How To Simplify The Evolution of Business Process
How To Simplify The Evolution of Business Process
How To Simplify The Evolution of Business Process
Dr Alexander Samarin
Abstract. My experience shows that business wants that separate requests for
change be implemented quickly in existing systems. These changes are
typically small (from the point of view of the business) and unpredictable (from
the point of view of the IT). Obviously, all phases of the business process
lifecycle should be coherently organised to be able to handle such a flow of
requests for change. The aim of this article is to share my experience with a
practical architectural framework for the improvement of complex business
systems [1-4]. This framework provides recommendations on how to
implement BPM systems which are easy to evolve.
1 Introduction
1 “BPM allows you to model, automate, control, measure and optimize the flow of business
process steps that span your organisation’s systems, people, customers and partners within and
beyond your corporate boundaries.”
2 See, for example, the numerous articles on Business Process Re-engineering, and Quality
Management Systems.
people. Typically these processes constitute the management model. On the other
hand, the IT world sees the business as a set of IT services which are under the
control of the IT people. Typically, these services constitute the implementation.
From both perspectives, processes and services are the principal artefacts of the
system, and these are complemented by business events, rules, data, roles, etc.
In current systems, processes, services and other artefacts are typically “diluted” in
existing monolithic applications. This makes the business difficult to evolve since to
do so, changes to program code are often necessary. To achieve high flexibility3 in the
business we want processes, services and other artefacts to be distinct and
versionable, whereby each artefact can be evolved easily. We need to consider a
business as a complex dynamic mixture of processes, services and other artefacts. The
composition and the structure of this mixture are unique for each organisation, but the
structures share hierarchical, multi-layer and fractal characteristics (or patterns).
Our framework approach provides guidelines and patterns for structuring
processes, services and other artefacts to simplify their evolution.
As we want that the BPM system will be easy to evolve, we have to anticipate
potential changes in practically all aspects of the organisation such as the policies and
priorities, organisational structures, business processes, external obligations
(compliance), technology, level of computerisation within the company, stakeholders,
culture of the users, and the size and complexity of problems to be addressed.
Most of these potential changes are changes of the artefacts which constitute the
business processes. Any BPM system works with several types of artefact. We can
quickly identify most of the artefacts simply by analysing a popular definition of a
process: who (roles) is doing what (business objects and activities), when
(coordination of activities), why (business rules), how (business activities) and with
which results (performance indicators). So, the business process is a complex and
dynamic set of many artefacts. (In this paper I will concentrate primarily on artefacts
directly related to business processes, i.e. I do not consider typical IT artefacts such as
servers, databases, operating systems, networks, etc.)
From the systemic point of view, easy evolution of the business process means that
it should be easy to modify each and every artefact without causing any negative
effects elsewhere in the system. As the artefacts are interconnected and
interdependent, we need a comprehensive plan (i.e. the architecture) of how to build,
to use and to evolve all artefacts and the relationships between them. So, the evolution
of the BPM system is the management of the evolution of all its artefacts and the
relationships between them simultaneously, as a system.
Formally, we define all these versionable artefacts throughout their life-cycle. We
model explicitly all relationships between these artefacts. And, very importantly, all
models are made to be executable. This means that in an implementation, a model
Fig. 1. Each subsequent solution is cheaper because it reuses the same tools, the same services
and the same architecture
Any BPM system has many stakeholders, each with their own concerns and with their
own artefacts. The internal stakeholders are from three groups: strategy (top
managers), business (line managers, super-users, users, modellers of business
processes), and IT (managers, architects, developers, and operators). Each type of
stakeholder sees and uses the BPM system in a different way and many system
characteristics and features may be different for different stakeholders. For an
implementation to be successful, it is necessary for a BPM system to address the
concerns of all its stakeholders and to explain in advance how this system will change
their work. Also, a common understanding of all BPM artefacts amongst all primary
stakeholders (those directly involved in the design and implementation) is crucial.
In some cases I have observed a real confusion between the IT and the business in
their discussions of BPM artefacts and artefact-related issues because of inconsistent
terminology and unspoken assumptions. The IT and the business may use the same
term, but it may mean different things, not only to these two business partners but also
in different software products.
I recommend that you make any potential assumptions/differences explicit by
talking about both “technical” and “business” artefacts. In addition to natural
differences in personal understanding, the technical meaning may depend on the
software product in use and the business meaning may depend on the business
The following list details the types of artefact important for all BPM systems:
• added-value chain,
• macro-processes,
• events,
• processes,
• rules
• activities,
• roles,
• objects – data structures,
• objects – documents,
• audit trails,
• indicators, and
• services.
4 Improving artefacts
To work efficiently with artefacts, usually, we have to improve them. Firstly, all
artefacts have to be digitalised, i.e. exist in electronic form. Typically, business
objects (especially data structures) are digitalised, whilst other artefacts (e.g.
processes and rules) are often defined on paper and implemented implicitly (in such a
way that they are not easy to validate) in applications.
