The Characteristics of Architecture Style of The T
The Characteristics of Architecture Style of The T
The Characteristics of Architecture Style of The T
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mozahim Mohammed Mustafa on 29 October 2018.
Abstract: Problem statement: Mosul city distinguishes itself in its architecture style which has
earned and developed through ages. However, this style is now prone to extinction. This is due to the
lack of studies which clarify the characteristics of architecture style in the traditional architecture of
the city and benefit from it for future designs and to maintain the architecture identity of the city.
The above problem made local architects rely on Western concepts in the process of construction
and expansion that occurred in this city since the second decade of the twentieth century.
Approach: Therefore, there is a need to have studies showing the characteristics of architecture style
of the traditional buildings in Mosul city, so that it can be invested in current and future designs. One
study can not be enough to clarify the characteristics of Architecture style in the city, because of the
building functional diversity, so it is necessary to focus on one type of building which are the
residential houses. The residential houses represent most of the urban fabric of the Mosul city and this
is a key component of the identity of the city architecture in general. Results: Thus stating the research
problem as “lack of clear perception of the characteristics of architecture style of the traditional houses
in Mosul city to consider in future designs” and having in mind this problem, the goal of this research
has been set to clarify these characteristics. The hypothesis has been developed concerning these
properties: Identification of a methodology for the research to achieve the goal and verification of the
hypothesis. Conclusion: Finally, architectural style that characterized the traditional residential houses
in the light of several levels, which are the basic components and formal relations (organization of
space, mass configuration) and fine architectural treatments, were provided.
Corresponding Author: Mozahim Mohammed Mustafa, Department of Architecture Design and Theory,
College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
Tel: 008615909320101
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 3 (2): 380-389, 2010
Based on the above and to solve the problem of The above mentioned studies indicate that the
loss of local privacy, it is necessary to make studies previous literatures which dealt with the traditional
taking into consideration the characteristics of houses in Mosul were either documentary study to
architectural style of buildings in the city of Mosul, for some of buildings to statement of specific
application in future projects. The process of defining characteristics, or description and analysis in general
architectural style and the characteristics statement in without going into deep analysis. So it is difficult to
Mosul can not be done in one study, but in numerous take advantage from this or other studies directly to be
studies because of the multiplicity patterns of structural, applied in the future designs of houses in Mosul. It
functional and richness of architecture treatments in all requires doing an analytical study that highlights the
of these buildings. architectural characteristics of the traditional houses in
Mosul to be applied by the local architect beneficiary of
On this basis, this research focuses on the specific
these and other studies to highlight the characteristics of
pattern, which are the houses in Mosul city because the
architectural style of the traditional houses in Mosul.
houses represents the great fabric of Mosul city and Hence, we can identify the problem of finding as
therefore it is considered the most important part in a” lack of clear perception the characteristics of the
shaping the identity of the city and identify privacy of architecture style of the traditional houses in Mosul city
architectural style. In addition to that, this type of to investment in future designs”. Therefore, the aim of
functional lost the privacy as the internal structure has the research is to bridge this gap of scientific
changed dramatically from what was in the past through knowledge, since determining the characteristics of
the advent Western culture concepts, which occurred in architectural style in any building is to diagnose the
early of this century and led to change its features physical properties of architectural style of buildings in
gradually and dramatically (Sangaree, 1990). the light of multiple levels, which are the basic
All the studies which addressed the Mosul houses components and formal relations (organization of
were either documentary, a historical narrative or as space, mass configuration) and fine architectural
part of a general study. Some of these studies are: treatments.
The research hypothesis will state basis on the
• Study of the Construction Engineering Office above levels, since the hypothesis involves multiple
under supervision of Professor Thanoon (1983) levels, so secondary hypotheses concerning these levels
and others “residential buildings in the city of can be formulated as:
Mosul”, which is a documentary study of four • Dependence on partition style and the parts
major houses in the city of Mosul. The study dominate the total mass at the level of regulation of
includes a description of these houses in terms of space and mass composition.
design, construction terms and architectural • The basic components per house vary with the
treatments, supported by graphics and architectural diversity of its treatments
shapes and illustrations (Thanoon, 1983) • The diversity and richness of arts and architectural
• Study of Dr. Ahmad Kassem Aljumah treatments inside the Mosul house, Contrary to the
“environmental treatments of heritage housing outside
designs in Mosul” a study in the environmental
field, as a researcher dealing with the MATERIALS AND METHODS
environmental treatments such as basements that
were used to siesta in the summer (Aljumah, Measurement of variables and sample selection: To
1988b), in addition to other studies on the housing measure the variables three basic aspects must be
as part of general studies about the heritage clarified:
buildings in Mosul, including studies in the • The type of measurements that are used to measure
economic field. In the economic studies he was the variables
describing the parts of the houses and the different • Way to collect the information for the
of these parts from one house to another according measurement purpose
to the economic situation (Aljumah, 1988a) • The selection of samples
• Part of Other studies have dealt with the heritage
residential buildings in Mosul such as the study of The measurements of the variables are the
Janabi (1982) which dealt in part from his study: qualitative measures that define the possible values.
