OCC M3 Communication Barriers Strategies To Avoid Them
OCC M3 Communication Barriers Strategies To Avoid Them
OCC M3 Communication Barriers Strategies To Avoid Them
Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Strategies to Avoid
Communication Breakdown
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
identify various strategies that could be used in order to avoid communication
breakdown. It will lead you to understanding how communication works among
people to foster mutual understanding and good relationship. The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language
used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged
to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read
them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
What I Know
A. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
3. These are issues like trauma, lack of confidence, fear, anger, frustration, and
depression that may affect the communication process.
A. external Noise
B. linguistic barrier
C. psychological barrier
D. semantic Noise
6. This is one of the reasons why cultural diversity can make communication inefficient.
A. Cultural diversity allows people to be unique and original.
B. Different culture interpret words, gestures, and symbols differently.
C. Traditions propagate through the preservation of norms and values.
D. Values of people reflect
A. economic status, age, and gender
B. ethics, standards, and grammar
C. politics, administration and government
D. religion, World Meanings, and Philosophy
13. “Mrs. Erlinda was invited as a speaker during the National Women’s Month.
She talked about Gender Equality. She delivered her speech for almost 1
hour with more than 50 slides. The audience appeared uneasy and seemed
uninterested after 20 minutes.”
What barrier of communication is evident in this situation?
A. cultural barrier
B. linguistic barrier
C. physiological Barrier
D. psychological Barrier
1 Breakdown
In Module 2, you have learned about the models of communication. You have
realized how the different elements of communication work together to achieve a
successful communication transaction. Now, let us find out if you can still
remember your previous lesson by answering the activity below.
What’s In
Directions: Put the phrases or statements in the correct column. Write the letter
of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
What’s New
What is It
Simply put, communication breakdown results when the intended message of the
sender is not understood exactly by the receiver. Barriers to communication are
Barriers to Communication
Psychological Barriers are called as mental barriers. These refer to social and
personal issues of a speaker towards communicating with others.
1. trauma
2. shyness, lack of confidence
3. depression
4. fear, stage fright
Linguistic Barriers pertain conflicts with regard to language and word
meanings. Because words carry denotative and connotative meanings, they can
sometimes cause confusion and misunderstanding. Meaning of words and
symbols also vary depending on culture.
1. difference in language
2. accent and dialect
3. use of jargon and slang
4. speech defects or language impairments
Verderber (1991) gives a similar idea of barrier when he classifies noise into three
kinds: External, Internal and Semantic noise.
External Noises are the “sight, sound and other stimuli that
draw people’s attention away from intended meaning.”
1. noise from vehicles
2. singing at the neighborhood
3. visual aids in front of the classroom
4. the dog barking
5. the sound of airplane
Internal noises are the “thoughts and feelings that interfere with
1. confrontation with a friend
2. fear of speaking in front of the class.
3. racial prejudice
1. incorrect grammar
2. using excessive technical jargon
3. using idiomatic expressions
What’s More
Activity 1
Directions: Identify the kind of communication barrier exemplified by each
description. Tell whether it is Physiological, Psychological, Cultural, or Linguistic
Barrier. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Activity 2
Directions: Explain why there is communication breakdown on the given
situations. Again, write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Jay and Michelle started talking about their plans for Christmas Vacation
when their classmate, Moy, interrupted them.
2. “Mama, I will buy this cake for you. I am very sure that you will like its taste.
It’s from our favorite cake store!”
3. You spent the night thinking and analyzing why a student from another
class talked to you on your way home.
4. Livy encounters a participant who is very eager to share with others her
views and opinions. She does this without asking permission.
5. In some Asian countries, direct eye contact is considered disrespectful and
rude. In others, it is a must.
What I Have Learned
Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the separate sheet
of paper.
What I Can Do
Interview three (3) people and ask them about a past communication breakdown
they have experienced and what were the causes.
1.1. Complete the table by answering the following questions:
a. Who were the persons involved?
b. What was the situation?
c. When did the communication breakdown happen?
d. What were the barriers to communication?
e. What happened due to the communication breakdown?
What was the cause of communication breakdown?
Reysa’s lack of attention caused the communication breakdown.
Now, do the following on your own. Interview someone in your home, school and
community. Copy the table on a separate sheet of paper and supply the needed
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of
4. Which barrier includes the mental conditions of the listener?
A. cultural barrier C. physical barrier
B. linguistic barrier D. psychological barrier
For numbers 11-15, write T if the statement is TRUE and write F if it is FALSE.
_______5. Pictures, gadgets, and other paraphernalia in front of the stage
engage the audience in listening to the speaker.
Various Strategies to Avoid
2 Communication Breakdown
What’s In
In Lesson 1, you have learned the concept of communication breakdown and its
causes. In this lesson, you will find out how this breakdown of communication can
be avoided.
