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Name Age DOD DOB Newspaper Date
Abernathy, Dale Edward 73 6/11/2020 2/12/1947 6/17/2020
Abraham, Stacy Nicole 3/2/2020 3/5/2020
Adams, Marvin Ray 91 4/30/2020 11/14/1928 5/1/2020
Allen, John (Hervis) 1/19/2020 1/21/2020
Allen, Mary Dell R 2/25/2020 3/13/2020
Alvarez, Marvin 52 6/26/2020 1/23/1968 6/29/2020
Alyea, David C 69 9/9/2020 9/11/2020
Andrews, John H 98 11/17/2020 10/9/1922 11/27/2020
Arceneaux, Mary grace Provost Goudeau 12/20/2020 12/24/1921 12/23/2020
Asbeck, Wanda Sue Roebuck 8/28/2020 9/1/2020
Ashford, Jacqueline (Jackie) Kearms 1/13/2020 3/2/2020
Ashley, Marian 93 12/22/2020 12/24/2020
Badgett, Irene Marie 84 5/13/2020 1/30/1936 5/22/2020
Badgett, Roy Donnie 6/8/2020 1/2/1928 6/10/2020
Bagwell, Ruth Ann 81 1/7/2020 4/5/1938 1/9/2020
Baker, William M 9/26/1949 5/27/2020
Ball, Patrick 4/3/2020 4/10/2020
Ballaro, Jamie Michael 32 3/26/2020 10/23/1987 5/12/2020
Bankhead, Anna Luella Stevens 11/19/2020 10/8/1950 11/20/2020
Barajas, Emilio B 94 11/21/2020 11/27/2020
Barnett, Norman Clayton 6/8/2020 10/1/1929 6/17/2020
Barrett, Bertha Mae 2/4/2020 2/6/2020
Barrow, Gola H. Elizabeth (Pylate) 3/9/2020 10/31/1941 3/11/20202
Basquez, Gregoria, Jr. 3/7/2020 3/11/2020
Bass, Dorothy Mae Anderson 11/10/2020 11/18/2020
Battise, David Earl 6/7/1946 7/29/2020
Bejarano, Antonio 8/21/2020 2/15/1946 8/26/2020
Bellock,Janeen Menifee 62 8/13/2020 8/26/2020
Beltram, David William 82 8/20/2020 11/29/1937 8/28/2020
Benjaman, Doris Catherine 92 2/22/2020 2/24/2020
Berotte, Earon Wayne 12/12/2020 12/16/2020
Bielamowicz, Christine 6/1/2020 3/26/1935 6/5/2020
Bielamowiz, Kenneth Ray 63 11/4/2020 11/20/2020
Bishop, Martha (Louise) Holloway 97 11/9/2020 11/12/2020
Blomstrom, Knute Alvin, Jr. 84 5/6/2020 7/6/1935 5/11/2020
Bowers, Kay Ellen 11/14/1935 6/12/2020
Boyles, Bob L 3/30/2020 4/28/1939 4/2/2020
Bradley, Ellen Marie Hargrave 5/7/2020 1/12/1957 5/13/2020
Brannon, Nita K 83 9/16/2020 8/29/1937 9/17/2020
Brasher, Brenda Joyce 11/14/2020 11/18/2020
Brock, Wanda Kay Plocheck 7/22/2020 1946 8/31/2020
Brockelman, Gerald H.B. 9/14/2020 8/19/1934 9/15/2020
Brown, Carlene 77 5/10/1943 8/30/2020 9/14/2020
Brown, Dr. Sharon L 10/25/2020 10/30/2020
Brown, Jim Robert 6/2/2020 11/20/1934 6/17/2020
Brown, Ruth Jerri Castle 4/10/2020 8/12/1955 4/15/2020
Bryant, James Edward 74 9/11/2020 9/14/2020
Bryant, Joe Lynn 12/14/2020 7/2/1942 12//24/2020
Bundage, Ardis 94 9/2/2020 6/14/1926 9/9/2020
Burlin, Donna Kaye 56 3/15/2020 9/15/1963 3/17/2020
Burns, Patricia Ann 79 6/21/2020 5/3/1941 6/24/2020
Burton, Omega Deloris Ann 73 12/31/2019 1/10/2020
Busby, Mollie Mae 6/24/2020 6/26/2020
Byford, Mary June 1/12/2020 12/11/1935 1/20/2020
Cain, Jimmy 85 7/19/2020 7/27/2020
Campbell, Arlne Vivian 95 12/9/2020 5/21/1925 12/11/2020
Carley, Aron Cleburn 3/26/2020 3/30/2020
Carr, Pastor Henry, Sr. 7/22/2020 7/31/2020
Carroll, Norma 56 1/8/2020 1/9/2020
Castellanos, Graciele "Gracie" 83 8/14/2020 3/11/1937 11/9/2020
Castleberry, Lillian Merle 83 1/10/2020 11/7/1936 1/11/2020
Cerino-Lopez, Jose Felix 78 1/12/2020 3/1/1941 1/14/2020
Chandler, Patricia Morgan 7/11/2020 7/13/2020
