SPE30271 Progressing Cavity Pumping System Applications in Heavy Oil Production

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Progressing Cavity Pumping System Applications in Heavy Oil Production

L.J. Dunn*, C.M. Matthews* and T.A. Zahacy, Centre for Frontier Engineering Research (C·FER)
*SPE Members

Copyright 1995, Societyot Petroleum Engineers, Inc,

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1995 Intematlonal Heavy all Symposium held In Calgary, Alberta June 19-21, 1995,
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ABSTRACT consolidated reservoirs which are prone to sand production that can
exceed 30% by volume. The close well spacing required for viable
Heavy oil and bitumen wells were traditionally produced with beam field development often leads to the preferential use of directional
pumping systems, However, in the early 1980's, the introduction of and horizontal wells.
progressing cavity (PC) pumping systems presented an alternative
to beam pumps that possessed attributes which were ideally suited for Heavy oil and bitumen wells were traditionally produced with beam
heavy oll applications, The functional design of PC pumps pumping systems. However, there were many problems inherent
facilitates the handling of viscous and abrasive multi phase fluids, with these systems such as frequent sanding, severe equipment wear
and the lower capital and operating costs of these pumping systems and low production rates due to rod hang-up, In the early 1980's, the
makes them attractive for marginally economic operations. Today, introduction of progressing cavity (PC) pumping systems presented
primary heavy oil and bitumen applications are almost exclusively an alternative to beam pumps that possessed attributes which were
produced with PC pumping systems, ideally suited for heavy oil applications. Today, primary heavy oil
and bitumen applications are almost exclusively produced with PC
To realize the benefits of PC pumping systems for heavy oil pumping systems.
production, several issues must be considered, These include flow
losses, sand production, rod string and tubing wear, low bottomhole This paper reviews the application of PC pumping systems for
pressures, power transmission/control and pump selection, sizing artificial lift in heavy oil production. The benefits and challenges of
and reuse. Based on the results from numerical assessments, utilizing these systems are highlighted. The main focus of the paper
laboratory testing and field case histories, this paper presents is on equipment design considerations and operational issues related
system design, installation and operation guidelines which address to the production of viscous sand laden heavy oil. Results presented
these issues, incorporate numerical assessments, laboratory testing and field case
Recent estimates characterize nearly 50% of the world's liquid
1 Progressing cavity pumps are positive displacement pumps which
hydrocarbon as having a gravity of less than 20° API , These
reserves are generally referred to as bitumen and heavy oil, and large consist of a helical steel rotor and a synthetic elastomer stator that is
deposits are abundant in Canada, Russia, Venezuela and China, The bonded to a steel tube. Rotation of the rotor within the fixed stator
most distinguishing characteristic of these fluids is their hi gh causes a series of sealed cavities to form and move axially from the
viscosity which typically ranges between 500 and 15,000 cp for pump suction to discharge, The resulting pumping action increases
heavy oil and may approach 100,000 cp for bitumen, These viscous the pressure of fluid passing through the pump so that it can be
crudes are commonly located in shallow reservoirs (300 to 600 m produced to surface. Numerous papers describing PC pump principles
depths) and individual wells usually produce these fluids at low to and theory have been presented elsewhere 2,3,4,
moderates rates (I to 70 m 3/day). In order to achieve economic
production rates, most wells must be pumped at low bottomhole Most PC pumping systems are rod driven with the stator run into the
pressures which magnify the adverse effects of any produced gas, In well on the bottom of the production tubing and the rotor connected
addition, heavy oil and bitumen are typically withdrawn from poorly to the bottom of the rod string as illustrated in Figure I. The rod
string is rotated at surface by means of a hydraulic or direct drive easily combated due to the absence of universal standards and
power transmission system to tum the rotor downhole, More relevant technical information, This is contrasted greatly by beam
recently, downhole driven PC pumping systems have become pumping systems whose components conform to rigid industry
commercially available. These rodless systems use a downhole specifications 6,7.8 and for which an abundance of technical literature
motor and gearbox assembly to drive the rotor, However, downhole exists.
