The Glorious Fourth Angel's Message
The Glorious Fourth Angel's Message
The Glorious Fourth Angel's Message
this Fourth Angel's Message is, and break it down for you. It is bright and beautiful!
The first one was published in 1890—after the light on justification by faith had come through A.T.
Jones and E.J. Waggoner—showing that the special new light had not yet come. Only old light,
placed in new settings, was presenting, which was the beginning, or introduction, of the light that
was yet to come, here in our day.
Several have written to me, inquiring if the message of justification by faith is the third angel’s
message, and I have answered, “It is the third angel’s message in verity.” The prophet declares, “And
after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth
was lightened with his glory.”
Brightness, glory, and power are to be connected with the third angel’s message, and conviction
will follow wherever it is preached in demonstration of the Spirit. How will any of our brethren know
when this light shall come to the people of God? As yet, we certainly have not seen the light that
answers to this description.
God has light for his people, and all who will accept it will see the sinfulness of remaining in a
lukewarm condition; they will heed the counsel of the True Witness when he says, “Be zealous
therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the
door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
~ Review and Herald, 4/1/1890
So, we see a link between the message given in 1888 and the glorious new light to follow, along with
a link to the Laodicean message of repentance from our satisfied condition (thinking we have all the
light we need). But the next quote really clues us into what the message is, telling us where it
originates from.
The love of God was shed abroad in my heart, my whole being was ravished with the glory of God
and I was taken off in vision. I saw the exceeding loveliness and glory of Jesus. His countenance was
brighter than the sun at noonday. His robe was whiter than the whitest white...
[Before we continue, I just want you to note what we have seen. The glory and brightness shines
from JESUS. He is the source of the glory not the message, which is only how He channels it to us.
Now, here is a prophetic picture that depicts Him in this way, which I believe is a picture of both the
work of the Fourth Angel (who is CHRIST working in us) in these last days, due to the striking
similarity with Revelation 18:1, and the Second Advent which results from it:
"GOD came from Teman, and the HOLY ONE from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered the
heavens, and the earth was full of His praise. And His brightness was as the light; He had bright
beams coming out of His side: and there was the hiding of His power" (Habakkuk 3:3-4).
Now, we shall see what the channel is that brings this light; this is where the message lies, in
I saw that we sensed and realized but little of the importance of the Sabbath, to what we yet should
realize and know of its importance and glory. I saw we knew not what it was yet to ride upon the
high places of the earth and to be fed with the heritage of Jacob.
But when the refreshing and latter rain shall come from the presence of the Lord, and the glory of
His power, we shall know what it is to be fed with the heritage of Jacob and ride upon the high
places of the earth. Then shall we see the Sabbath more in its importance and glory.
~ Letter 3, 1851
Dear friends, the Fourth Angel's Message is the Fourth Commandment—the Sabbath—proclaimed
"more fully" (as described in Early Writings, p. 33), just as the First, Second, and Third Angel's
Messages correspond to the First, Second, and Third Commandments! Here, Sister White speaks of
the statutes and judgments as explaining the Ten Commandments 'more fully':
"That the obligations of the Decalogue might be more fully understood and enforced, additional
precepts were given, illustrating and applying the principles of the Ten Commandments" (Patriarchs
and Prophets, p. 310).
The additional light—illustrated by that Fourth Angel of Revelation 18—comes to the Sabbath,
giving it more importance and glory, through the additional statutes given in the Law under the
Sabbath. It is laid out clearly in Leviticus 23, with the Sabbath at the top, followed by seven holy
days under it as statutes, and with these, the entire Gospel, typified by the ceremonies that were to be
done at these appointed times. But the times themselves continue after the Cross, and in observing
them, we are entering into covenant with GOD, agreeing the the Gospel which is fulfilled according
to these times in antitype.
It is written concerning the fourth beast of Daniel 7: "he shall ... think to change times and law" (v.
25)—that is, GOD's appointed times (plural) and His Law! Thus, it is more than just the Sabbath
itself that was changed by this usurping power; it was all the times under the Sabbath as well, and
associated with these, through the types, is the entire plan of redemption—that glory that will forever
shine from the wounds of our precious SAVIOUR!
