A Torch in The Dark - Rules Reference V 1.0

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When you risk it during an encounter, make a You delve into dungeons based on their order in
risk roll based on your character’s skills & items. the Dungeon Guide. You complete a dungeon
You keep the single highest die result. when you reach the goal and succeed.
◆ 1d for each relevant skill When you delve you draw 1 card at a time,
consult the Dungeon Guide, and follow the
◆ 1d for each relevant item encounter prompt. When you have completed
◆ +1d for each companion with a relevant role the encounter, draw another card from the deck
and set that card on top of the previous
◆ +1d if your push yourself (mark 1 stress) encounter card.
◆ -1d for each mark of corruption if you are
facing a demon Face cards and Aces are unique encounters.
When they are completed set them aside.
If you get a 6, you succeed.
If you get a 4/5, you succeed but must select any Jokers are demons where you must risk it 3
consequence. times. They are non-unique encounters.
If you get a 1-3, you fail. Mark 1 xp and select a You may stop a delve between encounters or if
condition, corruption, or lose an item as a you resurrect. If you have not completed the
consequence. You may make another risk roll goal, shuffle all the non-unique encounters
but cannot use any skills you just used. back into the deck, and your next delve is in this
If you get multiple 6’s, your CRIT. You succeed same dungeon. If you have completed the goal,
and the encounter ends in your favour. shuffle all cards back into the deck and your
next delve will be in the next dungeon.
If you ever need to roll zero or negative dice, roll
2d6 and take the lowest result.

CONSEQUENCES When your character dies you may resurrect.
Conditions: Write a condition on your character Erase all conditions, stress, and corruption and
sheet. If you have has many conditions as skills, permanently fill in 1 corruption box. If all your
your character dies. corruption is already permanently filled, your
character perishes.
Expend an Item: Decrease an item’s load by 1
and rewrite it on your inventory. You cannot
expend a 1 load item. DOWNTIME
Lose an Item: Erase an item from your When you enter downtime, mark 1 stash for
inventory. If you have no items that provide each treasure in your inventory and then erase
light, your character dies. all treasures marked this way. When you select a
Stress: Mark 1 stress. If your character’s stress downtime action you get to roll 1d for each 1
track is full, mark 1 corruption. stash you spend to roll for that action. Keep the
highest result.
Corruption: Mark 1 corruption. If you need to
mark a 6th corrupton, your character dies. Cleanse: 1-3 remove 1 corruption, 4/5 remove 2
corruption, 6 remove 3 corruption, CRIT
Harm a Companion: If you have a companion remove 5 corruption.
mark 1 harm next to their name. If you mark a
2nd harm that companion dies. Recover: 1-3 remove 1 condition, 4/5 remove 2
conditions, 6 remove 3 conditions, CRIT
remove 5 conditions.
ADVANCEMENT Rest: Remove stress equal to your highest
When you mark as much xp as you have skills, result. On a CRIT remove all stress and 1
you may immediately select another skill or corruption.
rewrite a previous skill. Your character cannot Resupply: Buy or replenish items based on your
have more than 10 skills. roll. 1-3 you get 1 item, 4/5 you get 2 items, 6 you
get 3 items, CRIT you get 5 items.

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