drive systems are typically more costly and, to date, have seen very
limited use in heavy oil applications. Heavy oil applications can be characterized by the production of
viscous sand laden oil through relatively shallow directional wells
PC pumping systems possess some unique characteristics which operating at low bottomhole pressures. These unique characteristics
make them advantageous when compared to other artificial lift give rise to the potential for. various problems which must be
systems. One of the most important characteristics is their high accounted for in PC pumping system design and operation, Major
overall system efficiency. PC pumping systems typically exhibit considerations include flow losses, sand production, rod string and
overall efficiencies of 50 to 60% which, as shown in Figure 2, is tubing wear, low bottomhole pressures, power transmission/control
higher than any of the other major artificial lift types 5 • Some and pump selection, sizing and reuse. The following sections review
additional advantages of PC pumping systems include: these issues and provide guidelines for system design, installation
and operation.
• the ability to produce high viscosity fluids, large concentrations
of sand and high percentages of free gas; Flow Losses
• low internal shear rates which limit fluid emulsification through
agitation; The flow of high viscosity fluids through the production tubing and
surface piping can produce significant flow losses. This is
• no valves or reciprocating parts to clog, gas lock or wear; illustrated in Figure 3 which shows pressure losses for a range of
• low capital and power costs; flow rates and viscosities through a 100 m length of 89 m m
(76.rum ID) production tubing. Note that the flow loss values range
• simple installation and operation as well as low maintenance; and from near zero to values that exceed the corresponding hydrostatic
• low profile and low noise surface equipment. pressure. Pressure losses in the system accumulate and are reacted at
the pump where they cause additional pump pressure loading and
PC pumping systems also have some disadvantages compared to system torque. It is critical that flow losses be accounted for in
other forms of artificial lift. The most prominent of these are system design, particularly in the selection of the pump (pressure
limitations with respect to pump capacity, lift and elastomer rating), rod string (torque capacity) and prime mover (power output).
compatibility, The list below summarizes the current application
limitations and major operational difficulties associated with PC There are several alternative means to minimize flow losses.
pumping systems: Because the majority of the pressure drop usually occurs in the
production tUbing, it is important to ensure that the rod/tubing
• limited production rates (max=500 m 3/day), lift (max=2,OOO m) annulus is not severely constricted. This is most easily
and service temperatures (max=170°C); accomplished through the use of large diameter tubing. However,
• sensitivity to fluid environment (elastomer may swell or tUbing sizing must also take lnto account casing limitations as well
deteriorate upon exposure to certain fluids); as both economic and sand transport considerations which favor
small diameter tubing, Streamlining of the rod string is another
• tendency of pump stator to sustain permanent damage if pumped effective method to minimize tubing flow restrictions. Large
dry even for short periods; and diameter centralizers and multiple sucker rod guides contribute to
•. lack .of experience with system design, installation and operation. incremental flow losses and should be avoided in cases where flow
losses are an issue, Continuous rod provides the lowest pressure
These limitations are rapidly being overcome with the development drop alternative. The effect of different rod string and tubing
of new products and improvements in materials and equipment configurations on flow losses is demonstrated in Figure 4.
design, In the correct application, PC pumping systems provide the
most economical and, in some cases, the only means of artificial lift Surface piping flow losses must also be considered. The use of 90°
if configured and operated properly. The remainder of this paper elbows and tees should be avoided. The magnitude of surface flow
discusses the application of PC pumping systems to heavy oil losses can be vulnerable to the outside environment and, in colder
production, climates, can fluctuate substantially with the ambient temperature
changes between seasons. Sizing should be based on the worst case
ISSUES IN HEAVY OIL APPLICATIONS scenario and insulated systems or buried flow lines are a necessity in
cold climates. In Figure 5, the effect of seasonal temperature
PC pumping systems are ideally suited to meet the challenges of variations on flow losses is reflected by the cyclic nature of the
heavy oil production. The pump design facilitates the handling of measured tubing head pressures. These pressure changes contribute
viscous and abrasive multi phase fluids. The non-fluctuating low to pump loading and, as a result, can influence the loading of the
shear flow of fluid through the pump limits gas breakout and fluid entire pumping system as indicated by the corresponding variance j n
emulsification. The rotary drive motion eliminates rod hang-up the hydraulic pressure data.
