Class 12 Hot Questions

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Class XII

Q.1 How is series data structure different from a dataframe data structure?
Ans: A series is one-dimensional object that can hold any data type such as integers, floats and
strings. It has only 1 axis (axis=0).
A dataframe is a two-dimensional object that can have columns with potential different types.
It has two axes (axis 0 and axis1).

Q.2 What is the basic difference between iterrows() and iteritems() functions?
Ans: <DF>.iteritems() iterates over vertical subsets in the form of (col-index, Series) pairs, and
<DF>.iterrows() iterates over horizontal subsets in the form of (row-index, Series) pairs.

Q.3 Write equivalent function for the following operations on two DataFrames A and B
(i) A+B (ii) A-B (iii) B-A (iv) B*A (v) A/B (vi) B/A
Ans: (i) A.add(B) (ii) A.sub(B)
(iii) B.sub(A) or A.rsub(B) (iv) B.mul(A) or A.rmul(B)
(v) A.div(B) (vi) B.div(A) or A.rdiv(B)

Q.4 What do you understand by data visualization?

Ans: Data visualization basically refers to the graphical or visual representation of information and
data using visual elements like charts, graphs, maps and so forth.

Q.5 What is a line chart?

Ans: A type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called ‘markers’
connected by a straight line segments.

Q.6 What is a bar chart?

Ans: A type of chart which displays information using bars of different heights.

Q.7 Name the functions to create the following:

(i) line chart (ii) bar chart (iii) horizontal bar chart (iv) histogram
Ans: (i) plot() (ii) bar() (iii) barh() (iv) hist()
Q.8 What is the full form of CSV?
Ans: Comma-Separated Values
Q.9 What is SQL?
Ans: In order to access data within the Oracle database, all programs and users must use,
Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the set of commands that is recognized by nearly
all RDBMSs.

Q.10 Differentiate between CHAR and VARCHAR datatypes in SQL.

Ans: The difference between CHAR and VARCHAR is that of fixed length and variable length.
CHAR datatype specifies a fixed length character string whereas VARCHAR datatype
specifies a variable length string.

Q.11 What is meant by NULL value in MySQL?

Ans: NULL value signifies a legal empty value in MySQL.

Q.12 Predict the output of following queries:

(i) SELECT ROUND(29.21), ROUND(32.76)
(ii) SELECT ROUND(29.21, 1), ROUND(32.76, 1)
Ans: (i) 29 33 (ii) 29.2 32.8

Q.13 What is the difference between a WHERE clause and a HAVING clause of SQL SELECT
Ans: The difference between WHERE and HAVING clause is that WHERE conditions are
applicable on individual rows whereas HAVING conditions are applicable on groups as
formed by GROUP BY clause.

Q.14 What do you understand by term URL?

Ans: The full form of URL is Uniform Resource Locator. A URL refers to an address on the
Internet. Billions of documents/multimedia files can be accessed on the Internet through their

Q.15 What do you understand by plagiarism?

Ans: Plagiarism is the act of using or stealing someone else’s intellectual work, ideas etc. and
passing it as your own work. In other words, plagiarism is a failure in giving credits to its


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