Effect of Bread Making Process On Aflatoxin Level

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Journal of Chemical Health Risks

Journal of Chemical Health Risks (2014) 4(4), 1–7


Effect of Bread Making Process on Aflatoxin Level

Jafar Milani1*, Seyed Saman Seyed Nazari2, Elmira Bamyar1, Gisou Maleki3

Department of Food Science and Technology, Sari Agricultural Science and Natural Resource University, Sari,
Department of Chemistry, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
Department of Food Science and Technology, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

(Received: 1 August 2014 Accepted: 2 October 2014)

ABSTRACT: Wheat flour is a commodity with a high risk of aflatoxins (AFs) contamination.
During the bread making there are many processes that can affect the AFs stability. The effect of
bread making process using different yeast types on AFs levels was investigated. For this purpose,

Aflatoxins standards of AFs including B and G were added to flour and then bread loaves were prepared.
Bread Three types of commercially available yeast including active dry yeast, instant dry yeast and
Dough compressed yeast were used for dough preparation. AFs levels in flour, dough, and bread were
analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detector. The
results showed that maximum reduction in aflatoxin levels observed during first proof while the
least decline was seen for the baking stage. The order of AFs reduction in bread making process
was AFB1>AFB2>AFG1. Furthermore, the results indicated that the most effective yeast for AFs
reduction was instant dry yeast.

INTRODUCTION fungal growth and aflatoxin formation, so far no way

has been achieved to control mycotoxins in food [2].
AFs are secondary metabolites of Aspergillus flavus, A.
AFs have 18 isomers including B1, B2, G1, G2, M1, and
parasiticus and A. nominus. They are carcinogenic and
M2. Among them aflatoxin B1 is considered the
mutagenic in humans and animals [1]. These
strongest hepatocarcinogen agent [3].
mycotoxins can enter in human food chain by direct
Bread is a major nutritional component and bread
consumption of contaminated grain or processed food
making is one of the oldest food processes, known and
such as meat or other animal products fed with
practiced for thousands of years, all over the world [4].
contaminated food. Although there are ways to prevent

∗ Corresponding author: [email protected] (J. Milani).

J. Milani et al / Journal of Chemical Health Risks 4(4) (2014) 1–7

The main microbial challenges associated with bread are MATERIALS AND METHODS
fungal infections and subsequent contamination with
HPLC conditions
their derivatives such as aflatoxins including B1, B2, G1
Chromatographic separation and detection was carried
and G2 (AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2). The economic
out using (Knauver Technology, Germany) and a
problems arising from fungi and microbial toxin have
fluorescence detector adjusted at excitation wavelength
recently triggered extensive researches [5, 6]. Although
of 265 nm and emission wavelength of 425 nm. The
the temperature used in preparing bread probably did
separation was achieved on ODS2 C18 (250×4.6 mm,
not influence reducing aflatoxins, but activating
10µm) column from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
enzymes used during the fermentation alone or in
Contaminated flour
combination with heat can result in reducing aflatoxins.
A vial containing 1 mg of aflatoxin B and G was
In other words, despite of the heat resistance of AFs,
dissolved in 10 ml chloroform; this solution was added
these fermentation sensitive toxins are eliminated during
to 20 g wheat flour. This mixture was stirred so that the
the baking [7].
solvent evaporated [15].
The effects of various cooking treatments on reducing of
Bread Baking
aflatoxin toxicity were studied via simultaneous analysis
To prepare dough, 100 g flour, 2 g baker's yeast, 1 g
of AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2 using high
sodium chloride and 63 ml water were mixed for five
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a
min, then, the dough fermented at 35 °C for 1.5 h to be
fluorescence detector [3]. It was found that combination
developed. After dividing the dough, the fermentation
of the moisture content and citric acid concentration,
was allowed to continue for 10 min at 25 °C. Then it
significantly affected the aflatoxin in the extruded
was baked for 30 min at 200±5 °C.
sorghum [8]. Moreover, the recovered aflatoxin
Aflatoxins extraction from flour
decreased with a rise in moisture content and acid
To extract aflatoxins, 25.0 g of contaminated flour was
concentration. AFB1 contaminations were investigated
mixed with 100 ml methanol (HPLC grade). The
in 373 maize samples collected during three years and
mixture was agitated on shaker at 1100 rpm for 30 min.
the aflatoxin in maize samples varied across the years
Then, the slurry mixture was centrifuged at 6000 rpm
[9]. Contaminations of agricultural and food products by
for 30 min. (Hermale Z 200A, Germany). The
mycotoxin have been extensively studied in Iran [10-
supernatant, consisting of extracted aflatoxins was
14], however, there is still lack of data showing the
collected and located in rotary evaporator (RV 10B S99,
effect of process on aflatoxin level in the bread
IKA) under vacuum at 45 °C for 20-30 min. The solid
produced from contaminated flour.
residue was dissolved in 3.0 ml methanol (HPLC grade),
This study was designed to evaluate the impact of
filtered by a 0.22 micro-liter filter and stored in a -20 °C
different stages of bread preparation on AFB1, AFB2 and
freezer [16].
AFG1 in dough and bread the effect of used yeast type
Aflatoxins extraction from dough
including active dry, instant dry and compressed yeast
To extract aflatoxins from dough, 10.0 g dough was
on destruction of these aflatoxins.
diluted with 25 ml distilled water and stirred by a mixer.
The mixture centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 10 min. Other
extraction procedures were similar to those of aflatoxin
extraction from flour.

