How Netflix Reinvented HR: by Patty Mccord
How Netflix Reinvented HR: by Patty Mccord
How Netflix Reinvented HR: by Patty Mccord
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Artwork: Freegums, Good Vibrations, 2011, acrylic on wood, 8′ x 15′
Sheryl Sandberg has called it one of the most important documents ever to come out of Silicon
Valley. It’s been viewed more than 5 million times on the web. But when Reed Hastings and I
(along with some colleagues) wrote a PowerPoint deck explaining how we shaped the culture and
motivated performance at Netflix, where Hastings is CEO and I was chief talent officer from 1998
to 2012, we had no idea it would go viral. We realized that some of the talent management ideas
we’d pioneered, such as the concept that workers should be allowed to take whatever vacation time
they feel is appropriate, had been seen as a little crazy (at least until other companies started
adopting them). But we were surprised that an unadorned set of 127 slides—no music, no
animation—would become so influential.
People find the Netflix approach to talent and culture compelling for a few reasons. The most
obvious one is that Netflix has been really successful: During 2013 alone its stock more than
tripled, it won three Emmy awards, and its U.S. subscriber base grew to nearly 29 million. All that
aside, the approach is compelling because it derives from common sense. In this article I’ll go
beyond the bullet points to describe five ideas that have defined the way Netflix attracts, retains,
and manages talent. But first I’ll share two conversations I had with early employees, both of
which helped shape our overall philosophy.
One day I was talking with one of our best engineers, an employee I’ll call John. Before the
layoffs, he’d managed three engineers, but now he was a one-man department working very long
hours. I told John I hoped to hire some help for him soon. His response surprised me. “There’s no
rush—I’m happier now,” he said. It turned out that the engineers we’d laid off weren’t spectacular
—they were merely adequate. John realized that he’d spent too much time riding herd on them and
fixing their mistakes. “I’ve learned that I’d rather work by myself than with subpar performers,” he
said. His words echo in my mind whenever I describe the most basic element of Netflix’s talent
philosophy: The best thing you can do for employees—a perk better than foosball or free sushi—is
hire only “A” players to work alongside them. Excellent colleagues trump everything else.
The second conversation took place in 2002, a few months after our IPO. Laura, our bookkeeper,
was bright, hardworking, and creative. She’d been very important to our early growth, having
devised a system for accurately tracking movie rentals so that we could pay the correct royalties.
But now, as a public company, we needed CPAs and other fully credentialed, deeply experienced
accounting professionals—and Laura had only an associate’s degree from a community college.
Despite her work ethic, her track record, and the fact that we all really liked her, her skills were no
longer adequate. Some of us talked about j