Construction Management Case Study

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Construction Management is a procurement where the

‘traditional builder’ is replaced by a Construction Management CLIENT
organisation. Their responsibility is to work directly for the
client in the management of the construction phase. Design Champion
A Construction Manager has expertise in both building
and management and is contracted to the client to provide
management services only. The works are completed by
a series of trade contracts arranged by the Construction DESIGN TEAM
Manager, but entered into directly between each trade
contractor and the client. A significant aspect of construction
management is that the Construction Manager has no direct MANGER
involvement in the payments to the trade contractors. The
role of the design team and its relationship with the Client
and Construction Manager is very similar to the traditional
contracts between architect, client and contractor. The design
team is commonly novated to the Construction Manager. SUBCONTRACTORS


>> Early involvement of the Construction Manager to assess
Contractual relationship
buildability prior to commencing Design Development. Working relationship
>> Engage independent design advice from either a design
champion, design quality team (DQT) or the OVGA to assist
with design quality management in preparing the brief
and contract development and at key project milestones.
>> An established and positive working relationship between
the Construction Management organisation and the
>> Ensure that the construction management fee is subject to
achieving design benchmarks or assessment via Key Result
Areas (KRAs) as assisted by independent design advice.
>> Ensure that each trade contract agreement specifically
refers to design quality and explains how it will be delivered.



PROJECT BACKGROUND KEY INITIATIVES TO PROTECT In 2009 the project won the AIA National and State
THE DESIGN QUALITY Architecture 25 Year Awards for Enduring Architecture
Originally opened in 1959, the Sidney
Myer Music Bowl is a celebrated, rare >> Design advice early in the procurement
survivor of Melbourne’s heroic post- process supported the management
war period of architecture and is listed of design quality in contract and
on the Victorian Heritage Register. brief development.
Over time the Bowl was in need of >> An early understanding of the
significant restoration and upgrade complexity and heritage sensitivities
required to address its substantial of the site.
functional deficiencies which made it >> Independent advice from the original
inadequate to support performances. architect Barry Patten.
The upgrade required a change to
>> An “open book” approach offered
sightlines, regarding of the grassy berm
transparency with preliminaries and
and flexibility in delivery of the project
profits declared.
to avoid impacting the operation of key
annual events, specifically the Royal >> Use of Hooker Cockram as
Victorian Institute for the Blind’s Carols experienced sub-contractors, as
by Candlelight. the Construction Management
The brief required an upgrade of all
facilities to integrate back of house CONSTRAINTS
production, catering artist change and
>> The breakdown of the project into
warm up, theatre infrastructure and
two separate stages to facilitate
technologies, commercially supportive
the continuity of use for the Royal
facilities, hire-out function spaces and
Victorian Institute for the Blind’s
a cafe. The refurbishment needed to
Carols by Candlelight.
respect the heritage value of the original
structure, while rejuvenating its cultural >> Unexpected change to the brief for
life as one of Melbourne’s most loved required patron sightlines to the
venues. Apart from the original cable stage area.
network and supporting columns, the >> Unforseen industrial issues
existing fabric has been restored and beyond the control of the client
reconstructed. The new work extends the or Construction Management
original footprint, mainly underground. organisation.
Major areas for refurbishment included >> A change in government halfway
replacing the canopy damaged by through the project.
prolonged water penetration through
Architect:Gregory Burgess, Greg Burgess Architects
the edges of the ‘Alumply’ panels which WHAT WORKED WELL (GBA)
caused deterioration of the plywood, and Project architect: Peter Ryan, GBA
some delamination of the aluminum >> The flexibility of Construction Project manager: Delia Taylor,

cladding. The entire canopy was replaced Management as a procurement Major Projects Victoria (MPV)

with a new cladding system. The use method supported the design Construction: 1998-2001

of Construction Management offered changes required, including Photographer: John Gollings

a flexible procurement method that adjustment to audience sightlines,

supported the changing nature of the the need to raise the berm and
brief and the potential for the design additional fill.
to evolve. >> Efficient and effective resourcing
of the project by Hooker Cockram
as the Construction Management
>> Major Projects Victoria (MPV) acting
as design champion.


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