2016 - Psychiatric Symptoms
2016 - Psychiatric Symptoms
2016 - Psychiatric Symptoms
and Comorbidities
in Autism Spectrum
Luigi Mazzone
Benedetto Vitiello
Psychiatric Symptoms and Comorbidities in
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Luigi Mazzone • Benedetto Vitiello
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
One of the most remarkable phenomena of the past twenty years has been the
dramatic increase in the rate of the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in
our society. It is estimated that 1 in 68 children had been diagnosed with this disor-
der in 2010 in the USA (Department of Health and Human Services. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, March 28, 2014).
This is a major increase over the 1 in 150 rate in 2000 and even the 1 in 88 rate
in 2008. It is unclear how much of this phenomenon is accounted by the broader
diagnostic criteria and the greater awareness for the condition among families,
teachers, and clinicians, rather than by a true rise of the disorder (APA 2013).
Regardless of the relative weight of the various possible causes, it is a fact that psy-
chiatrists, pediatricians, neurologists, and primary care physicians are now much
more likely to treat children with autism spectrum disorder in their daily practice
than just a few years ago.
The management of autism spectrum disorder is typically complex and multidis-
ciplinary. The core symptoms, consisting in deficits in social communication and
language, and a pattern of restricted interests and repetitive behaviors, are best
addressed with intensive psychoeducational programs that have been shown, on
average, to ameliorate functioning (Dawson et al. 2010; Reichow et al. 2012).
Treatment of associated medical problems, such as seizure disorders and gastroin-
testinal symptoms, is often needed. The management of behavioral problems in
persons with autism spectrum disorder is an important challenge for clinicians and
families, and the psychiatric symptoms in comorbidities could even exacerbate the
behavioral dyscontrol.
Moreover, the symptoms of psychopathological conditions may be masked by
those typical of ASD, and the threshold between autism spectrum core symptoms
and comorbid symptoms can be blurred (Mazzone et al. 2012). Another common
challenge for clinicians is to determine if psychiatric symptoms observed in ASD
are part of the same dimension of autism spectrum itself or rather represent different
categorical factors such as a psychiatric disorder in comorbidity. This happens
because, as mentioned above, the core symptoms of ASD often mask the symptoms
of the comorbid condition. A helpful strategy to disentangle this issue could be to
look prospectively at the overall clinical outcome through longitudinal studies.
Longitudinal studies allow researchers to closely follow the developmental trajecto-
ries of ASD and to detect subtle changes in behavior at different stages of
x Introduction
For example, we now know that certain agents, such as risperidone and aripipra-
zole, are highly effective in decreasing aggression and irritability, but their use can
be accompanied by important metabolic adverse effects (Martin et al. 2004), or that
methylphenidate is less effective and more likely to cause adverse effects when used
for the management of ADHD in children with autism spectrum disorder as com-
pared to ADHD without autism (RUPP 2005). And we also know that selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitor medication is generally not effective in the manage-
ment of repetitive behaviors in autism (King et al. 2009).
The integration of pharmacological treatment with psychosocial, educational,
and rehabilitative interventions is a critical aspect of the management of autism
spectrum disorder (Volkmar et al. 2014). Combining medication with behavioral
intervention can be more effective in improving the level of functioning (Aman
et al. 2009). As always in medicine, the treatment of the individual with autism
spectrum disorder is an art that requires integration of the state-of-science data with
the specific needs and characteristics of the patient. The purpose of this book is to
provide clinicians with the most updated information on the diagnosis and treatment
of common psychiatric symptoms associated with autism spectrum disorder, and it
is meant to offer clinicians with the best scientific evidence on which to build suc-
cessful therapeutic strategies for their patients.
The opinions and assertions here presented are the private views of the author,
and are not to be construed as official statement of the National Institute of Mental
Health, the National Institutes of Health, or the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services.
1. Aman MG, McDougle CJ, Scahill L, Handen B, Arnold LE, Johnson C, Stigler KA, Karen
Bearss K, Butter E, Swiezy NB, Sukhodolsky DD, Yaser Ramadan Y, Stacie L, Pozdol SL,
Roumen Nikolov R, Lecavalier L, Arlene E. Kohn AE, Koenig K, Hollway JA, Korzekwa P,
Gavaletz A, Mulick JA, Kristy L. Hall, Dziura J, Louise Ritz L, Trollinger S, Yu S, Vitiello B,
Wagner A (2009) Medication and parent training in children with pervasive developmental
disorders and serious behavior problems. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry
2. American Psychiatric Association (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 5th edn (DSM-5). American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC
3. Arnold LE, Vitiello B, McDougle C, Scahill L, Shah B, Gonzalez NM, Chuang S, Davies M,
Hollway J, Aman MG, Cronin P, Koenig K., Kohn AE, McMahon DJ, Tierney E (2003)
Parent-defined target symptoms respond to risperidone in RUPP autism study: customer
approach to clinical trials. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 42:1443–1450
4. Coury DL, Anagnostou E, Manning-Courtney P, Reynolds A, Cole L, McCoy R, Whitaker A,
Perrin JM (2012) Use of psychotropic medication in children and adolescents with autism
spectrum disorders. Pediatrics 130(Suppl 2):S69–S76
xii Introduction
1 Introduction
V. Postorino (*)
Department of Pediatrics, Marcus Autism Center, Emory University School of Medicine,
Atlanta, GA, USA
Child Neuropsychiatry Unit, Department of Neuroscience, I.R.C.C.S. Bambino Gesù
Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
S. Vicari • L. Mazzone
Child Neuropsychiatry Unit, Department of Neuroscience, I.R.C.C.S. Bambino Gesù
Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
2 Prevalence
Studies published so far on the co-occurrence of ASD and mood disorders have
reported variable prevalence rates ranging from 1.4 % to 70 % (Amr et al. 2012;
Barnhill and Smith 2001; Brereton et al. 2006; Cassidy et al. 2014; De Bruin et al.
2007; Ghaziuddin and Greden 1998; Green et al. 2000; Gotham et al. 2014; Hedley
and Young 2006; Henry et al. 2014; Hofvander et al. 2009; Joshi et al. 2013; Kim
et al. 2000; Lainhart and Folstein 1994; Leyfer et al. 2006; Lugnegãrd et al. 2011;
Mazefsky et al. 2011; Mazzone et al. 2013; Mattila et al. 2010; Munesue et al. 2008;
Pouw et al. 2013; Rosenberg et al. 2011; Simonoff et al. 2008, 2012; Stahlberg et al.
2004; Sterling et al. 2008; Strang et al. 2012; Vickerstaff et al. 2007; Whitehouse
et al. 2009; Williamson et al. 2008; Wozniak et al. 1997). However, all these studies
used different diagnostic criteria, reasons for referral, and age ranges; thus these
issues could account for these wide rates. Indeed, these discrepancies could be
explained by the level of intellectual ability of the patients enrolled. In fact, studies
involving individuals with ASD and intellectual disability (ID) generally report
slightly lower rate of co-occurring mood disorders in this population (De Bruin
et al. 2007; Hofvander et al. 2009; Rosenberg et al. 2011). For instance, De Bruin
et al. (2007) in a sample of 94 children with Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not
Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) reported that 13.8 % of them had at least one
mood disorder of which major depression occurred most frequently (10.6 %).
However, patients enrolled in this study reported a highly variable intellectual abil-
ity (intelligence quotient (IQ) ranging from 55 to 120). Similarly, a recent study
examining variation in cumulative prevalence of community diagnosis of psychiat-
ric comorbidity in 4,343 children with ASD, and including 1,170 individuals with
an ID, found that 11 % of them showed a comorbid depression and 5.2 % a bipolar
disorder (Rosenberg et al. 2011). On the other hand, individuals with high-
functioning autism (HFA) seem to be particularly affected by mood disorders
(Ghaziuddin and Greden 1998; Kim et al. 2000; Mazzone et al. 2013; Munesue
et al. 2008; Stewart et al. 2006; Vickerstaff et al. 2007; Whitehouse et al. 2009). For
instance, two recent studies investigating depressive symptoms in HFA samples
through self-report questionnaires found that these patients reported severe depres-
sive symptoms (Mazzone et al. 2013; Whitehouse et al. 2009). Moreover, Ghaziuddin
and Greden (1998) reported a rate of mood disorders of 34 % in a sample of 35
patients with a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome (AS). In line with these results, a
recent study found that 16 out of 44 outpatients with HFA (36.4 %) had a comorbid
mood disorder (Munesue et al. 2008). Higher rates of co-occurrence of bipolar I
disorder and ASD were obtained in a large controlled analysis of phenotypic and
familiar correlates in a referred population of youth with bipolar I disorder assessed
for the comorbidity with ASD (Joshi et al. 2013). Specifically, these authors reported
that 30.3 % of the bipolar I probands met criteria for ASD (Joshi et al. 2013).
Generally, in adolescent and adult patients with HFA, the rates of comorbid mood
disorders seem to be even higher (Cassidy et al. 2014; Hofvander et al. 2009;
Lugnegãrd et al. 2011; Stahlberg et al. 2004; Sterling et al. 2008). In more detail,
Hofvander et al. (2009) reported that the most common lifetime comorbid condition
1 Mood Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 3
was mood disorders (53 %) in a sample of adolescents and adults with ASD without
ID. Moreover, Lugnegãrd et al. (2011) investigating psychiatric comorbidity in
young adults with a clinical diagnosis of AS reported that 70 % of adults with ASD
had experienced at least one major episode of depression and 50 % of them had suf-
fered from recurrent depressive episodes. Indeed, a recent clinical cohort study on
374 adults with AS found that 32 % of the sample reported a history of depression
(Cassidy et al. 2014).
Other factors that can play an important role in the onset of mood disorders in
ASD are environmental factors: stressors and negative life events (i.e., family sick-
ness, change of house, or bereavement) may contribute to the occurrence of depres-
sion in individuals with ASD (Ghaziuddin et al. 1995). It is well known that patients
with depression have experience of increasing stressors before illness onset (Brown
and Harris 1989; Hammen 2005). Therefore, the experience of these negative life
events could play a role in the occurrence of this disorder also in people with autism.
According to this, Ghaziuddin et al. (1995) have investigated the presence of inde-
pendent negative life events in two groups of children with pervasive developmen-
tal disorder (PDD) (11 patients with PDD and 11 patients with PDD and depression)
for a period of 12 months prior to onset of depression. Findings indicated that 82 %
of children with PDD and a comorbid depression had a history of recent unpleasant
life events as compared to 45 % of the group with PDD without depression.
Regarding bipolar disorders the symptoms that could strongly suggest their
occurrence in individuals with autism are manic and hypomanic signs (e.g., irrita-
ble, instable and dysphoric mood, excessive reactivity, hyperarousal, agitation,
flight of ideas, pressured speech, increase distractibility, poor judgment, intrusive-
ness, laughing, aggression, and noncompliance) (Lainhart and Folstein 1994; Joshi
et al. 2013; Skeppar et al. 2013; Vannucchi et al. 2014). In clinical practice it is
common to misinterpret affective signs as features of schizophrenia in patients with
ASD (Skeppar et al. 2013). Generally, it has to be considered that bizarre thoughts
are different from odd thinking and stereotypic ideas and feelings which are com-
mon in this clinical population. Even though in individuals with ASD these bizarre
ideas may become more pronounced and intense during manic episodes, these are
stable and preexisting since childhood (Vannucchi et al. 2014).
In order to make a correct distinction between these conditions, clinicians has to
consider that manic symptoms in autism (e.g., hyperarousal or excessive reactivity)
may simply be caused by impairments in social understanding, instead of being
clinical signs of co-occurring mood disorders (Mazzone et al. 2012). A recent study
has investigated the phenotypic and familial correlates of bipolar disorder when it
occurs with and without ASD in order to understand if these correlates of bipolar
disorder could be comparable despite the comorbidity with autism (Joshi et al.
2013). Results revealed that the phenotypic features of bipolar disorder were similar
in youth with and without ASD comorbidity, with an age of onset of bipolar disor-
der significantly earlier when there was a comorbidity with autism (Joshi et al.
2013). Thus, this study suggested that the phenotypic and familial correlates are
typical and specific of the bipolar disorder despite the presence of ASD comorbid-
ity. Similarly, Wozniak et al. (1997) investigating the overlap between mania and
PDD in a consecutive sample of referred youths found that 21 % of these children
reported both disorders. Moreover, supporting the independence of the two syn-
dromes, the autistic symptoms were identical in children with autism irrespective of
the comorbidity with mania (Wozniak et al. 1997). In addition, the clinical features
and the course of mania, such as irritable mood and chronic course, were similar in
manic children with and without autism (Wozniak et al. 1997). These results pro-
vide preliminary evidence of a peculiar clinical profile in children with both
1 Mood Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 5
conditions. However, further studies better characterizing the different clinical and
neurocognitive impairments experienced by youth with ASD with and without
bipolar disorder are needed in order to shed light on the different clinical character-
istics of these conditions and help clinicians in the diagnostic process.
Cognitive ability is a factor that seems to account the occurrence of a mood disorder
in autism. HFA are more likely to develop mood symptoms (Cassidy et al. 2014;
Ghaziuddin et al. 2002; Ghaziuddin and Greden 1998; Hofvander et al. 2009; Kim
et al. 2000; Lugnegãrd et al. 2011; Mazzone et al. 2013; Munesue et al. 2008;
Stahlberg et al. 2004; Sterling et al. 2008; Stewart et al. 2006; Vickerstaff et al.
2007; Whitehouse et al. 2009). A factor that can contribute to this higher rate is that
even if these individuals could be interested in social interaction, they may not have
the appropriate skills to successfully develop social relationships (Barnhill and
Smith 2001). Generally they report difficulties in social functioning, including
make friends and maintain peer relationship, thus experiencing loneliness (Brunstein
Klomek et al. 2007; Little 2002; Humphrey and Lewis 2008; Mazurek 2014;
Whitehouse et al. 2009). A recent study on the relationship between social function-
ing and depressive symptoms in children with HFA compared to a group of typi-
cally developing children reported that the former showed more maladaptive coping
strategies and poorer social functioning which were uniquely associated with more
symptoms of depression (Pouw et al. 2013). Therefore, a person with ASD and an
average or above-average cognitive ability probably experiences multiple failures in
different social contests (e.g., school, family, etc.). The experience of these social
failures can lead to a lower self-esteem, which, in turn, increases the risk for depres-
sion (Ozonoff et al. 2002).
A possible explanation of the lower occurrence of depression in individuals with
autism and ID is that the abilities to process and perceive these social failures as
negative experiences could be compromised in this clinical population; thereby the
risk to develop depressive symptoms is decreased.
Another possible hypothesis for the higher association of depressive symptoms
in HFA is that these individuals can misinterpret social situation since they are not
able to make inferences regarding own and others’ state of mind. These difficulties
seem to be particularly pronounced during adolescence, a developmental period in
which the social identification becomes essential (Simonoff et al. 2008; Sterling
et al. 2008). For instance, Strang et al. (2012) examining the relationship between
age, IQ, autism, and depressive symptoms in school-age children and adolescents
with ASD and an average IQ, through a parent-report questionnaire that investigates
behavioral problems (i.e., Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)), reported that 30 % of
the sample was in the clinical range for depression.
6 V. Postorino et al.
Catatonia is a disorder of movement that can occur in the context of several psychi-
atric disorders and other medical conditions (American Psychiatric Association
2013). In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5th edition (DSM-5), catatonia is
defined by the presence of 3 or more of 12 psychomotor features and is not consid-
ered as an independent disorder, but as a specifier for a mental disorder (i.e., neuro-
developmental disorder, psychotic disorder, depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, or
other mental disorders) or due to another medical condition (APA 2013). Currently,
literature studies suggest an increased recognition of catatonia as a comorbid disor-
der of ASD (Billstedt et al. 2005; Fink et al. 2006; Fink and Taylor 2003; Mazzone
et al. 2014; Takaoka and Takata 2007; Wing and Shah 2000). However, given the
overlap of symptoms between these conditions, such as mutism, stereotypic speech,
repetitive behaviors, echolalia, posturing, mannerisms, purposeless agitation, and
rigidity, in clinical practice it is difficult to make a correct distinction between cata-
tonia and ASD (Dhossche et al. 2006; Dhossche 2004; Mazzone et al. 2014). The
broad clinical presentation of catatonia symptoms, ranging from marked unrespon-
siveness to marked agitation, leads the recognition of this comorbidity in ASD even
more challenging. Generally, it should be taken into account that catatonia appears
at a later age than autistic symptoms, and an assessment of a comorbid catatonia in
patients with autism should be considered only if a change in type and pattern of
preexisting symptoms is observed (Mazzone et al. 2013; Wing and Shah 2000).
Although historically catatonia has been linked to schizophrenia, recent studies
have highlighted that in the majority of cases this syndrome involves individual with
mood disorders (i.e., depression and bipolar disorders) (Fink 2013; Fink et al. 2006;
Fink and Taylor 2003). Therefore, as in this clinical population, even in patients
with autism, catatonia could be an exacerbation of mood symptoms already present
(Mazzone et al. 2014). For instance, Fink et al. (2006) in a series of six case reports
with a history of autism and a comorbid catatonia suggested that catatonia in patients
with ASD can be thought of as the comorbidity with a mood disorder instead of a
separate disorder. Moreover, given that mood symptoms are difficult to recognize in
patients with ASD, the marked clinical presentation of catatonic presentation is
sometimes an easier and only way to identify previous mood alteration already pres-
ent in this clinical population.
Shedding light on the neurobiological bases and defining the mechanisms underlying
autism and mood disorders is a crucial issue in order to delineate the distinct features
of these conditions. Analyzing the neurobiological systems can contribute to illustrate
which are the relations between these disorders. Even though abnormalities in brain
functioning and structures have been described either in autistic or mood disorder
patients, to our knowledge only one study compared brain structures (i.e., caudate
volume) in these clinical populations (Kerestes et al. 2013; Mazzone and Curatolo
2010; Voelbel et al. 2006; Wiggins et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2014). Therefore, we
decided to focus this section on the genetic and biological basis of these disorders.
A growing body of evidences supports that both ASD and mood disorders are high
heritable genetic pathologies. Broad rates of association between these disorders
suggest that their genetic and biological basis could be partially shared or that a
common etiological pathway may exist (Magnuson and Constantino 2011; Munesue
et al. 2008; Ragunath et al. 2011; Scherff et al. 2014). However, to date, little is
known about the causes of the occurrence of mood disorders in autism. Several
researches have tried to clarify the relationship between ASD and mood disorders,
but only a few studies assessed the etiological factors associated between these dis-
orders within a genetic model and the available findings have shown contrasting
results (Ghaziuddin et al. 2002; Mazzone et al. 2012, 2013; Ragunath et al. 2011).
A recent study has identified common pathways and genes involved in ASD and
bipolar disorder using independently two different tools: consensus path database (a
molecular functional interaction database that integrates information from different
manually curated pathway on protein interaction, metabolism, genetic interaction
signaling, and gene regulation) and GeneGO pathway maps (an integrated func-
tional software suite for functional analysis of genetic data) were employed for the
analysis (Kamburov et al. 2009; Ragunath et al. 2011). These tools identified four
pathways common to both disorders: the synaptic transmission pathway, the
1 Mood Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 9
neuroactive ligand receptor interaction pathway, the circadian rhythm pathway, and
the catecholamine biosynthesis pathway. All these pathways are involved in several
functions, such as regulating stress or maintaining mood, implicated in both ASD
and bipolar disorder. Therefore, it has been suggested that the comorbidity of these
disorders can be correlated to the genes involved in the pathways shared by the two
disorders (Ragunath et al. 2011). Moreover, a recent genome-wide analysis for five
psychiatric disorders (i.e., ASD, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, atten-
tion deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and schizophrenia) conducted by the
Psychiatric Genomics Consortium with the aim of identifying specific variants
underlying genetic effects shared between these disorders showed a reduced, but
still significant, overlap between aggregate genetic risk for ASD with schizophrenia
and bipolar disorder (Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium
2013a). However, no significant polygenetic overlap was detected between ASD
and major depressive disorder or ADHD. On the other hand, another study per-
formed by the same research group and examining the genetic relationship between
these five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide single-nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) reported a low genetic correlation between ASD and schizo-
phrenia but nonsignificant correlations for ASD and the other three disorders
(Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 2013b).