“The internal structure of the house Mosul” by This type of measurement is in agreement with the
description and analysis but in general and not in- nature of these variables. Table 1-3 depict results of the
depth case study, showing the possible values of the variables.
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 3 (2): 380-389, 2010
Table 1: The results of the repeated characteristics of the basic component of Mosul houses
House of House of House of House of
The variables The value in the samples Algalilean Abdouni Altutunge Ziada
The main entrance A transitional space behind direct access *
Entry indirectly through a transitional space refracted * * *
Secondary entrances Direct access
Entry indirectly through a transitional space refracted * *
The inner courtyard One internal courtyard *
(the yard) Two inner courtyard (private, general) * * *
The main parts
Ewan The ceiling height is double volume *
The ceiling height is one floor or two-floor (various) * * *
Ewan ground higher than the courtyard * * *
Ewan ground is variety (higher than courtyard *
or the same level of the courtyard ground)
Rooms Is a one space or several spaces * * * *
The ceiling height is one floor or two-floor (various) * * * *
Single rooms Is a one space or several spaces * * *
The ceiling height is one floor or two-floor (various) * * *
Basement Under the yard only *
Under the yard and the structural parts * *
*Alrhrh Under the structural parts from one side of the house * *
Galleries and cantilevers Overlooking the yard on one side or part of it * *
Overlooking the yard on two side or one side and part of other * *
Kitchen Represents a distinct part of the house * * *
A space follow to the private internal courtyard *
*:Alrhrh is a basement which its ceiling higher than the level of courtyard ground and under the building structure
Table 2: The results of repeated characteristics of the formal relations in Mosul houses
House of House of House of House
The variables The value in the samples Al-Galilean Altutunge Abdouni of Ziada
Space organization
Organization style
At the total mass level The overall composition is a multi-center * * *
The overall composition is central *
At the detailed level The major parts in the configuration is the * * * *
organization tripartite
The main movement system Two centers (radial movement) linked with axis * * *
Refracted the main movement is radial *
The space sequence (Depth) High space Sequence and the large level of privacy * * *
and the privacy levels high space Sequence and a low level of privacy *
The style and direction of openness
The rooms entrance Opening directly toward the yard * *
Opening through transitional space (Ewan, galleries) * * * *
Internal windows Opening to the internal space directly or opening to * * * *
transitional space (Ewan, arcades, Galleries)
External windows There is a little openness to the outside and the * *
openness especially in the upper floor
There is no opening to the outside * *
Mass configuring
General form is geometrical A geometric shape is irregular * * *
A regular geometric shape *
Relationship between mass and space
The general courtyard The mass surrounding the space on tow side * * *
The private courtyard Mass surrounding space on three sides or more * * * *
Mass installation
At the macro level The main parts connecting by a transitional space * * * *
At the detailed level There is an relationship of overlay and overlap * * * *
in addition to the relationship of juxtaposition
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 3 (2): 380-389, 2010
Table 3: The results of the repeated characteristics of the architectural composition of Mosul houses
House of House of House of House
The variables The value in the samples Al-Galilean Altutunge Abdouni of Ziada
Elements of composition
Materials A variety of materials are plaster, stone and marble. * * * *
Building system Basic system is a bearing walls system with structural * * * *
system in some parts such as Basement and Arcades
Architectural treatments
The forms of arches and openings
The main entrance Arc tapered * * * *
Ewan Arc tapered * * * *
The rooms entrance without arc (the high threshold is straight) * * * *
Arc Oblate (arc of Mosul) *
Windows without arc *
Circle arc *
Arc Oblate (arc of Mosul) * * * *
Galleries circle arc *
Arc tapered * * *
Without arc *
Architecture treatments of openings
The main entrance Framing of the stone with decorative treatments * *
Framing of the stone without decorative treatments * *
Ewan Framing by more than one the framework of marble * * *
with decorative and written treatments
Without decorative treatments *
The rooms entrance Framing of marble without decoration *
Framing of marble with decoration * *
Windows Framing of marble without decoration * *
Framing of marble with decoration *
Arcades Framing of marble without decoration *
Framing of marble with decoration * * *
Architecture treatments of walls
Inner walls of the spaces Niches (niche in the walls) * * * *
Forms of niches in the corners or walls *
*Muqarnas *
A variety treatments of plaster
Decorative ledge * *
Decorative tapes * *
Frames from ornate plaster * * * *
Written plasterboard * *
Cladding the walls with marble and * * *
Elements of marble
Walls overlooking the courtyard Cladding the walls with decorative marble or * * * *
non-decorative marble
Niches (niche in the walls) * * *
Cornices of marble and plaster
Stucco cladding * * *
External walls Stucco cladding * * * *
*Muqarnas stalactite in scientific expression, but Muqarnas in all language when you are specialized in architecture- name of Arabic origin,
forms of Asian origin-seljukide of Anatolia- XII century. A constructive way for transition from cube to dome
Either of the ways of collecting information to Construction have been selected. The reason is because