Directions: List down two (2) to three (3) situations based on your What I Can Do
Activity in Lesson 1 in which communication breakdowns were experienced at
home, school, and community. Then, suggest one best strategy to avoid that
communication breakdown.
Breakdown: The DOST scholar uses technical words in explaining his research to
the barangay officials which resulted to confusion among them.
Strategy: The DOST scholar should uses simple and specific words about his
research to the barangay officials so they would easily understand his message.
What’s New
2. Learn to Listen
As simple as it sounds, you’ll be surprised how many people out there
don’t know how to listen well.
Not understanding those who you are trying to communicate with will
lead to a conversation fraught with misunderstandings. Don’t be afraid to
ask them to repeat or explain further in polite manner once you don’t
understand the point.
5. Communicate Face to Face on the important issues
Having that face to face dialogue means you can convey your point more
clearly, with your body language as well as your tone of voice.
3. In your opinion, which strategy is the easiest to do? Which one is the most
difficult to do? Why?
What is It
Keep Focused
One way of being focused is to put in mind the purpose communication. As a
speaker identify your purpose for speaking and as a listener find the speaker’s
purpose thru his/her verbal and non-verbal cues.
Speak Intelligibly
Speaking intelligibly or clearly means using the appropriate speaking volume,
pitch rate, proper enunciation, stress, and acceptable pronunciation. We speak
in order to be understood.
Listen with your Ears and Eyes
Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal message. Effective communication
depends on what people say and how they say it.
Minimize Distractions
Look for a place where you can minimize distractions or noise like closed area,
empty room, or quiet places. Lessening the cause for confusion means giving
more room to focus and concentrate.
Be Specific
Use simple and concise words as much as possible in delivering a message.
Being specific means being particular and direct to the point.
Broom, Cutlip and Center (2012) listed the 7Cs of Effective Communication in
their book Effective Public Relations. These are Completeness, Conciseness,
Consideration, Concreteness, Courtesy, Clearness, and Correctness.
It is important to whole communication process. The speaker should
include everything that the receiver needs to hear, respond, react, or
evaluate properly. S/he should be able to convey all pertinent details so
listener or audience will be able to grasp the intended message.
The message should be direct or straight to the point and should be
expressed in the least possible number of words. Irrelevant information
should not be included.
In order to be effective, the speaker should give high regard and courtesy
to audience’s background information such as his/her culture,
education, religion, status, mood, feelings, and needs. This will result in
building rapport or connection with the audience.
Effective communication is backed up by facts, figures, and real-life
examples or situations. This will make the receiver to understand the
message better.
The speaker can show respect to his/her receivers through
understanding their culture, values, and beliefs. The speaker can show
respect to the listeners by demonstrating an understanding of their
beliefs, values, and culture. This implies good choice of words and
language and a consideration of the audience’s perspectives and feelings
on the part of the sender. Showing courtesy helps create a positive vibe
with the audience. This implies good choice of words and language on the
part of the sender and consideration of audience’s perspectives.
It implies the use of simple and specific words to express ideas. When
the speaker focuses on specific ideas, it will not confuse the audience.
Avoiding mistakes in grammar helps to boost the credibility and
effectiveness of the message, and at the same time it eliminates negative
impact on the audience.
What’s More
Activity 1
Directions: Match column A with the best answer in column B. Write your answer
on the separate sheet of paper.
Column A Column B
_____ 1. It refers to the use of simple and precise A. Keep Focused
_____ 2. The speaker should identify his/her B. Be Specific
purpose for speaking.
_____ 3. He/she must pays attention to the C. Do not Jump to
verbal and non-verbal cues. Conclusions
_____ 4. He/she must find closed areas or quiet D. Speak
plays to avoid communication Intelligibly
_____ 5. He/she must have an appropriate E. Listen with
speaking volume, speech rate, and your ears and
acceptable enunciation. eyes
F. Minimize
Activity 2
Activity 3
Time-gaining Expression
What I Can Do
Conduct an interview either online or offline with five (5) SHS students who have
experienced communication breakdowns. Summarize their experiences and decide
the most appropriate strategy to avoid each communication breakdown. Explain
your reason for each strategy.
Strategy to Avoid
Respondent Experiences Communication Breakdown
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct
and FALSE if otherwise. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
__________________ 9. The expression “So, are you saying that…” asks for
__________________ 10. Use polite expressions when asking for clarifications.
__________________ 11. You must use appropriate speaking volume, pitch
rate, proper enunciation, stress, and acceptable
__________________ 12. Accept the ideas of the sender even without full
understanding of the message.
__________________ 13. The speaker should know his purpose before he
__________________ 14. You must pay attention only in verbal cues.
__________________ 15. To limit distractions, stay beside the basketball court.