Training Evaluation Form: 1. Course/Unit Content & Structure
Training Evaluation Form: 1. Course/Unit Content & Structure
Training Evaluation Form: 1. Course/Unit Content & Structure
2. Delivery Methods
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
The electronic media used in the presentation assisted to
better my learning and understanding.
The delivery methods were suitable for the content of this
The delivery methods assisted my learning and
The method used by the instructor made the content clear
and easy to understand.
3. Training Activities
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
3.1 The activities encouraged my participation.
3.2 The activities increased my learning.
4. Instructor/Facilitator
Strongly Strongly
5. Training Environment and Administration Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
The instructor presented the content clearly and was easy to Strongly Strongly
understand. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
5.1 The instructor
The venue effectively
provided a goodused the training
learning materials to assist
my learning.
The training organisation staff respected my background and
5.2 The instructor identified real world examples that assisted
4.3 needs.
my learning, to make it more relevant to my workplace.