Do you hear the voice of the Fourth Angel? It is the words of JESUS, and He says, "Come out of her,
My people!" O yes! Babylon thought to change His times and His Law. We need to break free from
the Papal calendar and everything associated with it and accept GOD's calendar and His holy times
on it instead. Satan is the mastermind behind the times-changing plot—a scheme to take away and
hide a knowledge of the plan of redemption.
Now, here is the final quote, showing, indeed, that the Fourth Angel brings "additional light":
"I stated ... that there was to be special light for God’s people as they neared the closing scenes of
this earth’s history. Another angel was to come from heaven with a message, and the whole earth was
to be lightened with his glory. It would be impossible for us to state just how this additional light
would come. It might come in a very unexpected manner, in a way that would not agree with the
ideas that many have conceived. It is not at all untimely or contrary to the ways and works of God to
send light to His people in unexpected ways" (Letter 22, 1889).
Are the Sabbath statutes unexpected by many and not in agreement with the ideas that many have
conceived? Absolutely! Do we see the description of brightness, glory, and power with this Sabbath
truth in the above quotes? Yes! Then, brothers and sisters, this is the light of the Fourth Angel's
Message, and we need to study and proclaim it—first to our own people, then to the rest of the world,
beginning with the Jews.
Our message is still the Third Angel's Message, but this angel gives it additional glory and power,
and it is just what our people need to wake us up and prepare us. Just as before, the Sabbath is the
heart of the message, though it will embrace all of the Ten Commandments, now with the addition of
all the statutes and judgments that the Sabbath statutes reveal the new significance of. Remember, the
light comes through the Sabbath, which reveals the qualities of the light which would otherwise be
understood, but ultimately, these bright beams are shining from the wounds of JESUS—the Fountain
of Life that was opened for us on the first holy day of the year. It is this light that destroys the
darkness of sin, and sinners who cling to it.
Ultimately, the Sabbath truth calls us to cease from sin by the blood of JESUS, while it is still being
poured out through those wounds. The Sabbath of the year is the great conclusion to sin. When that
day comes, and the final atonement is made, there will be no more sacrifice for sin, for it will have
ceased among those who are sealed that day. The LAMB OF GOD will no longer bleed and die for
our sins. There will be eternal rest from sin, to be enjoyed by all on the shabbaton New Moon—that
victorious Day of Shouting when all sin and sinners will be destroyed to conclude the Sabbath
Millennium. All of these precious truths are wrapped up in the Sabbath package are to receive each
week in covenant with GOD.
There is nothing more important than getting this message out to the world. Much could be said
about this message, but I just wanted to give a brief overview. Let us have the full Sabbath
Let us behold the brightness, glory, and power that shines from the wounds of our SAVIOUR, whom
the Fourth Angel represents, both in His own luminous body and in the luminous spiritual body of
His last-day church, who reflect the same glory in the world as from beholding it. Let us look to Him
and live, as He continually sheds light on the plan of redemption and gives us His power to cease our
sins that we may rest from them and reflect the glory of His character of love. His glory is to shine
through us and that is ultimately how this earth will become illuminated with it.
The Fourth Angel’s Message will ultimately be the sacrificial love that is preached by our living
testimony. And the comprehensive Sabbath truth containing the Everlasting Gospel—typified in the
Law, carried out by CHRIST, and acknowledged by those who covenant with Him on the holy days,
chiefly the Sabbath day—is what makes that love sacrificial, thus making the Sabbath the distinct
seal of the Law, which is impossible to replicate in the mark of Sunday, the counterfeit.
And the outpouring light from CHRIST also reveals His open wounds, motivating us to put away our
sins so that we no longer hurt Him and cause Him to bleed the blood of the covenant, giving Him the
rest from His suffering and sacrifice that He deserves. CHRIST’s words to us are, “I will give you
rest,” and may that be our response to Him as well, that He may be refreshed, as the seventh day
teaches us. He has been continually pouring Himself out, and that is glorious indeed. But that which
is perfect must come—that which is Sabbath—for the seventh day teaches an end of GOD’s work.
He has poured Himself out through His SON, but in the Sabbath truth resulting in perfection, He is
refreshed. CHRIST’s atonement will complete its perfect work on the Sabbath of the year. And in the
Sabbath truth experience we behold the sacrifice, and in beholding we become changed into the same
image from glory to glory. From Sabbath to Sabbath each week, let this be you and me.