Complaint - DARAB
Complaint - DARAB
Complaint - DARAB
6. The sale was consummated in the sense that Lot 2079 was
delivered to Fernandico Molina right after the execution of
ANNEX “A” from whence Fernandico Molina exercised dominical
and possessory rights thereon until his death in 1973;
12. Plaintiff was thus deprived of the rentals that are due on the
subject agricultural land from 1973 to the present for a total
rental of One Thousand One Hundred Sixty (1,160) cavans of
palay at forty six (46) kilos per sack or its monetary equivalent
in the sum of Nine Hundred Seven Thousand and One Hundred
Twenty Pesos (Php907,120.00);
14. Plaintiff and her co-heirs are likewise entitled to the value of
Lot 2079 with an area of 3.5196 hectares and it would be unfair
to issue the certificate of title to the defendant unless and until
it is settled;
Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 2016