Chase, Carolyn Ruth 75 10/17/1944 5/27/2020
Chassion, Laura Mae Roberon 64 4/25/2020 6/11/1955 5/8/2020
Cherry, Gary Douglas (Doug) 67 9/17/2020 9/21/1952 9/21/2020
Childers, Mary Ellen Thweatt 94 8/8/2020 8/11/2020
Christensen, Dr. Larry Joseph, DVM 72 6/14/2020 6/15/2020
Clanton, Dalton Alex 91 11/9/2020 11/11/2020
Clare, James Hayward 77 2/8/2020 8/22/1942 2/12/2020
Clement, Niwassa Ann 4/22/2020 4/27/2020
Clevenger, Aubrey Earl 73 1017/2020 10/12/2020
Clupka, Mildred (Robena) 9/15/2020 9/17/2020
Cody, Carol Renee 73 4/4/2020 4/13/2020
Coker, Judge Billy Floyd (Bill) 90 1/30/2020 10/5/1929 2/3/2020
Collins, Joyce Capps 1/21/2020 1/23/2020
Collins, Kyle Hill 80 12/23/2020 9/12/1940 12/24/2020
cone-Lawrence, Eugenia (Jenny) Lee 86 3/3/2020 1/30/1934 3/6/2020
Conway, Keeneth Lee 2/17/2020 11/4/1933 2/18/2020
Corbell, Charles 8/3/2020 8/10/2020
Corder, Paul Ray 80 12/23/2020 8/4/1940 12/31/2020
Corley, Quinine Juanita Millis 89 3/12/2020 3/15/2020
Cowan, Lester Loyd 84 3/16/2020 10/6/1935 3/18/2020
Cox, Ella Jane 1/15/2020 2/7/2020
Cox, Erma Louise 90 11/6/2020 11/11/2020
Coyle, Timothy Wayne 50 4/22/2020 12/7/1969 6/3/2020
Craig, Jerry West 82 9/13/2020 9/28/2020
Cramer, Ray 71 1/2/1949 5/27/2020
Crawley, James Earl 68 6/23/2020 6/1/1952 7/10/2020
Crianza, Adelaide Abatemarco 86 7/20/2020 5/11/1934 7/22/2020
Cummings, Florence Teten 84 3/16/2020 3/19/2020
Cutbirth, Pauline H 91 2/24/2020 4/2/1929 2/25/2020
Davidson, Marie Frances Pan Xia Jai 1/18/2020 1/24/2020
Davila, Eliseo (Eli) 50 9/24/2020 1/21/1970 9/29/2020
Davis, Delaninia Lynne 8/27/2020 9/28/1956 9/2/2020
Davis, Johnny S. 2/5/2020 2/17/2020
Davis, Margaret Dutson 79 8/25/2020 8/27/2020
Davis, Mark Wayne 4/3/2020 10/14/1953 8/25/2020
Davis, Patricia (Pat) Marilyn 88 8/22/2020 5/12/1932 8/26/2020
Day, Clark Hartman 77 5/19/2020 8/3/1942 5/22/2020
Dean, Elliott L. (Buddy) Jr. 4/19/2020 4/22/2020
Dean, Frank Jay 63 1/22/2020 8/13/1956 2/11/2020
Dearing, Thomas (Tommy) Henry 8/25/2020 8/31/2020
Deleon, Analisa Marie 40 12/14/2020 3/25/1980 12/21/2020
DeShazo, Frances Lou 94 7/31/2020 1/18/1947 8/7/2020
Dickson, Rex 88 10/29/2020 12/31/1931 11/19/2020
Dittman, Fred C. Jr. 2/15/2020 2/19/2020
Dooley, Barbara Rene Castellanos 51 10/13/2020 7/29/1969 11/9/2020
Doughtie, Sharon La Verne 2/21/2020 3/6/2020
Dowden, Laura L. 3/3/2020 3/31/2020
Driver, Ines Francisca O 3/24/2020 3/27/2020
Dudley, Robert (Bo) D. 3/2/2020 3/4/2020
Duffy, Priscilla Melancon 3/12/2020 3/16/2020
Dugger, Richard Wilson 66 11/11/2020 1/31/1954 11/19/2020
Duhon, Michael Elijah 49 10/10/2020 10/16/2020
Dunlap, Anna Lois "Ammi" 65 4/15/2020 10/29/1936 5/26/2020
Dunn, Irene Virginia (Owens) 79 1/16/2020 1/21/2020
Dusenbury, Bill 6/19/2020
Dusenbury, William Richard (Bill) 5/13/2020 5/16/2020
Duvall, Betty 6/3/2020 6/5/2020
Eaton, William Joe 43 5/17/220 9/25/1976 5/20/2020
Edmonds, Nadean Eunice 77 2/15/2020 2/18/2020
Edwards, Rudolph (Rudy) Dyson, Sr. 93 11/28/2020 1/4/1927 12/2/2020
Elliott, Joy Alyne Ussery 90 8/16/2020 3/15/1930 8/19/2020
Elliott, William Reed, Jr. 74 9/23/2020 10/1/2020
Ellis, Michael Ray 3/12/2020 10/12/1942 3/13/2020
Ellison, Mary Katherine Kincel 74 6/1/2020 6/15/2020
