Trump As Plaintiff: Case Name and Number Date Filed Decided On Merits State Issue(s) Disposition Ruling Favored Date of Last Order Status

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2020 Presidential Election Lawsuits Related to Election Integrity (Public Version 1-27-21)

Trump as Plaintiff: Decided on Date of

Date Filed State Issue(s) Disposition Ruling Favored Status
Case Name and Number Merits** Last Order
Vote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads
to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution; Restriction on
Assistance or Collection of Mail Ballots for Dismissed - Lack Standing on
Donald J. Trump for Pres., Inc. v. Boockvar, No. 2:20-cv-00966 (W.D. Pa.) 6/29/2020 TBD Pennsylvania Return; Notice/Cure for Mismatches federal claims; Other claims did not TBD 10/10/2020 Active
Missing Signature or Mistakes; Witness have a statutory basis
and/or Notary Requirement; Failure to
include ID/Doc.)
Vote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads
Donald J. Trump for President v. Cegavske, No. 2:20-cv-01445 (D. Nev.) 8/4/2020 NO Nevada Dismissed - Lack Standing Election Administrators 10/22/2020 Closed
to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution)
Dismissed - Lack Standing, and
Trump v. Way, Case 3:20-cv-10753-MAS-ZNQ 8/18/2020 NO New Jersey Illegal extension of election deadline Election Administrators 10/6/2020 Closed
Speculative harm
Donald J. Trump for President v. Murphy, No. 3:20-cv-10753 (D.N.J.) 8/19/2020 Vote-by-Mail (Other Vote-by-Mail Issue; Claim
Monmouth Cnty. Republican Comm. v. Way, No. MON-L-003019-20 (N.J. Super. NO New Jersey that Mail Voting Leads to Fraud and/or Vote Dismissed - Lack Standing Election Administrators 10/22/2020 Closed
Ct., Monmouth Cnty.), No. 3:20-cv-13914 (D.N.J.) Dilution)
Vote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads
Donald J. Trump for President et al v. Bullock et al, No. 6:20-cv-00066 (D. Mont.) 9/2/2020 NO Montana Dismissed - Lacked Timeliness Election Administrators 9/30/2020 Closed
to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution)
Donald J. Trump for Pres., Inc. v. Philadelphia Cnty. Bd. of Elections, No. 200902035
10/1/2020 YES Pennsylvania Poll observers at early voting locations Dismissed - No statutory basis Election Administrators 10/9/2020 Closed
(Penn. Ct. Common Pleas, Philadelphia County)
In re November 3, 2020 Gen. Election, No. 149 MM 2020 (Penn. Sup. Ct.) 10/4/2020 YES Signature Verification Dismissed - No statutory basis Election Administrators 12/21/2020
Vote-by-Mail (Poll Observer Access;
Pennsylvania Active
Signature Verification Standards;
Trump v. Boockvar, No. 20- (Sup. Ct.) 12/20/2020 TBD TBD TBD 12/20/2020
Notice/Cure for Mismatches Missing
Signature or Mistakes)