measure these variables was based on description of the it has maintained its architectural and structural
buildings in the architecture literatures as well as the components so far. Also, as one of the most important
forms and charts and illustrations. The method to and the biggest houses in the city of Mosul, it has the
extract information from it is the process of analysis characteristics that reflect the architecture in Mosul
and observation to find the values of variables. The very well. Moreover, these houses were houses of
form number (A-1, B-1) describes this method, which powerful ruling class, which was taking into
represents a model for analysis of one house in the consideration the architectural aspects largely. In
study sample. addition to that, these houses dated back to the pre-
As for the selection of samples, four samples that England colonial and before the change that took place
have been documented by the Office of Engineering in the schematic style of houses in Mosul (Aljumah,
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 3 (2): 380-389, 2010
1989), as the building period of these houses return to The change in the structure of intellectual and
the period between the mid-eighteenths to the second knowledge must be coupled with change in the models
half of the nineteenth century. and the change in the composition of the physical
components by different elements of the place and the
These houses are: House of Amin Bik Al-Galilean in emergence of new structural materials and new
1748, House of Al-Tutunge in 1815, House Abdouni technology lead to emergence of a new model and the
the early eighteenth century AD and House Ziada in the top of change resulting from the change in both
second half of the nineteenth century AD. intellectual and physical structure (Kazim, 2000).
The research methodology to select a goal and
verification of a major hypothesis and secondary Analytical system for measuring the characteristics
hypotheses will be: of architecture style: Through what was covered on
the Style concept showing that there are two levels of
• Define the concept of style and composition of an the style which are the intellectual, cognitive level and
analytical system for measuring the characteristics visual level. In other words, the concepts embody
of architecture style of the traditional houses, physically through the form. This research will focus on
taking advantage of previous studies in this area the level of physical configuration, without addressing
• The application of this analytical system on the concepts of intellectual and knowledge that shaped
specific samples of the traditional houses in Mosul it because the scope of this research is limited, but the
city concepts that shaped the Style of Mosul house can be
taken up in complementary research in future.
• Extract the characteristics of the architecture style
The process of studying the characteristics of the
of these houses through the application process
architecture style of Mosul houses requires an
• Reach the general conclusions concerning the
analytical system with a basic vocabulary to diagnose
characteristics of the architecture style of Mosul
these characteristics. In the architectural literature focus
houses to benefit in future designs
has been made on the physical composition of the
architecture at multiple levels of the major architectural
In the light of this methodology, the research models that reflect the characteristics of the architecture
contents have been sequenced: style. The architectural literature indicated that the
The concept of style in architecture: The style has study of architectural models to purpose of extracting
been defined in architecture in the light of the literature the physical characteristics of architecture style would
and ideas that it is language embodied sense physically; require the following:
it has the fundamentals and rules of synthetic and
formulation basis in the mind and requires them out
• Study the ingredients of physical composition for
into the world presence physical means or system to
the period under study, which includes building
reflect the merits of building materials and construction
materials and construction techniques and systems
techniques and other elements of the physical
(Kazim, 2000; Akbar, 1981; Baker, 1996)
configuration (Kazim, 2000). On this basis the Style is
a way or model. It is a medium to express spiritual • Identify the basic building patterns and their basic
components (Kazim, 2000; Akbar, 1981)
values and civilization and humanity, a language that
can be developed and adapt with the times (Kazim, • Study the formal relationships of the architecture
2000). Thus, the architecture style is the language model and this can be manifested at several levels
containing the method or pattern to translate ideas into and as stated in many literature, especially by
forms. Frankel (Kazim, 2000); Akbar (1981) and Baker
Whether the styles are products, the requirements (1996)
of cultural, social, sensory, expressive or functional, it
remains governed by the intellectual dimensions of The regulation of space: That dealt with devised basic
absolute non-visual absolute and physical embodied characteristics of formal relations at the level of the
visually (Kazim, 2000). The intellectual and cognitive schema through the schemes analysis of structural
dimension is style reflected in so-called model which patterns which are the pattern of the basic organization
represents a special case and limited features, the of the schemes (Kazim, 2000; Baker, 1996), the
physical elements configuration contribute in movement system (Akbar, 1981; Baker, 1996), the
embodying , the style generated by repeating this model gradient of space, levels of privacy (Akbar, 1981) and
(Kazim, 2000). style of openness and its orientation (Akbar, 1981).
