, improve
ment was seen within months of the initiation of therapy. Five patients received therapy for > 12
months. The side effects were minimal.
Conclusions: Therapy for coccidioidomycosis remains a clinical challenge, especially when
patients have not responded to therapy with drugs that were recommended in treatment
guidelines. The success rate (73%) achieved in this case series suggests that oral posaconazole
should be considered as an important agent for the treatment of refractory coccidioidomycosis.
(CHEST 2007; 132:952–958)
1/17/F/B None 42 d Left lower lobectomy, then AmBi, 5 No Bone (frontal, sternum, and vertebral),
mg/kg for 40 d skin, soft (paraspinous abscess); nodes
pulm (miliary, infiltrate, nodes,
pleural, and pleural effusion)
2/64/M/W HD, allo BMT, GVHD? 174 d 125 d of ABLC � IZ, 400 mg/d Yes Pulm (nodule, pneumonia, and pleural
3/20/M/B None 422 d FZ, 800 mg/d for 29 d and 400 mg/d for Yes Soft, skin, pulm (nodule, mediastinal
293 d; AmBd, 0.7 mg/kg for 27 d; IZ, nodes); bone (sternum, clavicle, rib,
400 mg/d for 40 d; ABLC, 5 mg/kg ischium, MCP, femur, knee, foot, and
for 58 d; IZ, 200 mg/d for 23 d; ulna); possible endocarditis
AmBi, 5 mg/kg for 12 d (total, 422 d)
4/21/F/H Aspergillus pulm node (old TB) 1,055 d 417 d, including 241 d of IZ, 400 mg/d, No Pulm cavity
6/42/M/H DM 5.5 mo 160 d total; FZ, 400 mg/d for 153 d; Yes Pulm infiltrate
7/31/M/H Glucocorticoid metabolic defect 15.5 mo 409 d, including IZ, 400 mg/d for 305d No Pulm (infiltrate, nodule, and cavity)
8/23/F/H None 503 d 503 d total (363 d IZ, 400 mg/d) No Pulm cavity
9/59/F/A None 791 d 785 d, including 731 d with FZ, 400 No Node, skin
10/50/M/H Asthma 4 yr 4 yr, including 4 g of AmBd, and KTZ, Yes Node, bone (thoracic spine T8–T10);
400 mg/d; in the 71 d immediately soft, including paravertebral abscess
prior to study entry, IZ, 400 mg/d for with cord compression, pulm (pleural
10 d, and 600 mg/d for 55 d; FZ, 800 effusion)
mg/d for 6 d; AmBi for 22 d
11/43/M/B Sarcoid, prednisone 1,614 d 1,614 d of FZ, 400 mg/d, IZ, 400 mg/d, Yes Soft (paraspinal abscess); bone (SI, iliac)
then 600 mg/d, ABLC
12/64/F/H DM 17 mo 500 d of IZ, 400 mg/d No Pulm (cavity, nodule)
13/43/F/W None 7 yr 2,825 d of FZ, 800 or 400 mg/d No CNS (meningitis, hydrocephalus); blood
(culture positive)
14/65/F/W None 10 mo 271 d of FZ up to 800 mg/d, AmBd No Joint (hip)
15/63/F/W Pulm atypical mycobacterial infection? 2,110 d 2,110 d AmBd, FZ, 400 mg/d, or IZ, No Pulm (nodes, cavity, nodules); soft
prior gynecologic cancer 400 mg/d
*M � male; F � female; B � black; H � Hispanic; W � white; A � Asian; ABLC � amphotericin B lipid complex; Allo � allogeneic; AmBd � amphotericin B deoxycholate; AmBi � liposomal
amphotericin B; BMT � bone marrow transplant; DM � diabetes mellitus; FZ � fluconazole; GVHD � graft-vs-host disease; HD � Hodgkin disease; IZ � itraconazole; KTZ � ketoconazole;
MCP � metacarpal phalangeal joint; Node � lymph node; pulm � pulmonary; SI � sacroiliac; Soft � soft tissue; TB � tuberculosis.
†At protocol entry.
Table 2—Patient Outcomes*
Patient Duration of Posaconazole Assessed by Assessment at
No. Therapy† DRC Month 1/3/6 Adverse Effects‡ Comments
‡“Probable” and “possible” refer to investigator’s assessment as to whether adverse effect is related to posaconazole.
¶Denotes final assessment was made on the basis of end of treatment and after the 6-month evaluation.
(ie, two or more) culture status determinations while synovial fluid). The other patient remained culture-
receiving therapy; follow-up cultures were not avail- positive from a sputum sample.
able in several patients because of clinical resolution
at the disease site and the absence of a specimen to
Time to Response
culture. Five patients had a positive culture finding
pretherapy and a negative culture posttherapy (two After 1 month of therapy, the conditions of 11 of
from bronchoscopy specimens, one from sputum 15 patients (73%) were deemed to have improved
cultures, one from cerebrospinal fluid, and one from compared to baseline; after 3 months of therapy, 7 of