Titles in This Series: George Capaccio
Titles in This Series: George Capaccio
Titles in This Series: George Capaccio
Meet Mars, the Red Planet. It is the fourth planet from the Sun,
and has long been in the thoughts and imaginations of people on
Earth. Does life exist on Mars? Why would it be hard for humans to
live there when parts of the planet resemble Earth? Mars explores
these questions and is full of many other fascinating facts about the
Red Planet. Learn about new discoveries, innovative technologies,
and incredible explorations that have given us many answers to
our questions about outer space. So come along on this incredible
journey through Space!
Asteroids, Meteors, and Comets
The Dwarf Planet Pluto
Earth and the Moon
The Stars
The Sun
George Capaccio
George Capaccio
Marshall Cavendish Benchmark
99 White Plains Road
Tarrytown, New York 10591
All websites were available and accurate when this book went to press.
Text copyright © 2010 by Marshall Cavendish Corporation
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the copyright
Capaccio, George.
Mars / by George Capaccio.
p. cm. — (Space!)
Summary: “Describes Mars, including its history, its composition, and its role in the
Solar System”—Provided by publisher.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-7614-4557-9
1. Mars (Planet)—Juvenile literature. I. Title.
QB641.C352 2010
Glossary 60
bibliography 62
Index 63
The Formation
of our Solar
all of the planets are about the same age. They formed roughly
4.5 billion years ago as part of our Solar System. So how did
the Solar System get started? Most scientists would agree that
a huge cloud of dust grains and gas molecules that spread for
millions of miles in space was the seedbed from which the Solar
System grew. As the dust cloud grew smaller, the force of gravity
caused particles in the center of the cloud to interact more vio-
lently as they moved closer to each other. Temperatures in the
center of the cloud became so hot that hydrogen atoms began to
fuse, or stick together. These reactions produced heat and light.
The center of the cloud had become a star—the Sun.
The stars and planets formed from giant clouds of gas and dust in
outer space.
As the Solar System began to form, the dust cloud spun faster
and faster. Circulating dust grains and gas molecules began
to merge into larger objects. Random collisions between these
objects kept increasing the objects’ size until, after millions of
years, whole planets began to take shape.
There are eight major planets in our Solar System. These
include the four terrestrial planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth,
and Mars—and the four gas giants, which are Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune. Pluto used to be considered a planet, but
because of its small size it is now classified as a dwarf planet.
Besides the planets, there are dozens of moons and numerous
asteroids, comets, and meteoroids moving through our Solar
The Formation of
Formation o our
four Solar
Solar System
asteroids, Comets,
and Meteoroids
Asteroids are ancient rocks leftover from the formation
of the Solar System. Most asteroids orbit the Sun in a
region between Mars and Jupiter. Some of the larg-
est known asteroids are more than 300 miles (482
kilometers) across. The smallest known asteroids are
less than 1 mile (1.6 km) across. Scientists think the two
moons of Mars may be asteroids that were pulled into
the planet’s gravitational field.
Comets are icy bodies that form in the outer edges
of the Solar System. A comet has a small solid center
made of ice, frozen gases, rock, and dust. The center is
typically less than a few miles across. When a comet
approaches the Sun, some of its surface ice melts, cre-
ating a long, streaming tail of gas and dust.
Most meteoroids probably come from within our
Solar System. They are made of iron or stone or a mix-
ture of both materials. Meteoroids that enter Earth’s
atmosphere become meteors, which are often called
“shooting stars.” If meteors reach the surface of Earth
without burning up, they are called meteorites. Most
are very small, but a few large ones weighing more
than 50 tons (45 tonnes) have landed on Earth in the
past. Sixteen meteorites found in Antarctica are known
to have come from Mars.
Jupiter Uranus
Of the eight main planets in our Solar System, the four closest to the Sun—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and
Th Formation of our Solar System
Mars—are the terrestrial, or land, planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are considered gas giants.
Pluto, which was once considered a main planet alongside the others, is now known as a dwarf planet.
because it is so far way from the Sun that all water and gases—
such as ammonia and methane—are frozen solid.
Like Uranus, Neptune is both a gas giant and an ice giant. This
fourth-largest planet gets its bluish color from the methane gas
in its atmosphere. Unlike Uranus, however, scientists believe that
Neptune generates its own heat from within. They think that the
planet may have a molten and rocky core that is surrounded
by a mixture of frozen water, hydrogen, helium, water, methane,
and liquid ammonia.
The Formation of our Solar System
retains enough of the Sun’s heat to keep the nights from getting
unbearably cold in most parts of the world.
Of all the planets in the Solar System, Mars is most like our
own planet. One Martian day, called a sol, is a little more than
twenty-four hours long. Even the tilt of its axis is similar to
Earth’s. As a result, Mars enjoys distinct seasonal changes. There
is even water on Mars in the form of ice, frost, fog, and clouds.
Like Earth, Mars has polar ice caps, clearly visible in photos
taken by orbiting spacecraft.
About every two years, the orbits of
Mars and Earth bring the planets into
opposition. When that happens, Earth
is midway between Mars and the Sun,
and together these three bodies line
up like beads on a string. However,
about every sixteen years, Mars comes
close to the Sun. At these times, when
This photograph was taken Mars and Earth are on the same side
in 2007 while viewing of the Sun, Mars is one of the brightest
Mars through a very strong objects in the night sky. Only the Sun,
telescope. At the time, Mars
was in opposition with Earth’s Moon, and the planet Venus
Earth and the Sun, making are brighter.
it one of the brightest
objects in the sky.
How Do Earth and MaRS Compare?
DIAMETER About 4,218 miles (6,792 km) About 7,926 miles (12,753 km)
DISTANCE FROM SUN About 142 million miles (228 million km) About 93 million miles
but the distance varies since (150 million km).
Mars has an elliptical orbit
ONE DAY 24 hours, 37 minutes 24 hours
(a Martian sol)
ONE YEAR 686.98 Earth days (about 365 days
670 Mars days)
AVERAGE PLANET- About -67 degrees Fahrenheit 47.3 degrees Fahrenheit
WIDE TEMPERATURE (-55 degrees C) (8.5 degrees Celsius)
over land
NUMBER OF MOONS Two (Phobos and Deimos) One
GRAVITY About 38 percent of Earth’s gravity
ATMOSPHERE About 95.3 percent carbon dioxide About 76 percent nitrogen,
and 0.15 percent oxygen and small 21 percent oxygen, and small
amounts of other gases. Atmosphere amounts of Argon, carbon
is much thinner than Earth’s. dioxide, and neon.
MAGNETIC FIELD Mars’s weak magnetic field allows Strong enough to protect Earth
strong exposure to solar winds and from the solar wind and some
radiation from the Sun and outside forms of radiation.
the Solar System.
WATER No liquid water has been found on the Earth has plenty of water.
surface, but Mars has ice, frost, fog, and
clouds. There may be underground
water sources.
LIFE No life has been found on Mars. If it Earth has abundant and
exists, it is probably in the form of varied life-forms.
microbes, or tiny microorganisms.
and Physical
Features of
astronomers once believed that Mars was the home of an
advanced civilization. Through telescopes they found what they
thought was evidence of irrigation canals, which are used to
direct water. These scientists then concluded that people from
Mars, or Martians, had turned their deserts into lush orchards
and farmlands. Some observers even feared that one day a
dangerous dry spell on Mars would force Martians to colonize
Earth in order to preserve their way of life. Not all scientists
Structure and Physical Features of Mars
Not too long ago, scientists thought of Mars as a cold, dead
planet. That view has changed as rovers and other spacecraft
have given us a much closer look. Martian geography is a lot
more complex and interesting than people once thought. Mars
has shifting, pinkish sand dunes, plunging canyons, huge cra-
ters, polar ice caps, and towering volcanoes. Winds can gust
up to 100 miles (161 km) per hour and faster. Violent dust storms
periodically cover the entire planet.
The northern hemisphere is mostly flat lowland with very
few craters. In contrast, the southern hemisphere is more
mountainous and has many craters. The darker- and lighter-
colored regions of the planet, which once baffled scientists, are
the result of different types of surfaces. Layers of bright dust
reflect the sunlight, so they appear lighter, while uncovered
rocky areas look darker.
There is convincing evidence that large amounts of water once
flowed on Mars. Markings on the surface of the planet appear
to be dried up riverbeds. The way rocks are placed also sug-
gests that catastrophic floods once surged across the surface.