J. Milani et al / Journal of Chemical Health Risks 4(4) (2014) 1–7

Aflatoxins extraction from bread 40

The baked bread samples were completely dried after 35
Active dry yeast
one day and then crushed by a mill (Sunny, No. SBG - 30
Instant dry yeast

AFB1 (µg Kg -1)

420) for five min to create fine or medium-size powder 25 Compressed yeast
25.0 g of the powder was mixed with 100 ml methanol. 20
It was placed on shaker at 1100 rpm for 30 min. Other 15
extraction procedures were similar to what previously 10
explained [16, 17]. 5

Aflatoxins analysis by HPLC 0

Determination of AFB1, AFB2 and AFG1 levels in

control and samples were carried out by HPLC using a
fluorescence detector (excitation at 365 nm, emission at
Figure 1. The effect of bread making process on AFB1 using three
425 nm) and an ODS2 C18 column (250×4.6 mm, 10 types of yeast
µm). The mobile phase was mixture of deionized water,
Effect of bread making process on AFB2
acetonitril, methanol, and acid acetic (59:29:29:1 v/v
Figure 2 shows the effect of bread making process using
respectively). The flow rate was 1 ml/min [16].
different yeasts types on AFB2.
Duncan’s method, together with one-way analysis of Active dry yeast
variance (ANOVA), was performed to evaluate changes Instant dry yeast

in the levels of aflatoxin. A P-value of less than 0.05 20

AFB2 (µg Kg -1)

Compressed yeast

(P< 0.05) was considered to show statistical

significance. All analyses were performed in SPSS
software program version 16 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
USA) and the graphics were done in Excel. 5


Effect of bread making process on AFB1

The effect of bread making process on AFB1 is shown in Figure 2. The effect of bread making process on AFB2 using three
Figure 1. There was a significant difference among the types of yeast

flour, primary dough, final dough, and bread prepared There was a significant difference between the flour,
by active dry, instant dry, and compressed yeast primary dough, final dough, and bread containing active
(P<0.05).The most difference was observed after the dry, instant dry, and compressed yeast (P<0.05). The
first proofing for all three types yeasts. In other words, most reduction was observed after the first proofing for
baking stage had the least effect on reduction of AFB1. all three types yeasts. Furthermore, it should be
mentioned that, AFB2 was not detected in the bread.
Effect of bread making process on AFG1
Figure 3 shows the effect of bread making process using
different yeast types on AFG1. As can be seen, there is

J. Milani et al / Journal of Chemical Health Risks 4(4) (2014) 1–7

no considerable differences between the active dry, Effect of yeast type on aflatoxins during the final proof
instant dry, and compressed yeast, however, a According to Figure 5, the highest reduction in
significant difference in AFG1 levels was observed aflatoxins level, especially for AFB1, was obtained in
between the flour, primary dough, final dough, and dough containing compressed yeast. It was significantly
bread (P<0.05). No AFG1 was detectable in bread. different from other yeasts (P<0.05). Similarly,
reductions in samples containing active dry yeast and
25 instant dry yeast were significantly different.

Active dry
Aflatoxin G1 (µg Kg -1)

Instant dry 6
c Aflatoxin B1
15 yeast

Amount of Aflatoxin (µg Kg -1)

5 Aflatoxin B2
10 Aflatoxin G1
5 3
0 2 a
a c
a b

Figure 3. The effect of bread making processes on AFG1 using three
types of yeast

Figure 5. The aflatoxin reduction after the final proof

Effect of yeast type on aflatoxins during the first proof
According to Figure 4, the least reduction in the level of Effect of baking on aflatoxins
AFB1 and AFB2 was observed using compressed yeast. According to Figure 6, AFB1 and AFB2 reduction in
Additionally, as mentioned previously, the reduction in dough containing compressed yeast was the highest. It
G1 was not affected by the yeast type. was significantly different from other yeasts (P<0.05).