Nonetheless, as stated by the authors of this study, it should be pointed out that the
sample sizes varied widely across the five psychiatric disorders; thus the nonsignifi-
cant associations could reflect a lack power to detect common associated variants of
small effect instead of the actual absence of this association.
Indeed, some studies have hypothesized a bidirectional influence between
autistic-like traits and internalizing symptoms (Hallett et al. 2010, 2012; Pine et al.
2008; Scherff et al. 2014; Towbin et al. 2005). For instance, Hallett et al. (2012) in
a community-based twin study investigated both phenotypic and etiological asso-
ciations between autistic-like traits and internalizing traits, in 7.311 twin pairs aged
7 and 8 years. Results showed a phenotypic correlation and a genetic association
between autistic-like traits (i.e., social difficulties, communication problems, and
repetitive/restricted behaviors) and internalizing traits (i.e., social anxiety, fears,
generalized anxiety, and negative affect). Considering that the majority of studies
suggest a genetic overlap between ASD and mood disorders, but the available find-
ings are still unclear, further researches are needed in order to identify specific
genes that can contribute to comorbidity. Shedding light on this issue could help to
develop novel management strategies and therapeutics techniques.
A pivotal role in the relationship between autism and mood disorders could be played
by serotonin (5-HT). This neurotransmitter influences many functions in the central
nervous system (CNS) and periphery system (e.g., regulating mood, sleep, food
intake, body temperature, arousal, moderating pain sensitivity, sleep, aggression,
affective, sexual behavior, and hormone release) and, during early stages, plays an
10 V. Postorino et al.
important role in brain development (Chugani 2002; Meyer 2013). Research studies
have reported that 5-HT is involved in the development of psychiatric disorders, and
in many of these disorders, including autism, depression, and bipolar disorders, a
dysregulation of the serotoninergic system has been described (Blier and El Mansari
2013; Chugani 2002; Jiang et al. 2013; Kepser and Homberg 2015). The role of the
5-HT system in the development of major depressive disorder has been widely
described through the studies on the therapeutic efficacy of antidepressant treatments
(Blier and El Mansari 2013). However, only little is known about the mechanism
underlying autism. Hyperserotonemia, that is, the increase of 5-HT in blood, is gen-
erally the most widely described change in individuals with autism, observed in one
third of this clinical population (Cook and Leventhal 1996; Coutinho et al. 2007;
Janusonis 2005; Kepser and Homberg 2015; Meyer 2013; Ramoz et al. 2006;
Veenstra-vanderweele et al. 2001). A recent review investigating the potential causes
of ASD suggests that elevated cortisol levels during pregnancy increase the expres-
sion of the serotonin reuptake transporter (SERT), consequently altering the sero-
tonin levels during gestation and modifying prenatal neuronal development in
children with ASD. Prenatal conditions that elevate cortisol levels, thus increasing
the risk for ASD, include hypertension, gestational diabetes, and depression (Meyer
2013). Thus, a possible prevention for autism could be the establishment of a stan-
dard protocol to measure cortisol levels during pregnancy. Indeed, given that depres-
sion can negatively influence the neurodevelopment of unborns and newborns,
treatment of this disorder is crucial. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
are the most frequently prescribed medication for the treatment of depression, even
for depressed pregnant and postpartum women (Nonacs and Cohen 2003).
Nonetheless, SSRIs increase 5-HT levels by inhibiting its reuptake, and prenatal and
postnatal SSRI exposures are indicated as risk factors for autism. For this reason non-
drug treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), could be a possible
strategy in order to prevent the risk of newborn affected by autism (Cuijpers et al.
2013; Strauss et al. 2014). Consequently, further studies on the efficacy of these
treatments in depressed pregnant women are essential in order to help clinicians to
choose the optimal treatment. Finally, a recent study supporting the important role of
5-HT in human affect and sociality in disorders like depression and autism proposed
an interaction between 5-HT and oxytocin (OXT) in areas of the brain important for
the regulation of emotion-based behaviors (Mottolese et al. 2014). Specifically, these
authors highlighted the role of OXT in the inhibitory regulation of 5-HT signaling,
thus suggesting that these neuromodulators should be considered in order to imple-
ment novel therapeutic strategies for these disorders.
7 Treatments
2014; Vannucchi et al. 2014). Moreover, the majority of these studies have investi-
gated the effectiveness and tolerability of pharmacological treatments in treating
target symptoms frequently associated with autism and highly suggestive of a
comorbid mood disorder (i.e., irritability, self-injurious behaviors, severe tantrum,
and aggression) (Hellings et al. 2005; Hollander et al. 2010; Kimberly 2014; Kirino
2014). Currently, risperidone and aripiprazole are the only two medications
approved for these symptoms in autism (Findling et al. 2014; Marcus et al. 2009;
McDougle et al. 1997; Kimberly 2014; Politte et al. 2014; Stachnik and Nunn-
Thompson 2007). Regarding the effectiveness of other second-generation antipsy-
chotics (SGA) (i.e., quetiapine, olanzapine, and ziprasidone) for the treatment of
irritability associated with autism, the studies report inconsistent results (Kimberly
2014; Politte et al. 2014).
Lithium has been widely used as a mood stabilizer in autistic individuals, and
studies have supported the efficacy of this drug, especially, for manic symptoms
(Epperson et al. 1994; Frazier et al. 2002; Siegel et al. 2014). However, it has to be
noticed that the available findings on lithium in this clinical population are based
only on the limited literature data reported in case reports and case series.
Furthermore, among the mood-stabilizing anticonvulsants, the effects of divalproex
sodium have been widely examined and it has been suggested the efficacy of this
medication for the treatment of irritability and aggression in patients with autism
(Hollander et al. 2010; Kimberly 2014). Concerning tricyclic antidepressant (TCA)
and SSRI for treating depression in patients with ASD, the evidences are limited
and conflicting (Hurwitz et al. 2012; Vannucchi et al. 2014). Generally, when these
treatment options are used, the clinicians should be aware of their relevant side
effects, such as an increment of hyperactivity, aggression, and suicidal thoughts,
especially in children and adolescents, and a continuous monitoring of these medi-
cations is recommended.
Summarizing, when a patient with ASD and a comorbid mood disorder is unrespon-
sive or insufficiently responsive to non-medical treatments, a pharmacological interven-
tions can be explored. However, caution is warranted given that RCTs on medication in
this clinical population are lacking, and further research is needed on this topic.
Further studies are needed on the prevalence rate of the co-occurrence of these
disorders. Indeed, shedding light on the phenomenology of mood symptoms in
this clinical population is a crucial issue given that the presence of comorbid dis-
orders seems to be a negative prognostic factor on outcome of patients with ASD
(Fein et al. 2013; Orinstein et al. 2014; Troyb et al. 2014). Indeed, the need of
proper screening tools specifically designed for this population and the study of
the mechanisms underlying these disorders have been described. Finally, given
the lack of RCT on medical and psychological treatments, longitudinal controlled
studies are essential in order to provide evidence-based guidelines for clinicians
and therapists.
1 Mood Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 13
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Anxiety in Autism Spectrum
Disorder 2
Mirko Uljarevic, Heather Nuske, and Giacomo Vivanti
1 Introduction
Anxiety has been linked to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) since Leo Kanner and
Hans Asperger first described this condition seven decades ago. Kanner (1943)
provides a detailed report on a child whose behavior was “governed by an anx-
iously obsessive desire for the maintenance of sameness.” For example, he would
get very anxious if furniture was moved around, but then his anxiety would sud-
denly disappear when things were rearranged as they were previously. Other chil-
dren described by Kanner would experience anxiety in response to loud sounds or
mechanical noises. Asperger (1944) mentions anxiety in a different context, report-
ing that some of his patients would feel anxious as a consequence of being merci-
lessly bullied at school.
Clarifying the nature of the link between autism and anxiety is currently consid-
ered to be a priority in the field, as anxiety issues can interfere drastically with the
ability to participate in home, school, and community activities, and might impact
on the child and family well-being and quality of life above and beyond the core
symptoms of ASD (Davis III et al. 2014; Pellecchia et al. 2015).
M. Uljarevic
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
H. Nuske
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
G. Vivanti (*)
AJ Drexel Autism Institute, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
2 Prevalence
The existing research shows that individuals with ASD exhibit higher levels of anxi-
ety compared to both typically developing individuals (Kim et al. 2000; Bellini
2004; Gadow et al. 2005; Lopata et al. 2010) and individuals from other clinical
groups, including Down syndrome (Evans et al. 2005), conduct disorder (Green
et al. 2000), specific language impairment (Gillott et al. 2001), Williams syndrome
(Rodgers et al. 2012a), and learning disabilities (Gadow et al. 2005; Gillot and
Standen 2007). Additionally, there is evidence that individuals with ASD experi-
ence anxiety levels that are comparable to those of clinically anxious non-ASD
individuals (Russell and Sofronoff 2005; Farrugia and Hudson 2006).
Reported prevalence of anxiety in ASD has varied widely, with estimates rang-
ing from 13.6 to 84.1 % (Bellini 2004; Bradley et al. 2004; Kim et al. 2000; Muris
et al. 1998; Lidstone et al. 2014). A recent systematic review (van Steensel et al.
2011) has identified that clinically significant levels of anxiety were present in
39.6 % of a pooled sample of 2,121 individuals with ASD obtained from 31 studies.
Although findings are inconsistent, the most frequent anxiety disorders in ASD
appear to be specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety dis-
order, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and social phobia (Muris et al. 1998; Evans
et al. 2005; Gadow et al. 2005; Weisbrot et al. 2005; de Bruin et al. 2007; Gillot and
Standen 2007; Sukhodolsky et al. 2008).
In conclusion, anxiety appears to be more common in ASD than in both the gen-
eral population and various clinical groups, with possibly up to 40 % of individuals
in the autism spectrum presenting elevated levels of at least on anxiety subtype.
avoidance and ritualistic behaviors, while easily identifiable in a child without ASD,
can easily pass unnoticed in a child with ASD.
Additionally, even when manifestations of anxiety do not overlap with ASD
symptoms, they can be less noticeable in the context of the clinical variability
observed in ASD. As the range of behavioral manifestations associated with ASD is
extremely large and heterogeneous, any atypical behavior in this population can be
mistakenly interpreted as being a consequence of having ASD (for an example of
diagnostic overshadowing, see Kanne 2013). For example, the presence of restless-
ness and phobias (two symptoms of anxiety that do not overlap with the character-
istic features of ASD) in a child who has severe ASD might be seen as a behavioral
manifestation of ASD, rather than anxiety (Helverschou and Martinsen 2011; Kerns
et al. 2015).
Furthermore, individuals with ASD might present with idiosyncratic anxiety
symptoms. For example, recent research (Mayes et al. 2013; Kerns and Kendall
2014) documented a high proportion of atypical anxiety symptoms, including
unusual specific phobias (e.g., vacuum cleaners, toilets) and fears of change/nov-
elty. However, it is unclear whether such symptoms are manifestations of anxiety or
reflect aspects of the core symptoms of ASD.
Communication difficulties further complicate the picture, as many individuals
with ASD do not have the communication skills necessary to express their experi-
ence of distress or discomfort verbally. This both affects the overt manifestations of
anxiety and limits the possibility to ascertain the presence of anxiety symptoms, in
particular in minimally verbal children.
In summary, despite the high prevalence of anxiety in the ASD population, there
is still uncertainty in the field on how to best define the clinical presentation of anxi-
ety in individuals with ASD. This reflects the clinical issues discussed above (over-
lap between core symptoms of the two conditions, diagnostic overshadowing,
atypical symptoms that encompass elements of both conditions, and impact of core
ASD impairments in symptom expression), as well as current lack of knowledge on
the causal relationship between ASD and anxiety. The increased risk for anxiety in
individuals with ASD might reflect a number of different scenarios (Mazefsky and
Herrington 2014; Weisbrot et al. 2005; Wood and Gadow 2010). First, it is possible
that individuals with ASD are anxious as the inevitable consequence of having to
cope with social demands that are beyond their level of understanding. The difficul-
ties in core social cognition processes such as mindreading (Baron-Cohen 1997)
and action understanding (Vivanti et al. 2011), as well as in social-affiliative behav-
iors such as establishing and maintaining social relationships, might result in per-
ceiving the social world as unpredictable, confusing, and ultimately
anxiety-provoking. Other factors that might lead to increased risk for anxiety in
ASD include restrictions to self-determination that are often experienced especially
in lower functioning individuals (Carter et al. 2013) and peer rejection encountered
by higher functioning individuals who are motivated by the desire of friendships
and relationships. Moreover, hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli (e.g., loud noises)
might lead to the development of aversion and subsequent phobic responses to situ-
ations (e.g., dogs barking, balloons popping, vacuum cleaners) that would not
24 M. Uljarevic et al.
normally trigger such reactions in typical peers. While there is evidence supporting
this scenario (Wood and Gadow 2010; Hollocks et al. 2014) if anxiety is the inevi-
table consequence of having ASD, then is not clear why not all individuals with
ASD have anxiety.
An alternative explanation is that features that are not specific or pathognomonic
of ASD, but co-occur frequently in this population, confer the increased risk of
anxiety in ASD. For example, intellectual disability, depression, tic disorders, and
obsessive-compulsive disorder are frequently associated both with ASD and anxi-
ety. Issues in emotional regulation, which are very frequent in ASD, might also play
a relevant role (Mazefsky et al. 2013). Thus the occurrence of anxiety in this popu-
lation is likely to reflect the interplay between different, co-occurring risk factors.
Finally, it is possible that ASD and anxiety share a common etiology (see section
on Neurobiological Bases (Sect. 6)).
individuals with ASD, it is necessarily limited by the use of different anxiety mea-
sures for different age groups and more importantly by its cross-sectional design.
Studies examining the relationship between overall autism severity and anxiety
have yielded mixed results, with Mazurek and Keane (2010) finding a significant
negative association between autism severity and anxiety levels and Lopata et al.
(2010) reporting no significant association.
Although research on anxiety in non-ASD populations has consistently shown a
link between impairments in language and communication and levels of anxiety
(Beitchman et al. 2001; Bornstein et al. 2013), only a handful of studies have exam-
ined the relationship between the social communication impairments and anxiety in
ASD, consistently reporting that anxiety symptoms are more common in children
with stronger communication abilities (Davis III et al. 2011b, 2012; Sukhodolsky
et al. 2008; Kerns et al. 2015). However, several authors (e.g., Strang et al. 2012;
Sukhodolsky et al. 2008; Tsai 1996) have suggested that lower levels of anxiety in
minimally verbal children with ASD might be a consequence of difficulties in com-
municating anxious symptoms rather than a true reflection of lower levels of anxiety
in this subgroup.
In a recent study, Kerns et al. (2015) reported that individuals with ASD and co-
occurring anxiety displayed more self-injury and depression than those with ASD
alone. In the same study, co-occurring anxiety was associated with high levels of
parental stress. Finally, studies in this field have consistently reported that elevated
levels of anxiety are associated with both increased sensory modulation problems
(Ben-Sasson et al. 2008; Green et al. 2012; Lidstone et al. 2014; Mazurek et al.
2013) and higher levels of repetitive behaviors (Sukhodolsky et al. 2008; Rodgers
et al. 2012a, b; Gotham et al. 2013).
The very few studies that have directly explored neural correlates of anxiety in
ASD have exclusively focused on the potential role of amygdala dysregulation.
Kleinhans et al. (2010) found that increased levels of social anxiety were associated
with increased activation of right amygdala during an emotion recognition task.
Table 2.1 (continued)
Early Child Inventory-5 Parent and teacher Generalized anxiety disorder, No, but studies on ASD have been 3–5 years
(ECI-5; Gadow and Sprafkin versions available separation anxiety disorder, social conducted (e.g., Weisbrot et al.
1997) phobia, posttraumatic stress 2005)
disorder, simple phobia, OCD
Multidimensional Anxiety Parent and child Somatic/panic, general anxiety, No, but studies on ASD have been 4–19 years
Scale for Children (MASC; versions available separation anxiety, social phobia, conducted (e.g., Bellini 2004, 2006;
March et al. 1997) and school phobia Sze and Wood 2008; White et al.
2009; Wood et al. 2009)
Child Behavior Checklist Parent, teacher, Internalizing, anxious/depressed, No, but studies on ASD have been 1.5–5 years, 6–18 years
(CBCL; Achenbach and and child versions somatic complaints, anxiety conducted (e.g., Juranek et al. 2006;
Rescorla 2001): available problems, somatic problems, Kuusikko et al. 2008; Sze and Wood
among other scales 2008)
M. Uljarevic et al.
Juranek et al. (2006) reported that increased total and right (but not left) amygdala
volume was associated with higher levels of anxiety (as measured by the Anxious/
Depressed subscale of the Child Behavior Checklist) in a sample of 49 individuals
with ASD (mean chronological age, 7 years and 11 months; range, 3 years and
8 months to 14 years and 8 months).
As the neurobiology of ASD is still poorly understood, it is informative to turn
to the large body of work that has explored the role of certain brain structures in the
development and maintenance of anxiety in non-ASD populations. A large network
of brain structures are involved in fear and anxiety (see Paulus and Stein 2006; Shin
and Liberzon 2010 for excellent overviews). Among these, the amygdala, ventro-
medial prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and insula play a critical role, both sepa-
rately and through their complex set of mutual connections, in the processes of
threat detection, emotional learning, interceptive awareness, and monitoring that
have been suggested to be impaired in anxiety disorders.
Dysregulation of these brain structures might be linked to anxiety in ASD, as
structural and functional abnormalities in the amygdala, hippocampus, ventrome-
dial prefrontal cortex, and insula have been reported in ASD across a number of
research studies and investigation techniques, including postmortem exploration
(Bauman and Kempler 1985), structural neuroimaging (Aylward et al. 1999; Sparks
et al. 2002), and functional neuroimaging (Dalton et al. 2005). Inconsistencies exist
with respect to the nature of such abnormalities, with some studies finding enlarged
amygdala volume (Howard et al. 2000; Sparks et al. 2002) and overactivity (Dalton
et al. 2005) and other reduced volume (Aylward et al. 1999; Pierce et al. 2001) and
hypo-activity (Green et al. 2000; Muris et al. 1998). Furthermore, studies have sug-
gested structural and functional abnormalities of prefrontal cortical areas (see
Kaiser et al. 2010) and insula (Menon and Udin 2010) in ASD. Despite this sugges-
tive evidence, the role of these regions, individually and especially in terms of pat-
terns of connectivity, has not been fully explored, and our understanding of the
neurobiology of anxiety in ASD is currently indirect and limited.
The most commonly used nonmedical treatments for anxiety disorders in ASD are
those rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The Coping Cat series of inter-
ventions for children, adolescents, and adults with anxiety has been shown to be
effective (Kendall 1994), with results maintained at 1 and 7 years post treatment
(Kendall et al. 2008). An adapted version of this program has recently been applied
to high-functioning youth with ASD with comparable efficacy (McNally Keehn
et al. 2013), showing the promise of CBT-based strategies for treatment of anxiety
in ASD. However, as the treatment procedures in this program place many demands
on the child’s cognitive skills and language comprehension, applicability of this
program might be limited to the higher functioning end of the autism spectrum.
