A Torch in The Dark - Rules Reference V 1.0
A Torch in The Dark - Rules Reference V 1.0
A Torch in The Dark - Rules Reference V 1.0
CONSEQUENCES When your character dies you may resurrect.
Conditions: Write a condition on your character Erase all conditions, stress, and corruption and
sheet. If you have has many conditions as skills, permanently fill in 1 corruption box. If all your
your character dies. corruption is already permanently filled, your
character perishes.
Expend an Item: Decrease an item’s load by 1
and rewrite it on your inventory. You cannot
expend a 1 load item. DOWNTIME
Lose an Item: Erase an item from your When you enter downtime, mark 1 stash for
inventory. If you have no items that provide each treasure in your inventory and then erase
light, your character dies. all treasures marked this way. When you select a
Stress: Mark 1 stress. If your character’s stress downtime action you get to roll 1d for each 1
track is full, mark 1 corruption. stash you spend to roll for that action. Keep the
highest result.
Corruption: Mark 1 corruption. If you need to
mark a 6th corrupton, your character dies. Cleanse: 1-3 remove 1 corruption, 4/5 remove 2
corruption, 6 remove 3 corruption, CRIT
Harm a Companion: If you have a companion remove 5 corruption.
mark 1 harm next to their name. If you mark a
2nd harm that companion dies. Recover: 1-3 remove 1 condition, 4/5 remove 2
conditions, 6 remove 3 conditions, CRIT
remove 5 conditions.
ADVANCEMENT Rest: Remove stress equal to your highest
When you mark as much xp as you have skills, result. On a CRIT remove all stress and 1
you may immediately select another skill or corruption.
rewrite a previous skill. Your character cannot Resupply: Buy or replenish items based on your
have more than 10 skills. roll. 1-3 you get 1 item, 4/5 you get 2 items, 6 you
get 3 items, CRIT you get 5 items.