Emrick, Roseline (Babs) Hortense Pillaert 77 7/5/2020 7/2/1943 7/9/2020
Estrada, John (Rick) 64 5/17/2020 10/5/1955 5/20/2020
Ethridge, Reggie 10/6/2020 10/7/2020
Ewing, Christopher Robert 53 9/25/2020 3/19/1967 9/29/202
Ewing, Patricia Eileen 12/19/2020 9/22/1930 12/23/2020
Farmer, Bill L 88 12/2/2020 12/7/2020
Faz,Ramon, Sr. 89 4/20/2020 4/22/2020
Fitzhenry, William Patrick 60 6/12/2020
Fleming, Edith Marie 85 4/10/2020 4/24/2020
Fleming, Staff Sgt (Retd) Cyrus Mark 1/4/2020 1/14/2020
Flores, Juanita Genoveva 12/6/2020 9/25/1961 12/9/2020
Flores, Rosendo (Ro), Sr. 58 9/24/2020 9/29/2020
Forsblom, Charles Edward 80 2/7/2020 6/30/1939 2/14/2020
Foster, Richard Ed 2/29/2020 3/6/2020
Frazar, Betty Jean Thompson 78 8/25/2020 11/12/1941 9/9/2020
Frost, Billie Sue 4/23/2020 1/12/1933 5/16/2020
Fudge, Sandra Sue 12/13/2020 12/16/2020
Fuentes, Joyce 73 7/22/2020 7/30/2020
Fullen, David E 48 6/18/2020 6/22/2020
Fulton, Larry (Mac) McLean 40 6/19/2020 6/24/2020
Gallaga, Maria Iturralde 85 9/21/2020 12/5/1934 9/25/2020
Galvan, Linda Marie Jones 10/4/1949 6/8/2020
Garcia, Edna Gonzalez 80 11/21/2020 11/27/2020
Garcia, Esteban Diaz 3/20/1928 8/10/2020
Gardner, George James 4/2/2020 4/6/1965 4/15/2020
Garrett, Errol Varin, Sr. 7/6/2020 7/15/2020
Garrett, Helen Rogers 7/30/2020 2/8/1929 8/30/2020
Garza, Jose (Tony) Antonio 59 9/27/2020 10/7/2020
Garza, Ricardo 61 10/3/2020 10/5/2020
Gay, Betty Sue O'Neal 75 9/30/2020 1/19/1945 10/2/2020
Gibson, Francis (Frank) 9/9/2020
Gibson, Glen Ray 4/19/2020 4/21/2020
Gibson, Mary Lucile 94 7/30/2020 6/15/1926 7/31/2020
Gidley, Cynthia Woods 3/19/2020 4/10/1960 3/20/2020
Gilbert, Janet 11/20/2020 11/27/2020
Givens, Carrie (Allen) 97 12/9/2020 7/29/2023 12/14/2020
Gober, Edward Wellington 3/7/2020 3/11/2020
Gonzalez, Avalita (Adela) 72 7/9/2020 1/24/1948 7/13/2020
Gonzalez, Luis Antonio 11/30/2020 12/4/2020
Gonzalez, Victor A, Jr. 67 9/19/2929 10/16/2020
Goodell, Mary 90 8/27/2020 9/2/2020
Gray, Janie Wardlaw 1/4/2020 1/5/2020
Gregorck, Lonnie Gene 80 7/27/2020 11/14/1939 8/10/2020
Grevenberg, Annetta Faye 8/5/2020 12/20/1941 8/10/2020
Grochoske, Louis (Jack) 8/1/2020 10/20/1929 8/4/2020
Guidry, Pastor Lester, Jr. 2/24/2020 2/27/2020
Gunn, Janyce Ann 9/3/2020 9/8/2020
Guy, Carol A. (Nanny) Alley 80 11/14/2020 11/17/2020
Haggerty, Mildred 6/29/2020 7/1/2020
Hale, Jeffrey Paul, PhD 45 11/14/2020 12/23/2020
Hall, Paul H 88 4/21/2020 4/23/2020
Halton, Betty J. 10/11/2020 10/14/2020
Hammons, Sandra AnnMcManners 10/16/2020 12/1/1942 10/19/2020
Hans, Fred Curtis, Jr. 324/2020 3/25/2020
Hanson, Lewis Allen 12/19/2020 12/24/2020
Harris, Jacob Thomas 30 5/12/2020 12/18/1989 5/22/2020
Harrison, Betty Jo 7/30/2020 7/31/2020
Hasty, Edward Stillwell (Buster) 3/16/2020 4/3/2020
Hatch, Dora 8/24/2020 8/27/2020
Haynes, Leon Wayland (Granddaddy) 11/8/2020 11/11/2020
Heller, Velma (Harvey) 2/12/2020 2/14/2020
Henderson, Eric 7/9/2020 7/30/2020
Henderson, JohnPaul 107 10/16/2020 12/24/1942 10/19/2020
Henry, Walter, Jr. 2/2/2020 2/3/2020
Henry, Walter, Jr. 2/2/2020 12/28/1933 2/13/2020
Hernandez, Anita 53 3/30/2020 10/25/1966 4/3/2020
Hernandez, Cano, Jr. 6/27/2020 7/15/2020