Structure and Physical Features of Mars
Mars has some pretty amazing-looking places. The physical fea-
tures of Mars tend to be super-sized and are among the most
outstanding in our Solar System. Volcanic mountains on Mars,
though inactive, are
many times larger
than volcanoes found
on Earth. Olympus
think that Mons, for instance,
the carved- is the highest peak
out patterns in the Solar System.
in this gully
may be proof This Martian peak is
that water three times higher
once flowed than Mount Everest—
across the
surface of which is 29,029 feet
Mars. (8,484 meters) high—
and has a base that
is about as big as the
state of Arizona.
Mars also has unbeatable canyons. Valles Marineris makes
the Grand Canyon look small by comparison. Valles Marineris
is a network of canyons that lies to the south of the Martian
equator. It is about 3,000 miles (4,827 km) long and would stretch
across the entire United States. The main
canyon is 420 miles (676 km) wide. The
deepest parts reach a depth of 4.2 miles
(6.7 km), which is many times deeper
than the Grand Canyon.
The largest sand dune field in the
Solar System is near the northern polar
ice cap of Mars. The dunes surround This view of Olympus
Mons is a combination of
the north pole and sometimes mix with images collected in 1978
snow blowing in the region. by the Viking spacecraft.
The western hemisphere of Mars fea-
tures a broad plateau called Tharsis. It
is bigger than all of Europe and contains
most of the volcanoes on Mars.
Billions of years ago, meteorites and asteroids crashed into
Mars, covering the planet with craters. Hellas Basin is the largest
of these impact craters. If it were located on Earth, it would
cover half of the United States.
Scientists combined
information collected
by satellites to
create this three-
dimensional image
of Valles Marineris,
the largest canyon
system on Mars.
Scientists think Mars has a core that is mostly molten iron or a
blend of iron and sulfur. Long ago, this core was extremely hot.
Like Earth’s core, it generated a magnetic field that surrounded
the planet. As the Martian core cooled, the magnetic field gradu-
ally weakened. It is practically all gone
now. A mantle of different kinds of min-
erals surrounds the core. The Martian
crust, which lies on top of the mantle,
is mostly basalt. This hard black volca-
nic rock also covers more than half of
Earth’s surface. On Mars, as on Earth,
the crust was formed from the melting
of the upper mantle. The unique fea-
tures of the Martian mantle are due to
volcanic activity, erosion (the wearing The planet’s molten iron
core is surrounded by
away of materials), and the impact of layers made up of a variety
meteorites and asteroids. of elements and rocks.
Structure and Physical Features of Mars
Mars through
the ages
Centuries before the invention of telescopes, astronomers
noticed that most celestial bodies seemed to stay in one place.
However, they counted five objects that were different. Not only
did they shine with a steady light, but they also changed their
positions during the course of a year. Ancient Greek observ-
ers called these mysterious objects “wandering stars.” One of
these objects seemed to have a strange reddish glow. It might
have reminded people of the color of blood.
In time, this planet became connected in people’s minds with
war and violence. In the Babylonian and Sumerian cultures
of ancient Mesopotamia—where present-day Iraq is located—
From early descriptions more than one hundred years ago (upper
right) to present-day satellite imagery (center), the way scientists
observe and understand Mars has changed through the years. Even
our understanding of Martian life (lower left corner) has changed as
new discoveries are made.
Mars through the ages
In 1757, Wilhelm Herschel left his home in Germany at the age
of nineteen and began a musical career in England where he
changed his name to William. In his mid-thirties, he happened
to read a book on astronomy. This book changed his life and
inspired him to become an astronomer. With the help of his sci-
entist sister Caroline, he developed many telescopes that could
see across very far distances.
From his telescopic observations, Herschel figured out that
Mars was tilted on its axis by about 25 degrees. Since Earth’s
As he observed
Mars over the course
of many months,
Herschel’s drawings
revealed that the
planet had craters,
canyons, polar ice
caps, and clouds.
axial tilt is about the same, Herschel concluded that Mars must
have seasons like our own. He also thought he observed clouds
above the Martian surface. This led him to suspect that the
planet had an Earth-like atmosphere. The Red Planet’s bright
polar regions reminded him of ice caps. He thought the planet’s
dark areas were probably seas, and the light orange areas were
dry land. Herschel believed that since they lived on a planet so
much like Earth, the Martians “probably enjoy a situation in
many respects similar to ours.”