35 Aflatoxin B1 However, for AFG1, destruction was less than two other
b c
Aflatoxin B2 yeasts.
Amount of Aflatoxin (µg Kg -1)

a Aflatoxin G1
b c
25 7 Aflatoxin B1
Amount of Aflatoxin (µg Kg -1)

a c
20 b 6 Aflatoxin B2
b a
15 5 Aflatoxin G1
5 b
2 b b
a a
0 c
1 b

Figure 4. The aflatoxin reduction after the first proof

Figure 6. The aflatoxin reduction after baking

J. Milani et al / Journal of Chemical Health Risks 4(4) (2014) 1–7

DISCUSSION to organic acids produced by the yeasts is likely resulted

in decrease or degradation of AFs [21].
Results of this study showed that processing of wheat
Many food-processing operations (such as roasting,
flour into bread could significantly reduce the aflatoxins
cooking, frying, and baking) include heat treatment.
level. The largest decline in all stages of the process
Therefore, thermal inactivating of mycotoxins has been
could be observed between flour and primary dough
thoroughly studied. Mycotoxins differ in their stability
(first proof) because it was longer than final proof and
under heat treatments. Aflatoxins are resistant to thermal
performed at temperature closer to optimum for S.
inactivation and are destroyed only at temperatures of
cerevisiae i.e. 37°C. Among all AFs, the most
around 25 ºC [22]. However, fermentation can sensitize
destruction in the first proof was seen for AFB 1, but
them due to enzymes, ethanol and Co 2 production. The
AFG1 was stable at this conditions. The least decline
effect of various treatments such as washing, heating
was seen for the baking stage. The aflatoxins have high
and steaming on reduction of aflatoxin toxicity was
decomposition temperatures ranging from 237 °C to 306
investigated. It was concluded that concentration of
°C. Solid AFB1 is quite stable to dry heating at
AFB1 is more reduced by heating than washing
temperatures below its thermal decomposition
treatment [3].
temperature of 267 °C [18]. The moisture content is a
Reduction of aflatoxin during heat processing depends
critical factor on aflatoxins inactivation especially for
on the moisture content of the product. In cottonseed
AFB1. The presence of water helps in opening the
meal with 30% moisture content, an 85% reduction in
lactone ring in AFB1 [19].The baking had the most
AFs was recorded following heat treatment of 100 ºC
destructive effect on AFB2 on bread prepared using
for 2 h but with the same temperature and time
compressed yeast.
combination, only 50% of the AFs were destroyed when
The order of stages effectiveness on AFs destruction
the meal moisture content was 6.6% [23]. In the light of
was as follows: first proofing>second proofing>baking.
the data accumulated from several studies of the effect
Probably because of heat resistance of aflatoxins, baking
of moisture content on aflatoxin degradation, it can be
under the certain temperature had little effect on AFs
concluded that degradation is enhanced at higher
moisture content [22].
The most decrease in AFs during bread making process
Study on effect of fermentation period has shown that
was for AFB1, since AFB1 had lower molecular weight
there is a significant falling in aflatoxin content in Idli
and smaller molecular size and probably was more
up to 22 hr of fermentation [24]. These results agree
affected by destructive factors. The least decreasing AF
with those obtained in this study.
was seen for AFG1. This can be elucidated the smaller
In investigation of the effect of yeast type on AFs, it was
lactones rings in AFG1 because AFs destruction mainly
found that the compressed yeast had the least effect on
occurred on lactones ring rupture.
all AFs during the first proof. The higher moisture
There are some reports on the fate of mycotoxins during
content of this type of yeast than two others, leads to
the fermentation process. Earlier work showed that
less alive yeast cell in the same weight, consequently
OTA, AFB1 and AFB2 at 0.19, 0.95 and 0.95 μg/m1
less destructive activity on AFs. Difference in ability of
respectively were degraded in 87–91% by three strains
yeasts for aflatoxin reduction during the first proof is
of S. cerevisiae during fermentation of wort at 25 °C for
because of difference in its manufacture and preparation
8 days [20]. Reduction of pH during fermentation, due
methods. The most destructive effect among three types

J. Milani et al / Journal of Chemical Health Risks 4(4) (2014) 1–7

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