Herndon, Caleb Scott 8/23/2020 9/2/2020
Herndon, Misty Dawn 38 8/17/2020 11/30/1981 8/21/2020
Herrington, Fred Lee (Tuffy) 72 7/3/2020 7/8/2020
Higginbotham, Floyd Joshua (Josh) 2/4/2020 2/6/2020
Hill, Dorothy Grace Anderson 96 6/4/2020 12/15/1923 6/8/2020
Hill, Jimmie Lee Fayle 11/3/2020 11/4/2020
Hodges, Teresa Dianne 5/6/1954 8/4/2020
Holder, Genevieve Evelyn Davies 80 7/28/2020 8/7/2020
Holder, Richard (Bo) 28 2/2/2020 2/4/2020
Holle, Arthur W 3/30/2020 4/3/2020
Holleman, Nelda Joyce 88 3/26/2020 7/28/1931 3/27/2020
Holmes, Peter (Big Pete) Anthony 65 12/19/2020 7/14/1955 12/23/2020
Horton, Judith Graham Little 78 8/25/2020 8/24/1941 8/20/2020
Horton, Patricia (Sissy) Anette 69 11/4/2020 11/6/1950 11/11/2020
Horton,Marsha Elaine Rhoades 60 1/12/2020 8/4/1959 1/17/2020
Houghton, Charles E, III 84 2/9/2020 2/25/2020
Houska, Brenda Joyce 9/8/2020 11/9/1940 11/4/2020
Hudman, Mac 79 12/6/2020 12/9/2020
Hudson, James Doc Newton 6/6/2020 7/8/2020
Huggins-Bohley, Naomi Pauline 98 9/1/2020 2/22/1922 9/3/2020
Hughes, Clyde Elbert 96 9/10/2020 9/14/2020
Hughes, Jerri Beth 61 8/1/2020 12/28/1958 8/4/2020
Huling, Robert (Bob) James 63 8/13/2020 10/16/1956 8/17/2020
Humphries-Haltom, Marie Virginia Nail 96 11/24/2020 11/27/2027
Hunt, Merle Moody 88 2/12/2020 2/8/1932 2/13/2020
Husted, Glenn Harrison 78 6/25/2020 8/18/1941 7/1/2020
Ickes, Bertie W 95 2/20/2020 2/27/2020
Ingersoll, Mary Edith 11/19/2020 10/30/1922 11/23/2020
Irwin, Wayne Richard 9/26/2020 10/21/1935 9/29/2020
Izabuirre, Miguel, Sr. 12/29/2019 1/2/2020
Jacobs, H.L. (Pnut) 1/8/2020 1/9/2020
Jacobson, Brigitte Louise 12/17/2019 1/17/2020
Janak, Glenn Ray 9/25/2020 3/25/1945 9/28/2020
Jensen, Cynthia (Dianne) Albright 10/1/2020 10/2/2020
Johnson, Oscar Jr. 2/18/2020 2/20/2020
Johnson, Robert H 9/16/2020
Joines, Bobby Eugene 83 4/26/2020 12/13/1936 4/29/2020
Jones, Sharon Elizabeth 78 7/25/2020 12/17/1941 7/29/2020
Juarez, Robert Sr. 12/21/2020 12/24/2020
Judge, Johnnie, E. 3/4/2020 3/9/2020
Keating, Virginia Myrl 82 12/19/2019 1/2/2020
Kelley, Michelle Lynn (Mickey) 12/30/2019 7/8/1949 1/2/2020
Kelley, William R (Bill) 78 11/17/2020 11/20/2020
Kelly, Miriam Agnes 87 4/3/2020 11/20/193 4/8/2020
Keyes, Wilma Jean 80 7/6/2020 10/24/1939 7/13/2020
Kilby, Freida Marie Louise 58 8/9/2020 10/31/1961 8/12/2020
Kirkwood, James (J.W.) 91 12/21/2020 12/28/2020
Kloesel, Margie l Zatopek 88 6/20/2020 11/10/1931 6/26/2020
Knapp, Richard Leroy 3/8/2020 9/30/1935 3/13/2020
Knupple, Lester Wayne, Sr. 73 9/28/2020 9/30/2020
Koch, robyne Aaron 59 1/23/2020 2/14/1960 1/28/2020
Kovalcik, Gwendolyn 72 11/8/2020 2/14/1948 11/18/2020
Krolczyk, Dennis Ray 12/2/2020 12/4/2020
Kubin, John Parish 57 3/11/2020 4/17/1962 3/17/2020
Kubiszyn, Lucy Stallworth 2/6/2020 2/10/2020
Kunz, Mildred Smith 94 6/10/2020 4/23/1926 6/12/2020
Laird, James Roland 89 2/2/2020 2/5/2020
Landi, Mehdi 70 12/3/2020 4/12/1950 12/4/2020
Langham, Jack 98 10/30/2020 9/14/1922 11/2/2020
Larson, Gary H 73 8/8/2020 8/10/2020
Laverentz, Donald (Don) 85 8/16/2020 6/18/1935 8/21/2020
Lawrence, Ann 6/11/2020 6/15/2020
LeBlanc, Alton (Skip) 65 5/30/2020 3/15/1954 6/5/2020
LeBouf, Ottis Lee 2/3/2020 6/11/1936 2/5/2020