In 1877, the American astronomer Asaph Hall discovered the
two moons of Mars, which he named Deimos and Phobos, which
Mars through the ages
Caroline Herschel
Caroline Lucretia Herschel was William
Herschel’s younger sister. When Caroline
eventually joined her brother in England,
she became interested in mathematics
and astronomy. In 1786 Caroline dis-
covered her first comet. This discovery
launched her career as a highly respected
astronomer. By 1797, she had discovered eight more comets. In 1828
Caroline received the gold medal from England’s Royal Astronomical
Society for her many contributions to science.
Mars through the ages
The Martians Have Landed!
While many scientists were beginning to doubt Lowell’s ideas
about Mars, the general public continued to believe that life
would be found there. In 1898 the British writer H. G. Wells,
inspired by Lowell’s book Mars, published War of the Worlds,
a science-fiction novel. In the book, technologically superior
Martians invade Earth because their own planet is dying.
Lowell had imagined Martians as peaceful, wise beings. But
Wells turned them into hostile creatures
bent on destroying human civilization.
Wells’ Martians easily conquered England
but then were defeated by the one thing
they have no defense against—germs, or
sickness, found on Earth.
In 1938, the American actor and direc-
tor Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre
on the Air broadcast their own version of
the novel by H. G. Wells. The radio play
aired on October 30, one day before
Halloween. During the broadcast, Wells
announced that what people were hear-
ing on their radios was just a play and not
real life. But these announcements did not
stop people all over America from panick-
ing. Many actually believed that Martians
Not all stories portrayed had landed in Grover’s Mill, New Jersey,
Martians as cruel creatures and were causing massive destruction.
eager to destroy humans. Frightened by what they took to be actual
Some people believed that news reports, people warned their friends
the aliens were curious and
peaceful beings. and neighbors, phoned loved ones to say
goodbye, and sped off in their cars to
escape the invaders from outer space. 33 33
Contacting People on Mars
In the 1800s, as people on Earth became more and more interested
in Mars, several creative individuals dreamed up ways to contact
Martians. One scheme involved planting enough pine trees in Sibe-
rian wheat fields to create a right angle that would be as large as
a city and therefore visible to Martian telescopes. Another equally
outrageous idea was setting up large mirrors across the entire Euro-
pean continent. The mirrors would flash sunlight toward Mars in a
series of repeated patterns. An Austrian astronomer proposed dig-
ging a twenty-mile-long trench in the Sahara desert, filling it with
kerosene, and then setting the kerosene on fire. The blaze would be
a signal to any Martians looking for signs of life on Earth.
Mars through the ages
No Signs of Life
On July 14, 1965, Mariner 4 reached its destination, 228 days
after its launch. It came within 6,114 miles (9,846 km) of Mars.
A camera on board the vehicle transmitted the first close-up
photographs of Mars ever taken. Many observers were deeply
disappointed. They had hoped the photos would reveal signs of
life or at least a life-supportive environment. Instead the photos
showed a dry, dusty surface pockmarked with craters. There
was no water anywhere to be seen. If anything, Mars had more
in common with our moon than with Earth. Newspapers began
referring to the Red Planet as “the dead planet.”
The black and white images shown here are surface images taken by Mariner 4. (The
planetary image of Mars, which indicates where each Mariner 4 photograph was
taken, comes from the Viking spacecraft.)
Mars through the ages
Mariner 9
became the first
probe to orbit a
planet other than
Earth. An artist’s
depiction of the
orbit shows an
enlarged view of
Earth and the
Moon just past
Mars through the ages
The dramatic success of Mariner 9 inspired NASA scientists
to attempt to land a spacecraft on Mars and hunt for signs
of life. The new mission involved a pair of spacecraft named
Vi king 1 and Vi king 2. Both spacecraft had an orbiter and a
Mars through the ages
The Face on Mars and other
Strange Sights
Another controversy that grew out of the two Viking
missions was related to the photographs of the Martian
surface. One scientist, examining the photos, noticed a rock
with what looked like the letter B. When
reporters heard this, their imaginations
went into high gear. Peering into NASA
monitors in Pasadena, California, they
soon began seeing more letters as well
as numbers carved into Martian rocks.
Before long, television viewers were
sure that Martians had carved these
messages in order to communicate with
us. People also claimed the photographs
from Mars revealed even more evidence
of Martian civilization. They saw pyra-
mids, entire cities, and a giant human
face in the images sent from Mars. Were
their eyes playing tricks on them or had Scientists believe that
they really seen objects made by Mar- the “face” on the surface
tian hands? of Mars is actually a
NASA scientists explained that the combination of rocks and
markings were the result of natural shadows.
processes. But many citizens remained
doubtful. They believed the Viking mis-
sions had proved that Martians existed
and that the government was covering up the evidence to
keep people from panicking. In reality, no such evidence has
been found.