2 Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder 31
Emerging evidence suggests that behavioral strategies, such as the use of gradu-
ated exposure and positive reinforcement for approach behavior, could be effective
for treating phobic avoidance in individuals in the spectrum, including those who
are more severely affected (Jennett and Hagopian 2008). Importantly, a number of
intervention programs for ASD, such as TEACCH (Treatment and Education of
Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children; Mesibov et al. 2004) and
SCERTS (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, and Transactional
Support; Prizant et al. 2006), include targeted procedures to address anxiety issues,
such as the use of highly predictable routines to decrease stress and uncertainty and
strategies to prevent and recover from emotion dysregulation.
Research on the effectiveness of comprehensive intervention and specific strate-
gies to improve anxiety symptoms in individuals with ASD, especially those with
associated learning impairments, is still at its infancy.
Current guidelines suggest the use of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs) and the serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) as the agents
of choice for the first-line pharmacotherapy on anxiety disorders due to relatively
good efficacy and relatively low incidence of adverse effects (Baldwin et al. 2011).
Only a few studies have explored potential efficacy of pharmacological agents in
treating anxiety in ASD. Namerow et al. (2003) and Couturier and Nicolson (2002)
have reported some evidence for treatment efficacy of SSRIs on anxiety in ASD
population, while the study by Martin et al. (2003) found no evidence of improve-
ment in anxiety symptoms. Furthermore, all three studies have noted significant
adverse effects. For example, in the Martin et al. study, 13 individuals (72 %) had at
least 1 adverse effect during the course of the trial, and treatment for 3 participants
had to be terminated due to the behavioral activation. Similarly Namerow et al.
(2003) reported adverse effects such as headache, sedation, aggression, and agita-
tion in five individuals.
Finally, Buitelaar et al. (1998) found that 16 of 22 individuals with ASD aged
6–17 years experienced a reduction of anxiety (on the Clinical Global Impressions
Scale) after being treated with buspirone for a period of 6–8 weeks. Unlike with
SSRIs, side effects of buspirone were relatively mild.
One novel approach to the treatment of anxiety in children involves the use of
computer-based CBT interventions. Khanna and Kendall (2010) adapted the Coping
Cat program into a computer program, Camp Cope-A-Lot, and found no differences
in effectiveness between the computer program and individualized CBT in young
children (without ASD). This implementation method has not yet been used in peo-
ple with ASD who have clinical levels of anxiety.
32 M. Uljarevic et al.
While anxiety is very prevalent and causes significant impairments in the ASD pop-
ulation, research in this area is still in its infancy. A critical challenge for researchers
and clinicians alike is the issue of whether anxiety is a manifestation of core autistic
symptoms, a causally unrelated co-occurring condition, a consequence of the chal-
lenges faced by individuals with ASD in their social environment, or a combination
of different factors. Dedicated research programs investigating typical and atypical
anxiety symptom presentation, causal links between ASD and anxiety features, sta-
bility, and developmental changes in anxiety symptoms are needed to (1) reach a
consensus around the concept of anxiety in ASD; (2) develop gold standard, multi-
axial, developmentally sensitive assessment protocols for anxiety in ASD to com-
plement standard evaluation procedures, and (3) identify treatment targets and
develop individualized intervention programs to address this profoundly disabling
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Repetitive Behavior in Children
with Autism Spectrum Disorder: 3
Similarities and Differences
with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
1 Introduction
Restrictive interests and repetitive behavior are defining features of autism spectrum
disorder (ASD) (American Psychiatric Association 2013). The types of repetitive
behaviors and restrictive interests vary widely in children with ASD from motor
stereotypy to intense interests in unusual topics such as fans, air conditions, or televi-
sion court shows (Bodfish et al. 2000; Lam and Aman 2007; Turner-Brown et al.
2011; Honey et al. 2012a; Bishop et al. 2013; Scahill et al. 2014). Although essential
for the diagnosis of ASD, restricted interests and repetitive behavior (RRBs) may not
be pressing problems in all cases. Heterogeneity of symptom types and severity of
RRBs in ASD raise several challenges for diagnosis and treatment planning (Honey
et al. 2012b; Scahill et al. 2015a). For example, bedtime rituals and favorite objects
(special blankets or a favorite nightgown) are common in typically developing young
children (Leekam et al. 2007; Arnott et al. 2009). In clinical practice, depending on
the age of the child, it may be difficult to distinguish normal ritualistic behavior from
abnormal RRBs. Repetitive behaviors are also central characteristics of obsessive-
compulsive disorder (OCD) and Tourette syndrome. In addition, repetitive behaviors
are often observed in children with developmental disabilities due to genetic syn-
dromes, adults with schizophrenia, and adults with dementia (Moss et al. 2009;
Morrens et al. 2006; Cipriani et al. 2013). These observations serve as a reminder
that repetitive behavior in humans has an extraordinary range and is unlikely to have
a single explanation (Lewis and Kim 2009; John et al. 2010).
Our understanding of repetitive and stereotypic behaviors in neurodevelopmen-
tal and psychiatric disorders has been informed by animal models on habit learning
(Berridge et al. 2005; de Wit and Dickinson 2009). A large body of preclinical data
provides insight on the transition from goal-directed, reward-based behavior to
automatic behavior (habit). When the reward-based behavior becomes habitual, it
will persist even in the absence of reward (reward devaluation). Animal models sug-
gest that the transition from goal-directed behavior to “automatic” behavior involves
a shift in specific cortico-basal ganglia neural pathways (Alexander et al. 1986;
Graybiel 2008). Given the wide range of RRBs in children with ASD and the poten-
tially overlapping repetitive behaviors in children with OCD and Tourette syn-
drome, however, habit learning from preclinical models may not provide sufficient
explanation for the phenomenon.
This chapter examines the similarities and differences of repetitive behavior in
children with ASD and OCD. Examination of similarities and differences may help
clinicians disentangle the repetitive behaviors attributable to OCD from those attrib-
utable to ASD, plan treatment and monitor progress. We begin with a brief decon-
struction of comorbidity as it applies to ASD and OCD.
2 Comorbidity
Morbidity is a departure from a healthy state and is roughly equivalent to the dis-
ability caused by a symptom, syndrome, or disease. The term comorbidity implies
the presence of two (or more) distinct conditions that are separately contributing to
overall impairment. The boundaries between psychiatric conditions can be impre-
cise. This imprecision raises several questions about simple co-occurrence versus
symptom overlap or the presence of a combined syndrome. For example, the co-
occurrence of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disor-
der has long been proposed to represent an etiologically separate subgroup of
ADHD (Banaschewski et al. 2003). If so, it would be inaccurate to consider con-
duct disorder as a comorbid condition with ADHD. Hyperactivity, impulsiveness,
and distractibility are common in children with ASD (Gadow et al. 2006; Simonoff
et al. 2008). In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders-text revised
(DSM-IV-TR) however, clinicians were advised against giving a separate diagno-
sis of ADHD in line with the notion that the symptoms of ADHD could be explained
by ASD (American Psychiatric Association 2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, (DSM-5) has dropped this convention.
Based on DSM-5, the presence of hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and distractibility
in a child with ASD would be considered comorbid ADHD (American Psychiatric
Association 2013). Here again, there is evidence that ADHD and ASD may have
shared underlying genetic risk (Reiersen et al. 2007). There is also ongoing debate
about whether anxiety disorders are separate from ASD or directly or indirectly
caused by ASD or whether anxiety disorders are somehow blended with ASD
(Kerns and Kendall 2012; Lecavalier et al. 2014). Discussion on co-occurrence
versus overlap of OCD and ASD is not new and is not resolved (Baron-Cohen
1989; McDougle et al. 1995; Scahill et al. 2014). Among the phenomenological
and conceptual problems inherent in this longstanding discussion is the simple fact
that repetitive behaviors are central to the definition of both disorders.
3 Repetitive Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 41
The prevalence of OCD in the general population of children and adolescent is esti-
mated to be between 2 % and 4 % with most studies leaning toward the lower end
of this range (Geller 2006). Reports on the prevalence of OCD in children with ASD
provide a stunning range of estimates from 2.6 % to 37.2 % (van Steensel et al.
2011). This wide range of estimates is due to differences in the source and size of
the sample as well as the assessment methods used. For example, several studies
included only higher functioning children. Sample sizes ranged from 20 to 300.
Some studies used structured interviews; others used parent report on rating scales.
Using a fixed-effect model in their meta-analysis, van Steensel and colleagues
(2011) reported a 12.5 % prevalence of OCD in children with ASD. This estimate is
clearly higher than the prevalence of OCD in the general population of children, but
is substantially lower than the estimated co-occurrence of ADHD or other anxiety
disorders in children with ASD (Simonoff et al. 2008).
with OCD usually describe their worries as nagging, unpredictable, unpleasant, and
unwanted. Similarly, compulsions are unwelcomed behaviors that the child feels
obliged to perform. Given the unwanted nature of obsessions and compulsions in
OCD, affected children describe them as distressing and difficult to resist despite
The connection between obsession and compulsion is often clear. The child who
fears germ contamination may engage in compulsive handwashing. In other cases,
the connection is remote. The child may describe the need to repeat a motor sequence
such as bending down and touching the ground three times to prevent harm to a fam-
ily member. Younger children may be unable to articulate that the behavior is unre-
lated to protect the family member. By contrast, adolescents may clearly state that
the compulsive habit is unrelated and likely ineffective, yet they will perform the
ritual “just in case.” In still other cases of youth with OCD, repetitive behaviors are
not connected to harm reduction. The child may describe touching in complex pat-
terns or repeating a routine behavior (putting a key in and out of a lock several times
before turning it) in order to avert a deep sense of physical discomfort. Even with the
recognition that the behavior is unnecessary, the child may report that it is easier to
perform the ritual than wrestle with the internal discomfort. Each of these examples
reflects a negative reinforcement model in that the behavior is followed by decreased
anxiety, doubt, or discomfort. For example, the child with compulsive handwashing
may describe that the handwashing as necessary to reduce contamination, but it is the
reduction in anxiety that reinforces the repetitive behavior. The child who touches
the floor three times, six times, or nine times may do so to relieve feelings of doubt
about an unrelated threat (for discussion of OCD phenomenology in children, see
Rettew et al. 1992; Scahill et al. 2003; Geller 2006; Piacentini 2008).
To break down the apparent heterogeneity of OCD, several investigators have
used factor analysis to build a basis for a dimensional approach that would clas-
sify OCD subtypes (Leckman et al. 1997; Rosario-Campos et al. 2006; Mataix-
Coles et al. 2005; Miguel et al. 2005). Replicated symptom clusters include: (1)
aggression and checking, (2) symmetry and ordering/arranging, (3) contamina-
tion and cleaning, and (4) hoarding. The replication of these factors across dif-
ferent samples supports the dimensional model of OCD rather than the broad
categories of obsessions and compulsions. For example, contamination worries
and washing rituals may provide a coherent clinical picture for establishing
baseline severity and change with treatment – rather than considering obses-
sional worry as separate from the compulsive behavior. The dimensional schema
may also be influenced by age (Diniz et al. 2004). In children, the onset of com-
pulsions may precede the onset of obsessions or, perhaps, the child’s ability to
describe the obsession (Scahill et al. 2003). Children may engage in “tic-like”
compulsion such as touching, tapping, blinking in patterns, and repeating rou-
tine activities such as opening and closing cupboard doors. These tic-like com-
pulsions are more common in children with OCD with a history of tics and, in
some cases, may be difficult to distinguish from complex tics (Leckman et al.
2001). The application of the dimensional approach to phenotypic characteriza-
tion of subjects with OCD may be useful in neuroimaging studies, family
3 Repetitive Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 43
As noted above, RRBs in children with ASD vary in type and severity. Repetitive
behaviors range from stereotyped motor behaviors such as hand flapping, spinning,
rocking, shaking fingers in front of the eyes, and repetitive self-injury. Repetitive
behaviors may also involve more complex behaviors such as repeating phrases from
movies, watching the same video segment over and over, lining up toys, and insis-
tence on following routines in everyday living (e.g., eating, getting dressed or ready
for bed in ritualized sequence) (Bodfish et al. 2000; Lam et al. 2008; Mirenda et al.
2010; Bishop et al. 2013; Scahill et al. 2014). Restricted interests may include fans,
leaf blowers, car models, train schedules, or historical facts and figures (Turner-
Brown et al. 2011). These restricted interests may meet the dictionary definition of
obsession – but are not the same as unwanted and bothersome thoughts in OCD. In
addition to time spent with such preoccupations, children with ASD may engage
repeated questioning of others about the topic or expounding on it far beyond the
listener’s interest. This range of RRBs has been classified as higher and lower order
behaviors. Lower order behaviors include motor stereotypy and other seemingly
involuntary behaviors (Turner 1999). By contrast, higher order behaviors include
what appear to be more deliberate activities. This broad categorization has been
examined and reevaluated resulting in three to five categories. A factor analysis of
the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised identified three subtypes: repetitive motor
behaviors, insistence on sameness, and circumscribed interests (Lam et al. 2008).
Based on expert opinion, the World Health Organization (WHO 2007) designated
four subtypes: (a) preoccupations with part objects or nonfunctional elements of
materials, (b) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms, (c) preoccupations or
circumscribed patterns of interest, and (d) adherence to specific nonfunctional rou-
tines or rituals (WHO 2007; Honey et al. 2012a, b). Factor analysis of the 43-item
Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised has yielded five factors: stereotyped behavior,
self-injurious behavior (skin picking, biting self), compulsive behavior (ordering
and arranging objects, counting, touching, and tapping), ritualistic/sameness behav-
ior (insisting on certain order to eating or sleeping, insisting on arrangement of
furniture or objects), and restricted interests (Lam and Aman 2007; Mirenda et al.
2010; Bishop et al. 2013).
44 L. Scahill and S.A. Challa
Table 3.1 Product of principal component analysisa of CYBOCS-ASD checklist in 272 children
with ASD
Sameness and
Sensory motor self-injurious Restricted
Ritualistic behavior and arranging behavior Stereotypy interest
Difficulty Lining up Re-reading same Hand flapping, Touching in
throwing things objects (toys, book shaking fingers patterns
away furniture) in front of eyes
Counting objects, Echolalia Insisting on Repeating Preoccupations
repeating certain routines (driving routine activities (e.g., trains,
numbers directions, (e.g., opening specific videos,
morning routine) and closing fans)
Checking locks, Rocking, Head banging, Object
checking that spinning, biting own hand, stereotypy
objects are in the pacing hitting self (spinning object,
right place shaking a pen or
piece of string,
Ritualized eating Repetitive Masturbation,
behavior (food water play crotch grabbing
prepared in (flushing and
specific way) re-flushing
Hair pulling, skin
picking, nail
Principal component analysis was used to explore the dimensionality of the CYBOCS checklist
2014). Some children with ASD may be able to report why they perform repetitive
behaviors; others may not. The inability to describe the purpose of the repetitive
behavior is obvious for nonverbal children with ASD. Even children with language,
however, may not be able to describe the link between an obsession (e.g., worry
about harm) and the compulsion (complex touching behavior to reduce harm). Thus,
clinicians may need to focus on observable behavior. Results of the meta-analysis,
however, suggest that some children with ASD have a clinical picture that warrants a
separate diagnosis of OCD (van Steensel et al. 2011). Lewin and colleagues (2011)
compared OCD symptom picture in 35 children with high-functioning ASD and
OCD to a group of 35 children with OCD (without ASD). In this study, the investiga-
tors used the original CYBOCS checklist and found some differences in symptom
type and no difference in severity across the two groups. In the OCD plus ASD
group, however, common OCD symptoms such as checking and washing were not
In summary, some children with ASD present a clinical picture that warrants a
separate diagnosis of OCD. The clinical picture of children with ASD accompanied
by OCD appears similar to OCD in children without ASD. In clinical practice,
therefore, the possible co-occurrence of OCD warrants careful consideration. The
46 L. Scahill and S.A. Challa
Table 3.2 Repetitive behavior, obsessions, and preoccupations in ASD and OCD
Diagnosis Behaviors Obsessions/preoccupation Impairment/distress
ASD Flapping, rocking, Fans, air conditioners; Wastes time, interferes with
flipping objects, fireman and fire trucks, daily living and social
watching the same insistence on routines (turn interaction, hinders
video, lining up right at the corner) constructive activities,
objects, upsets if behavior is
interrupted (drawn to do it)
OCD Washing, checking, Contamination, harm to self Wastes time, interferes with
repetitive touching or others, need for daily living and social
or repeating routine symmetry interaction, leads to
behavior to prevent avoidance. Unwanted
harm, ordering and thoughts repetitive
arranging, behavior cause ↓ anxiety
contamination (has to do it)
12.5 % prevalence estimate of OCD in children with ASD is higher than the preva-
lence in the general pediatric population. If this estimate is accurate, it is clear that
most children with ASD do not have OCD. Indeed, the repetitive behaviors for most
children with ASD are not the same as the compulsions of OCD (see Table 3.2).
Children with ASD may not be distressed about repetitive behavior. Indeed, protest
and disruptive behavior may occur when the child is interrupted or blocked from
performing the preferred repetitive behavior. Preoccupations with restricted inter-
ests in children with ASD are not the same as the nagging and unwanted obsessional
thoughts in children with OCD.
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Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
and Autism Spectrum Disorder 4
Katharine Chisholm, Ashleigh Lin, and Marco Armando
1 Introduction
Schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are
currently conceptualised as separate illnesses. SSD, as defined by the DSM-5,
include schizophrenia, other psychotic disorders, and schizotypal personality disor-
der. This group of disorders involves delusions, hallucinations, disorganised think-
ing, disorganised behaviour, and negative symptoms. Definitions of ASD and SSD
have undergone many revisions. Bleuler (1950) believed that autism was a central
feature of schizophrenia, whilst others viewed it as the childhood onset of the disor-
der (Bender 1947). In fact, the term autism was used interchangeably with schizo-
phrenia until the 1970s, when Rutter (1972) and Kolvin (1971) proposed that they
were distinct disorders. The nosologic separation between ASD and SSD may ini-
tially appear justified given the distinct differences in age of onset and many differ-
ences in presentation. Yet, despite apparent differences, SSD and ASD share
multiple phenotypic similarities and risk factors (Hamlyn et al. 2013; Spek and
Wouters 2010), have both been conceptualised as neurodevelopmental rather than
neurodegenerative disorders (Goldstein et al. 2002), and have been reported to
K. Chisholm (*)
School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Lin
Telethon Kids Institute, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Armando
Child and Adolescence Neuropsychiatry Unit, Department of Neuroscience,
I.R.C.C.S. Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy
Office Médico-Pédagogique Research Unit, Department of Psychiatry, University of Geneva
School of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
co-occur at elevated rates (Mouridsen et al. 2008a, b; Rapoport et al. 2009; Solomon
et al. 2011; Stahlberg et al. 2004). Systematic research on their co-occurrence has
been limited, although emerging genetic and neuroanatomical evidence has led to
increasing recognition of the overlap between the conditions (Carroll and Owen
2009; Cheung et al. 2010).
In this chapter, we describe prevalence rates of overlap between the ASD and
SSD at a clinical and trait level and discuss difficulties in the diagnosis and evalua-
tion of the disorders. We then discuss genetic and neurobiological evidence, high-
lighting similarities and areas of distinction between the disorders. Finally, we
briefly present treatment options, including non-medical and novel treatment strate-
gies as well as pharmacological interventions.
