BG Chapter 16 Teacher Summary
BG Chapter 16 Teacher Summary
BG Chapter 16 Teacher Summary
As It Is
Chapter 16
The Divine and Demoniac Natures
The Divine and Demoniac Natures
Chapter Fifteen described the banyan tree of the material world. The modes of material nature nourish both
the upper, auspicious, divine branches of the tree and the lower, demoniac branches. In the Sixteenth Chapter,
Krsna explains the divine qualities that elevate one within the tree and lead to ultimate liberation.
21. Give two qualities each, relevant for sannyasis and grhasthas, as discussed in the purport 16.1-3.
Sannyasis: Fearlessness; purification of one’s existence; cultivation of spiritual knowledge; humility
Grhasthas: Charity; self-control; performance of sacrifice; study of the Vedas; austerity; simplicity; nonviolence;
truthfulness; freedom from anger; renunciation
22. What two qualities are particularly meant for bramacaris? (1-3)
Vedic study and Celibacy
24. Who was the best example, according to the purport of text 16.16, of a demoniac man? (16)
The best example of such a demoniac man was Rāvaṇa
26. What is the result for those who develop a demoniac nature? (23)
He attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination.