CAIE - A and As Level Registration - MJ2021 Form
CAIE - A and As Level Registration - MJ2021 Form
CAIE - A and As Level Registration - MJ2021 Form
Candidate Name IN BLOCK LETTERS as in Identity Card/Passport (Leave spaces between names and initials)
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Cambridge International AS & A Level
Syllabus Name & Code Option Code Fee per
(circle the syllabus code you wish to Component Information (circle the required code Syllabus
register for) you wish to register for) (MMK)
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British Council Fair Collection Notice
British Council and its partners will use the information that you are providing for processing your request in Myanmar. We may want to use your
information to send you details of our activities, services, events including social events) which you might find of interest. We may also contact you to seek
your feedback on our services and for market analysis.
The British Council and the Examining Boards take all reasonable steps to provide continuity of service. We feel sure you will understand,
however, that we cannot be held responsible for any interruptions caused by circumstances beyond our control. If examinations or their results are
disrupted, cancelled or delayed, every effort will be made to resume normal service as soon as possible. The British Council’s liability will be limited to the
refund of the registration fee or re-testing at a later date.
I make this entry according to the provisions of the published regulation and declaimer which I have studied.
I understand that I shall be allowed to sit only for those subjects which I have entered on this form.
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Child Safe Collection Consent Form
The British Council believes that the care, protection and welfare of children are
paramount and that all children have the right to be protected from harm. This includes
our commitment to effective child protection systems and ensuring children are safely
collected from exam premises.
Please read this information carefully before you complete and sign this consent form. If
you do not complete this form, you will not be able to complete the registration and your
child will not be able to take the test. We recommend that you keep a copy of this form
for your records.
• A child is defined as any person who has not reached their 18th birthday.
• Children aged 10 years and under are not permitted to leave exam premises
unaccompanied. They must be collected by the parent/carer named on this form
or by a person for whom the parent/carer has provided details.
• Children aged 11 years or older are only permitted to leave exam premises alone
once parental/carer consent has been given in writing via the completion of this
• The person identified to collect the child must be age 14 years or older.
• Any subsequent change to the person who comes to collect the child must be
authorised in writing by the parent/carer.
The British Council respects and protects the privacy of people who use our registration
systems. The information you provide when registering will not be used for any marketing
purposes and will not be shared with any third parties.
Please provide us with our child’s information. Then choose one of the options 1 or 2.
Exam session
Option 1 - Consent for children aged 11 years and over to leave exams premises
Date _______/_______/________________.
Option 2 - Consent for children to be collected by the designated person/people
identified in the table below:
Please note children aged 10 years and under are not permitted to leave exam premises
alone and the completion of the information below is mandatory.
Parents/carers of children aged 11 years and older who wish for the child not to leave
exam premises alone must complete the information below identifying who is authorised
to collect the child.
confirm that the person/people listed are authorised to collect (child’s full name)
I certify that the above named people are aged 14 years or older.
Date: _______/______/___________.