2 Prevalence
Although there have been reports that SSD and ASD do not co-occur at elevated
rates (Volkmar and Cohen 1991), the majority of research suggests that the disor-
ders co-occur at a higher rate than would be expected in the general population. As
ASD and SSD both occur in around 1 % of the population (Brugha et al. 2011;
Kendler et al. 1996; Baio 2012; van Os et al. 2001), studies with fewer than 100
participants are unlikely to be truly representative. We have identified 14 papers that
showed overlapping prevalence of ASD and SSD published since 2004 (Table 4.1).
Of these, nine investigate rates of SSD in ASD populations (Bakken et al. 2010;
Billstedt et al. 2005; Eaves and Ho 2008; Hofvander et al. 2009; Joshi et al. 2010;
Lugnegard et al. 2011; Mouridsen et al. 2008a, b; Stahlberg et al. 2004), and five
examined rates of ASD in those diagnosed with SSD (Davidson et al. 2014;
Hallerback et al. 2012; Solomon et al. 2011; Sporn et al. 2004; Waris et al. 2013).
Only six had samples >100 (Billstedt et al. 2005; Davidson et al. 2014; Hofvander
et al. 2009; Joshi et al. 2010; Mouridsen et al. 2008a, b). These papers found a mean
incidence of 12.8 % of SSD in ASD populations, with only one study reporting on
ASD in SSD with a sample of over 100 (Davidson et al. 2014) and finding an inci-
dence rate of 3.6 %. Large population studies are needed to ascertain true diagnostic
comorbidities in ASD and SSD.
As well as the high prevalence of comorbidity between ASD and SSD, there is
also an overlap in terms of symptoms, at both clinical (Waris et al. 2013) and
subclinical (Bevan Jones et al. 2012) levels. Moreover, neurodevelopmental
abnormalities frequently found in children with ASD, such as a delay in motor
development and impaired receptive language, and relationship and adjustment
difficulties are frequently found as prodromal features of SSD (Owen et al. 2011).
Likewise, childhood deficits documented in those who later develop SSD mimic
ASD traits (Dickson et al. 2011). Whilst in neurotypical adults with well-described
4 Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 53
SSD; the delay or lack of speech development in ASD parallels alogia (poverty of
speech) in SSD; and catatonic features are observed in both diagnoses. It is perhaps
unsurprising that much research has found co-occurrence of traits such as these (e.g.
Brüne 2005; Spek and Wouters 2010). Similarities are also found in traits that relate
to, but are not part of, the diagnostic criteria. Theory of mind and mentalising
impairments are hypothesised to be central to both disorders (Baron-Cohen et al.
1985; Bora et al. 2009; Brüne 2005; Chung et al. 2013). Similarly, Eack et al. (2013)
report that those with ASD and SSD experience similar deficits in their neurocogni-
tive and social cognitive functioning.
Conversely, other authors report traits that do differentiate between the disor-
ders. Intellectual disability, for example, is more common in ASD than SSD
(Baio 2010; Cooper 1997; Morgan and Jorm 2008). Although both disorders
show a higher male to female ratio in individuals diagnosed, the male-female
ratio appears to be considerably higher in ASD than SSD (Ochoa et al. 2012;
Wing 1981b). Level of communication deficits may also differentiate between
ASD and SSD. In a study comparing individuals at risk for psychosis, those with
a first episode of psychosis, individuals with autism, and healthy controls,
Solomon and colleagues (2011) found that 20 % of those in the high risk or first-
episode psychosis groups met diagnostic criteria for ASD as assessed by parental
report. However, there were a number of traits which distinguished between the
different diagnostic categories. Atypical developmental trajectories in communi-
cation and social behaviours, as well as structural and pragmatic language, were
found to a much greater extent in the ASD group compared to the SSD and con-
trol groups. Similarly, when comparing individuals with ASD and SSD, Spek
and Wouters (2010) demonstrated that individuals with ASD reported more
impairment with social skills, attention switching, and communication than those
with SSD.
There is also longitudinal evidence for an overlap between ASD and SSD at
the trait level. Evidence from two large cohort studies has confirmed that the
presence of psychotic experiences at age 12 is associated with ASD traits earlier
in life (Bevan Jones et al. 2012; Sullivan et al. 2013). Similarly, meta-analysis
has recently confirmed that childhood deficits documented in those who later
develop SSD mimic ASD traits (Dickson et al. 2011). Whether these traits reflect
aspects of ASD which were undiagnosed or did not reach clinical significance or
instead reflect the status of SSD as a neurodevelopmental disorder remains to be
Other research suggests, however, that ASD traits may not be predictive of the
development of SSD. A study from Vorstman and colleagues (2013) investigated
childhood ASD traits in 78 patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, 36 of whom
had developed psychotic disorder. High levels of ASD traits were reported to have
occurred during childhood in their population, but were not predictive of the devel-
opment of SSD. Higher rates of ASD traits had a stronger association with the non-
psychotic individuals with the deletion, suggesting that, in the case of 22q11.2
deletion syndrome, the disorders share a genetic vulnerability but are distinct in
their expression of this vulnerability.
4 Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 55
As can be seen in the section above, there are many shared traits or symptoms
between those diagnosed with ASD and those diagnosed with SSD. Despite this,
often symptoms can still be distinctive. For example, in ASD misinterpretations of
other’s behaviours/emotions, which lead to delusions, are mostly caused by a lack
of social cognition (Blackshaw et al. 2001). On the other hand, in people with SSD,
the process that leads to delusion formation is mostly driven by affective dysregula-
tion (Smeets et al. 2012), rather than a deficit in social cognition. Thus, whilst it can
be difficult to differentiate between individuals with ASD and SSD by focusing on
clinical presentation of the delusional symptom alone, a clearer differentiation can
be found at a phenomenological level. These differences in phenomenological char-
acterisation of the delusion have relevant consequences in the choice of and response
to treatments.
Beyond the peculiar features of psychotic symptoms in ASD and SSD, what is
interesting to note is that, among individuals with from SSD, some are characterised
by an evident autistic phenotype, whilst positive psychotic symptoms are less prom-
inent (King and Lord 2011). Retrospective research has identified two subgroups
within SSD populations: a larger group with relatively little behavioural impairment
throughout childhood and a smaller group which displays early behavioural abnor-
malities (Corcoran et al. 2003; Rossi et al. 2000). This latter subgroup of patients
can be characterised by difficulties in the metacognitive domain, emotion process-
ing, and motor abnormalities (Cheung et al. 2010) as well as an earlier onset of SSD
and a more chronic course of illness (Myin-Germeys and van Os 2007; Rossi et al.
2000). At the same time, this subgroup usually shows a prevalence of negative
symptoms and obtains high scores on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
(ADOS; Bastiaansen et al. 2011), leading some to suggest they may be a potential
subgroup with a stronger association to ASD (Konstantareas and Hewitt 2001).
Anecdotally, the diagnosis of ASD in SSD (and vice versa) poses problems. There
are currently no assessment tools for differentiating ASD and SSD despite their com-
mon co-occurrence, and diagnosis is usually made via clinical interview. Unless an
individual with SSD has been given a diagnosis with ASD as a child, the diagnosis
of ASD is clinically challenging. For example, the clinician must differentiate nega-
tive symptoms from stable traits of ASD. Researchers have investigated ASD in
populations with SSD and first-episode psychosis and individuals at ultra-high risk
(UHR) for psychosis (the criteria for which are based on a combination of state and
trait risk factors; the most common of these are attenuated positive psychotic symp-
toms below the threshold for a diagnosis of frank psychosis; Yung et al. 1996). Some
researchers have employed lengthy diagnostic interviews such as the Diagnostic
Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO; Wing 2006) to diag-
nose ASD in populations with SSD (Waris et al. 2013; Hallerback et al. 2012). Others
56 K. Chisholm et al.
have used the Social Communication Questionnaire (Rutter et al. 2003), which is
based on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), to approximate a
diagnosis of ASD (Soloman et al. 2011; Sprong et al. 2008). ASD screening tools
have also been used for this purpose (Davidson et al. 2014; Sporn et al. 2004), such
as the Autism Screening Questionnaire (Berument et al. 1999) or Autism Spectrum
Disorder in Adults Screening Questionnaire (Nylander and Gillberg 2001). However,
these instruments may lack validity in a person help-seeking for psychological dis-
tress, and differentiating state and trait symptoms is challenging. Indeed, if an indi-
vidual is floridly psychotic or psychologically very unwell, completing these
measures may not be possible. Thus the comorbid diagnosis of ASD in SSD is best
conducted after symptom stabilisation, with primary goal of diagnosis to be how
therapy (particularly psychological therapy) might be best delivered.
The diagnosis of SSD in a person with ASD can be even more difficult. No
assessment tools have been developed that account for many of the core features of
ASD, in particular deficits in communication. Establishing the functional impact of
psychosis is also a challenging task since individuals with ASD may to already have
deficits in everyday functioning, especially within the social domain. In verbal indi-
viduals with ASD, semi-structured interviews, such as the Positive and Negative
Symptom Scale (PANSS, Kay et al. 1987), may be useful for the determination of
positive symptomology. Scales used to assess the UHR state may also be valuable,
such as the Comprehensive Assessment of the At-Risk Mental State (CAARMS;
Yung et al. 2005) or the Structured Interview for Prodromal Symptoms (SIPS;
McGlashan et al. 2001). The advantage of these assessments is that subthreshold
symptoms are captured. If the individual does meet the UHR criteria, it is up to the
clinician to make the judgement on whether these symptoms represent the prodrome
of a psychotic disorder or whether they are more stably related to the individual’s
ASD. All of these tools can be used to assess negative and disorganised symptoms
in people with ASD, although determining if these types of symptoms are related to
psychosis and require treatment or are state traits of ASD is more complex. In sum-
mary, we suggest that the diagnosing psychotic symptoms in individuals with ASD
should be done by a multidisciplinary team via clinical interview and using the vali-
dated measures where possible. There is a clear need to develop improved means of
diagnosis of psychosis in individuals with ASD.
ASD and SSD rates of heritability are both estimated to be high at around 50–80 %
(Cardno and Gottesman 2000; Freitag 2006; Sandin et al. 2014). What is particu-
larly interesting is the fact that, as well as showing high levels of heritability
within each disorder, there is evidence of relatively high levels of heritability
between the disorders (Daniels et al. 2008; Larsson et al. 2005; Sporn et al. 2004;
Sullivan et al. 2012).
4 Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 57
This is consistent with studies investigating copy number variants (CNVs; varia-
tions of DNA sequence in the genome) in SSD and ASD. Particular CNVs are
implicated in both ASD and SSD, and specific rare alleles have been found to occur
in both disorders (Lionel et al. 2013; McCarthy et al. 2009; Moreno-De-Luca et al.
2010; Weiss et al. 2008). The high number of shared CNV deletions and duplica-
tions, including NRXN1, CNTNAP2, 22q11.2, 1q21.1, and 15q13.3, led Carroll
and Owens (2009) to conclude in their review that genetic evidence challenges the
assumption that ASD and SSD are completely unrelated disorders.
A particularly compelling example of overlapping genetic vulnerability comes
from the high rates of ASD and SSD seen in individuals with 22q11.2 deletion syn-
drome. In the largest study to date, investigators examined psychiatric morbidity in
1,402 individuals with the syndrome (Schneider et al. 2014). SSD were found in
1.97 % of children aged 6–12, 10.12 % of adolescents aged 13–17, 23.53 % of
emerging adults aged 18–25, 41.33 % of young adults aged 26–35, and 41.73 % of
mature adults aged 36 or above. Similarly high rates of ASD were also found, with
rates varying across the life span of 12.77 % for children, to 26.54 % for adoles-
cents, and to 16.10 % for adults.
There is also evidence of genetic differentiation between the disorders. Whilst
CNVs appear to be enriched in individuals with ASD and SSD, common risk alleles
have not generally been found to be shared between the disorders. Using genome-
wide genotype data from the Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics
Consortium (2013), only a low genetic correlation was found between ASD and
SSD. This suggests that common risk variants may play a limited role in ASD when
compared to SSD, particularly when considering the lack of confirmed genome-
wide association study results in ASD (Devlin et al. 2011).
7 Treatment
Antipsychotic drugs (APD) have had a long association with ASD (Cohen et al.
1978). Nevertheless, most of the studies are focused on the effectiveness of APD for
the treatment of behavioural disorders in ASD. In this regard, the Research Units on
Pediatric Psychopharmacology (RUPP) study (Arnold et al. 2003, 2005) showed
their efficacy for treating disruptive behaviour in ASD (tantrums, aggression, and
hyperactivity). However, a rapid return of disruptive and aggressive behaviour after
discontinuation emerged. Second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) in general
(particularly risperidone and aripiprazole) appear to be more effective in controlling
positive and disorganised symptoms (Ching and Pringsheim 2012; Na Young and
Findling 2015). The side effects such as metabolic adverse events, including weight
gain and dyslipidaemia, appear to be more common than in SSD without ASD
(Arnold et al. 2005; Ching and Pringsheim 2012; Na Young and Findling 2015).
60 K. Chisholm et al.
Overall, efficacy and tolerability of APD in patients with ASD and psychotic
symptoms are less favourable than in patients with SSD alone (Ameis et al. 2013).
The relative success of APD in treating positive symptoms in SSD is limited by their
lack of efficacy for negative and cognitive symptoms, which often determine the
level of functional impairment. In addition, whilst SGAs produce fewer motor side
effects, safety and tolerability concerns about metabolic syndrome have emerged.
Consequently, there is an urgent need for more effective and better-tolerated APD
and to identify new molecular targets. Following this evidence, a variety of new
experimental pharmacological approaches have emerged in SSD recently, including
molecules acting on targets other than the dopamine D2 receptor. In this context,
future drug development strategies can fall into three categories: (1) improvement
of precedent mechanisms of action to provide drugs of comparable or superior effi-
cacy and side effect profiles to existing APD, (2) development of non-D2 mecha-
nism APD, and (3) development of interventions as adjuncts to APD to augment
efficacy by targeting specific symptom dimensions of SSD (Miyamoto et al. 2012).
In this regard, newer agents, including glutamatergic agents, oxytocin, tolcapone,
and entacapone, appear promising albeit with mixed results (Apud and Weinberger
2007; Gupta et al. 2011; Na Young and Findling 2015). Nevertheless, none of these
novel treatment strategies, as well as previous well-consolidated pharmacological
and non-pharmacological intervention for SSD, have been tested, validated, and
replicated for psychotic symptoms in ASD. To date only few open-label studies
exist on the efficacy of those interventions in this group of patients.
4 Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 61
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Feeding and Eating Disorders and
Autism Spectrum Disorder 5
Valentina Postorino and Luigi Mazzone
1 Introduction
V. Postorino (*)
Department of Pediatrics, Marcus Autism Center, Emory University School of Medicine,
Atlanta, GA, USA
Department of Neuroscience, I.R.C.C.S. Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Child
Neuropsychiatry Unit, Rome, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
L. Mazzone
Department of Neuroscience, I.R.C.C.S. Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital,
Child Neuropsychiatry Unit, Rome, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
any child at risk for nutritional deficiency (Bandini et al. 2010; Bicer and Alsaffar
2013; Schmitt et al. 2008). Literature studies describe that girls with a diagnosis of
ASD are at greater risk of developing a FED and males with autism are also at
increased risk for low body weight (Kalvya 2009; Oldershaw et al. 2011a, b;
Sobanski et al. 1999). Currently, a recent line of research has focused on the hypoth-
esis that there may be an association between FEDs and ASD (Anckarsater et al.
2012; Baron-Cohen et al. 2013; Carton and Smith 2014; Coombs et al. 2011; Courty
et al. 2013; Huke et al. 2013, 2014; Mandy and Tchanturia 2015; Rhind et al. 2014;
Tchanturia et al. 2013). Specifically, these works have supported the assumption of
similar behavioral and cognitive features in FEDs and ASD. For instance, deficits in
theory of mind and difficulty in expressing emotions and recognizing emotional
stimuli have been reported in individuals with ASD, as well as in patients with AN
(APA 2013; Davies et al.,2010; Oldershaw et al. 2010, 2011; Tchanturia et al. 2013).
However, given that atypical eating behaviors are common in individuals with ASD,
recognizing when these symptoms are reported within the clinical eating disorder
range is a challenge for clinicians. Nevertheless, the distinction between these dis-
orders is of crucial importance for the diagnostic and treatment processes. For this
reason, practical information for clinicians on the prevalence, phenomenology and
clinical features, diagnostic process, neurobiological and genetic bases, and treat-
ment of FEDs in ASD will be described in the present chapter.
Atypical eating behaviors, and more precisely food selectivity, are often present
in children with ASD. Literature studies have shown that this atypical eating
behavior is more prevalent in children with ASD than in typically developing
children. With these considerations, researches exploring the prevalence of food
selectivity in children with ASD have reported highly variable rates, ranging from
13 to 87 % (Ahearn et al. 2001; Bandini et al. 2010; Collins et al. 2003; Cornish
1998; Dominick et al. 2007; Field et al. 2003; Kalvya 2009; Klein and Nowak
1999; Nadon et al. 2011; Schmitt et al. 2008; Schreck and Williams 2006; Schreck
et al. 2004; Suarez et al. 2013; Whiteley et al. 2000; Williams et al. 2000, 2005).
For instance, Whiteley et al. (2000) reported that 83 % of parents indicated that
their children ate a restrictive repertoire of foods as their core diet. Similarly,
Williams et al. (2000) found that 67 % of parents reported that their child was a
“picky eater.” However, 73 % reported that their child had a good appetite for
foods that they liked, suggesting that picky eating is not associated with a lack of
appetite. On the other hand, Bandini et al. (2010), comparing food selectivity
between children with ASD and typically developing children, indicated a lower
rate (41.7 %) of this atypical eating behavior in their sample of children with
ASD. Of note is that these studies used different definitions of food selectivity;
distinct methodologies, including rating scales, checklists, and interviews; as well
5 Feeding and Eating Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 69
as daily food record diaries, and this issue may represent a possible explanation
for these discrepancies. It’s only recent that Bandini et al. (2010) have operation-
alized the definition of food selectivity to comprise three separate domains: food
refusal, limited food repertoire, and high-frequency single food intake (Bandini
et al. 2010).
Studies report highly variable prevalence rates of co-occurring FEDs and ASD
ranging from 4 % to 37 % (Anckarsäter et al. 2012; Huke et al. 2013, 2014; Gillberg
et al. 1995; Råstam 1992; Råstam et al. 2003; Rhind et al. 2014; Wentz Nilsson
et al. 1998, 1999, 2005). It is to note that only two studies evaluated patients with
current AN and BN, whereas the remaining were based only on AN samples.
Moreover, the majority of studies have investigated retrospectively the presence of
an ASD during and following AN (Anckarsäter et al. 2012; Gillberg et al. 1995;
Råstam 1992; Råstam et al. 2003; Wentz Nilsson et al. 1998, 2005). For instance,
Rastam et al. (2003) evaluating premorbid conditions, including ASD, compared
51 individuals with AN with a group of 51 comparison subjects. These investiga-
tors found that 20 % of the sample met the ASD criteria. Moreover, all the
researches investigating the comorbidity between these disorders used different
screening measures for investigating ASD symptoms; therefore, there is a lack of
consistency in terms of methodology that make comparisons between studies
A recent line of research investigates the presence of autistic traits in AN sam-
ples reporting that patients with AN possess high level of autistic-like behaviors
(Baron-Cohen et al. 2013; Calderoni et al. 2015; Courty et al. 2013; Hambrook et al
2008; Huke et al. 2013, 2014; Rhind et al. 2014; Tchanturia et al. 2013). For
instance, Tchanturia et al. (2013) exploring the association between autistic traits
and eating disorder symptoms in a group of 66 participants with AN compared to a
group of 66 typical controls found that women with anorexia reported a greater
number of autistic traits than typical women. However, it is worth mentioning that
all these studies explored the presence of autistic traits in anorexia through a self-
report measure (the Autism Spectrum Quotient-AQ); thereby an accurate assess-
ment of autistic traits through gold-standard diagnostic measures for ASD is
recommended in future researches (Baron-Cohen et al. 2001).
