"To Eat Is A Necessity, But To Eat Intelligently Is An Art." La Rochefoucauld
"To Eat Is A Necessity, But To Eat Intelligently Is An Art." La Rochefoucauld
"To Eat Is A Necessity, But To Eat Intelligently Is An Art." La Rochefoucauld
Food and nutrition are the way that we get fuel, providing energy for our bodies. We
need to replace nutrients in our bodies with a new supply every day. Thus, water is an
important component of nutrition as well. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are all required.
Maintaining key vitamins and minerals are also important to maintaining good health and
body continuum.
Hence, Diet therapy is the branch of dietetics concerned with the use of foods for
therapeutic purpose. It is a method of eating a prescribed diet by a physician or Nutritionist-
Dietitian to improve health. Diet therapy usually involves the modification of an existing
dietary lifestyle to promote optimum health.
It is a branch of dietetics related with the use of food for therapeutic purposes. It is
ordered to maintain, restore and correct nutritional status, to decrease calorie for weight
control, provide extra calorie for weight gain. It also balances amount of carbohydrate,
protein, fats and other nutrient for diet modification and disease prevention.
At the end of the lesson, the student can:
1.Describe the importance of nutrition to human health.
2.Define the Basic concept in Nutrition.
3.Determine the Basic concepts in Diet therapy.
Topic Outline:
I. Introduction to Basic Concept in Nutrition and Diet therapy.
A.Basic Concept in Nutrition.
A.1. Nutrition and Its Importance to Human Health.
A.2.The benefits of the study of nutrition on individual.
A.3.Basic Concept in Nutrition:
A.3.1. Important Terms.
A.3.2.Nutrient Classification.
B. Basic Concepts in Diet therapy.
B.1. Important Terms.
B.2.Basic Concept in Diet therapy.
Try this!
Directions: Discuss the significance in the Study of Food, Nutrition and Diet therapy as a
student taking up Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
Students (BSN)
Diet Therapy:
Think ahead!
Directions: Discuss the responsibilities of a health worker in the Study of Food, Nutrition
and Diet therapy.
Health Workers
Diet Therapy:
Read and Ponder!
A.Basic Concept in Nutrition:
A.1. Nutrition and Its Importance to Human Health.
Indeed, we live in a world with rapidly changing elements, our environment, food
supply, population, and scientific knowledge. A realistic study of nutrition in human health
must focus on health promotion. A primary basis for promoting health and preventing disease
must always be a wholesome food supply for all persons and the sound nutrition it provides.
It is always the goal of the government to have a happy, healthy community. One way
to achieve this is through good nutrition. This goal tend to failed because of lack of
knowledge and nutrition information in spite of so many government agencies involved in
nutrition program.
1. Rural and depressed areas — the problem is due to lack of quality food
contributed to lack of knowledge and lack of nutrition information.
2. In urban areas - most affluent families experienced
inadequacies in terms of
the amount and kind of food selection necessary to provide good nutrition
contributed to improper or wrong choices of buying food.
When the problems are of both quality and quantity which contributed to lack of
knowledge, lack of nutrition information, lack of money due to poverty, this problem refers to
as hollow hunger.
When the problem is only quality which is contributed to lack of knowledge and
lack of nutrition information, this problem refers to as hidden hunger.
Whatever the problem, either hallow hunger or hidden hunger, your health as health
worker or as a nurse is indispensable. Also it is your role in the community to give nutrition
information. Therefore the reason why it is included in your curriculum since you are
expected to be equipped with a basic knowledge on nutrition principles and concepts.
A.2. The study of nutrition will benefit on individual for the following reasons:
1. Responsibility of yourself — you will personally benefit by feeling and looking better
to be able to meet the demands of your profession and set on example for others.
2. Responsibility to your family — planning and preparing better meals for the family,
helping child develop good food eating habits, guiding an elderly person in making
adjustment in his diet.
3. Responsibility as a nurse or health worker — nutrition is essential part of a total care
of the patient.
4. Responsibility as a citizen — as a nurse or health worker many people look to you
as an example and ask for and advice.
A. Therapeutic Diets
Are modifications of the normal diet and have one or more of the following objectives:
1. To maintain good nutrition or correct any deficiency
2. To provide rest to an organ or to the whole body as affected by the illness.
3. To adjust weight to a desirable level
4. To supply a dietary regimen according to the patient’s tolerance and metabolism
for kind, amount and time of eating of the food.
B. General Principles in the Dietary Management for a Specific Disease:
Simplifications – the therapeutic diet should vary from the adequate normal diet as
little as possible.
Liberalization – the diet therapy should meet the body requirement for essential
nutrients as generously as the disease condition permits.
Individualization – the diet program should take cognizance of the patient’s food
intake habits, preference, economic status, religious practices, and any environmental
factors that have a bearing on the diet.
C. Responsibilities of the Dietary Department in Patient Care
Provides food services primary for the patients and oftentimes feed the hospital staff
and personnel.
Food Service Director or Administrative Dietitian
a) Supervises food production and service, utilizing the principles of nutrition and
efficient management.
b) Maintains close communication with the hospital administrator with regards to
food and equipment budget, personnel policies, sanitation and safety, physical
lay- out
c) Continually plans, evaluates, and varies her menus
d) Provide in-service training for her staff and personnel and teach dietetic interns
and trainees.
Clinical or Therapeutic Dietitians
a) Coordinates her activities with the physician and nurse in the comprehensive
teamwork for patients cure and care.
b) Participates in ward rounds, visits and interviews patients, provide diet counseling
especially for those requiring specials diets, and record food intake of some
c) She also teaches student nurses, dietetic interns, and trainees in her area of
The Clinical Dietitian or an authorized alternate professional is responsible for
documenting nutrition information and actual dietary care provided for a patient.
Dietetic Technician
a) Assist either the administrative or clinical dietitian whenever needed.
b) Usually checks in-coming food and equipment, helps plan menus, bring food
service in wards, work out personnel schedules, complies educative materials, and
helps in food recording.
D. Responsibilities of Nursing Department in Patient Care
1) The nurse is usually the first person who observes the patient’s feeding problem
(inability to chew, any physical handicap to feed him, complaints about the food,
2) She has more direct and continuous communication with the patients and must
therefore be well-informed about the principles of diet, food allowed and avoided.
3) If she is not sure for her answer to the patient regarding his food, she must notify the
dietitian as soon possible.
4) a) A nurse should immediately forward the diet prescription slips as ordered by the
physician as soon possible to the dietary department.
b) If the patient is going home on special diet (discharge diet, take home diet), the nurse should
notify the dietitian immediately.
c) Usually food charting is accomplished by the nursing staff.
5) a) The nursing aides sees to it that the patient ready for his food try.
b) The patient may need help in washing his hands, sitting-up, cutting his meat, pouring water. Etc.
c) She helps in encouraging the patient to eat, tidying his besides table, and cleaning up.
d) She should remove the try promptly and make sure to note down left-over if food recording is
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