problems. Flexible power transmission systems easily adapt to
changing production conditions. Lower capital and operating costs In certain situations, changing the equipm~nt configuration is not an
make the systems attractive for marginally economic operations. option and other methods must be implemented to reduce flow
losses. For example, this can be accomplished by reducing the
To realize the benefits of PC pumping systems, the system viscosity of the produced fluid. This is typically done by Injecting
equipment and operating practices must be correctly matched to the water down the annulus (I.e. to reduce tubing losses) or into the flow
producing environment. Historically, one of the biggest obstacles line near the wellhead (i.e. to reduce flow line losses). Special
preventing more widespread use of these systems has been viscosity reducing additives may also be trickled down the annulus,
misapplication due to lack of experience. Unfortunately, this is not but care must be taken to ensure that they will not damage the stator
elastomer. While undesirable, in some situations it may be sand accumulation around the intake, it is important to have a sump
necessary to limit production rates to avoid excessive flow losses below the pump where excess sand can settle. The deeper and larger
which could cause a system component failure (e.g. rod string, the sump, the longer it will take before sand accumulates to the pump
pump). level. Note that when the tubing is pulled for a workover, it is
important that the sump be cleaned to ensure the maximum volume is
Sand Production available for subsequent sand deposition. Certain pump intake
designs also contribute to sanding problems by restricting inflow or
In heavy oil and bitumen operations, sand production is an by having stagnant flow regions where the sand will settle out. For
important part of the recovery process since the sand usually c.ann?t sandy applications, pump intakes should be configured so that fluids
be restrained without impairing production rates. Sand productIOn 1 s can flow directly (i.e. limited bends, channels, etc.) and freely
usually most severe when a well is initially brought on production. (i.e. minimal restrictions to cause pressure drops) from the wellbore
The sand cut can exceed 30% during this period. Subsequently, the into the bottom of the pump,
sand cut typically stabilizes at 3% or less. Sand can cause problems
by accelerating equipment wear, increasing rod torque and power Another recommended practice, for operations prone to sand
demand or causing a flow restriction by accumulating. around the production, is to build excess capacity into the equipment design to
pump intake, within the pump cavities or above the pump in the allow for the peak loading associated with sand production. If a
tubing. In extreme cases, the produced sand can plug the pump system normally operates at full capacity (i.e. in terms of torque,
intake or discharge, possibly causing pump failure and requiring a power, etc.), any incremental loading will either cause a reduction in
workover to clean the sand out of the system. speed or complete shutdown of the system. This may allow sand to
settle out above the pump, resulting in a workover.
With proper system design and operation, PC pumping systems can
readily handle moderate sand production at a steady rate. Most Produced sand is highly abrasive and, as a result, causes accelerated
problems develop due to short periods of rapid sand influx wear of the pump, rod string and tubing. Because pump wear is
(I.e. slugging). Although some slugging occurs naturally, it can directly proportional to the number of revolutions, the use of larger
also be initiated by certain operating practices. For example, large displacement pumps operated at lower speeds can help to extend
changes in pump speed often result in sand slugging. Speed eqUipment life. However, large displacement pumps may not produce
increases typically lead to a higher production rate which in turn the sand as effectively as small displacement pumps. Stator wear can
alters the dynamic fluid level and associated sand face pressure. be minimized by choosing the elastomer with the best abrasion
Rapid changes in bottomhole pressure can disturb stable sand resistance. Although standard chrome rotor coatings generally
bridges that develop around perforations causing the bridges to provide good wear resistance, special coatings designed to withstand
collapse and allow sand to flow freely into the wellbore. Therefore a abrasive wear are also available (e.g. boride). Note that worn rotors
large change in pump speed should be made gradually (1. e. 20 RPM can be repaired by chrome replating as long as the underlying base
increments) over a few days to allow the well time to stabilize. If metal has not been worn. Loose fitting pumps tend to experience
possible, other practices which produce sudden variations in the less wear because of the increased rotor/stator clearances and lower
bottomhole pressure (e.g. well loading, casing gas blowdown) contact pressures. Methods for mitigating rod string and tubing wear
should also be avoided. Note that workover operations which cause are discussed in the next section,
swabbing of a well are often followed by periods of high sand
production. Rod String and Tubing Wear

Sand accumulation above the pump inside the tubing is a common In PC pumping applications, rod string and tubing wear is governed
problem. It leads to increased discharge pressures, reductions in fluid by the contact load between the rod string and tubing, the rod string
rates and eventual pump failure. A buildup occurs when the produced configuration, the produced fluid conditions and the rotational speed
fluid stream is not capable of carrying the sand up the tubing to of the rod string. These parameters interact in determining the wear
surface. Sand settling and fluid transport velocities can be mechanisms that will predominate and the corresponding component
approximated using Stokes' law9 • To prevent sand from settling out wear rates that will occur in different circumstances. In heavy oil and
in the tubing, the transport velocity of the sand particles must bitumen applications, the combination of directional wells and
exceed their settling velocity. Sand settlement and bridging produced sand has been shown to induce frequent rod and tubing
problems, both above and below the pump, are most common in wear-related problems 10.
