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1. Agency (agen, perwakilan)
Ex: the loan is repaid to the local agency. 2. Administrasion (pemerintahan, peleksanaan, tata usaha) Ex : i hold a master’s in business administration from that university. 3. Anatomy ( ilmu yang mempelajari tentang bagian-bagian rangka manusia) Ex : the flaw lies not in anatomy. But in the brain. 4. Anesthetist ( ahli anestesi, ahli obat bius) Ex : she is going into cardiac arrest due to an ovoerdose of anasthesia. 5. Assistance ( pendamping, tangan kanan, asistent) Ex : a doctor will be assisted by his assistant. 6. Blood (sel darah merah, darah) Ex : that patient needs much blood 7. Cancer ( kanker, pertumbuhan sel yang abnormal) Ex : she died of lung cancer. 8. Care ( peduli) Ex : the nurse cares about the patient) 9. Clinic ( klinik ) Ex : people on average go to the nearest clinic 10. Communication (komunikasi, berbicara, berinteraksi) Ex : nurse siska has good communication and explanation regarding nursing actions to be taken. 11. Condition ( kondisi, keadaan) Ex : it seems that the patient condition has improved 12. Consulting (konsultasi) Ex : the patient had just consulted domter about illness 13. Diabetes( diabetes, gula darah) Ex : the result of the patient medical history were diagnosed with diabetes. 14. Diagnose (diagnosis) Ex : mother child is diagnosed with acute ulcer. 15. Educational (edukasi pendidikan) Ex : clinik pangkalpinang provides education about reproductive healt to pangkalpinang city youth. 16. Entry ( masuk) Ex : the patients enter through the door that has been provided 17. Emotional( emosi) Ex : these mental patient have erratic emotions 18. Emergency( keadaan darurat) Ex : the patient is in a state of emergency 19. Diploma (suatu gelar akademik) Ex : siska finally completed her diploma 3 in nursing. 20. Ambulatory( rawat jalan) Ex : the patient is ambulatory