4 2
Mars through the ages
New Questions,
New Discoveries
Roberta Score, an American geologist, was snowmobiling
with fellow scientists near the South Pole. The exact location
was Alan Hills, and the year was 1984. Score noticed a green-
colored rock in the ice. Something about the rock intrigued her,
so she sent it to the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, for
analysis. Scientists in Houston named the rock A LH84001. “A LH”
stands for Allan Hills, and “84” is the year when the rock was
discovered. For nine years it sat in storage at the Space Center.
Then in 1993, scientists carried out a detailed analysis of the
small, green rock.
The 2001 Mars Odyssey provided this view of the planet’s south
pole. The different colors represent the various amounts of hydrogen
found in the soil. Future Mars missions may give us more details
about the planet’s chemical makeup.
New Questions, New Discoveries
Pathfinder was launched one month after the Mars Global Sur-
veyor. It reached speeds of 17,000 miles (27,400 km) per hour,
covered more than 408,000 miles (658 km) a day, and slammed
into the Martian atmosphere on July 4, 1997, two months before
the Surveyor. Heat shields kept Pathfinder from burning up on
entry. As Pathfinder approached the surface of Mars, three large
New Questions, New Discoveries
New Questions, New Discoveries
about ninety days. But after four years, Spirit and Opportunity
were still in operation. Much larger than Sojourner, the rovers
each weigh about 400 pounds (180 kg). They carry identical sets
of scientific instruments for probing their alien surroundings.
Special scraping tools can scratch the surface of Martian rocks
so scientists can study the rocks’ interior.
The twin rovers have supplied a lot of information about
Martian rocks and soils. They have also sent back more than
100,000 color images of the landscape and confirmed that
water was once present. Thanks to the rovers’ investigations,
scientists are reasonably sure that millions of years ago Mars
had a warmer climate and a thicker atmosphere. Under these
conditions, ancient Martian rivers probably turned volcanic
craters into lakes and created oceans in the lowland areas.
Many questions still remain. When did Mars have rivers,
lakes, and oceans? How long did the planet have so much water?
Where did all this water go? Why did the climate become so cold
and dry? Of course, the really big question is did life develop
on Mars? And if it did, what happened to it? We know that the
total amount of bacteria on Earth is greater than the combined
mass of all of Earth’s plants and animals. That is a lot of microbes!
Some forms of bacteria have been found in extremely harsh
environments on Earth, such as Antarctica or deep in the ocean
near heat vents. So it might be possible for microbes to live in
harsh conditions on other planets.
Sending astronauts to Mars will likely be the next major step
in the exploration of this planet. But manned missions will not
happen for at least another twenty-five years or so. That is how
long it will take to design and test new rockets, spacesuits, and
life-support systems. Space expeditions also cost a lot of money,
New Questions, New Discoveries
Scientists continue to gather as much evidence as they can
to better understand the structure and environment of the Red
Planet. This may lead to a better understanding of how the
planet can support life.
This colorized
photograph shows
what Earth and
the Moon look like
from Mars. Perhaps
someday humans will
be able to colonize
the Red Planet, and
this is the view
they will see when
they gaze into the
Martian sky.
N Questions,
ew Q New
uestions, N ew Discoveries
NICKNAME: The Red Planet
SIZE: About 4,128 miles (6,792 km) in diameter
DISTANCE FROM EARTH: About 142 million miles (228 million km), but may
vary since Mars has an elliptical orbit
DISTANCE FROM THE SUN: About 142 million miles (228 million km), but
varies from 36 million miles (58 million km) to more than 250 million miles
(402 million km) since Mars has an elliptical orbit
NUMBER OF MOONS: Two—Phobos and Deimos
TYPE OF PLANET: Terrestrial
TEMPERTAURE RANGE: -220 degrees Fahrenheit (-140 degrees C) to
50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees C)
LENGTH OF DAY: 24 hours, 37 minutes
LENGTH OF YEAR: 686.98 Earth days (about 670 Mars days)
MISSIONS TO MARS: Flybys: Mariners 4, 6, and 7; Orbiters: Mariner 9,
Vikings 1 and 2, Mars Global Surveyor, 2001 Mars Odyssey. Landed
missions: Vikings 1 and 2, Pathfinder, Spirit, Opportunity
astronomers—Scientists who study molten—To be in liquid form as a
planets, stars, and galaxies. result of intense heat.
atmosphere— All the gases that probe—Any kind of spacecraft
surround a planet or a star. designed to explore
extraterrestrial objects and
atom—The basic building block of send back data to computers on
all matter. Earth.
axis—An imaginary straight line satellite—Any natural or human-
going through the center of a made object that orbits a larger
planet around which the planet body such as a planet or moon.
or other celestial body rotates. The Moon is a satellite of Earth.