directional and horizontal wells. Note that the ability of the
produced fluid to transport sand improves with increasing fluid The hole angle and curvature of directional wells inherently leads to
viscosity and flow velocity. Initial system design should consider contact between the rod string and tubing. The net contact load at
whether the lowest anticipated production rate will be capable of each point along the wellbore is equal to the resultant of the loads
moving the sand volumes expected, and an allowance should be made induced by gravity and those that develop due to the combination of
for slugs of sand entering the system. Decreasing the tubing size or rod tension and wellbore curvature, The charts shown in Figure 6
increasing the flow rate are two obvious methods to improve sand illustrate that contact loads are primarily dependent on curvature. In
transport capability. However, the use of smaller diameter tubing the case of conventional rod strings, concentrated contact loads
must be evaluated in terms of its effect on flow losses. Injecting a develop at the couplings, centralizers or rod guides while the contact
fluid down the annulus and pumping at higher rates or introducing loads are distributed along the rod body in the case of continuous rod.
fluid into the tubing above the pump (i.e. recirculation system) are The magnitude of the rod/tubing contact loads is a key factor
two possible methods for increasing tubing flow rates. Because governing component wear rates.
water has a low viscosity, it is more effective to inject either
produced or blend oil. The field data presented in Figure 7 i1lustrates that severe tubing
wear tends to concentrate in the regions of highest curvature,
In most cases, the pump is seated below the perforations to allow Consequently, the first line of defense against rod and tUbing wear
natural gas separation. As a result, it is possible for sand to should always be a good wellbore profile. In deviated and horizontal
accumulate around the pump intake. Sand buildup in this area wells, build rates should be kept as low as practical. Note that slant
restricts inflow to the pump causing production rates to decrease and, wells, which have no planned curvature, often provide a good
in severe cases, pump failure due to "dry" operation. To minimize
alternative to deviated wells. If it is not possible to avoid angle
Pump inflow problems are common in wells producing viscous fluids
build rates above 5·6°, it is important to obtain the smoothest
under low submergence conditions. Difficulties occur when the pump
well bore profile possible. Excessive variations in wellbore
is operated at a rate which is higher than the rate the fluid can flow
curvature as well as curvature reversals usually lead to severe wear.
into and up the narrow pump cavities. Incomplete cavity fillage
Drilling programs should contain clauses that specify maximum
produces a pressure drop within the entrance cavities, reduced flow
curvatures and allowable rates of change in curvature. Past
experience has demonstrated that closely spaced surveys rates and poor volumetric pump efficiencies. For a given fluid rate,
the geometry of a pump dictates the speed at which fluid must flow
(i.e. <20 m) assist in preventing large local cu.rvature v~r~ations.