Donald J. Trump for Pres., Inc. v. Philadelphia Cnty., No. 983 CD 2020 (Pa. Commw.
10/15/2020 NO Pennsylvania Poll observers at early voting locations Dismissed - No statutory basis Election Administrators 10/23/2020 Closed
Vote-by-Mail (Mail Voting Deadlines [for Granted Injunction. Sequestration
Donald J. Trump for President v. Simon, No. A20-1362 (Minn. Sup. Ct.) 10/28/2020 YES Minnesota Trump/GOP 10/29/2020 Closed
Applying, Receiving, Postmark]) of late ballots
In-Person Voting COVID Concern (Voting
Donald J. Trump for President v. Gloria, No. A-20-824153-C (Nev. Dist. Ct.) 11/3/2020 YES Nevada Granted. Extended poll hours. Trump/GOP 11/3/2020 Closed
Hours; Suspension of In-Person Voting)
In Re: Canvassing Observation, No. 7003 (Penn. Ct. Common Pleas, Philadelphia Cnty.) 11/3/2020 YES Denied - Poll observer access Election Administrators
Vote-by-Mail (Other Vote-by-Mail Issue)
Appeal Granted - Poll observer
In Re: Canvassing Observation, No. 1094 CD 2020 (Penn. Commonw. Ct.) 11/4/2020 YES Trump/GOP
Pennsylvania access 1/11/2021 Active
Vote-by-Mail (Poll Observer Access;
Signature Verification Standards;
Trump v. Boockvar, No. 30 EAP 2020 (Sup. Ct.) 12/20/2020 TBD TBD TBD
Notice/Cure for Mismatches Missing
Signature or Mistakes)
Donald J. Trump for President v. Benson, No. 20-000225-MZ (Mich. Ct. Claims) 11/4/2020
Vote-by-Mail (Drop Boxes/Drop Off
NO Michigan Dismissed - Lacked Timeliness Election Administrators 12/11/2020 Closed
Donald J. Trump for President v. Benson, No. 355378 (Mich. Ct. Appeals) 11/30/2020 Locations; Poll Observer Access)
Donald J. Trump for President v. Benson, No. 162320 (Mich. Sup. Ct.) 12/17/2020
Vote-by-Mail (Other Vote-by-Mail Issue;
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Kathy Boockvar, et al., No. 602 MD 2020 (Pa. Granted Injunction. Late ballots
11/4/2020 YES Pennsylvania Claim that Mail Voting Leads to Fraud Trump/GOP 11/12/2020 Closed
Comm. Ct.) without ID not counted.
and/or Vote Dilution)
In re Enforcement of Election Laws and Securing Ballots Cast or Received After 7:00 Sequestration of Absentee Ballots Dismissed - Interpretation of
11/4/2020 YES Georgia Election Administrators 11/5/2020 Closed
P.M. on November 3, 2020, No. SPCV20-00982 (Ga. Super. Civil) submitted after Election Day Election Code
Donald J. Trump for Pres., Inc. v. Philadelphia Cnty. Bd. of Elections, No. 2:20-cv-
11/5/2020 NO Pennsylvania Poll observers at early voting locations Dismissed per mutual agreement Election Administrators 11/5/2020 Closed
05533-PD (E.D. Pa.)
Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Montgomery County Bd. of Elections... 11/5/2020 YES Pennsylvania Failure to Enforce Vote-by-Mail Standards Dismissed - No statutory basis Election Administrators 11/13/2020 Closed

Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Hobbs, No. CV2020-014248 11/7/2020 NO Pennsylvania Cancelled votes Dismissed - Moot Election Administrators 11/16/2020 Closed
Donald J. Trump for Pres., Inc. v. Boockvar, No. 4:20-cv-02078 (M.D. Pa.) 11/9/2020 Vote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads
Donald J. Trump for Pres., Inc. v. Boockvar, No. 20-3371 (3rd Cir.) 11/22/2020 to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution; Observer
NO Pennsylvania Appellants seek review of the district court Dismissed - Lack Standing Election Administrators 11/27/2020 Closed
Donald J. Trump for President v. Boockvar, No. 20-3371 11/23/2020 for alleged abuse of discretion in denying
their Motion to Amend …
Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Bucks County Bd. of Elections, No. 20-05786-35
11/9/2020 YES
(Penn. Ct. Common Pleas, Bucks County)
Pennsylvania Misc Vote-by-Mail Issues Dismissed - No statutory basis Election Administrators 12/8/2020 Closed
Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Bucks County Bd. of Elections, No. 1191
11/20/2020 YES Pennsylvania Misc Vote-by-Mail Issues Dismissed - No statutory basis Election Administrators 12/8/2020 Closed
C.D. 2020
Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Bucks County Bd. of Elections, No. 676 MAL
11/21/2020 YES
2020 (No. 174 MM 2020)
In Re: Canvass of Absentee and Mail-In Ballots of November 3, 2020 General Election,
11/10/2020 YES
No. 20110894 (Penn. Ct. Common Pleas, Philadelphia County)
In Re: Canvass of Absentee and Mail-In Ballots of November 3, 2020 General
11/10/2020 YES
Election, No. 20110896 (Penn. Ct. Common Pleas, Philadelphia County)
Dismissed - Interpretation of
In Re: Canvass of Absentee and Mail-In Ballots of November 3, 2020 General Vote-by-Mail Issues (Poll Observer Access;
11/10/2020 YES Election Code (voter did not print Election Administrators Closed Closed
Election, No. 20110897 (Penn. Ct. Common Pleas, Philadelphia County) Signature Verification Standards;
Pennsylvania name nor include street address)
Notice/Cure for Mismatches Missing
In Re: Canvass of Absentee and Mail-In Ballots of November 3, 2020 General Signature or Mistakes)
11/10/2020 YES
Election, No. 20110898 (Penn. Ct. Common Pleas, Philadelphia County)
In Re: Canvass of Absentee and Mail-In Ballots of November 3, 2020 General
11/18/2020 YES
Election, No. 31 EAP 2020
Trump v. Boockvar, Nos. 31 EAP 2020, 32 EAP 2020, 33 EAP 2020, 34 EAP 2020,
12/20/2020 TBD TBD TBD 12/20/2020 Active
35 EAP 2020, 29 WAP 2020 (Sup. Ct.)
Vote-by-Mail (Poll Observer Access; Other
Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Benson, No. 1:20-cv-01083 (W.D. Mich.) 11/11/2020 NO Michigan Voluntarily Dismissed (withdrawn) NA 11/19/2020 Closed
Vote-by-Mail Issue)
Vote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads
to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution; Notice/Cure Dismissed: Court lacked
Trump v. Evers, No. 2020AP1971-OA (Wis. Sup. Ct.) 12/1/2020 NO Wisconsin NA 12/3/2020 Closed
for Mismatches Missing Signature or jurisdiction'
Vote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads Denied: Moot; Statutes not
Trump v. Wisconsin Elections Commissions, No. 2:20-cv-01785 (E.D. Wis.) 12/2/2020 NO
to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution) violated.
Election Administrators
Wisconsin Denied: Laches; Statutes not 1/11/2021 Active
Trump v. Wisconsin Elections Commissions, No. 20-3414 (7th Cir.) 12/12/2020 NO
Authority To Act (Electors Clause) violated
Trump v. Wisconsin Elections Commissions, No. 20-883 (Sup. Ct.) 12/30/2020 TBD TBD TBD
Trump v. Biden, No. 2020CV007092 (Wis. Super. Ct., Milwaukee County) 12/3/2020 NA Recount; Illegal Ballots Cast Court affirmed recount
Denied: Laches; Statutes not Election Administrators
Trump v. Biden, No. 2020AP2038 (Wis. Supreme Court) 12/11/2020 NO Wisconsin 1/11/2021 Active
Illegal Ballots Cast violated
Trump v. Biden, No. 20-882 (US Supreme Court) 12/29/2020 TBD TBD TBD
Vote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads
Trump v. Raffensperger, No. 2020CV343255 (Ga. Ct., Fulton County) 12/4/2020 Voluntarily Dismissed (withdrawn)
NA Georgia to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution) NA 1/7/2021 Closed
Trump v. Raffensperger, No. S21M0561 (Ga. Sup. Ct.) 12/11/2020 Authority To Act (Other) Dismissed: Lack of Jurisdiction
Vote-by-Mail (Drop Boxes/Drop Off
Trump v. Toulouse Oliver, No. 1:20-cv-01289 (D.N.M.) 12/14/2020 TBD New Mexico TBD TBD Active
Trump v. Kemp, 1:20-cv-05310-MHC (N.D. Ga.) 12/31/2020 NA Georgia Authority To Act (Electors Clause) Dismissed - Standing Election Administrators 1/5/2021 Closed
Decisions with Trump as Plaintiff Subtotals = 47 17 Note: Trump prevailed in 4 of the 17 cases decided on the merits Trump as Plaintiff: Active = 7