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 3 (2): 380-389, 2010
The mass formation: that dealt with study the mass, its higher than the level of ground courtyard, The level
relations and Structure, Which is represent by study the of its roof at the same level of the upper floor roof
general form and its relationship with space (Baker, and It will be either at two-floor high or one-floor
1996) and mass parts relations with each other (Kazim, high according to its ground, Fig. 4: Section (1).
2000). • The rooms are either individual rooms or
connected with other spaces and its ceiling high
The treatments of architectural form: these deals can be either at one floor if there are rooms above
with visual values of architecture, the detailed and or at two floors level, Fig. 4: Section (2).
decorative treatments that make the architectural style • There are individual rooms and accessed to it by a
distinct (Kazim, 2000; Akbar, 1981). These are Gallery or cantilever which separates the master
represented by openings of doors and windows and suites and may be Rooms are either individual
other openings and the manner and form of treatment as space or connected with other spaces and its ceiling
well as how to address a whole internal and external high can be either at one floor or at two floors level
walls. • There is an architectural elements building under
the private courtyard in the western part which was
Application: The application process has been done for a basement and access to it by stairs located in the
the four samples, included the analysis of forms, plans south suite (Thanoon, 1983).
and illustrations, in addition to all cases of this • There are Galleries in the house, as there were
description of the samples and the extraction of the Gallery in the northern part under the northern
values of variables for each sample. House of Amin Bik suite the upper and had been cutting to several
Al-Galilean put up as a model for the analysis and spaces (Thanoon, 1983) There is another Gallery in
extraction of the values of variables. Form No. (A-1, B the South part as well as an new Gallery
-1). overlooking the General courtyard is Located on
The process of extraction the characteristic of one side (Thanoon, 1983). In addition to the
architecture style of Mosul houses was taken through Galleries, there are cantilevers on the upper part
the extract of recurrent or similar characteristics in and sides of the Ewan.
accordance with a specific format and in accordance • There is a special part connected the private
with the vocabulary table of characteristics of courtyard through the North Gallery which is
architecture style, variables and values. kitchen part.
Have been diagnosed the values of the basic
components and relationships at the level of formal Formal relations:
organization of space and composition mass, In Space organization:
addition to diagnosing the values of the repeated
characteristic of Fine treatments and diagnostic the • The pattern of the whole mass organization is a
values of the development and stability of the building multi-center occupies the courtyard main focus in
materials and prevailing structural techniques. this configuration either the pattern of the detailed
parts in house is a tripartite, Plan (1).
Form No (A-1): House of Amin Bik Al-Galilean: • The axes of movement Branched from the main
Basic components: courtyards to the spaces of house radially and link
between these courtyards by axes movement
• There is main entrance leads to the general indirectly through intermediate spaces and
courtyard, through the intermediate space in the Arcades, Plan (1).
form of a right angle (Thanoon, 1983), plan (1). • That this organization is mostly reflecting a
There are Canceled secondary entrances, one in the hierarchy of importance for the activities and the
middle of the North Gallery and the other one in achievement of great depth and high level of
the old kitchen the through a tunnel connected with privacy as the main spaces are not accessible only
the house of Mohammad Sidique Galiean. There through the intermediate spaces, Fig. 2.
are two courtyards, one general for Reception, • The entrances of the main spaces open to
stables and other one is private for the population intermediate space (Ewan, Arcade, Gallery) which
of House (Thanoon, 1983). opens toward the courtyard and some entrances of
• House consists of the master suites composed of spaces
Ewan and rooms on either side, plan (3: a-3, b-3), • either be inside these rooms or direct from the
Ewan open towards the courtyard and its ground courtyard
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 3 (2): 380-389, 2010
• For the windows, in general the main openness of • The total mass, as evident from the general form is
spaces is toward the courtyard. This openness may a multi-part, which is the public part, private part
be varied through intermediate space (Ewan, and services (kitchen) and these parts are linked
Gallery and Arcade), or the opening toward the through intermediate spaces represented by Gallery
courtyard directly, or have both together and and secondary spaces to connect these parts
opening to the outside will be limited to certain
spaces that are open at the same time to inside
house, Fig. 3: Plan (3: a-3, b-3; 4: a-4, b-4).