Ledet, Joseph Sr. 4/11/2020 4/13/2020
Leggett, Dixie Margaret Sick 84 12/6/2020 12/9/1935 12/11/2020
Leibham, thomas James, Sr. 8/31/2020 9/4/2020
Lenamond, Gene 86 4/8/2020 4/10/2020
Lensing, Dorothy Labelle 89 2/2/2020 10/4/1930 2/4/2020
Leonard, Dorothy Mae 90 1/1/2020 3/20/1929 1/3/2020
Lerma, Magdalena (Maggie) 79 8/7/2020 8/10/2020
Liles, Janie Gaynell 86 11/20/2020 1/22/1934 11/27/2020
Lillard, John (Johnny) Raymond 6/25/2020 1/3/1945 6/29/2020
Lindemann, Dennis Lee 48 3/7/2020 6/13/1971 7/7/2020
Lintelman, Bobby Earl 64 7/12/2020 8/5/1950 7/17/2020
Long, Ronald C 11/11/2020 7/9/1952 11/18/2020
Lopez, Albert 9/14/2020 9/18/2020
Lopez, Anna Marie 86 12/3/2020 12/21/1933 12/18/2020
Lopez, Domingo R. (Mingo) 74 6/5/2020 6/9/2020
Love, Mary Joan 83 10/26/2020 5/2/1937 10/30/2020
Lucas, Billy Wade 1/1/1935 3/31/2020
Lynch, Albert F (Bert) 70 5/7/2020 8/21/1949 5/8/2020
Main, Lester Munroe 7/28/2020 5/25/1935 8/4/2020
Majors, Joan Lee 75 6/16/2020 6/19/2020
Mandell, Frances E. Oliver 1/6/2020 9/24/1936 1/9/2020
Mann, Harold Loren, III 72 12/11/2020 9/9/1948 12/16/2020
Manne, Beverly 94 10/22/2020 10/23/2020
Marron, Delia Elizabeth 67 7/7/2020 1/21/1953 7/21/2020
Marron, Joe Louis 8/3/2020 2/17/1950 8/11/2020
Marsh, Ronald Lee 72 11/27/2020 4/2/1948 12/4/2020
Martinez, Pedro J. 80 10/3/2020 10/7/2020
Martinez, Sandra Ann 8/4/2020 8/12/2020
Mason, Jesie Maurine 85 1/12/2020 1/20/2020
Massingill, Glenda Huntley 82 2/12/2020 2/14/2020
Mateo, Carlos 69 1/14/2019 9/2/1950 2/6/2020
Matthews Mary Louise 74 5/5/2020 6/1/1945 5/8/2020
Mattingly, Marshall Ray, Sr. 85 11/17/2020 2/8/1935 11/27/2020
McBunch, Lori Johnson 30 12/15/2020 8/3/1990 12/18/2020
McCormick, George W. 70 3/1/2020 5/2/1949 3/3/2020
McCullough, Mary Nell 12/28/2019 1/2/2020
McDaniel, G.L. Buddy 94 6/13/2020 6/27/1947 6/17/2020
McDaniel, Quinton H, Jr. 74 12/4/2020 11/27/1946 12/9/2020
McDaniel, Rev. Everett 89 2/8/2020 2/11/2020
McFarland, Amelia Maria McMillan 6/4/2020 2/28/1956 6/8/2020
McLean, Roger John (Johnny) 72 6/11/2020 6/19/2020
McLenon, Robert Douglas (Bob) 93 6/9/1927 6/17/2020 6/22/2020
McMullen, Albert Junior 9/14/2020 9/15/2020
McMullen, Joy Yvonne 9/25/2020 9/28/2020
McVay, Kenneth R. 12/19/2020 10/7/1963 12/23/2020
Medico, Jamie Lane Kraus Carlisle 7/20/2020 9/30/1967 7/22/2020
Mendoza, Mary Frances 8/26/2020 8/26/1937 8/28/2020
Merryman, Nelda Ruth Powell 59 5/15/2020 7/14/1960 5/22/2020
Miller, Joanna Gail 67 6/6/2020 6/12/2020
Miller, Johnnie Ree 93 5/18/2020 10/27/1926 5/20/2020
Miller, Robert (Bob) 78 7/27/2020 7/13/1942 8/3/2020
Miller-Brown, Agnes 6/7/2020 1/27/1945 6/10/2020
Mills, Leroy, Sr. 92 3/17/2020 3/23/2020
Moellenkamp, Jimmy 71 9/21/2020 11/19/1948 9/30/2020
Moore, Cyrus Elijah 9/20/2020 9/30/2020
Moore, Dennis 64 11/7/2020 12/25/1955 11/27/2020
Moore, Gloria Kathleen 4/12/2020 11/17/1930 4/15/2020
Moore, Kenneth Eugene 8/11/2020
Moore, Marlin Channing 10/11/2020 10/16/2020
Moore, Martha Jo Owen 94 2/11/2020 2/28/2020
Moore, Peggy Rosser 84 8/15/2020 8/21/2020
Morgan, Charles 10/29/2020 5/22/1938 11/2/2020
Morisak, Robert William (Bob) 1/17/2020 1/21/2020