To our knowledge so far, only one case series investigated the co-occurrence of
ASD and AN through the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS),
which is the gold-standard measure for the diagnosis of ASD (Lord et al. 2000;
Mandy and Tchanturia 2015). In more detail, Mandy and Tchanturia (2015) eval-
uating through the ADOS ten women receiving treatment for an eating disorder
estimated that seven of them had an ASD. However, it is worth to note that the
level of autistic symptoms found in this case series could be overestimated by the
fact that one of the participants’ inclusion criteria was that an ASD had to be
70 V. Postorino and L. Mazzone
It is not easy to make a comorbid diagnosis of FED in the context of ASD. In fact,
at first glance, these conditions appear to be completely different. FEDs are more
common in females than in males, with a female-to-male (F:M) ratio of 10:1 (Smink
et al. 2014). Generally, eating disorders begin during adolescence, and the lifetime
course and outcomes are highly variable among affected individuals (Anderluh
et al. 2009). Indeed, literature studies report that most people with FEDs have an
above-average intelligence (Lopez et al. 2010). By contrast, ASD is a lifelong con-
dition with an early onset (12–24 months of age). This condition is more prevalent
in males than females, with a M:F ratio of 4:1 (CDC 2014). Moreover, intellectual
functioning is one of the factors that contribute to the clinical heterogeneity of this
disorder, and literature studies have shown an association between ASD and intel-
lectual disability ranging from 16.4 to 84 % (de Bildt et al. 2004; Miller et al. 2012).
Besides these differences, these disorders share some behavioral traits, and several
clinical issues make difficult the distinction between these conditions. First, ASD is
challenging to identify in females, especially in higher functioning individuals,
probably due to a different behavioral phenotype between genders, and it is there-
fore possible that girls either go undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed (Postorino et al.
2015b). Thus, it could be that behaviors and symptoms used to make a diagnosis are
gender specific. A direct consequence of this first diagnostic issue is the fact that the
majority of eating disorders can have a later onset compared to autism; thereby,
individuals present to adult psychiatrist who may not be able to make the diagnosis.
Another issue concerns the fact that starvation itself has a deep impact on brain
functioning and can produce a condition that can be misinterpreted as autism, char-
acterized by social retirement, rigidity, and repetitive behaviors (Treasure 2013).
Third, children with autism have strong preferences and enjoy repetition (e.g., eat-
ing the same foods), as well as sensory sensitivities that may interfere with eating
and cause food selectivity. Therefore, distinguishing restricted and repetitive behav-
iors that are diagnostic features of autism from a more structured eating disorder can
be difficult. Indeed, it has to be noticed that when an individual with a FED presents
for diagnosis and/or treatment, clinicians often do not investigate the developmental
history, which is fundamental in order to make an ASD diagnosis. In fact, generally
the first clinical focus is to manage the physical and acute risk of an eating disorder
patient. During the diagnostic process, in order to make a clear distinction between
these disorders, clinicians have to keep in mind the common behavioral traits of
these disorders. For instance, repetitive and rigid behaviors are also present in FEDs
and frequently precede the onset of an eating disorder. Obsessive-compulsive fea-
tures characterized by rigid attitudes and behaviors and problems in set shifting and
attention to details have been described in both conditions (Solomon et al. 2008;
Tchanturia et al. 2011, 2012). Regarding this last point, it has to be pointed out that
in FEDs these features are focused on food and weight, whereas in autism, these are
given by repetitive behaviors and narrow interests, which include a range of mani-
festations according to age and ability (APA 2013). Several studies have described
that patients with FEDs have difficulty in recognizing emotional stimuli and
5 Feeding and Eating Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 71
expressing emotions, and deficit in theory of mind has been reported in AN and BN
samples (Oldershaw et al. 2010, 2011a, b; Davies et al. 2010). As a reminder,
although all the features described above are common for both disorders, FEDs are
accentuated in the acute illness state and became less pronounced after treatment,
whereas in autism these remain stable over time. Social impairments, such as loneli-
ness, shyness, and solitary activities, are often described by clinicians in individuals
with a FED, especially in the state that precedes the onset of the disorder (Kim et al.
2009; Krug 2012). It is important to take into account that in order to make a diag-
nosis of ASD, these impairments in the social abilities must be clearly present since
childhood, whereas in case of eating disorders, these are usually circumscribed and
time limited and disappear after the management of the acute phase of illness. Thus,
a deep assessment of the history and development is necessary in order to distin-
guish between these disorders and eventually make a comorbid diagnosis.
items of this questionnaire require intact metacognitive abilities. In the same way,
parent-report questionnaires or interviews (e.g., the Kiddie–Schedule for Affective
Disorders and Schizophrenia–Present and Lifetime version- K-SADS-PL) require
the parent to have the ability to discern between the repetitive behaviors typical of
autism that may interfere with eating and more structured problems concerning
feeding and eating (Kaufman et al. 1997). During the diagnostic process, clinicians
have to be aware that since one feature of individuals with ASD is the need to per-
form ritualistic behaviors, repetitive actions, and routine and structured activities,
changes in these routine actions or the discrepancy between social context expecta-
tions and autistic functioning can cause in these individuals, especially in high-
functioning subjects, stress that may be involved in the development of eating
disorders. Therefore, it is possible that FEDs are a consequence of stressful life
events (e.g., bereavement, pressure at school, or lack of occupation) in autistic
patients showing a predisposition to develop these symptoms. Furthermore, an
exacerbation of certain autistic behavioral features related to feeding and eating
(i.e., a worsening of food selectivity), as well as changes in the type and pattern of
preexisting symptoms, or the onset of new symptoms, in a patient affected by ASD,
should warn clinicians and lead them to conduct a more in-depth assessment. In
these cases, a complete diagnostic evaluation of FEDs in individuals with ASD
should include psychological, physical, and medication management investiga-
tions. An initial assessment, in order to collect information on case history, current
clinical picture, skills, disabilities, and motor competencies, is important for the
diagnostic process of children and adolescents with ASD who develop feeding
problems. A broad psychological evaluation on the possible exposure to traumatic
or stressful life events should be also undertaken. Moreover, given that girls with
autism could be undiagnosed and that feeding and eating problems are sometimes
the only and easier clinical signs that bring these patients to a psychiatric service,
a good clinical practice is to complete the assessment on all the information
described above in patients with FEDs who present severe rigidness and social
retirement in order to evaluate the presence of an ASD.
Whether these conditions share neural networks and genes is an important area of
research in order to shed light on the mechanisms underlying symptoms and delin-
eate different features of these disorders. Several studies have investigated the neu-
ral networks in these two conditions, but to our knowledge, none of these studies
have compared brain structures in these clinical populations (Treasure 2013; Zucker
et al. 2007). The majority of studies on functional imaging in FEDs have investi-
gated the response to food and body images cues (Van den and Treasure 2009).
Recently some functional magnetic resonance imaging researches have provided
support that patients with AN, similar to individuals with ASD, report altered acti-
vation in brain networks underlying theory of mind, cognitive and behavioral flexi-
bility, and central coherence compared to healthy controls (Fonville et al. 2013;
5 Feeding and Eating Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 73
Schulte-Rüther et al. 2012; Zastrow et al. 2009). Other studies have investigated the
biological overlap between these disorders. In particular, some reports have shown
a disturbed processing of oxytocin in both AN and ASD (Rastam 1992; Rastam
et al. 2003; Tchanturia et al. 2004). Moreover, AN and ASD appear to co-exist
within families indicating that these observed similarities may reflect a direct
genetic link (Comings and Comings 1991; Gillberg 1985; Steffenburg 1991).
However, further studies are needed in order to identify genes that can contribute to
the development of these conditions.
6 Treatment
The presence of a comorbid eating disorder in individuals with ASD has direct
implication for clinical work. Given that studies describe that patients with FEDs
report more autistic traits, shedding light on the social cognitive processing of
these patients might be useful in order to predict outcomes and to develop adequate
interventions (Baldock and Tchanturia 2007). In fact, difficulties in social func-
tioning may decrease the efficacy of psychological interventions and affect the
course of the illness (Treasure et al. 2005). Therefore, a modified psychological
therapy for ASD processing styles may improve treatment effectiveness in patients
with ASD and a comorbid FED. In the same way, these interventions could be also
beneficial for patients with eating disorders and high traits of autism. Programs
focusing on promoting social skills in autism have been implemented and have
been applied to eating disorders patients. These interventions are based on cogni-
tive behavioral strategies, and even if there is a paucity of randomized control trials
(RCT), studies published so far have shown the effectiveness of these psychologi-
cal therapies in this clinical population (Lock et al. 2013; Galsworthy-Francis and
Allan 2014; Tchanturia et al. 2014, 2015). A novel intervention who has shown a
growing evidence in the treatment of AN is the cognitive remediation therapy
(CRT) (Lock et al. 2013; Tchanturia et al. 2014, 2015). This is a brief manualized
intervention (ten sessions) which targets cognitive processes, such as increasing
the cognitive flexibility and the ability to switch between mental tasks (set shift-
ing). The literature on this intervention in AN samples consists of single case stud-
ies, case series, and four RCTs, which report improvements in all target symptoms
and low dropout rates (around 10–15 %) (Brockmeyer et al. 2014; Courty et al
2005; Davies and Tchanturia 2005; Dingemans et al. 2014; Lock et al. 2013;
Tchanturia et al. 2007, 2008, 2014). For instance, Dingemans et al. (2014)ran-
domly assigned 82 patients with AN to CRT and treatment as usual or to treatment
as usual only. Results showed that patients who received CRT reported a signifi-
cant improvement in eating disorder symptoms, in quality of life as well as set
shifting and central coherence abilities (Dingemans et al. 2014). Although all these
studies concur on the efficacy of this intervention in patients with AN, to our
knowledge, none of these has investigated the feasibility of the CRT on patients
with ASD and co-occurring FEDs. Therefore, further RCTs are needed in order to
examine the efficacy of CRT on this clinical population.
74 V. Postorino and L. Mazzone
Another important topic for the treatment concerns the intervention programs for
children with ASD and atypical eating behaviors. Overall, previous studies have
demonstrated that trials on behavioral interventions represent a well-supported
treatment for children with ASD and food selectivity (Marı’-Bauset et al. 2014;
Sharp et al. 2011). In particular, these interventions have shown significant improve-
ments in terms of calorie intake, weight gain, and the variety and volume of food
consumed during meals in children with ASD. Recently, a pilot study has investi-
gated the feasibility of a behaviorally based parent training intervention called the
“Autism MEAL Plan” to address feeding problems in children with ASD, providing
support regarding the utility of the program (Sharp et al. 2014). Given these results,
as a good clinical practice, the behavior at meal times should be monitored as part
of routine assessments of children with ASD in order to implement the right
Finally, studies on drug therapy in patients with ASD and a comorbid FED are
lacking. Moreover, evidence for drug therapy alone in FEDs is weak (Hay and
Claudino 2012). Some trials have reported that low dose of antipsychotic medica-
tion can improve symptoms. However, all the studies concur that the intervention
for FED patients needs to target both physical (i.e., promotion of weight gain,
reducing risk of physical complications) and psychological aspects of the disorder
(e.g., working with disordered cognitions, harmful behaviors, body image issues,
and associated emotional disturbances) (Galsworthy-Francis and Allan 2014).
Therefore, cautions are warranted in the use of pharmacological interventions, and
clinicians should explore this possibility only when all the other treatments were
Recent studies have highlighted that FEDs can occur in the context of an ASD and
that patients with eating disorders report higher degree of autistic traits when com-
pared to healthy controls. However, further researches examining the presence of
ASD in FED patients through an in-depth assessment performed by a multidisci-
plinary team and using gold-standard diagnostic measures for autism (e.g., ADOS)
are needed in order to shed light on the prevalence of this comorbidity. Given that in
clinical practice the characteristics of the female autistic phenotype are difficult to
be recognized, future studies have to address the need of developing proper screen-
ing tools for eating disorders specifically designed for the ASD population.
Furthermore, whether these two conditions share common cerebral mechanism or
genes is still an open issue. In the same way, controlled studies on the medical and
psychological treatments of eating disorders in ASD are still lacking. Therefore, we
think that it will be important to analyze whether individuals with ASD and FEDs
have a distinct etiology, treatment needs, and prognosis compared to people with
ASD who do not have FEDs or people with FEDs who do not have ASD. Longitudinal
studies might be essential to fill this gap.
5 Feeding and Eating Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 75
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Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
and Autism Spectrum Disorder 6
Samuele Cortese
1 Introduction
S. Cortese
Department of Psychology, Developmental Brain-Behaviour Laboratory,
University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
IRCCS Stella Maris, Scientific Institute of Child Neurology and Psychiatry,
Calambrone, Pisa, Italy
The Child Study Center at NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
ASD. However, some individuals with ASD do meet full criteria for ADHD, which
contributes to a more severe impairment. Moreover, for a subset of individuals with
mild ASD (in particular, the condition previously referred to as Asperger’s syn-
drome), the primary reason for clinical referral is ADHD symptoms rather than
impairment due to ASD core symptoms. Therefore, it is possible that DSM-IV-TR
ADHD criterion E contributed to the undertreatment of impairing ADHD-like
symptoms in individuals with ASD. Acknowledging this issue, the most recent ver-
sion of the DSM (DSM-5) does allow a dual diagnosis of ADHD and ADD, thus
highlighting the importance of addressing inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impul-
sivity in individuals with ASD.
2 Prevalence
ADHD is a major public health issue (Feldman and Reiff 2014). Its worldwide-
pooled prevalence is estimated at about 5 % in school-age children (Polanczyk et al.
2007, 2014). Impairing symptoms of ADHD persist in adulthood in up to 65 % of
cases (Faraone et al. 2006), with a pooled prevalence of adulthood ADHD around
2.5 % (Simon et al. 2009).
Currently, there are no available meta-analyses on the prevalence of ADHD in
individuals with ASD. Across studies, the prevalence of ADHD symptoms in indi-
viduals with a primary clinical diagnosis of ASD has been reported to be between
13 and 50 % in the general population and in community-based studies and between
20 and 85 % in clinical samples (Grzadzinski et al. 2011).
The main clinical issue when dealing with the recognition and diagnosis of ADHD
arguably pertains to the differential diagnosis. Indeed, the core symptoms of ADHD
(i.e., inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity) are highly specific and can characterize
several, if not the majority, developmental psychopathological disorders. While the
differential diagnosis between ADHD and disorders such as mood and anxiety dis-
orders has been addressed in a large body of research (suggesting that the early
onset and chronicity of ADHD should be differentiated from the episodic manifes-
tation of depression/bipolarity and anxiety), the relationships between ADHD and
other disorders (such as attachment disorders) need to be better elucidated. Another
issue relates to the dimension of “mood dysregulation” that is found in many,
although not all, individuals with ADHD. It is currently debated if this dimension
should be considered among the defining criteria for ADHD. To complicate the
matter, many disorders that can be considered in differential diagnosis with ADHD
are claimed to be present also as comorbidity. Arguably, the current atheoretical and
descriptive approach of the DSM does not allow to fully disentangle issues pertain-
ing to comorbidity/differential diagnosis in the light of the etiopathophysiology and
developmental psychopathology of the symptoms.
6 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder 81
these conditions (Nass 2005). The neurologic examination is part of any complete
diagnostic evaluation. In addition to the traditional neurologic examination, a num-
ber of standardized office examinations that tap developmental neurologic functions
are available. Furthermore, the neurologic examination provides an opportunity to
evaluate for commonly comorbid neurologic problems of coordination like dys-
praxia and dysgraphia (Nass 2005).
Neuropsychological testing is not a necessary part of the diagnostic assessment
of ADHD, unless specific comorbid or associated learning issues need to be evalu-
ated. Results of neuropsychological testing, however, may lend support to the diag-
nosis and are useful to detect possible neuropsychological subtypes that need a
targeted management. Intelligence should be assessed. Higher IQ ADHD children
may compensate for their attention difficulties sufficiently to mask executive dys-
function on traditional measures.
If the patient’s medical history is unremarkable, laboratory or neurological testing
is not indicated. The measurement of thyroid levels and thyroid-stimulating hormone
should be considered only if symptoms of hyperthyroidism other than increased
activity level are present. Exposure to lead, either prenatally or during development,
is associated with a number of neurocognitive impairments, including ADHD. If a
patient has been raised in environment where exposure to lead paint or plumbing is
probable, then serum lead levels should be considered. Serum lead levels, such as
measurement of other metals, should not be part of routine screening.
Neuroimaging or genetic studies are not currently indicated in the daily clinical
practice (Pliszka 2007).
Increasing evidence from neuroimaging and genetic studies points both to overlap
and specificity across the two disorders. A recent review of the literature of struc-
tural brain imaging studies [both anatomical magnetic resonance imaging (aMRI)
and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)] concluded that total brain volume (increased in
ASD and decreased in ADHD), volume of amygdala (larger in ASD and normal in
ADHD), and fractional anisotropy (FA, a DTI proxy of white matter integrity) in the
internal capsule (ASD: unclear, ADHD: reduced FA in DTI) differed between the
two disorders. By contrast, overlap was reported in the corpus callosum and cere-
bellum (lower volume in aMRI and decreased FA in DTI) and superior longitudinal
fasciculus (reduced FA) (Dougherty et al. 2015). A meta-analysis of from functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has shown similarities across the two disorders
in abnormal activation of regions in the attentional dorsal, executive functions,
visual, somatomotor circuits and the default activation circuit and specific deficits in
the reward circuit in ADHD and abnormalities in the circuits social cognition and
language processes specific to ASD (Proal et al. 2013).
From a genetic standpoint, literature on possible overlaps/differences is still in its
infancy. A twin study using twin-based structural equation modeling suggested a
moderate phenotypic correlation between autistic and ADHD symptoms. In a bivar-
iate model, genetic correlation (r(g)) between autistic and ADHD traits was 0.72
6 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder 83
(Reiersen et al. 2008). The authors concluded that in young adults, a substantial
proportion of the genetic influences on self-reported autistic and ADHD symptoms
may be shared between the two disorders. Only a few candidate gene studies, link-
age studies, and GWAS studies have focused on this co-occurrence, pointing to
some promising pleiotropic genes, loci, and single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs). For example, a seminal study suggested that 15q QTL has possible pleio-
tropic effects for ADHD and ASD (Nijmeijer et al. 2010).
6 Treatment
tolerated than in children with ADHD without ASD. A meta-analysis of four RCTs of
methylphenidate for ADHD symptoms in children with ASD found an ES = 0.6
(Reichow et al. 2013). The rates of adverse events, including, in particular social with-
drawal and irritability, were higher than those typically reported in preschoolers with
ADHD without ASD. As for non-psychostimulants, the most recent systematic review
of trials of atomoxetine concluded that although clinical practice suggests potential
efficacy of atomoxetine for ADHD symptoms in children with ASD, there are not
enough controlled clinical trial to corroborate such statement (Ghanizadeh 2013).