Election Integrity Cases where Trump was not Plaintiff: Decided on Date of
Date Filed State Issue(s) Disposition Ruling Favored Status
Case Name and Number the Merits** Last Order

Davis v. Benson, No. 20-000099-MM (Mich. Ct. Claims) 5/28/2020 NO

Davis v. Benson, No. 1:20-cv-00768 (W.D. Mich.) 8/13/2020 NO Dismissed - Lack Standing &
Michigan Vote-by-Mail (Other Vote-by-Mail Issue) Election Administrators 12/6/2020 Closed
Davis v. Benson, No. 354622 (Court of Appeals) 8/14/2020 NO Statutory interpretation
Davis v. Benson, No. 1:20-cv-00981 (W.D. Mich.) 10/14/2020 NO
Michigan Alliance for Retired Voters v. Benson 6/2/2020 TBD Michigan Illegal extension of voting deadline TBD TBD 10/19/2020 Active
Daunt v. Benson, Case 1:20-cv-00522-RJJ-RSK 6/9/2020 TBD Michigan Clean-up, purge voter rolls TBD TBD 9/11/2020 Active
Vote-by-Mail (Signature Verification
Standards; Claim that Mail Voting Leads to
RNC v. Weipert, No. 06521 CVCV081957 (Iowa Dist. Ct., Johnson County) 8/10/2020 YES Iowa Corrective Action Ordered Trump/GOP 9/12/2020 Closed
Fraud and/or Vote Dilution; Other Vote-by-
Mail Issue)
RNC v. Gill, No. 03971 EQCV193154 (Iowa Dist. Ct., Woodbury County) 8/14/2020 YES Injunction Granted Trump/GOP
Iowa Prepopulating of mail-in ballots 10/16/2020 Closed
RNC v. Gill, No. 20-1169 (Iowa Sup. Ct.) 8/15/2020 YES Stay Granted Trump/GOP
Carson v. Simon, CASE 0:20-cv-02030-NEB-TNL 9/22/2020 NO Minnesota Voting Deadline Extension Voluntarily Dismissed (withdrawn) NA 12/9/2020 Closed
Vote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads
to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution; Mail Voting
Deadlines [for Applying, Receiving,
Wise v. N.C. State Bd. of Elections, No. 5:20-cv-00505 (E.D.N.C.) 9/26/2020 NO Postmark]; Notice/Cure for Mismatches
North Carolina Missing Signature or Mistakes; Postage Denied: Standing Election Administrators 11/5/2020 Closed
Requirement, Witness and/or Notary
Wise v. NC State Bd. of Elections, No. 20-2063 (4th Cir.) 10/18/2020 NO
Extension of voting deadlines
Wise v. NC State Bd. of Elections, No. 20A71 (US Supreme Court) 10/26/2020 NO
Plaintiffs oppose relaxation of voting
Moore v. Circosta 8/10/2020 NO North Carolina Denied: Standing Election Administrators 12/6/2020 Closed
requirements due to COVID-19
Mi Familia Vota v. Hobbs, Case: 20-16932, 10/13/2020, ID: 11857294 9/30/2020 TBD Arizona Illegal extension of voting deadline TBD TBD 10/13/2020 Active
Judicial Watch v Griswold, Case 1:20-cv-02992-PAB-KMT 10/5/2020 TBD Colorado Bloated Voter Rolls TBD TBD 1/14/2021 Active
Private Funding for Local Election
Wisconsin Voters Alliance vs. Wisconsin Election Commissions 10/9/2020 TBD Wisconsin TBD TBD 11/23/2020 Active
Bognet v. Boockvar, No. 20-3214 10/12/2020 TBD Pennsylvania Illegal extension of voting deadline TBD TBD 1/22/2021 Active
Vote-by-Mail (Mail Voting Deadlines [for
Republican Party of Pa v. Boockvar, Sec. of Pa, Et Al., 592 U.S. __ (S. Ct.) 10/19/2020 YES Pennsylvania Stay Granted Trump/GOP 11/6/2020 Closed
Applying, Receiving, Postmark])
Kraus v. Cegavske, No. 20 OC 00142 1B (Nev. Dist. Ct., Carson City) 10/23/2020 Vote-by-Mail (Poll Observer Access;
NO Nevada Dismissed - Standing Election Administrators 11/10/2020 Closed
Kraus v. Cegavske, No. 82018 (Nev. Sup. Ct.) 11/3/2020 Signature Verification Standards;
Hotze v. Hollins 10/27/2020 NA Texas Drive through voting Dismissed - Standing Election Administrators 10/27/2020 Closed
Nev. Republican Central Comm. v. Clark Cnty., No. A-20-8238210W (Nev. Dist. Ct.,
10/27/2020 YES Nevada Request for various voter data Mostly Granted Trump/GOP 11/2/2020 Closed
Clark Cnty.)
Vote-by-Mail (Signature Verification
Pirkle v. Wolf, No. 4:20-cv-02088-MWB (M.D. Penn.) 11/10/2020 NO Pennsylvania Voluntarily Dismissed (withdrawn) NA 11/16/2020 Closed
Standards; Poll Observer Access)
Vote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads
Bally v. Whitmer, No. 1:20-cv-1088 (W.D. Mich) 11/11/2020 NO Michigan to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution; Observer Voluntarily Dismissed (withdrawn) NA 11/16/2020 Closed
Law v. Whitmer, No. 10 OC 00163 1B (Nev. Dist. Ct., Carson City) 11/17/2020
Challenge to Voting Machinery / Hardware / Denied: Voting machine irregularities.
NO Nevada Election Administrators 12/17/2020 Closed
Law v. Whitmer, No. 82178 (Nev. Supreme Court) 12/10/2020 Software: Accepting Invalid Signatures Discovery opposed and not granted