Secondly, artefacts have to be externalised, i.e. be available as separate and
explicit entities. For each artefact we would like to know its naming convention,
ownership, versioning, complexity, number, modification frequency (some estimation
of the speed of evolution), security needs, traceability and, in general, lifecycle. Each
artefact is versionable and several versions of the same artefact may co-exist. One
may have a business rule expressed in a digital form, e.g. coded as a macro in an
Excel spreadsheet, but not yet properly externalised because of the absence of a well-
defined lifecycle for this rule.
Thirdly, artefacts have to be virtualised, i.e. be available independently from
particular IT resources such as servers, databases, media, formats, browsers, etc. For
example, we should be able to use in a Java program a business rule defined in an
Excel spreadsheet. With virtualisation we address how to transport some artefacts and
to provide them to other artefacts.
Obviously, the best virtualisation is provided by the Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA4). We can say that BPM, by revealing its artefacts and the relationships
between them, provides the necessary context (e.g. granularity) for the definition of
services and SOA provides their implementation, execution and governance.
It is important that some types of artefact are aligned across the whole enterprise to
avoid integration problems and to improve reusability. For example, all roles,
business objects, and services should be registered and maintained at the enterprise
level. Other types of artefact have a lower enterprise visibility, but may have some
enterprise-wide importance. For example, a change in the postal address of an
insurance client may lead to the revision of his/her contract. This is certainly an event
that has an impact elsewhere in the enterprise. Meanwhile a change in a client’s
e-mail address may have a limited impact.
There are many relationships between BPM artefacts. For example, an informal
relationship between artefacts can be described as follows.
• The business is driven by business events.
• For each business event there is an associated business process to be executed.
• A business process coordinates the execution of business activities (human or
automated) , in accordance with business rules.
• A group of staff members (business roles) is responsible for the execution of each
human activity.
• Each business activity operates with some business objects (data structures and
• The execution of business processes produces audit trails, which are used for the
calculation of key performance indicators.
Another informal relationship between artefacts is their visibility. One of the main
difficulties in the implementation a BPM project is that the project team often
underestimates how many artefacts are necessary to run a BPM system and the related
efforts to improve these artefacts. Typically, the improvement of obvious artefacts
will reveal their hidden supporting “structure” (see figure 2).
Our goal is to reveal all hidden relationships and to structure them. Examples of
such relationships are as follows:
• static (in design phase);
• dynamic (in execution phase);
• composition (from atomic artefacts to a composite artefact);
• instantiation (from a template to instances);
• compatibility (between different versions of different artefacts).
If possible, we model relationships as formal, explicit, traceable, testable, secure,
Service Level Agreement (SLA) aware, and, finally, executable. This means that a
formal model of relationships acts as a skeleton or foundation of an implementation.
Within the scope of this paper, I cannot cover all relationships used in the
architectural framework, so I will discuss the most important relationship – the
composition of business processes.
The two most important artefacts, services and processes, can be considered to be
intimately related since in real terms
• all processes are services,
• some operation(s) of a service can be implemented as a process, and
• a process may include services in its implementation.
Often, it may be useful to consider a service as a black box where no information
about its implementation is available – see the top part of figure 3. Alternatively, it
may be useful to consider a service as a white box where implementation details of all
its operations are available (for example, as a set of other building blocks where the
execution of those blocks is coordinated in some way) – see the bottom part of
figure 3, where one of its operations is a process.
Fig. 3. A service as a black box and as a white box
7 Conclusion
From both the business and the IT perspective, processes and services
(complemented by business events, rules, data, roles, etc.) are the principal artefacts
of systems. The evolution of a BPM system is the management of the evolution of all
its artefacts and the relationships between them simultaneously, as a system. The use
of an architectural framework (including a particular modelling approach) whereby
BPM artefacts and the relationships between them are made to be digital, explicit and
virtual, simplifies the evolution of business process lifecycles:
• the formal expression of relationships enables their automatic validation;
• the aggregation or assembly of services becomes the main implementation activity,
which enables the delegation of some traditional IT activities to the business;
• small cycles “model-implement-test-refactor” considerably simplify both
modelling and implementation;
• there is a good match between BPM (provision of the context for services) and
• the increase in the granularity of artefacts opens more opportunities for the use of
open source products;
• there is a built-in possibility for the versioning of artefacts.
[1] Samarin, A.: ISO: integrating the WEB and document management, presentation
at Documation conference, Paris, France,
[2] Samarin, A.: Agile SOA for Process Automation and Integration,,
[3] Samarin, A.: From agile development to agile evolution of enterprise systems,
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[4] Samarin, A.: Three pillars of a practical architectural framework: BPM, SOA and
ECM, presentation at the Open Group’s enterprise architecture practitioners
conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006.
[5] Regev, G., Wegmann, A.: A Regulation-Based View on Business Process and
Supporting System Flexibility, Proceedings of the CAiSE’05 Workshop, p. 91-98.
[7] OASIS ( standard: Web Services Business Process
Execution Language, 2007.
[8] OMG ( specification: Business Process Modeling Notation, 2008
[9] Samarin, A.: Practical Industrialisation of Information Technology (for alignment
of business and IT), course lecture EPFL, Lausanne, 2007.