While medications for ADHD are efficacious in randomized controlled trials (RCT)
in the short/medium term and are indicated as the first-line treatment (at least for
severe cases, Taylor et al. 2004), they have a number of potential limitations – each
affecting some patients. These include (i) partial or nonresponse (Faraone et al. 2006),
(ii) possible adverse effects (Cortese et al. 2013), (iii) uncertainty about long-term
costs and benefits (Molina et al. 2009), (iv) poor adherence (Adler and Nierenberg
2010), and (v) negative medication-related attitudes from patients, parents, or clini-
cians (Kovshoff et al. 2012). Therefore, in the past years, there has been an increasing
interest to non-pharmacological treatments for ADHD. The most recent and arguably
rigorous synthesis of such literature has been carried out in the past 3 years by the
European ADHD Guidelines Group (EAGG) in a series of meta-analyses addressing
the efficacy of a different number of non-pharmacological treatments for ADHD,
including dietary interventions (restricted elimination diets, artificial food color exclu-
sions, and free fatty acid supplementation), behavioral interventions, cognitive train-
ing, and neurofeedback. Overall, this series of meta-analyses showed that while all
these interventions are efficacious on ADHD core symptoms when considering rat-
ings from assessors probably not blinded, the efficacy of such interventions (with the
possible exception for a small effect for free fatty acid supplementation) drops to
nonsignificant when relying on rating from blinded assessors (Cortese et al. 2015a;
Daley et al. 2014; Sonuga-Barke et al. 2013). However, non-pharmacological inter-
ventions have been found efficacious on conditions associated with ADHD. For
instance, behavioral interventions had a significant effect on positive parenting, reduc-
tion of negative parenting, and on conduct disorders associated with ADHD, also
when considering probably blinded ratings (Daley et al. 2014). In addition, cognitive
training significantly improved working memory deficits that are impaired in a sub-
sample of children with ADHD (Cortese et al. 2015a).
Current available treatment approaches for ADHD are symptomatic rather than
being grounded on the pathophysiology of the disorder. The search for
6 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder 85
There are many important questions that should be addressed in future studies. First,
further investigation is needed to better understand the reasons underlying the
comorbidity between ADHD and ASD. Indeed, since the DSM is conceived as an
atheoretical classification, the notion of comorbidity between two disorders is
purely meant to be descriptive in order to facilitate the communication among clini-
cians but does not provide any clue on the possible explanations for this association.
Second, genetic and environmental factors and their interaction, underlying the
association between ADHD and ASD, deserve further attention. Third, since cur-
rently available assessment tools for ADHD do not include items specifically
adapted for children with ASD, future research should focus on the evaluation of
more specific tools that take into account how the semiology of ADHD is impacted
by the co-occurrence of ASD. Finally, specific and, possibly, pathophysiologically
based intervention strategies to manage ADHD symptoms in individuals with
ADHD are needed, given that standard pharmacological treatments for ADHD are
less effective and less well tolerated in individuals with ASD and non-
pharmacological therapies for ADHD have been poorly evaluated in this clinical
In a sizable portion of patients with ASD referred to child and adolescent mental
health services, the main concerns include not only typical ADHD core symptoms
(i.e., hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity) but also related disruptive behav-
iors such as physical aggressiveness, temper outbursts, or irritability, the latter being
defined as an abnormal disposition to uncontrolled anger or aggression (Elbe and
Lalani 2012). Although the prevalence of such maladaptive behaviors has not sys-
tematically been evaluated in children/adolescents with ASD, individual studies
show that they are frequent and impairing in this population. For example, a study
in a sample of 487 young people with pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)
showed that up to 30 % of them presented with symptoms of irritability, including
aggression (24.5 %), severe tantrums (30.2 %), and deliberate self-injurious behav-
ior (16 %) (Lecavalier 2006).
Empirical evidence is available for both pharmacological and non-pharmacological
strategies aimed to manage such impairing behaviors. Non-pharmacological
86 S. Cortese
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6 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder 91
1 Introduction
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Tourette syndrome (TS) are neurodevelop-
mental disorders that typically begin in childhood and are considered chronic condi-
tions in the lifetime. Even if ASD and TS are apparently different disorders, these
two conditions share some epidemiological, phenomenological, and pathophysio-
logical features, and several researchers have considered overlap between ASD and
TS. There is an increasing interest in the clinical characteristics and biological
underpinnings of TS and common co-occurring psychopathology, including ASD.
Although there is no enough evidence to support a unified theory, recent research
has focused on both genetic and neuropathological etiologies of TS and ASD.
ASD is are neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the presence of
impaired social interaction and communication, typically accompanied by restricted
interests and/or stereotyped behaviors (American Psychiatric Association, DSM-5
2013). A recent epidemiological study estimated the global prevalence of ASD to be
between 1 % and 2 % (Elsabbagh et al. 2012). Comorbid psychiatric disorders are
present in 70 % of individuals with ASD (Simonoff et al. 2008): attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive compulsive behaviors/disorder (OCB/D),
tics and TS, mood disorders, anxiety, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct
disorder (CD), and personality disorders (PDs).
Tourette syndrome (TS) is the primary tic disorder with an estimated prevalence
close to 1 % between 5 and 18 years of age (Burd et al. 2009). Core features of TS
are motor and phonic tics (DSM-5). In addition to their well-characterized
A. Capuano
Neurology Unit, Department of Neuroscience,
I.R.C.C.S. Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy
G. Valeri (*)
Child Neuropsychiatry Unit, Department of Neuroscience,
I.R.C.C.S. Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 93
L. Mazzone, B. Vitiello (eds.), Psychiatric Symptoms and Comorbidities in
Autism Spectrum Disorder, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29695-1_7
94 A. Capuano and G. Valeri
2 Prevalence
A consistent limitation in studies reporting overlap between ASD and TS has been
capturing large cohorts of TS and/or ASD subjects. In 1999, Baron-Cohen and col-
leagues identified 8.1 % of 37 school-aged children with autism presenting with
comorbid TS (Yang et al. 2012). Later, Canitano et al. evaluated a clinical sample of
105 children with ASD, observing 22 % with a tic disorder (11 % with TS and 11 %
with chronic motor tics). These findings suggested that the rate of comorbidity was
higher than what would have been expected by chance; however, in both reports, the
small sample size limited the generalizability of findings. Recently, the Tourette
Syndrome International Consortium was initiated to more accurately describe the
comorbidity patterns of TS using a large cohort of individuals. Using these data,
(Burd et al. 2009) observed that 4.6 % of the 7,288 participants with TS presented with
a comorbid pervasive development disorder (PDD), providing significant support that
TS increases the risk for PDD/ASD 13-fold. Further, the presence of TS and comorbid
PDD/ASD significantly increased the risk of additional comorbid psychopathology
(not including PDD/ASD), with nearly 98 % presenting with one or more comorbidity
versus 13.2 % in the group with TS only (Burd et al. 2009). These findings suggest that
patients with TS and PDD/ASD may present with a more complex diagnostic picture,
likely demanding more comprehensive and intensive managed care.
Several studies have identified a positive family history of TS and/or ASD in indi-
viduals presenting with both disorders concurrently (Mandell et al. 2005;
Karagiannidis et al. 2012). In a clinical sample of 105 youth with ASD, Canitano
et al. observed a positive family history for tic disorders in 59.5 % of youth present-
ing with ASD and comorbid TS. Burd et al. also identified an association between
neuropsychiatric symptoms (including TS and ASD) and a deletion involving exons
4, 5, and 6 of the gene neuroligin 4 (NLGN4) in a family study.
To further delineate potential genetic associations between TS and ASD,
Fernandez et al. (2012) examined gene copy number variants (CNVs) in individuals
with TS (n = 460) compared to control subjects (n = 1,131). While no significant
increases in the number of de novo or transmitted rare CNVs were identified in TS
subjects compared to controls, gene mapping within rare CNVs in TS subjects
showed significant overlap with CNVs previously identified in individuals with
ASD. Taken together, these findings reinforce the idea of a common pathogenetic
mechanism and shared genetic risk between the two disorders.
As defined and widely described, TS is characterized by motor and vocal tics, with a
waxing and waning course, often accompanied by compulsive behavior (Cohen et al.
2013). From a phenomenological point of view, tics are classified into “hyperkinetic
96 A. Capuano and G. Valeri
3.2 ASD
vocal tics (i.e., repetitive, sudden, brief, irregular, involuntary), while ASD patients
often present with stereotypies (i.e., repetitive, ritualistic, rhythmical, purposeful).
Further, rigidity and resistance to change, common features of ASD, are somewhat
distinct from the classic obsessive symptoms that frequently co-occur with TS.
Specific differences between tics and stereotypies can usually be differentiated
by a thorough and comprehensive clinical evaluation, providing an accurate differ-
ential diagnosis. A summary of overlapped clinical features of ASD and TS is
showed in Table 7.1.
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) defined three tic disorders in the 5th
edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM-5: (1)
provisional tic disorder, (2) persistent (chronic) motor or vocal tic disorder, and (3)
Tourette syndrome. The disorders are distinguished from one another according to
three criteria: the child’s age at onset, the duration of the disorder, and the number
and variety of tics. The diagnosis is based on a set of clinical diagnostic criteria. A
classification of tics is shown in Table 7.2.
In particular, TS is defined by the following clinical criteria:
• Both multiple motor tics and one or more phonic tics must be present at some
time during the illness, although not necessarily concurrently tics must occur
many times a day, nearly every day, or intermittently throughout a period of more
than 1 year.
• Onset of tics before the age of 18 years.
• Involuntary movements and noises must not be explained by another medical
condition or by the physiological effects of substance.
7 Tics and Tourette Syndrome in Autism Spectrum Disorder 99
Based on description made previously in this chapter, it is clear that the diagnosis
of TS is based on clinical features of the symptoms. Thus, a detailed medical his-
tory and a complete psychosocial and family history to detect psychiatric and/or
neurological conditions in relatives are often enough to clarify the clinical frame-
work of the disorder. However, a small minority of patients with TS presents a pure
tic disorder, while a psychopathology and comorbidity occur in about 80–90 %
(Martino et al. 2013).
A series of scales and other instruments have been developed to completely
assess TS and comorbid conditions. An algorithm is shown in Fig. 7.1.
support to general
evaluation Psychosocial functioning
conditions Autism symptoms SCQ / SRS
Fig. 7.1 Assessment tool algorithm for TS and its comorbid conditions
BG. The implication of BG in behavioral disorders arises from (1) anatomical and
functional studies on organization of circuitry into BG, which revealed functional
compartmentalization in close relation to different cortical territories; (2) animal
models, especially in nonhuman primates that allowed to establish a causal link
between dysfunctions in BG and specific motor and nonmotor symptoms; and (3)
clinical studies on dopamine therapy or deep brain stimulation (DBS).
As described above, many features of ASD patients represented by gait abnor-
malities, impairment in dexterity, abnormal/stereotyped movements, and repetitive
pattern of behavior suggest an involvement of BG. Moreover, recent experimental
and functional studies confirm BG dysfunction in ASD (Shepherd 2013). Thus, BG
could be considered the anatomical and functional link between TS and ASD.
output provides not only a feedback closed-loop but initiates feed-forward open-loop
projections to other cortical areas (McFarland and Haber 2002).
On the basis of these anatomical results, these circuits have been divided in sev-
eral circuits dedicated to more specific cognitive and motor activities, whereas
behavioral studies have identified specialized circuits, treating opposite motivational
domains according to pleasant or unpleasant stimuli, or processing the motivation for
a food reward versus the hedonic value of this reward (Berridge and Kringelbach
2013). The impact of this model is in the view that BG could be implicated in many
psychiatric disorders: cognitive aspects of schizophrenia, OCD, ADHD, and phobia
and anxiety (Simpson et al. 2010; Yang et al. 2012). TS is a unique model to study
BG involvement in motor and nonmotor aspects: a dysfunction of sensory motor ter-
ritories of BG can be responsible of motor (tics) symptoms, while associative and
limbic domains of BG play a role in behavioral (OCD, ADHD) aspects.
Based on the knowledge of BG organization, it has been postulated that in TS
patients, a primary dysfunction of striatum leads to an impairment of inhibitory
control in BG. Experimental works (Kataoka et al. 2010; Kalanithi et al. 2005) have
shown in the brain of TS patients a fewer inhibitory parvalbumin interneurons and
cholinergic interneurons in the anterior part of the striatum compared to healthy
controls. These interneurons are normally about 1 % of striatal neuronal population
but exert a powerful inhibitory control in the striatum. Thus, a hypothesis is that
during the neurodevelopment, an impaired migration of these interneurons into the
striatum could occur. The final result is a lack of inhibitory control of GP output on
cortex. Most of these inhibitory controls inside the striatum allow the selection of
relevant information while blocking noise or competitive informations that induce
abnormal movement (i.e., tics) or actions inappropriate to context or behaviors.
A systematic review of anatomic imaging studies found that caudate volumes
were reduced in children and adults with TS (Plessen et al. 2009). In addition, tic
severity in children with TS correlated with sensorimotor cortex volume reduction.
Positron emission tomography (PET) scanning has shown variable rates of glucose
utilization in basal ganglia as compared with controls. One study, utilizing [18F]
fluorodeoxyglucose PET scans, identified a TS-related pattern characterized by
increased premotor cortex and cerebellum activity and reduced resting activity of
the striatum and orbitofrontal cortex (Pourfar et al. 2011).
Table 7.3 Summary of genes involved in TS and ASD and their functional implications
Gene Locus Protein encoded Function
IMMPL2 7q31 Mitochondrial Radicals of oxygen
transmembrane protein regulation
LRRN3 (nested into 7q31 Leucine-rich repeat Postsynaptic protein for
IMMPL2) neuronal proteins protein-protein interaction
in synaptogenesis
CTNNA3 10q21 Alpha2-catenin Transmembrane synaptic
LRRTM3 (nested gene 10q21 Leucine-rich repeat Postsynaptic protein
into CTNNA2) transmembrane neurexins ligand
NRXN1 2p21 Neurexin proteins Presynaptic
transmembrane protein
NRXN4/CNTNAP2 7q35 Neurexin family Presynaptic
transmembrane protein
NLGN4X Xp22.23 Neuroligin protein Postsynaptic neurexin
family ligand
CBLN2 18q22.2 CBLN superfamily of Neurexin ligand
C1q/tumor necrosis (CBLN2-NRX-GRID
factor superfamily complex)
104 A. Capuano and G. Valeri
7 Treatment
1. Subjective discomfort
2. Social isolation or bullying problems
3. Social and emotional problems
4. Functional interference
Thus, the burden of global impairment in daily life is the major indication for
medical treatment option. Furthermore, the frequent comorbid conditions associ-
ated to TS have to be taken into account for a specific choice of drug.
The rationale behind both therapies is the notion that external and internal physi-
ological factors influence the expression of tics and that tics thus should be regarded
as semi-voluntary movements. Along the same lines, tics often are preceded by
premonitory urges, and these unpleasant bodily sensations often act as a trigger for
tics. Hence, behavioral approaches employ the ability of individuals with TS to
actively suppress tics and habituate to the premonitory urges.
HRT comprises a functional analysis of tics and relaxation techniques and psy-
chosocial support activities. This structured and manual-based treatment consists of
6–8 weekly treatment hours over a period of 8–10 weeks. Briefly, the two behav-
ioral approaches follow similar principles, but HRT targets one tic at a time and the
method is practiced at specific times of the day, whereas in ERP, the patient is asked
to suppress all occurring tics during several times of the day. Although more sys-
tematic studies have examined the effectiveness of HRT in clinical settings, effect
sizes were larger for ERP than for HRT. In view of the limited benefit of pharmaco-
logical treatment and good evidence for the efficacy of HRT, it is worth it to try this
form of therapy in children and families who are motivated to start training.
Other treatments that are considered second-line or add-on behavioral treatments
mentioned in the review are contingency management, function-based interven-
tions, and relaxation training, whereas neurofeedback in tic disorders is still consid-
ered in an experimental stage.
Pharmacotherapy has probably the fastest onset when compared with behavioral
treatment options, but few randomized clinical trials exist on pharmacological
choices in TS.
The recent guidelines from ESSTS Group (Roessner et al. 2011) reviewed the
existing Cochrane reviews and provided the first comprehensive review of medical
options through a MEDLINE, Pubmed, and EMBASE search between 1970 and
2010. Based on these guidelines, pharmacological options include antipsychotic
agents, noradrenergic agents, and miscellaneous drugs as alternatives. Table 7.4
shows a review of drug classes used in TS and ASD.
Haloperidol, pimozide, and risperidone show the highest level of evidence
(receiving a grade A), with several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) showing
efficacy for treating tics. First-generation antipsychotics have been associated with
adverse effects, including parkinsonism, dystonia, dyskinesia, akathisia, and tardive
dyskinesia; thus, the other medications to treat tics are necessary.
Among new (atypical) antipsychotic agents, aripriprazole shows a good profile
of tolerability and efficacy. Several nonantipsychotic medications were also recom-
mended for the treatment of tics although most have not been as extensively or as
rigorously studied. Among noradrenergic agents, clonidine is used in particular in
TS patients with comorbid ADHD. Clonidine resulted efficaciously in reducing tic
frequency in randomized controlled trial also in a patch transdermal formulation.
Cardiovascular side effects have to be taken into account along with more common
side effects as dry mouth, headache, and irritability. Among other drugs used in TS
patients, tetrabenazine, a vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 inhibitor, might
106 A. Capuano and G. Valeri
Overall, ADHD, OCD, depression, personality disorders, and ASD are the most
common neuropsychiatric conditions encountered in patients with Tourette syndrome.
Existing research suggests an increased prevalence of comorbid ASD (and/or
disturbances in social functioning) among individuals with TS. While the precise
nature of these relationships is uncertain, both genetic factors, putative common
neurobiological features and co-occurring psychopathology, have been implicated
in the etiology and/or maintenance of these difficulties.
Over the last few decades, researchers have identified several factors that may
contribute to these social and behavioral disturbances, highlighting the negative
impact of comorbid psychiatric diagnoses, disruptive behaviors, and/or increased
tic severity. Evidence also suggests that peer victimization experienced by youth
with TS is associated with increased tic symptom severity, strength of premonitory
urge, loneliness, internalizing symptoms (e.g., anxiety and/or depression), explo-
sive outbursts, and deficits in quality of life.
Although several studies postulate that reducing these disabling social and
behavioral aspects of symptom presentations beyond tics will reduce the overall
burden of TS, most are cross-sectional or preliminary in nature. As such, interven-
tions for TS, and for TS associated with ASD, should aim to address not only tic
severity but also the multifaceted reasons for social and behavioral impairments
within this population.
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7 Tics and Tourette Syndrome in Autism Spectrum Disorder 109
1 Introduction
S. Miano (*)
Sleep and Epilepsy Center, Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland, Civic Hospital of Lugano,
Lugano, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
F. Giannotti • F. Cortesi
Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Neuropsychiatry,
Center of Pediatric Sleep Disorders, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
and Ferri 2010). Sleep disorders may exacerbate social interactions, repetitive
behaviors, affective problems, and inattention/hyperactivity (Malow et al. 2006a).
The relationship between sleep disorders and ASD is complex because circadian
abnormalities and epilepsy are strong contributors and have a bidirectional influ-
ence on sleep of ASD (Accardo and Malow 2014; Goldman et al. 2014). The impor-
tance of these comorbidities with sleep disorders is demonstrated by the significant
increasing numbers of papers published during the last two decades, about ASD and
sleep. One of the main topic is the role of melatonin in sleep disorders of ASD: It
has been reported a disruption and/or reduction of melatonin concentration in urine,
plasma, and serum sample both during daytime and nighttime, moreover genes
whose products regulate endogenous melatonin and modify sleep patterns have
been implicated in the pathogenesis of ASD, and supplemental melatonin has been
successfully used to treat sleep onset problems, as evidenced by recent randomized
trials in ASD (Veatch et al. 2015; Goldman et al. 2014; Tordjman et al. 2015; Cortesi
et al. 2012).
