Ect, Eca, NFT, RFT, Iris: Applications

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Applus+ K2 provides tube inspection using Eddy Current Testing(ECT), Eddy Current Array(ECA),
Near Field Testing (NFT), Remote Field Testing (RFT), and Internal Rotary Inspection System(IRIS).
ECT is capable of detecting internal and external pitting, erosion, certain types of cracks, baffle
wear, holes, and me-chanical damage. NFT is suited to the detection of internal corrosion, erosion
or pitting on the inside of carbon steel tubing. RFT is ideally used to inspect ferromagnetic tubes
such as carbon steel and ferritic stainless steel. IRIS offers a wide range of detectable disconti-
nuities such as internal, external erosion, baffle wear, pitting, corrosion and wear.


• Air conditioners. • Hydrogen coolers.

• Heat exchangers. • Lube oil coolers.
• Main condensers. • Packaged boilers.
• Fin/fan units. • Overhead condensers.
• Caustic heaters. • Feedwater heaters.


• Establish the overall condition of units & quality control

for new tubes.
• Identify any trends.
• Identify potential leaker.
• Classify each tube in terms of defect type and severity
• Minimize or eliminate in-service tube failures.
• Reduce maintenance and re-tubing costs.
• Evaluate tube condition on a regular basis.
• Analyse the effectiveness of preventative maintenance.
• Provide invaluable data for strategic planning.

ENERGY & INDUSTRY DIVISION [email protected]



Eddy Current Tube Testing (ECT) Applus+ K2 offers an advance reporting experience by of-
• Most ideal inspection technique to inspect non-ferromagnet- fering 3D reporting of heat exchangers for tube inspection
ic tubing materials. projects. We can tailor a unique reporting format which
• Ideally suited to the inspection of thin walled tubing as suits customers.
found in evaporators and condensers.
• Capable of detecting generalised and localised wastage,
both internal and external.
• Driven by the state of the art technology by multiplexing
• 4 different frequencies simultaneously to gather inspection
data. Magnetic flux and eddy currents are
restricted to tube ID
• Compared to standard ECT bobbin probes, the solution can
discriminate between the various complex geometries inside Aluminium-finned carbon steel tube
heat exchanger tubing to allow accurately detecting, sizing
and characterizing small-volume circumferential cracks.
• A range of 11mm to 68mm ID can be inspected.
• About 750 tubes inspected per 12 hour shift.
• Permanent record of results.

Near Field Tube Testing (NFT)

• Predominantly used for finned ferromagnetic tubes. Driver coil
• Specifically suited to the detection of internal corrosion, Trail pickup Lead pickup(ABS channel)
erosion, or pitting on the inside of carbon steel tubing with
no effect from the external fins. DIFF channel
• Recommended as primary inspection of finned ferromagnet-
ic tubes with IRIS Back-up.
Remote Field Testing (RFT) Zone
• Ideally suited to the inspection of boiler tubing with flexible
probes for negotiating bends. Direct field Magnetic flux lines
• Capable of detecting generalised and localised wastage,
both internal and external.
Indirect of remote field
• Good sensitivity to detect volumetric material loss either
internal or external of the tubes. Absolute response
• Typical discontinuities detected with RFT are erosion, corro-
sion, wear and large volume of pits. Though holes are also
detectable depending on the tube thickness and composi-
• Utilized multi frequencies designed to distinct types of de-
fects with a flexible range of frequencies.
• A range of 10mm to 100mm ID can be inspected.
Driver coil Pickup coils, absolute/differential
• About 400 tubes inspected per 12 hour shift.
• Permanent record of results.
Differential response
Single-driver model shown
Internal Rotary Inspection System (IRIS)
• Use ultrasonic transducer.
UT beam is reflected by tube
• Use in all types of metal tubing, ferrous and non-ferrous. inner and outer walls
• Internal/external erosion, baffle wear, pitting, corrosion and Turbine body
• About 150 tubes inspected per 12 hour shift.
Tube is
• Capable of detecting generalised and localised wastage, both flooded
internal and external. with water
• Capable to measure the remaining wall thickness.
• Highly accurate measurement.
• A range of 10.5mm to 50mm ID can be inspected.
• Permanent record of results. Rotor is propelled Synchronization pin
• Back up other inspection techniques to support data. by water pressure

ENERGY & INDUSTRY DIVISION [email protected]

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