Diskusi Placenta Akreta
Diskusi Placenta Akreta
Diskusi Placenta Akreta
Wahidin sudirohusodo dengan rujukan dari rs Lamadukelleng Sengkang untuk elektif operasi
Caesar. Pasien didiagnosis dengan presentasi kaki dan riwayat post section caesarea 2 kali
atas indikasi sc pertama dengan letak sungsang dan post section caesarea kedua atas
indikasi post section caesarea 1 kali, placenta previa dan placenta perkreta. These findings
were based on serial ultrasound reports.
In the preoperative area, patient’s haemoglobin and hematocrite were 9,5 g/dl and 28,8%, the
platelet count was 371x103/L. Peripheral intravenous catethers were inserted, a complete
blood cell count and a type and cross match for 1000cc PRC were completed. Findings of the
last US examination, a grey scale ultrasound with Doppler study showed placenta on the
anterior corpus, closed the internal ostium uteri, lacuna (+), there’s no clear zone ~ percreta
placenta, closed but not involvement the urinary vesica. Had been consult to the
Patient with stable haemodynamic, accepted to do the operation with spinal anesthesia and if
during the operation find difficulties can consult to the urology. Kami memberikan informed
consent kepada pasien dan keluarga tentang tindakan yang akan dilakukan yakni operasi
sectio caesarea dengan dilakukan pengangkatan placenta,will did active management with
On the day of the operation, after made pfannesteil incision, buka facia secara medial tampak
peritoneum, uterus tampak gravid, it was many
varises, with the incision at the lower segment
through the placenta dengan placenta tampak
menembus lapisan serosa di daerah anterior hingga
segmen bawah rahim dan neovaskularisasi ke lapisan
serosa vesika urinaria. Insisi corpus anterior secara
transversal lebih kurang 6cm dan perdalam secara
tajam. , delivered baby secara berturut turut kaki,
bada, bahu dan kepala dengan berat lahir 2520 g, panjang badan 50cm, nilai apgar 8/10
without difficulties, patients still on the stable haemodynamics.
The time from uterine incision to delivery the baby was 5 minutes. Immediately on delivery,
an infusion of oxytocin, 20 U/L, was initiated. Dilakukan Ligasi pembuluh darah dan
neovaskularisasi. Lakukan reseksi uterus pada tempat invasi placenta. Evakuasi placenta
kemudian jahit uterus dimulai dengan aproksimasi bagian tengah uterus dan dilanjutkan
dengan jahitan kontiniu. Subsequently delivery of the placenta and then we successed tried to
removal of the placenta completely manually, then performed hemostated on the placental
bed, after that closed the lower segment continuously with PGA no. 1. Good contraction,
performed bilateral tubectomy. Explore there’s no bleeding, no vaginal bleeding, stable
haemodynamics closed the abdomen layer by layer. For the finishing, the gauze was taken
through the vaginal and then observed for the vaginal bleeding. After 15 minutes observation,
there was no vaginal bleeding.
Estimated total blood loss during durante operation was 2500 mL.the operation was
performed as long as 1 hour 30 minutes. Before patient was transferred to the postanesthesia
recovery unit, she was alert and her blood pressure this time was 110/70 mmHg, her heart
rate was 80x/min. After 2 hours observation in the recovery room with stable
haemodynamics, patient reffered to the high care unit. Patient was transfusion with 1000 cc
PRC, 2 hours after the last transfusion, the haemoglobin level was checked, the haemoglobin
level 10 g/dL, and her condition still on stable haemodynamics and no vaginal bleeding. The
patient was transferred to the post partum unit and dipasangkan kateter tetap selama 7 hari
dengan antibiotic dan antinyeri oral.