It is desirable in the next future an early management of sleep disorders in ASD,
which may influence the prognosis of cognitive and behavioral disabilities. For this
reason practical information for clinicians about prevalence, genetic implications,
clinical features, diagnostic assessment, and treatment of sleep disorders will be
Sleep problems are particularly common in children with ASD with prevalence
rates ranging from 50 % to 80 % compared with a 9–50 % prevalence rates in age-
matched typically developing (TD) children (Schreck and Mulick 2000; Wiggs
2001; Polimeni et al. 2005; Doo and Wing 2006; Liu et al. 2006; Malow et al. 2006a,
b; Malow and Mc Grew 2008; Richdale and Schreck 2009; Hollway et al. 2011;
Kotagal and Broomall 2012). As stated by Ming et al. (2008), they rank as one of
the most common concurrent clinical disorders and also one of the most burden-
some complaints among parents of children with ASD (Cohen et al. 2014).
It should be noted that some reports revealed an increased proportion of sleep
problems in more severely developmentally delayed children (Miano et al. 2007;
Giannotti et al. 2008, 2011). However, in a study of highly functioning children with
ASD, sleep problems appeared to be relatively specific to them compared with both
typically developing and children with intellectual disabilities without autism
(Richdale and Prior 1995; Bradley et al. 2004; Couturier et al. 2005). Based on the
parental reports, Krakowiak and colleagues (2008) found that 53 % of children
(2–5 years in age) with autism had at least one frequently experienced sleep problem
compared to 46 % of children with non-ASD developmental delays and 32 % of typi-
cally developing children. Moreover, studies comparing children with autism and a
history of regression with no developmentally regressed children showed more sleep
problems in the regressed than in non-regressed group (Giannotti et al. 2008, 2011).
8 Sleep Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 113
Children with ASD showed a wide range of sleep problems and many of them expe-
riencing multiple problems concurrently (Delahaye et al. 2014). Interestingly, simi-
lar sleep problems occur in all the ASD subgroups, and the only factor associated
with a higher risk of sleep problems was the occurrence of them before the age of
2 years (Doo and Wing 2006). The most common sleep problem experienced by
children with ASD is insomnia. According to parental reports, sleep onset problems
and night wakings commonly occur in children with ASD (Liu et al. 2006; Malow
and Mc Grew 2008; Johnson and Malow 2008; Richdale and Schreck 2009; Cortesi
et al. 2010). Recently, Engelhartdt et al. (2013) demonstrated that bedroom access
to a television or a computer was more strongly associated with reduced sleep in
children with ASD compared to TD children. Moreover, compared to TD, ASD
children spend more time playing video games and watching TV, having more trou-
bles disengaging from screen-based media (Nally et al. 2000). This increased media
use coupled with the potential influence of bright screens on melatonin production
and circadian rhythms (Engelhardt et al. 2013). A recent meta-analysis study based
on objective measures confirm a prolonged sleep latency, shortened sleep duration,
and less sleep efficiency in children with autism, even though these alterations are
more common in those with concurrent intellectual disability (Elrod and Hoods
2015). Lengthy periods of nocturnal awakening lasting for up to 2–3 h have been
reported when the child may simply laugh, talk, scream, or get up and play with toys
or various objects in the room (Robinson and Richdale 2004; Malow et al. 2006b;
Miano et al. 2007; Goodlin-Jones et al. 2008; Giannotti et al. 2011). As noted by
114 S. Miano et al.
Richdale and Schreck 2009, these types and duration of night wakings seem typical
for children with autism.
The etiology of insomnia in children with autism is thought to be multifactorial,
including potential disruption in circadian rhythms and melatonin dysregulation
besides poor sleep hygiene practices (Richdale and Schreck 2009; Johnson and
Malow 2008). Particularly, fragmented irregular sleep-wake patterns, including
inconsistent sleep onset and rise time, free-running sleep-wake rhythm, sleep onset
delay, and early morning awakening have been reported (Wiggs and Stores 2004;
Goodlin-Jones et al. 2008; Richdale and Schreck 2009; Giannotti et al. 2011).
Furthermore, children with autism showed a marked night-to-night variability in
their sleep-wake cycle (Anders et al. 2011). Moreover, Matsuura and colleagues
(2008) experimentally reproduced sleep patterns of autistic children and suggested
a bifurcation of the sleep-wake cycle with increased sensitivity to external noise and
short sleep duration.
A recent study showed that insomnia in children with autism may be due to
arousal dysregulation and sensory over-responsivity (Mazurek et al. 2015). An
over-responsivity to sensory input within the sleep environment, including noise,
light, and temperature, was significantly associated with sleep onset delay, sleep
duration, and night waking in these children. As reported by Richdale et al. (2014)
in ASD children, pre-sleep cognitive arousal was associated with insomnia by
increasing physiological arousal and emotional distress which interfere with sleep.
Moreover, Tordjman et al. (2014) found a flattened circadian rhythm of cortisol,
suggesting also alterations in circadian time structure in children with autism.
Furthermore, children with ASD may be more prone to insomnia due to the neu-
robiologic overlap with other concurrent medical and psychiatric problems.
Epilepsy, which occurs in a significant minority of patients with ASD, may nega-
tively impact sleep (Giannotti et al. 2008; Accardo and Malow 2014).
Psychiatric comorbidity and epilepsy may worsen the management and prognosis
of sleep disorders in ASD. In addition, the differential diagnosis between primary
insomnia and sleep major disorders remains a challenging diagnosis for clinicians,
especially in children with mental disabilities and ASD. Major sleep disorders (such
as restless legs syndrome, nocturnal epilepsy, sleep disordered breathing) should
always be suspected in ASD children with insomnia not respondent to standard
treatment and who display multiple awakenings during sleep and hypersomnia dur-
ing daytime (although normal hours of bedtime have been demonstrated).
The aim of this paragraph is not reporting in details the pathogenesis and impli-
cations of psychiatric comorbidity of ASD, but clinicians should take in mind that
psychiatric disorders may worsen insomnia and that specific sleep problems may
anticipate the onset of psychiatric disorders (such as attention-deficit hyperactivity
8 Sleep Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 115
et al. 2007, 2013), although sleep fragmentations caused by sleep disorders induce
early in life and in some cases irreversible frontal and prefrontal deficits (Miano
et al. 2013). It is strongly suggested to explore and exclude the presence of major
sleep disorders or of nocturnal epilepsy in children with ASD, especially with
comorbid ADHD and referred sleep problems. Although is a very rare condition,
some children with narcolepsy and cataplexy, especially after the H1N1 pandemic
influenza or vaccination, may have florid psychotic symptoms due to signs and
symptoms of cataplexy and to many hypnagogic hallucinations during daytime,
inducing both ADHD and ASD symptoms and misleading diagnosis (Rocca et al.
Furthermore, an association between sleep problems and gastrointestinal dys-
function has been described in children with ASD (Johnson 2005; Ming et al. 2008).
While children with ASD do not appear to be particularly at an increased risk for
obstructive sleep apnea, other sleep problems, such as parasomnias, may be likely
underdiagnosed. Research regarding the prevalence of parasomnias in the autistic
population is mixed with some studies suggesting an increased prevalence and oth-
ers demonstrating no increase (Richdale and Prior 1995; Patzold et al. 1998; Schreck
and Mulick 2000; Liu et al. 2006; Wiggs and Stores 2004). There are mixed reports
regarding the association of REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) with autism too.
RBD was reported to occur in a number of children with ASD described in a case
series (Thirumalai et al. 2002). Additionally, a relatively high percentage of peri-
odic leg movements during sleep has been reported in children with autism (Dosman
et al. 2007).
The report of frequent multiple awakening, sleepiness, nocturnal hyperkinesia,
and/or stereotyped and clinic movements during sleep may be suspected of noctur-
nal seizures. Epilepsy is more common in ASD patients than in the general pediatric
population, with the prevalence rates estimated at 2–3 % among all children com-
pared with 30 % in ASD, even in children with ASD without other risks for epilepsy
(normal intelligence; no family history; no other risk factors, such as cerebral palsy
and perinatal disorders; or other medical disorders) (Malow 2006). In the absence
of a history of clinical seizures, interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) also are
more prevalent in ASD patients (Malow 2006). It has been demonstrated that
approximately 32 % of children with epilepsy evaluated using validated autism
screening questionnaires fit the criteria for having ASD. Most of these children had
not been previously diagnosed and have the worst behavior, early occurrence sei-
zures (approximately 2 years), more difficulty falling back to sleep after arousals,
early morning wakings, and daytime sleepiness (Clarke 2005). Therefore children
with ASD and epilepsy should particularly be evaluated for sleep disturbances
(Accardo and Malow 2014). It has been reported a higher percentage of regression
and of sleep problems in ASD children with epilepsy and in those with frequent
EEG epileptiform activity compared with those with rare or no abnormalities
(Giannotti et al. 2008). The coexistence of disrupted sleep patterns and epilepsy in
regressed children suggests a disruption of the neuronal circuitry, since the peak age
at onset of sleep problems coincides with that of regression, during the second year
of life. In ASD, prolonged EEG recording including sleep showed increased
8 Sleep Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 117
Sleep problems in children with ASD have been widely investigated by sleep ques-
tionnaires, and actigraphic recording (usually associated with sleep diaries), more
rarely with polysomnographic recording. The detection of plasma, urine, or salivary
melatonin secretion is warranted to diagnose sleep-wake rhythm disorders in this
specific population, but still remains a diagnostic tool used for research purpose. A
diagnostic algorithm to asses sleep problems has been already described in children
with ASD (Miano and Ferri 2010). After a detailed animalistic interview about sleep
problems (sleep onset problems, many awakenings during sleep, presence of sleep
hyperkinesias, myoclonic movements or stereotyped movements during sleep,
many naps during daytime, daytime sleepiness, maturation of the sleep-wake
rhythm, time of bedtime, and of final awakening in the morning), caregivers may fill
sleep questionnaire, already used in children with ASD, such as the Children’s Sleep
Habits questionnaire or other validated sleep questionnaire (Bruni et al. 1997;
Owens et al. 2000). In most of cases a behavioral insomnia and or circadian rhythm
disorder is suspected. Sleep diaries and actigraphic recording of at least 1 week are
warranted to confirm the diagnosis and assess sleep-wake behavior. Actigraphy pro-
vides useful information about sleep in the natural sleep environment variables.
Collecting data representing body movement over time, actigraphy paints a picture
of daily sleep-wake cycles, which can be useful in the diagnosis and evaluation of
several clinical sleep disorders and treatment outcomes (Morgenthaler et al. 2007;
Martin and Hakim 2011). Actigraphy is a simple device similar to a watch, usually
worn in the nondominant wrist. The software calculates many sleep parameters
such as total sleep time, sleep efficiency (defined as the percentage of time sleeping
while in bed and lights off), and sleep latency (defined by time from lights off to
sleep onset) and offers an overview of daytime activity, indirectly assessing daytime
sleepiness and the number of naps (see Fig. 8.1, example of a sleep onset delayed
insomnia recorded by actigraphy of a week). The sleep diary usually serves to
ensure the functioning of actigraphy. On the contrary, when major sleep disorders
are suspected, a video-polysomnographic recording (video PSG) with extensive
EEG channels is warranted. Despite the sanitary cost, including the necessity of a
sleep expert medical doctor for diagnosis, laboratory-attended video PSG-recording
remains the gold standard for the pediatric diagnosis of nocturnal epilepsy, sleep
disordered breathing, and sleep movements disorders (Aurora et al. 2011, 2012).
118 S. Miano et al.
Fig. 8.1 An actigraphic recording of a week, showing a sleep onset delay with sleep onset after
midnight (sleep period in blue)
The standard variables recorded during an overnight PSG recordings were at least
eight EEG channels (frontal, central, temporal, and occipital monopolar montages
referred to the contralateral mastoid or bilateral montages), according to the
International “10–20” system to place electrodes in standardized scalp locations; an
electrooculogram (electrodes placed 1 cm above the right outer cantus and 1 cm
8 Sleep Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 119
below the left outer cantus and referred to A1); and a submental electromyogram
and an electrocardiogram (one derivation). Chest and abdominal movements and
efforts and oronasal airflow are recorded with a thermocouple (or nasal pressure
monitor when children tolerated a nasal cannula). Arterial oxygen saturation was
monitored by means of a pulse oximeter. Recording usually starts at the patients’
usual bedtime and continued until spontaneous awakening.
The following PSG variables are usually scored manually and automatically cal-
culated, according to standard criteria (Berry et al. 2012a, b): time in bed (TIB),
sleep period time (SPT; time from sleep onset to sleep end), total sleep time (TST;
SPT minus time spent in wakefulness after sleep onset), sleep efficiency index
(TST/TIB*100), sleep onset latency (SOL; time from lights out to sleep onset,
defined as the first of two consecutive epochs of stage 1 sleep or one epoch of any
other stage, in minutes), first rapid eye movement (REM) latency (FRL; time from
sleep onset to the first REM epoch), minutes spent in each stage and percentage
relative to SPT, number of stage shifts/hour, number of REM periods, number of
awakenings/hour, percentage of each sleep stages (stage N1, N2, N3, REM sleep);
central, obstructive, and mixed apnea events and the apnea hypopnea index (number
of respiratory events during sleep), overnight oxygen saturation and desaturation
index, leg movements (LMs), and periodic leg movements (PLMs) during sleep.
7 Treatment
The diagnosis of a sleep disorder is the first and the most important step in success-
ful intervention. The identification and treatment of possible underlying medical,
neurological, or psychiatric conditions should be part of a comprehensive, multidis-
ciplinary approach to the treatment of children with ASD.
Sleep hygiene and behavioral therapy are shown to be effective interventions for
both typically developing children and for ASD children. Several studies have dem-
onstrated effectiveness of behavioral interventions for bedtime problems, sleep
onset, and sleep maintenance problems in children with ASD (Wiggs 2000;
Thackeray 2002; Richdale and Wiggs 2005; Weiskop et al. 2005; Kuhn and Floress
2008). Thus, the first line of treatment in children with neurodevelopmental disabili-
ties is to improve sleep hygiene, a set of sleep related behaviors which can promote
a better sleep (Jan et al. 2008).
Basic principles of sleep hygiene include the selection of an appropriate bedtime,
establishment of a positive consistent bedtime routine, and reduction of emotional
and/or behavioral stimulation at night. As above stated, the association between
media exposure, bedtime resistance, and sleep onset delay is strongly pronounced in
ASD children; thus, minimizing television watching and playing computer or video
games may represent an important intervention target for improving sleep
(Engelhardt et al. 2013). Taking into consideration the night-to-night variability of
sleep-wake patterns in children with ASD (Anders et al. 2011), it is equally impor-
tant to pay attention to the consistency of the bedtime and risetime in the morning
in order to enhance a regular sleep-wake cycle.
Furthermore, as previously stated, children with ASD frequently have hypersen-
sitivity to environmental stimuli, including noises or tactile sensitivity to bedclothes
8 Sleep Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 121
If a child fails to respond to sleep hygiene and behavioral intervention or has only
partial response, pharmacological treatment options should be considered in con-
junction with the ongoing behavioral therapy for sleep disorders.
There is growing evidence in particular for the use of melatonin. Melatonin is
considered a nutritional supplement and is not regulated by the Food and Drug
122 S. Miano et al.
Administration (FDA). Given this labeling, melatonin is readily available over the
counter and relatively inexpensive. Several studies showed that exogenous melato-
nin is efficient in promoting sleep and is well tolerated, and no serious long-term
adverse effects have been described (Jan et al. 1994; Dodge and Wilson 2001; Ross
et al. 2002; Phillips and Appleton 2004; Gringas et al. 2012).
There have been relatively few trials utilizing melatonin exclusively in children
with ASD. In an open-label trial, 15 children with Asperger’s syndrome were
administered 3 mg of immediate-release melatonin 30 min prior to bedtime for
2 weeks (Paavonen et al. 2003). Sleep latency decreased significantly from 40 to
21 min during treatment as measured by actigraphy. A second open-label study of
children with autism utilized combined immediate- and controlled-release melato-
nin in a dose range of 3–6 mg (Giannotti et al. 2006). All of the children improved
according to sleep diaries and questionnaires. A randomized, placebo-controlled
trial of melatonin 5 mg was found effective in children with ASD and insomnia
(Garstang and Wallis 2006). A larger retrospective study of over 100 children with
ASD treated with melatonin documented minimal adverse effects, with improved
sleep in 85 % of children treated (Andersen et al. 2008). A study on 24 ASD chil-
dren with sleep onset delay using dose escalation of controlled-release melatonin,
from 2 to 9 mg when clinically required, reported significant improvement in sleep
latency within the first week of treatment (Malow et al. 2011). Furthermore, in a
randomized double-blind crossover trial on 22 ASD children with sleep insomnia,
Wright et al. (2011) reported significant improvement in sleep latency and total
sleep time, as reported by parents in the melatonin group. Moreover, a randomized
placebo-controlled study demonstrated the superior efficacy of the combination of
controlled-release melatonin treatment with behavioral interventions in 134 chil-
dren with autism and long-lasting sleep problems (Cortesi et al. 2012). In addition,
four meta-analysis studies confirmed the beneficial effects of melatonin on sleep in
ASD children with no or minus side effects (Guénolé et al. 2011; Doyen et al. 2011;
Rossignol et al. 2011; Reading 2012).
There are likely several mechanisms by which melatonin may promote sleep in
people with ASD. Melatonin may simply act as a hypnotic to promote sleep espe-
cially at higher than physiologic doses (Heuvel et al. 2005). When used as a hypnotic
for sleep onset insomnia, melatonin should be given approximately 30 min prior to
the desired bedtime. Melatonin also has a chronobiotic (phase-shifting) effect and
therefore may be more effective in individuals with a delayed sleep phase when
given several hours before bedtime. A dosage range of 1–3 mg is usually adequate,
but on occasion, doses of 6 mg or higher are needed. Recently, Ayyash et al. (2015)
demonstrated that increasing melatonin above 6 mg/night adds further benefit only in
a small percentage of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities including
autism. Liquid formulations are available and useful in children who have difficulty
swallowing tablets. Extended-release melatonin may be helpful for the child with
sleep maintenance difficulties (Jan et al. 2000; Giannotti et al. 2006; Cortesi et al.
2012). Once the sleep schedule stabilizes over several months, attempts should be
made to discontinue melatonin.
8 Sleep Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 123
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Personality Disorders and Autism
Spectrum Disorder: What Is Similar 9
and What Is Different?
1 Introduction
K. Sevecke (*)
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Innsbruck Medical University,
Innsbruck, Austria
e-mail: [email protected]
L. Poustka • C. Popow
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Vienna Medical University, Vienna, Austria
e-mail: [email protected]
2 Prevalence
PDs are among the most prevalent disorders in adulthood, reaching rates of 10 % in
community samples (Coid et al. 2006) and up to 50 % in clinical samples (American
Psychiatric Association 2000; Sevecke and Krischer 2008). Longitudinal studies
suggest that prevalence rates of PDs are higher in adolescence and decline linearly
up to the age of 27 (Chanen and Kaess 2012). Differences in prevalence rates may
be explained by nonuniform interpretation of diagnostic criteria and the various
classification systems.