Morris, Arthur Lee 12/12/2020 8/15/1941 12/16/2020
Morris, Frances Berelene (Dean) 91 12/30/2019 1/3/2020
Morton,Marilyn Rose 81 12/4/2020 8/27/1939 12/11/2020
Mullins, Gene 79 10/20/2020 10/23/2020
Mullins, Juanita Christine 98 1/12/2020 1/14/2020
Murray, Robert William 84 9/14/2020 10/30/1935 9/16/2020
Nalley, Reggie 69 6/20/2020 11/25/1950 6/24/2020
Narcisse, Mary Earline 3/6/1933 1/9/2020
Nash, Bryce Darrell 11 12/10/2020 5/7/2009 12/18/2020
Nelson, George H, Jr. 12/27/2020 12/31/2020
Nelson, Ronald Kent 12/12/2019 1/15/2020
Nichols, Monroe, Jr. 11/25/2020 11/7/1939 12/1/2020
Nickerson, Flora Mae 89 11/14/2020 11/16/2020
Nieto, Mary A 89 12/8/2020 12/18/2020
Nobles-Hill, Verdie Mae 82 7/29/2020 11/22/1938 8/3/2020
Norris, Dane Edwards 7/25/2020 7/30/2020
Nunez, Shirley Ann 83 11/7/2020 7/4/1937 11/9/2020
O'Brien, Lucy (Lucia) Dednarski 12/4/2020 3/31/1938 12/18/2020
Olachia, John Manuel 56 8/5/2020 3/2/1964 8/10/2020
Orsino, Rosario (Ross) 64 1/1/2020 1/3/2020
O'Sullivan, James Craig, Sr. 1/22/2020 1/24/2020
Oviedo, Fay Negrete 105 5/26/1915 8/5/2020
Pape, Delbert Doyce (Delby) 69 9/11/2020 9/16/2020
Parish, Colby 6/16/2020 10/29/1986 6/26/2020
Partin, Wilma Joyce 80 5/10/2020 2/27/1940 5/12/2020
Payne, Robert (Bob) Earl 92 7/26/2020 4/23/1928 7/29/2020
Pearce, Amanda Marie 10/10/2020 10/14/2020
Pepper, Oscar G 2/7/2020 11/17/1935 2/18/2020
Perdue, daniel Kristian 7/23/2020 10/7/1977 8/7/2020
Perez, Daniel 65 1/12/2020 6/17/1954 1/21/2020
Perez, Victor E. 48 1/15/2020 6/27/1971 1/22/2020
Petersen, Rupertha (Pertha) Pamela 12/21/2020 12/31/2020
Peterson, Emma Jean King 94 2/5/2020 11/14/1925 2/11/2020
Pevoteaux, Sam Waklin, Jr. 8/21/2020 9/16/2020
Phillips, George Martin III 11/21/2020 11/23/2020
Pickens, Almer C. (Tim) 73 10/3/2020 10/9/2020
Pieternelle, Crispo Hermann 9/12/2020 8/18/1932 9/16/2020
Piland, Tim 77 6/19/2020 3/27/1943 6/24/2020
Pomykal, Bettye Marie Hrozek 1/16/2020 1/20/2020
Pomykal, OgeneJohn 92 9/22/2020 9/1/1928 9/25/2020
Ponce,Miguel Medrano 80 5/26/2020 5/8/1940 6/1/2020
Ponder, Helon Kay 6/27/2020 6/29/2020
Poole, Mary Bertha 10/11/2020 8/22/1936 10/16/2020
Porter, Dorothy Hardison 7/25/2020 7/27/2020
Porter, Patricia Ann Parsons 78 7/3/2020 10/10/1941 8/7/2020
Powe, Cecil E. 95 6/5/2020 6/8/2020
Powell, Barbara Ann Sindle 6/17/2020 9/16/1953 6/22/2020
Presley, Frederick (Rick) Ardean III 10/15/2020 11/7/1948 10/22/2020
Ramirez, Dolores Quintero 10/14/2020 10/16/2020
Read, James McPherson 88 3/13/2020 3/17/2020
Reed, William Joseph (Billy) 41 7/25/2020 7/27/2020
Reed,James Earl, Jr. 53 1/7/2020 1/16/2020
Relyea, Douglas LeRoy 10/3/2020 3/12/1940 10/9/2020
Resendez, Jose T. (Pepe) 80 8/30/2020 9/1/2020
Rhodes-Brooks, Faheemah Maryan 2/4/1977 8/19/2020
Richardson, Barbara Jean 81 4/19/2020 9/10/1938 4/21/2020
Richardson, James (Jim) 72 5/16/2020 7/23/1947 5/22/2020
Richardson-St. John 7/14/2020 7/21/2020
Riggan, Tony C 4/5/2020 4/6/2020
Rios, Mary Ellen 69 9/24/2020 9/28/2020
Ritchie,Sondra June 77 3/22/2020 10/28/1942 3/26/2020
Roan, Solon Lee, Jr. 6/1/2020 6/5/2020
Roberts, Maudie Sue 6/11/2020 6/18/2020
Rocha, Kenneth Ralph 59 9/27/2020 9/29/2020
Rocha, Ruben Morquecho 67 7/18/2020 5/3/1953 7/22/2020