Ziccarelli v. Allegheny County Board of Elections, No. GD-20-11654 11/12/2020 YES Dismissed: Interpretation of law Election Administrators 11/18/2020
Ziccarelli v. Allegheny County Board of Elections, No. 1162 CD 2020 (Penn. Mail In Ballots: Failure to write name,
11/19/2020 YES Pennsylvania Injunction Granted Trump/GOP 11/20/2020 Closed
Commonw. Ct.) address, and date on outer envelope, etc.
Ziccarelli v. Allegheny County Board of Elections, No. 29 WAP 2020 11/20/2020 YES Dismissed: Interpretation of law Election Administrators 12/2/2020
Kelly v. Pennsylvania, No. 620 MD 2020 11/21/2020 YES Injunction Granted Trump/GOP 11/21/2020 Closed
Kelly v. Pennsylvania, No. No. 68 MAP 2020 (Penn. Sup. Ct. 11/25/2020 NO Pennsylvania Legality of No Excuse Absentee voting Dismissed - Timeliness (laches) Election Administrators 11/29/2020 Closed
Kelly v. Pennsylvania, No. 20A98 / 20-810 (Sup. Ct.) 12/3/22020 TBD TBD TBD 1/21/2021 Active
Bailey v. Antrim County, Michigan 11/25/2020 YES Michigan Voting machine improperly counted votes Discovery Granted Trump/GOP 11/25/2020 Active
Vote by Mail (Ballot harvesting; signature
Kistner v. Simon 11/24/2020 NO Minnesota Dismissed - Timeliness (laches) Election Administrators 12/4/2020 Closed
matching; etc.)
Coreco Ja'Qan Pearson, et al v. Kemp, USCA11 Case: 20-14480 11/25/2020 NO Georgia Voting machine irregularities Dismissed - Jurisdiction Election Administrators 12/4/2020 Closed

King v. Whitmer, No. 2:20-cv-13134-LVP-RSW (E.D. Mich.) 11/25/2020 NO Michigan Vote-by-Mail (Poll Observer Access) Dismissed - Moot / Laches Election Administrators 12/7/2020 Closed

Johnson v. Benson, No. 162286 (Mich. Sup. Ct.) 11/26/2020 NO Michigan Vote-by-Mail (Other Vote-by-Mail Issue) Dismissed - Moot / Standing Election Administrators 12/9/2020 Closed
Vote-by-Mail (Failure to Include
Feehan v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, No. 2:20-cv-1771 (E.D. Wis.) 12/1/2020 NO Wisconsin Dismissed - Lack Standing Election Administrators 12/9/2020 Closed
Authority To Act (Elections Clause; Electors
Bowyer v. Ducey, No. 2:20-cv-02321-DJH (D. Ariz.) 12/2/2020 TBD Arizona TBD TBD 12/9/2020 Active
Texas v. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia (US Supreme Court) 12/7/2020 NO Various Violations of State Election Laws Dismissed: Standing Election Administrators Closed
Vote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads
Still v. Raffensperger, No. 2020CV343711 (Ga. Super. Ct., Fulton Cnty.) 12/12/2020 NO Georgia Voluntarily Dismissed (withdrawn) NA 1/7/2021 Closed
to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution)
Favorito v. Cooney 12/28/2020 TBD Georgia Improper Ballot Counting TBD TBD 12/28/2202 Active
Decisions with Trump not Plaintiff Subtotals = 43 10 Note: Plaintiff prevailed in 8 of 10 cases decided on the merits Trump not plaintiff: Active = 10

Trump as Defendant: Decided on Date of

Date Filed State Issue(s) Disposition Ruling Favored Status
Case Name and Number Merits Last Order
New York v. Trump, No. 1:20-cv-02340 (D.D.C.) 8/25/2020 YES DC Vote-by-Mail (US Postal Service) Injunction Granted Plaintiff 9/27/2020 Closed
Decisions with Trump, et al as defendant = 1 1 Note: Defendant prevailed.

Decided on Active
For All 2020 Presidential Election Cases # of Decisions
Merits Status
Grand Totals = 91 28 Note: Trump and/or plaintiff prevailed in 12 of 28 cases decided on the merits 17

Main References: *Main Topics are: a) Rules and Regulation legalities or interpretation (e.g. about absentee ballots); b) Process illegalities (officials correcting ballot errors, etc.);
Stanford Healthy Elections Tracker c) Voter Improprieties (e.g. non-citizens voting, non-registered citizens voting, deceased parties voting, registered voters voting twice, etc.)
Scotusblog Election Litigation Tracker and/or d) Voting Machine irregularities (e.g. an algorithm changing the actual results, etc.).
Wikipedia Pre-election 2020 Election Lawsuits
Wikipedia Post-election 2020 Election Lawsuits
Democracy Docket Election Lawsuits
Business Insider Election Lawsuits
Here is the Evidence
Public Interest Legal Foundation

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