The diagnosis of a PD is less stable than formerly expected (Biskin 2015; Skodol
et al. 2005; Stepp 2012) and differs among the various types. PD traits such as “self-
injurious behavior” are less stable than states such as “affective instability” and
“impulsivity.” Symptom stability is relatively stable over time for borderline (BPD),
histrionic, and schizotypal PD and less stable for other categorical diagnoses.
PD types are differently described by the various diagnostic systems: ICD-10 lists
eight categories and a number of “others”; DSM-IV defined three clusters (A: odd,
B: dramatic, C: anxious) and ten PDs in a separate diagnostic axis; and DSM-5 cre-
ated a hybrid model, defining six categories of core impairments (antisocial, avoid-
ant, borderline, narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive, and schizotypal PD, Criterion
A) and five high-order traits (negative emotionality, detachment, antagonism, disin-
hibition, psychoticism, Criterion B). This new model reflects the complexity of
PDs, improves discriminant validity and stability of the diagnosis, reduces comor-
bidity, and allows for assessing personal (identity and self-directedness) and
9 Personality Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 131
4 Treatment
Ongoing clinical trials for the treatment of adolescents with PDs aim to respect
the specific needs of this age group (see overviews: Krischer et al. 2006; Krischer
and Sevecke 2010). Examples of modified adult treatment protocols are Adolescent
Identity Treatment (AIT (Foelsch et al. 2008)), Transference-Focused Psychotherapy
for Adolescents (TFP-A (Fleischhaker et al. 2011)), and Dialectic Behavioral
Therapy for Adolescents (DBT-A (Miller et al. 1997)). These therapies focus more
on identity diffusion than on identity crisis (Foelsch et al. 2010). Identity diffusion
entails the lack of an integrative self-concept, similarly lacking in regard to signifi-
cant persons. Identity diffusion is a prerequisite for developing adolescent PDs. The
patient describes himself or herself and others in a highly chaotic way, unable to
detect or integrate contradictions (Clarkin et al. 2004). Adolescent PD therapy aims
at improving interpersonal relationships with friends, parents, and teachers. It fur-
ther aims at defining lifetime goals, developing a sense of self-worth, and achieving
a stable identity.
Pharmacological interventions for ASD and PDs are only symptomatic and sup-
portive. The main target symptoms are aggressive behavior/temper tantrums,
depression, sleep problems, and ADHD; in ASD patients with seizures, anticonvul-
sive medication is indicated. A recent field study on psychopharmacological treat-
ment in Germany (Bachmann et al. 2013) included 1,124 patients, 0.5 % having the
diagnosis of ASD. One-third of the ASD patients received medication, with methyl-
phenidate and risperidone the most frequently prescribed substances.
Pharmacological studies on treating PDs mainly focus on BPD (Paris 2011), with
low evidence (Klar and Siever 1984). Treatment guidelines, e.g., for BPD (Oldham
et al. 2001), are poorly evidence supported and are no longer up to date.
Neuroleptics are widely used to decrease intrapersonal stress levels, enabling a
distancing from environmental stressors and a reduction of impulsivity and reactive
aggressive behavior. Although widely used, neuroleptic treatment shows poor
134 K. Sevecke et al.
evidence of efficacy because large RCTs are lacking, especially for second-
generation antipsychotics.
Anticonvulsants – aside from their use in epilepsy and bipolar disorder – are
commonly used to reduce impulsivity and aggressive behavior. The evidence of
such treatment is, however, poor (Huband et al. 2010).
Antidepressants are generally less effective in ASD (Williams et al. 2013) and
PD (Paris 2011). This may be caused by the background and unchanging intraper-
sonal strain (due to flexibility problems) or by neuro-functional differences that are
poorly understood.
The efficacy of ADHD medication, specifically methylphenidate and atomox-
etine, has been proven in several prospective trials in ASD patients. Both medica-
tions seem to be less effective in ASD and PD patients than in normotypic and
non-PD ADHD patients. However, methylphenidate (Simonoff et al. 2013) and ato-
moxetine (Handen et al. 2015) are effective in children with ASD, with atomoxetine
showing a slightly better side effect profile. (B)PD patients with comorbid ADHD
also benefit from these two medications (Newcorn et al. 2007). In addition, aggres-
sive behavior (Blader et al. 2013) and the occurrence of SUD (Steinhausen and
Bisgaard 2014) are reduced, and psychotherapeutic adherence improved with long-
term medication (Prada et al. 2015).
Clinical diagnosis and treatment of adolescents with PDs and ASD are sensitive,
complex tasks that require specific knowledge and experience. The available diag-
nostic tools, mainly structured interviews and clinical observation, are relatively
sensitive, specific, and reliable.
The findings to date and the abandoned age limitation for the assessment of PD
(DSM-5) clearly justify the diagnosis of PDs in adolescence, but more work is nec-
essary to better identify and understand age-specific processes and characteristics.
Early, careful diagnosis of adolescents with PS, followed by specific treatment, is
certainly indicated. It is noteworthy that large numbers of patients, when treated
appropriately, are able to go into remission, rendering therapeutic nihilism as a con-
sequence of presumed “incurability” unwarranted.
The new DSM-5 criteria for both groups of disorders provide a courageous
approach, enhancing the quality of dimensional diagnosis. For PDs, abandoning
the age limit of 18 and introducing a hybrid disorder model, keeping “old” catego-
ries and adding five high-order traits and 25 trait facets, will help characterizing
the clinical picture more precisely. In ASD patients, emphasizing common prob-
lems, adding specifiers and severity levels, and abandoning categorization will
likely increase diagnostic precision. Nevertheless, longitudinal studies for both
groups of disorders are needed to better characterize the stability of the diagnostic
criteria and the effects of specific therapies. For both groups of disorders, access
to specific therapy and early, accurate diagnosis are essential to providing appro-
priate support.
9 Personality Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder 135
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138 K. Sevecke et al.
Many people treat the terms “sex” and “gender” as though they were synonymous.
Biological sex comprises physical attributes such as external genitalia and internal
reproductive structures such as gonads, sex chromosomes, and sex hormones.
Gender, on the other hand, can be a little less straightforward and is not inherently
or exclusively associated to one’s physical anatomy. Gender is a product of the
complex interrelationship between an individual’s biological sex and one’s gender
identity, which is an internal sense of self as male, female, both, or neither.
Most youngsters are cognizant of their gender between the ages 18 months and
3 years, and by the beginning of school years, most children will have achieved a
sense of their gender identity and a certain degree of gender constancy, at which
time children begin to realize that gender is a permanent state that cannot be altered
by a change of clothing or activity (Paikoff and Brooks-Gunn 1991). By the age of
4 years, children typically outline preferences for the company of their same-sex
peers, and by this time, boys and girls differ in interests and types of group activities
and behaviors (Rosenfield and Wasserman 1993).
Gender identity can be the same or different from one’s birth-assigned sex.
Generally, an individual’s gender identity correlates with the gender roles or attributes
that a given society considers appropriate for males and females. Occasionally how-
ever, for some individuals, this is not the case. Gender dysphoria (GD) is a clinical
condition where the individual experiences a persistent sense of discontentment over
the incongruence between their experienced or expressed gender and their birth sex
leading to significant distress to the person, an impairment of social or occupational
functioning, and a desire to live a cross-gender life (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
Interestingly, a handful of case studies (Landen and Rasmusen 1997; Tateno et al.
2008; Mukaddes 2002; Gallucci et al. 2005; Kraemer et al. 2005) attest to a comor-
bid presentation of ASD with GD (see Table 10.1), while empirical reports (De
Vries et al. 2010; Jones et al. 2012; Pasterski et al. 2014) indicate elevated GD rates
within the ASD population.
Table 10.1 Summary of case studies on the comorbid presentation of ASD and GD
Case and study Findings
Kraemer et al. Emotionally nonreciprocating and unapproachable as a child; obstinate
(2005) fascination with geometric patterns; preferred the company of male
35-year-old playmates, described as being tomboyish, enjoyed male stereotypical
biological female play; insisted she was a boy had an aversion to her body and secondary
with AS and GD sex characteristics; insisted she always felt like a boy and refused girl’s
Galluci et al. Early developmental history remarkable for headbanging, rocking,
(2005) socio-communicative impairments; preoccupation with soft fabrics,
41-year-old actively seeking these out; artistically talented; history of cross-dressing
biological male with women’s clothing; strong desire to have the body of a woman; has
with AS and GD fantasies of himself as a woman; expresses extreme distress with natal
sex; pervasive preoccupation with physical appearance; dislikes having a
penis and has confessed to wanting to use a “butcher knife to whack it
off”; strongly desires sexual reassignment; obsessive need for order and
predictability; passive death wish and paranoid thoughts
Tateno et al. The individual presented with preoccupation with colors and figures;
(2008) difficulty developing peer relationships; avoided socializing; given to
5-year-old male temper tantrums and strict adherence to own self-made rules; strong
with AS and GD preference for female playmates; marked preoccupation with female
activities abhorrence to male stereotypical toys and play; cross-dressing;
disliked male body; insisted that he would grow up to be a woman;
symptoms were present on follow-up for 2 years
Landen and The subject displayed echopraxia and echolalia; selective mutism;
Rasmusen (1997) obsessive compulsions with handwashing; claimed she was a boy; refused
14-year-old female girl’s clothing or using the girl’s toilet; insisted on being addressed as
with AS and GD “he”; treatment with clomipramine helped with OCD-related symptoms
but gender dysphoria persisted
10 “Gender Is Not on My Agenda!”: Gender Dysphoria and Autism Spectrum Disorder 141
When using the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders
(Leekam et al. 2002), a group of Dutch researchers found an incidence of 7.8 % of
ASD among a sample of children and adolescents referred to a gender identity clinic
for management of their GD (N = 204, Mage = 10.8 years, SD = 3.58). This rate is
much higher than the prevalence rate of ASD in the general population which ranges
from 0.6 % to 2 % (Fombonne 2005; Blumberg et al. 2013). Similarly, employing
142 R. George and M. Stokes
the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ, Baron-Cohen et al. 2003), a standardized test
to measure autistic characteristics, Jones et al. (2012) demonstrated that 14.8 % of
female adults with GD (N = 61) and 3 % of male adults with GD (N = 198) met the
criteria for a potential diagnosis of ASD, while Pasterski et al. (2014) also testified
to the ASD-GD association among adults in their sample, where 7.1 % of the
females with GD (N = 28) and 4.7 % of males with GD (N = 63) met diagnostic cri-
teria according to the recommended cutoff scores on the AQ.
While some research has assessed for ASD traits in a population referred for GD,
newer research by Strang et al. (2014) measured gender variance, defined as the
desire to be the opposite gender, in a population of children with ASD (N = 147). On
analyzing parental responses to the item “Wishes to be the opposite sex” on the
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), gender variance was 7.59 times higher in the
ASD group than in the non-ASD participants, which comprised of a community
sample (N = 165) and normative data from the non-referred standardization sample
of the CBCL (N = 1,605). Bejerot and Eriksson (2014) similarly demonstrated a
gender-atypical pattern (males were less masculine and females were less feminine)
in their sample of 50 adults with ASD when compared to 53 typically developing
George and Stokes (submitted) measured gender-dysphoric symptomology in an
international population of adults diagnosed with ASD (N = 220), using a mixed
methods approach. In their quantitative study, using the Gender Dysphoria and
Gender Identity Questionnaire (GIDQ-AA, Deogracias et al. 2007), results demon-
strated that individuals with ASD were significantly more likely to report experienc-
ing gender-dysphoric symptoms than were typically developing individuals
(Cohen’s d = 0.63). In a subsequent qualitative analysis investigating gender-related
attitudes among 94 adults with ASD, female participants reported that it was easier
to identify with males and that they were not like other women in that “vulnerabil-
ity, nurturing and intimacy is not natural to me” and that men were more “straight-
forward, easier to understand,” “blunt,” and “did not bother with emotional stuff.”
Male participants also conceded to feeling “sensitive, shy and introverted,” “not
fitting the typical male stereotype,” and not enjoying sports and “stereotypical male
socializing activities” but divulged that their disconnection from other men was not
primarily due to gender issues, but due to ASD-related issues. Taken together, an
androgynous self-concept, gender ambivalence, and dissatisfaction with culturally
dictated gender roles emerged as dominant themes in the discourse.
The coexistence of ASD and GD is worth noting as the prevalence of both condi-
tions is reasonably low. Reasons for this comorbidity have been a topic of emerging
interest, and several plausible speculations have been proposed to account for this
10 “Gender Is Not on My Agenda!”: Gender Dysphoria and Autism Spectrum Disorder 143
association. Some researchers have hypothesized that perhaps ASD is the driver that
predisposes some individuals to GD (Kraemer et al. 2005). A neurobiological
mechanism might provide some explanation. The “extreme male brain” theory of
ASD (Baron-Cohen 2002) argues that fetal testosterone or fT is a strong candidate
for contributing to sexually dimorphic cognition and behavior and may present a
risk factor for conditions characterized by social impairments, such as ASD
(Knickmeyer and Baron-Cohen 2006), where individuals with ASD may demon-
strate characteristics generally associated with masculinity, such as an overdevelop-
ment of logical thinking, low emotionality, and high level of perseverance. Elevated
levels of fT are positively correlated with autistic traits and with masculinizing neu-
ral development (Auyeung et al. 2009). The hypothesis that fT levels influence
human sexual behavior derives from a large body of research on the neural and
behavioral effects of early hormone manipulations among rodents and nonhuman
primates (Hines et al. 2004). Castrated males show feminized cognition and behav-
iors, while conversely females treated with testosterone show corresponding mascu-
linization (Knickmeyer et al. 2005; Berenbaum et al. 2009).
Information on the influence of fT on neural and behavior development in
humans may be derived from clinical literature where the amount or activity of
fT is disrupted, such as among women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia
(CAH) and men with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS). The
prenatal exposure to unusually high levels of fT among girls with CAH is hypoth-
esized to influence sexual development. Girls with CAH show increased male-
typical play behaviors (Hines et al. 2004), masculinized gender identities
(Dessens et al. 2005), and homosexual and bisexual orientations (Meyer-
Bahlburg et al. 2008). Interestingly, an increased number of autistic traits as
measured on the AQ were also noted in this group (Knickmeyer et al. 2006). The
opposite pattern of a female-typical psychosexual development is demonstrated
by men with CAIS, an X-linked disorder characterized by a complete absence of
functional androgen receptors (Hines et al. 2004). These pathways provide an
explanation for GD among females with ASD; the predisposing dual role of ele-
vated levels of fT in ASD and in male gender identity development (Gooren
2006) points to one possible neurohormonal explanatory pathway for the co-
occurrence of GD and ASD among females, where a primarily masculine cogni-
tion and self-perception in ASD may be lead females with ASD to interpret
themselves as masculine relative to their same-sex peers, and this then could
pave the way to the development of GD.
However, when viewed through the same theoretical lens, elevated fT levels do
not provide a very forthright explanation for increased rates of GD among males
within ASD. Higher levels of fT would be expected to hypermasculinize the male
brain and thus allow for a pronounced male gender identity. Given the association
between elevated levels of fT in ASD, why then would males with ASD demon-
strate higher rates of GD, when the converse would be expected or, at the least, simi-
lar rates of GD among ASD and TD males?
MacCulloch and Waddington (1981) and Pillard and Weinrich (1987) have sug-
gested that human sexual orientation depends on, among other factors, differences
144 R. George and M. Stokes
The general consensus among researchers looking into the ASD-GD association
was that “autistic-like” traits were possibly driving GD. It is speculated that sensory
issues characteristic of ASD may hinder what is perceived as normative gendered
behavior. Categorizing individuals into a binary gender system on the conjecture of
clothing may not be of much relevance to many individuals with ASD, where the
primary focus may sometimes be on a preference for specific sensory input, featural
10 “Gender Is Not on My Agenda!”: Gender Dysphoria and Autism Spectrum Disorder 145
details, or tactile sensation (Tateno et al. 2008; de Vries et al. 2010) and not social
norms. Consistently, in George and Stokes’s (submitted) study, male responses indi-
cated that they preferred softer, glittery, and silkier fabrics, not because they were
“girly” clothes, but because “of my autism.” Female responses similarly suggested
that “girly clothes were tight and itchy,” “makeup felt terrible,” and “men’s clothes
were comfortable, straightforward, and practical.”
Communication difficulties are characteristic of ASD, and some individuals with
ASD may have challenges recognizing gender due to linguistics. Since gender relies
on semantic factors (Eckert and McConnell-Ginet 2003; Labov 2011), language
delays during childhood may also interfere with a developing sense of gender-
related discourse, where, without words for “boy-girl,” “pink-blue,” or “trucks-
dolls,” for example, or without employing these words in appropriate contexts, one
may not develop a clear understanding of gendered behavior.
It has been suggested that another ASD-specific feature that may play a role
in the ASD-GD association is the frequent presence of obsessive compulsive
behaviors in ASD (Gallucci et al. 2005). The DSM-5 includes intense/obses-
sional interests and repetitive behaviors as part of the diagnostic criteria for ASD,
and pharmacological studies have created a compelling argument for the associa-
tion between ASD and obsessive compulsive disorder (Hollander et al. 2006).
Thus, a rather intriguing speculation is that in some individuals with ASD, GD
may develop as a sequel to ASD, where one’s unusual preoccupations with cross-
gender activities and objects may not be related to gender identity confusion in
the truest sense, but may just be part of the symptomology of ASD. Findings
reported by the VanderLaan et al. (2015) study are consistent with this argument.
They found that a sample of 534 children clinically referred for GD showed an
elevation in intense and obsessional interests on responses to an item on the
CBCL which measures obsessions and compulsions, when compared to CBCL
clinic-referred and non-referred standardization samples. The pervasive preoc-
cupations and distress with cross-gender roles, restricted related interests, and
sometimes ritualized behavior seen in clients with GD could be one manifesta-
tion of obsessive behaviors inherent to ASD, and other researchers have agreed
to this (Landén and Rasmussen 1997; Perera and Gadambanathan 2003; Gallucci
et al. 2005).
Gender identity typically forms around 3–4 years of age and is considered a social
developmental marker (Robinow 2009). Literature has reliably demonstrated that
early positive social interactions are critical to the development of a fund of higher-
order social skills (Parker and Asher 1993), which in turn is pivotal to the develop-
ment and healthy expression of gender and sexuality (Gagnon and Simon 2011;
Rees et al. 2006). Given that impaired social functioning is a hallmark feature of
ASD, the establishment of a gender identity could become complex. Additionally,
drawing on the theory of mind in relation to autism, deficits with empathy and
146 R. George and M. Stokes
4 Management of GD
While for many individuals with ASD, a gender-fluid lifestyle may not hinder
social, mental, and occupational functioning, for some the incongruence between
their perceived gender identity and their birth sex could develop into a GD, as was
evident in the increased number of ASD diagnoses among clients referred to gender
clinics for clinical management (Jones et al. 2012; Pasterski et al. 2014). This is
understandable, given that the rigid thinking styles characteristic of ASD would not
lend itself to a dissonance between one’s thoughts and their behavior. George and
Stokes (submitted) similarly found significantly higher scores on their GD survey
among ASD participants; three individuals scored over the cutoff point, warranting
a diagnosis of GD. This rate of 1.4 % was much higher than found in the general
population, approximately 560 times higher than the prevalence rates in the wider
10 “Gender Is Not on My Agenda!”: Gender Dysphoria and Autism Spectrum Disorder 147
Possibly the most fundamental characteristic of a person’s identity is their gender,
which conceivably deeply influences every part of one’s life. In a society where this
crucial aspect of self has been so narrowly defined and rigidly enforced, individuals
who exist outside its norms likely face innumerable challenges and can become
148 R. George and M. Stokes
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