Rodriguez, Armando Garcia 62 4/28/2020 2/2/1958 5/4/2020
Rodriguez, Debra Ann 6/4/2020 6/8/2020
Rodriguez, Jorge 4/19/2020 4/29/2020
Rodriguez, Margarita Garza 52 4/28/2020 5/22/1967 4/29/2020
Rodriguez, Teressa Paxton Stovall 60 8/8/2020 8/12/2020
Roeschen, Thomas Richard, Jr. 11/12/2020 11/16/2020
Rogers, William Roy (Bill) 69 6/6/2020 6/19/2020
Romero, Ronald Ray, Sr. 76 11/26/2020 9/23/1944 11/30/2020
Rose, Jimmy Ollis 74 12/1/2020 6/11/1946 12/4/2020
Ross, Thomas Howard 4/1/2020 10/25/1937 4/11/2020
Rowland, Linda Louise Walker 78 10/14/2020 8/28/1942 10/19/2020
Ruiz, Emilio Rangel 10/5/1939 5/21/2020 5/23/2020
Rutzen, Bennie Fay 82 5/29/2020 2/14/1938 6/1/2020
Rydbom, Charles, Andrew 76 7/18/2020 11/26/1943 7/23/2020
Saldana, Tamara J. 60 11/16/2020 2/2/1960 11/20/2020
Salinas, Donna Jean 68 7/6/2020 7/10/2020
Salinas, Guadalupe (Lupe) 60 3/11/2020 3/13/2020
Sanchez, Jose L 62 11/7/2020 11/11/2020
Sandoval, Daniel 93 9/7/2020 9/11/2020
Santana, Miguel (Mike) 4/10/2020 4/13/2020
Sargent, Wilma Jean 74 5/26/2020 4/18/1946 5/29/2020
Scarborough, Charles Edward 81 10/27/2020 7/13/1939 10/30/2020
Schaeffer, Dorothy (Dot) Mae 1/18/2020 1/20/2020
Schick, Donna Jean 51 8/13/2020 4/13/1969 8/19/2020
Schrock, David K 11/14/2020 1/7/1958 11/27/2020
Schulze, Sammy (Sam) Trent 7/302020 8/17/2020
Scott, Sandra 8/22/2020 9/2/1970 8/28/2020
Searcy, Kenneth Wayne 8/3/2020 8/7/2020
Sellars, Ruth Kaelke 10/4/2020 12/24/1926 10/7/2020
Sessions, Yvonne Ponton 88 6/2/2020 1/9/1932 6/8/2020
Sharp, Patricia Ann 90 1/31/2020 2/4/2020
Sheats, Patricia Ann (sammons) 3/3/1951 1/14/2020
Sheldon, Frances Estrada 76 8/18/2020 5/11/1944 8/24/2020
Shepherd, Betty Joyce 9/22/2020 9/25/2020
Sheppard, Cletus Devon (Clete) 77 7/20/2020 11/25/1942 7/24/2020
Sherer, Robert (Bobby) Burns, Jr. 2/28/2020 3/3/2020
Sherman, John Edward 7/27/1948 5/18/2020
Sherry, Virginia (Virg) Santillano 68 7/19/2020 7/22/2020
Shugart, James A 77 12/12/2020 4/25/1943 12/18/2020
Simmons, Andrew 75 2/16/2020 2/10/2020
Sims, Wayne Lamonte 59 7/27/2020 7/31/2020
Singleton, Leonard, Jr. 11/22/2020 11/30/2020
Sistos, Eulalia 7/22/2020 7/7/1949 7/31/2020
Smith, Billy (Red Feather) 85 1/13/2020 1/14/2020
Smith, Diana Lynn Williams 1/30/2020 1/31/2020
Smith, Elvia Abigail (Merlos) 9/14/2020 9/18/2020
Smith, Mary Evelyn 5/28/2020 5/17/1934 6/5/2020
Smith, Patricia A., Ed.D 1/17/2020 1/15/2020
Smith, Royce Hilton 96 12/8/2020 8/8/1924 12/11/2020
Snead, Lois Suttles 8/31/2020 9/2/2020
Snider, Georgia Kovalcik 89 10/20/2020 2/3/1931 10/22/2020
Sparkman, James Carl 71 4/19/2020 4/292020
Speegle, Camellia Ann 71 10/15/2020 9/16/1949 10/23/2020
Stalter, Boyce Dean, Sr. 12/29/2020 12/18/1944 12/28/2020
Stanley, Mark Howard 65 6/9/2020 3/12/1955 6/19/2020
Steele, Lola Douty 5/7/2020 10/2/1949 5/16/2020
Stewart, Estella Yvonne 64 5/3/2020 5/13/2020
Stovall, James Woodrow, Jr. 8/7/2020 8/12/2020
Strangmeier, James Douglas 6/18/2020 3/25/1972 6/22/2020
Stratford, Paul F. 8/1/2020 8/4/2020
Sullivan, James Benjamin (Benji) 73 5/23/2020 7/15/1946 5/29/2020
Surface, Gladys (Jan) Janet (Tucker) 82 8/7/1938 9/10/2020 9/14/2020
