Reaction Paper 10157

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San Vicente, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

Course Code: ECEM 118

Course Title: Current Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Education
Professor : Dr. MARIO E. CAMPILLA

REACTION PAPER ON Early Childhood Education in the

Philippines (1)Objectives and Aims, (2) Curriculum, content
and Pedagogy of ECE Porgram, (3) Teaching Methods and

Kindergarten is perceived to be the doorway to formal education. It is a crucial stage for

children’s development because, it is the time where their mind is most active and
seems to be like a sponge that easily absorbs any information that is fed to them. Thus,
it is just important to strengthen and invest on this very basic and essential foundation of
learning to better prepare children for a more demanding and rigorous formal schooling
in elementary level and beyond. Now that kindergarten education was made mandatory
and officially part of the ladderized enhanced basic education by virtue of R.A. 10157;
there is no other way but to make learning more relevant, enjoyable and fun for
kindergarteners. In a way, I believe that our Philippine kindergarten curriculum is
likewise crafted for this purpose. 

The R.A.10157, Kindergarten Education Act, is a one good feat in bridging the gap of
literacy and economic stability of our country. Though it is quite long way yet to see its
effectiveness but what matters is a step forward has been made towards a better future.
With this Act, every child of our country will have an equal right to be molded during his
formative stage in life regardless of who or what he is in the society. Kindergarten is of
great aid in shaping and building young ones a strong learning foundation in preparation
for their next step to their formal education. With proper trainings and programs for
teachers in honing their skills in teaching, right approaches such as using the MTB-
MLE, and strategies and appropriate learning tools, kindergarten students would be
much ready to take the challenge of leveling up to the next ladder of their formal
elementary education.

Being a language teacher myself, I personally experienced and still experiencing the
effect of teaching many, but not all, fresh high school students with a meager
elementary education foundation. No matter how much teachers will be pointing fingers
to who’s who is to be blamed, it boils down to one factor... inadequate knowledge
foundation of students. With this R.A. 10157, I believe it is of great help in patching the
hole of the crisis. With a good start having a strong foundation in education, the process
would then continue as they level up their knowledge and eventually our country will
produce more equipped, effective and productive men and women of the society.

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