The detailed directional surveys are also helpful In determmmg rod through the cavities. In Figure 11, cavity flow velocities for a
range of pump models are shown as a function of theoretical
centralization requirements at the completion stage.
displacement. Particularly in the lower displacement pumps, a
dramatic decline in cavity flow velocity is evident with increasing
Produced sand can have a strong effect on rod string and tubing wear pump displacement. This is because the volume of the cavities
rates. In Figure 8, an empirical relationship developed based on increases as displacement increases and, as a result, lower speeds can
field data for one type of centralizer shows that tubing wear rates be used to achieve the same flow rate. Note that for pump sizes
increase exponentially with increasing sand cut ll . This correlation above 0.25 m 3/day, the cavity flow velocities decrease only
is supported by recent experience with several wells at the Frog Lake slightly further due to stator diameter limitations which result in
heavy oil field in Alberta. The wells tend to have initial sand cuts of additional pump displacement being achieved primarily through
15 to 30%, and many experience tubing failures after only a few pitch length increases l2 • When selecting pumps for applications
weeks of operation. Once the sand production has declined and where inflow may be a problem, priority should be given to the
stabilized at 2 to 3%, the wells generally remain on production for pumps which have the lowest cavity flow velocities in the
months without having a tubing failure. appropriate displacement range. Another option is to reduce the
produced fluid viscosity through fluid injection down the annulus or
In many cases, rod and tubing wear rates can be reduced to acceptable to use special viscosity reduction agents. Pump intake designs that
levels through the use of centralizers, rod guides or continuous rod. permit the fluid to travel easily (i.e. without large pressure drops)
Numerous different types of centralizers and rod guides are available into the bottom of the pump are also desirable. In horizontal wells,
which vary in terms of design and materials. Urethane coated pump submergence should be maximized by seating the pump intake
centralizers can reduce wear rates substantially, but their spacing as low as practical within the well.
should not permit the centralizer/tubing contact loads to exceed
500 N. Spin·thru centralizers or rod guides can be very effective at In most operations, the produced fluid contains some gas which
limiting wear, particularly in high curvature situations. However, remains in a liquid phase while in the reservoir at pressures above. the
coupling centralizers of this type typically have larger diameters bubble point (i.e. vapor pressure), but begins to evolve as a free gas
which may cause excessive pressure losses in high viscosity/high when the pressure drops as the fluid enters the well and moves
flow rate applications. The low distributed contact loads associated through the production system. Figure 12 shows a schematic which
with continuous rod results in wear rates that are typically six to traces the movement of fluid and evolution of gases from the
twenty times lower than those for standard metal couplings. The reservoir to surface for a typical heavy oil well. Gas entering the
photograph in Figure 9 illustrates several different types of pump causes an apparent decrease in pump efficiency because the gas
centralizers and rod guides. occupies a portion of the fluid stream, but is normally not accounted
for in the fluid volume calculations. In the case of gassy wells,
Changing the rod/tubing contact location can serve to more evenly pumps that appear to be operating at low efficiencies may be filling
distribute the wear and extend the life of the tubing. Tubing completely with a fluid/gas mixture. The best way to reduce gas
rotations can be used to change the radial location of the wear track. interference is to keep the gas away from the pump intake. When
This is most easily accomplished through the use of a rotating possible, the intake should be located below the perforations to
tubing hanger which allows the tubing to be rotated either manually facilitate natural gas separation. Gas separator devices that divert
or automatically while the pump is operating. In the case of standard gas up the casing/tUbing annulus can also be effective in some cases.
sucker rod strings, tubing life can be further extended by periodically Assemblies that centralize the pump in the center of. the casing
lowering or lifting the string by 20 to 30 cm to position the should be avoided in directional wells. It is best to have the pump
couplings opposite unworn tubing locations. The use of pumps with intake positioned on the low side of the hole away from the gas flow
extended rotors allows more flexibility to adjust the coupling which tends to be along the high side of the casing. Note that a
locations in this manner. short small diameter tail joint will usually ensure the intake is
located on the bottom. Gas breakout near the pump inlet can be
Wear monitoring and evaluation programs can serve to minimize the reduced by using a pump intake design with minimal flow
frequency and cost of wear-related problems if properly executed. restrictions. Higher pump intake pressures can also be used to limit
gas interference although this normally impairs production to some
Low Bottomhole Pressure degree. These higher pressures can be created by loading the annulus
with fluid, running a charge pump below the production pump or
Most heavy oil and bitumen wells have relatively low inflow and, as increasing the casing head pressure. In horizontal wells, intake
a result, operators usually attempt to maximize rates by producing pressures should be maximized by seating the pump as low as
them at low bottomhole pressures. These pumped off conditions can possible, while avoiding the use of long small diameter tail joints.