Sutton, Billy James 91 8/24/2020 6/24/1929 8/26/2020
Swaim, Charlita 3/13/2020 4/8/1937 3/17/2020
Swofford, Sarah Scroggins 4/17/2020 4/21/2020
Swope, Dick 87 2/2/2020 2/5/2020
Taylor, Anna Josephine Holmes 7/17/2020 7/22/2020
Taylor, Jackie (Jack) Marvin 3/24/2020 3/26/2020
Taylor, Lacy Edwin 57 4/9/2020 1/23/1963 4/13/2020
Telford, Darrel Keith 68 10/14/2020 11/13/1951 10/19/2020
Theiss, Verna Mae Sims 84 4/23/2020 7/12/1935 5/6/2020
Theus, Dolores 89 3/16/2929 3/24/1930 5/8/2020
Thompson, Charles Leroy (Chuck) 10/19/2020 10/21/2020
Tiller, Jefferson (Jeff) Wade 7/1/2020 7/8/2020
Tiner, Doris Ihrig 92 5/16/2020 8/15/1927 5/20/2020
Traylor, Gwendolyn (Gwen) Foster 75 10/28/2020 10/10/1945 10/30/2020
Treuhardt, Don Cleetes 6/21/2020 6/24/2020
Turner, D'Eva 77 2/21/2020 2/27/2020
Valdes, Janet Hobbs 12/20/2019 1/3/2020
Vaughn, Jen Elizabeth 10/19/2020 10/22/2020
Venegas, Susan Mares 70 10/29/2020 11/2/2020
Vicki Lynn Arnold 10/14/2020 12/29/1949 11/13/2020
Villanueva, Emilia H 86 12/28/2020 5/22/1934 12/31/2020
Vinyard, Herschel T, Sr. 81 11/10/2020 11/12/2020
Voris, Diana Marie LaFrancois 77 10/22/2020 9/13/1943 10/26/2020
Waddell, Jenny (Belt) 8/27/2020
Waldie, Michael Stephen 11/27/2020 3/17/1944 12/2/2020
Walker, Dorothy Jane 9/23/2020 9/25/2020
Walker, Udell Jasper, Jr. 77 12/6/2020 12/11/2020
Walmsley, Doris Wright 1/7/2020 1/15/2020
Wann, Elbert Van 7/2/2020 12/29/1930 7/10/2020
Warren, Walter Ray 74 4/12/2020 4/15/2020
Washburn, Travis Lavone 6/16/2020 6/19/2020
Wasson, Alice Pavlicek 4/5/2020 4/7/2020
Watkins, Joe Cephus 68 11/3/2020 9/26/1952 11/11/2020
Webb, Holly 8/21/2020 10/24/1976 8/24/2020
Webber, Freda Joy Meleen Crow 1/7/2020 1/10/2020
West, Darla Gay 12/6/2019 1/7/2020
Wheatfall, Harold James 5/24/2020 11/26/1950 6/3/2020
Wheatley, Mary Carolyn 87 12/4/2020 3/1/1933 12/7/2020
Whiddon, Rose Marie (Falcone) 84 1/1/2020 1/3/2020
Whitehead, Woodrow Keith 10/3/2020 6/2/1938 10/9/2020
Whitener, Ernest Karl III 2/3/2020 2/7/2020
Whitesides, Lemoyne Layfayette (L.L) 78 5/29/2020 6/24/1941 6/1/2020
Whitfield, Eva Lunette 95 5/26/2020 12/14/1924 6/3/2020
Williams, Sue Clay Hughey 7/10/2020 00/00/1924 7/13/2020
Williamson, Marjorie Ciruti 82 3/30/2020 3/30/1938 4/1/2020
Willingham, Steven, Jr 54 6/10/1966 9/14/2020
Wilson, Homer Lee, Jr. 63 9/24/2020 12/18/1956 10/2/2020
Wilson, Kenneth M. 9/8/1946 12/7/2020
Wilson, Sandra Diane Ray 65 1/21/2020 7/19/1954 1/23/2020
Winn, Grantson Wade 5/27/2020 6/1/2020
Wolcik, Earl E. 2/14/2020 2/17/2020
Wood, Emory 82 11/5/2020 11/11/2020
Woods, Ocie Lee (O.L.), Jr. 81 4/8/2020 11/20/1938 4/10/2020
Wooster, Michael (Shawn) 2/12/2020 2/18/2020
Wooster, Michael (Shawn) 2/12/2020 2/19/2020
Wooster, Michael George 11/5/2020 11/9/2020
Wright, ShirleyAnn Baca 84 4/19/2020 4/21/2020
Yarborough, Douglas Alan 49 8/25/2020 9/1/1970 9/9/2020
Yzquierdo, Saul (Bule) 61 12/16/2020 6/28/1959 12/18/2020
Zadrapa, Angelee 10/29/2020 10/30/2020
Zavala, Matin Kent 20 6/14/2020 6/29/2020
Zeringue, Gerald Noel (Jerry) 5/30/2020 6/8/2020
Zimmerman, Helen I 90 12/29/2020 8/29/1930 12/31/2020
Zink, John Michael, III 78 9/6/2020 9/9/2020
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