Local Tourism
Local Tourism
Local Tourism
Nowadays, lot of people were engaged in travelling. They are eager to feel what it is like to
travel the whole world like what voyagers in the past has done. They have been wishing to travel into
different destinations into different regions, countries and continents because they like traveling and it
just makes them happy. Being able to see and travel to different destinations also make them feel that
they entered new dimensions of different world with different atmosphere and different surroundings.
A lot of tourists either travel locally or internationally. Some prefer to travel internationally
because they believe that travelling in a foreign country will open new door of opportunities. They also
think that it will make them learn and understand new culture and provide them experience that they
will need in the future. They also believe that travelling abroad will let them escape their problems even
for a second and relieve their stress. These reasons have been entangled with their minds that made
them choose to travel far from their homeland.
But as a tourist I prefer to travel in my own homeland. Even though I can say that there are
really a lot of wonderful things abroad that cannot be seen in my homeland I still prefer the ambience in
my own country and I sincerely support local tourism. Some wish to see things that they didn’t see in
their whole life like for example snows, Eiffel tower, different animals in the wild and a lot more. People
tend to crave for exotic foods that are solely present in a specific country that make them eager and
passionate to travel abroad. But have we ever thought of those things that we didn’t see in our life as
well but the difference is that it is present in our country? I think most of us just follows what is in and
have forgotten what is meaningful. We never thought of the things that will help us find our true
identity and we are trying to create another identity by being amused by what others are offering us.
As a patriot, I am concerned with my own country and I believe that patronizing local tourism
will help boost the economy and also will help spread and share the culture that we have. For me it also
helps in saving time and money. It will also make me love my country more because I’ll be able to
discover the beauty that country beholds.
I suggest to everyone that we should take time to appreciate our local destinations and have
time to discern the wonders of our country.