Mass configuration:
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(a) (b)
• Inner walls of the rooms and Ewan have a variety Fig. 5: (a): Photo no. 1: The main entrance; (b): Photo
of treatments represented by Niches in the corners no. 2: Plaster treatments and cornices; (c):
or walls in addition to a variety plaster treatments, Photo no. 3: Niches in the corner; (d): Photo no.
are written and decorative panels, cornices and 4: Plaster treatments and cornices; (e): Photo
ribbons plaster decorated with and colorful, Fig. 5: no. 5: The western wall clad by marble and
Photo no. (2-4). marble Arches
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 3 (2): 380-389, 2010
• The walls overlooking the courtyard own different courtyard. The rooms are either single or a space
treatments, the western wall clad by marble and communicates with another space and some of
marble arches. The pillars adjacent to the wall spaces communicate with other spaces through
filled with plant and engineering ornate marble, as stairs called Attic. The Galleries are different in
well as for the south Gallery covered with ornate terms of surrounding to the courtyard with
marble and the rest of the walls painted by stucco, difference in surface treatments in each house (as
Fig. 5: Photo no. (5) and Section (1 and 2). in House of Amin Bik Al-Galilean)
• There are no fine architectural treatments in the • The idea of the house in Mosul is dependence of
exterior walls which are mostly adjacent to the partition and the parts dominated on the whole at
walls of nearby houses, the walls overlooking the the level of regulation of space and the mass
alley are painted by stucco, that do not have any composition. Those parts of the houses (public,
architecture treatments except the main entrance private, kitchen) are possibly independent from
and openings. each other (actually this is what happened in the
house of Altutunge at the present time, as its
RESULTS kitchen and public part were separated from the
whole and became a contiguous houses)
The results of the application: The values of variables • There is a difference between the pattern of
of the system vocabulary analytical study of the regulation at the whole level and the regulation
samples were drawn after the analysis of these samples pattern of its parts. The overall composition is a
and then compare these values with each other for each multi-center; main part in the configuration is the
variable of study samples to extract the common courtyard, representing breather house and the
characteristics of architecture style. construction parts of configuration overlooking
The results of the application revealed a similarity toward it, in addition to being a distributor of the
in values of the most variables, which refer to common movement to these parts. The major parts in the
architectural features that illustrate architectural style of configuration are the tripartite organization,
houses in Mosul. The results shown also that there are regardless of the individual rooms (Independent
some architectural features that are not fixed in the rooms). These parts are possible to operate as an
model of house in Mosul because the values of these integrated system separated from the house as a
variables were different with each other which mean whole so that some are used in the boarding
that these characteristics is not a constant presence and upstairs
therefore has no role in determining the architectural • The house of Mosul has a high Privacy, the access
style of these houses and can be seen from Table 1-3. to the main focus of the house (the courtyard) is
done through a series of median spaces and indirect
DISCUSSION entrance, in addition to the large Depths of the
house space by the space sequence of the rooms.
• There is a noticeable diversity in the main Also, the opening toward the main courtyard inside
components of the houses in Mosul. There are two the house strengthens this Privacy. The opening is
kinds of entrances namely the primary and made through the intermediate spaces which are
secondary entrances. The rooms are either within open toward the courtyard (through the Ewan and
main parts or conceived in separated parts. The Galleries). The openness towards the outside is a
basement will either be fully under the ground little at the top floor and it is non-existent at the
floor or its ceiling higher than the level of ground floor
courtyard ground and under the building structure • Mass composition is dominated by the irregular
called “Alrhrh”. Also, the galleries which are either geometry and the mass composition control the
parts of the building construction, or of light space through the surrounding (especially the
materials and which in general do not carry private courtyard). A large rise of the construction
something above, are called cantilever parts surrounding the courtyard, which makes the
• Although the main components of houses in Mosul house having a distinct large mass
are various, different treatments are dedicated to • There is an articulation in the mass composition
these parts. The ceiling of Ewan can be up one which found between the major parts and the
floor or two floors as well as the Ewan also detailed, as the main parts connected with each
different from each other in the height of ground in other through intermediate spaces, the detailed
the same house compare with the ground level of parts connected with each other through the
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