The axis of Earth and Mars are The Mars Global Surveyor,
tipped at about the same angle. which orbited Mars, is also a
dormant—Not actively growing satellite. Human-made satellites
or showing signs of life, but transmit scientific data.
capable of becoming active spores—Small, usually one-
again. celled structures produced
ellipse—An oval shaped like a by seedless plants and
slightly flattened circle. some bacteria. In a harsh
environment, spores can remain
geothermal—Relating to sources dormant for long periods of
of heat inside a planet like Earth time. When conditions improve,
or Mars. they can develop into complete
individuals of their species.
mantle—An interior section of a
planet that is located between terrestrial—Relating to the
the core and the outer crust. land rather than the sea or
atmosphere. Terrestrial planets
microbe—A germ or other
like Mars and Earth have a solid
extremely small organism
surface made of rock and soil.
that can only be seen with a
Find Out More
Bell, Jim. Postcards from Mars: The First Photographer on the Red Planet. New
York: Penguin, 2006.
Irvine, Mat and David Jefferis. Exploring Planet Mars. New York: Crabtree
Publishing: 2007.
Jefferis, David. Mars: Distant Red Planet. New York: Crabtree Publishing, 2008.
Scott, Elaine. Mars and the Search for Life. New York: Clarion Books, 2008.
Ask an Astronomer—Mars
Imagine Mars
Mission to Mars
The author found these resources especially helpful when researching this
CBS News. “The Next Giant Leap for Mankind.” http://www. cbsnews.com/
Miller, Ron and William K. Hartmann. Grand Tour: A Traveler’s Guide to the Solar
System. New York: Workman, 2005.
Raeburn, Paul. Uncovering the Secrets of the Red Planet. Washington, DC:
National Geographic Society, 1998.
Page numbers in boldface indicate Kepler, Johannes, 26-27
photos or illustrations.
life-forms, 13, 15-16, 35, 42, 43, 48-49
A LH84001, 45-48, 46, 47 See also Martians
Allan Hills, 45 Lowell, Percival, 31-32, 33
asteroids, 21, 46
axis,12 magnetic field, 13
mantle, 22, 22
bacteria, 46-48, 47, 53 Mariner, 34-39
Brahe, Tycho, 26 4, 35, 36
6, 35, 37
canals, 15, 16, 28-30, 30, 32, 35 7, 35, 37
core, 22, 22 9, 37-39, 38, 40, 51
craters, 21 Mars, 6, 11, 12, 14, 25, 36, 56
atmosphere, 13, 16-17, 22, 39
Deimos, 13, 23, 28-29, 59 color of, 26, 41
compared to Earth, 13, 57-58
Earth, 6, 9 day (length of), 12, 13, 59
compared to Mars, 13, 59 discovery of, 25-30
distance from Mars, 59 distance from Sun, 13, 59
Global Surveyor, 18, 49-50, 50
Flammarion, Camille, 30, 31 interior, 22-23, 22
land features, 18, 20-22, 20, 21, 29-30,
gas giants, 8, 10 30, 38
geography (of Mars), 18 life on, 13, 15, 16, 30-33, 35, 39, 42, 43,
gravity, 13 48-49, 57-58
missions to, 22, 33-44, 54-56, 59
Hall, Asaph, 28 See also spacecraft
Hellas Basin, 21 moons of, 13, 22, 22
Herschel, name, 26, 26, 59
Caroline, 29, 29 nickname, 26, 59
William, 27-28, 28, 29 orbit of, 23, 27
hydrogen, 5 probe, 33, 37
size, 13, 59
ice, 12, 19, 19, 22, 38, 41 surface, 17, 17, 18
temperature, 13, 17, 37, 59
Jupiter, 6, 8, 9 viewing (from Earth), 12
year (length of), 13, 59