Cyber Crimes: Types of Cyber Crime
Cyber Crimes: Types of Cyber Crime
Cyber Crimes: Types of Cyber Crime
Cybercrime also called computer crime, the use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends,
such as committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities,
or violating privacy. Cybercrime, especially through the Internet, has grown in importance as the
computer has become central to commerce, entertainment, and government.
2. Phishing: This technique of extracting confidential information such as credit card numbers and
username password combos by masquerading as a legitimate enterprise. Phishing is typically
carried out by email spoofing. You’ve probably received email containing links to legitimate
appearing websites. You probably found it suspicious and didn’t click the link. Smart move. Not
all phishing is done via email or web sites. Vishing (voice phishing) involves calls to victims using
fake identity fooling you into considering the call to be from a trusted organisation. They may
claim to be from a bank asking you to dial a number (provided by VoIP service and owned by
attacker) and enter your account details. Once you do that, your account security is
3. E-mail bombing and spamming: Email bombing is characterised by an abuser sending huge
volumes of email to a target address resulting in victim’s email account or mail servers crashing.
The message is meaningless and excessively long in order to consume network resources. If
multiple accounts of a mail server are targeted, it may have a denial-of-service impact. Such mail
arriving frequently in your inbox can be easily detected by spam filters. Email bombing is
commonly carried out using botnets (private internet connected computers whose security has
been compromised by malware and under the attacker’s control) as a DDoS attack.
4. Cyber Stalking: Cyber stalking is a new form of internet crime in our society when a person is
pursued or followed online. A cyber stalker doesn’t physically follow his victim; he does it
virtually by following his online activity to harvest information about the stalkee and harass him
or her and make threats using verbal intimidation. It’s an invasion of one’s online privacy. Cyber
stalking uses the internet or any other electronic means and is different from offline stalking, but
is usually accompanied by it. Most victims of this crime are women who are stalked by men and
children who are stalked by adult predators and pedophiles. Cyber stalkers thrive on
inexperienced web users who are not well aware of netiquette and the rules of internet safety.
A cyber stalker may be a stranger, but could just as easily be someone you know.
5. Identity theft and credit card frauds: Identity theft occurs when someone steals your identity
and pretends to be you to access resources such as credit cards, bank accounts and other
benefits in your name. The imposter may also use your identity to commit other crimes. “Credit
card fraud” is a wide ranging term for crimes involving identity theft where the criminal uses
your credit card to fund his transactions. Credit card fraud is identity theft in its simplest form.
The most common case of credit card fraud is your pre-approved card falling into someone
else’s hands.
Some other types of cybercrimes are: (a) Internet fraud, (b) File sharing and piracy, (c) Denial of service
attacks, (d)Sabotaging government websites, (e)spreading hate and inciting terrorism.