Camouflage Stencil: Spray Paint Instructions

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The instructions will be for Marpat Desert but any digital pattern is painted in the same way. The swatches are for
matching your paint for different patterns. They are also in the order they should be painted in.
STEP Sand any surfaces you want to paint with 220-320 grit sand paper. Dissemble the object
into as many individual pieces as possible. Wash the surfaces with a degreaser cleaner
1 and rinse with water. Remove or use painters tape to tape off any areas you don’t want
painted. Use wire to hang the object(s) you want to paint with wire in a well ventilated
area. If outside avoid painting on a windy day.
STEP Spray the objects with primer and follow the spray paints guidelines for dry time to sand

the primer. After sanding wipe the objects with a wet rag and hang them on the wire
again. Spray Color Swatch 1 (dark tan) on the object(s). Fully cover the gun with the color.
Allow the paint to dry to handling time. You should complete the entire paint job within
24 hours for the paints to cure together to prevent chipping while removing stencils.

STEP Now it’s time to apply your first layer of stencils. The stencils you will be using are basi-

cally decals designed to mask off areas for painting. Begin peeling off individual stencils
and apply them to your objects. For the first layer you should find smaller stencils and
spread them apart. If you have a difficult time peeling stencils from the sheet use twee-
zers. Take advantage of our stencils ability to bend and conform to curves and corners by
wrapping them around edges. Press down each stencil with force to ensure no paint can
spray around the edges.
Hang up the objects on wire again and spray your object for a second layer of color. Spray
STEP paint Color Swatch 2 (light medium tan) completely covering the object in a solid brown



Apply a second layer of stencils. This layer should have the most stencils applied cover-
ing 40% of the objects.


5 Hang up the objects on wire again and spray your object for a third layer of color. Spray
paint Color Swatch 3 (medium tan) completely covering the object in a solid tan color.

6 Apply a third layer of stencils spacing the stencils out like layer one.

STEP Hang up the objects on wire again and spray your object for the fourth and final layer of

7 color. Spray paint Color Swatch 4 (light tan) completely covering the object in solid color.

Allow the objects to dry to handling. It’s time to peel off your stencils and reveal your fin-
STEP ished paint job! Lightly sand the objects with 320-400 grit sand paper - this makes it easi-

8 er to peel off the stencils. If you are having a hard time removing stencils use tweezers to
get the edge up. Lightly sand again to smooth the edges of the paint. Use matte clear coat
on your finished gun and your mission is complete!

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