give rise to pump inflow and gas interference problems which cause
low fluid rates and poor pump efficiency. This is illustrated in When attempting to maximize fluid rates in wells with low flUid
Figure 10 by data from a heavy oil well where pump efficiency levels, pump speed should be incremented slowly and the production
declined nearly linearly with decreasing pump submergence rates closely monitored in order to identify the onset of pump
(i.e. fluid above the pump). In low flow rate applications inflow, gas interference or fluid slippage problems. Note that the
(i.e. <20 m3/day), reduced pump efficiency can lead to heat buildup sensitivity of the dynamic fluid level to changes in the flUid rate
within the pump which significantly increases the likelihood of varies considerably between wells. Additional attention is
rapid stator failure due to elastomer hysteresis. recommended when implementing speed changes on low
productivity wells that can be rapidly pumped off. Caution should
also be used when making decisions based on fluid shot data. In program and its suitability be re-evaluated following major
heavy oil and bitumen applications, it is common to have large downhole equipment changes.
quantities of foam in the annulus which can make acoustically
measured fluid levels quite misleading. This is demonstrated in Recently, operators have begun to incorporate field instrumentation
Figure 13 where bottomhole pressure values based on fluid shots are and logic functions into process control systems for PC pumping
compared to the pressures measured with a downhole gauge in the systems. These systems monitor a variety of production related
same well. While the gauge results show the bottomhole pressure parameters, make decisions based on their values, and then
was relatively stable and declining slowly, the pressures calculated automatically implement these decisions. For example, a pump off
based on individual fluid shots were very inconsistent, and they control system measures fluid levels or bottomhole pressures,
exceeded the corresponding gauge values by as much as two times. compares them to the pump depth, and then adjusts pump speed based
on the programmed logic. These systems have the potential to
Power Transmission and Control reduce manual monitoring time, decrease down time and increase
Power transmission equipment is used to transfer power from the
prime mover to the rod string. This equipment almost always Pump Selection, Sizing and Reuse
incorporates some gear reduction which permits the prime mover to
operate at a higher speed and lower torque than the rod string. Power In selecting a PC pump, it is critical that the pump have adequate
transmission equipment can be arranged in a variety of different displacement capacity and pressure capability to deliver the required
configurations and may include hydraulic, belt and sheave and fluid rate and net lift for the intended application. Together, the
gearbox components. Traditionally, transmission systems have design fluid rate and pump speed define the minimum required pump
been classified as either direct drive or hydraulic on the basis of displacement. The design fluid rate should reflect pumping
whether or not they incorporate hydraulic equipment. inefficiencies that result due to fluid slippage, inflow problems and
gas interference. Pumps, particularly in heavy oil operations,
Production conditions in heavy oil and bitumen operations tend to should be operated at the lowest speed practical to increase the life of
be very dynamic in nature. To respond to the changing operating the pump, rod string, tubing and surface equipment. The minimum
conditions, it is important to have a flexible power transmission required pressure capability should be determined based on the net
system. Hydraulic systems are used quite commonly because they pump lift. In determining the net lift in heavy oil operations, it is
provide variable speed capability as well as the high turndown ratio critical that both tubing and flow line pressure losses, as well as fluid
necessary to facilitate the low pump speeds typical of a heavy oil density increases due to sand, be considered.
operation. Electronic direct drive systems (Le. electric motors with
speed control systems) can also be effective, as long as they have Another important consideration in PC pump selection is elastomer
the ability to operate efficiently at relatively low speeds compatibility with the produced fluid. Because heavy oils usually do
(i.e. <150 RPM). not have a significant aromatic content or high H2S or CO 2
concentrations, elastomer selection to avoid swelling and hardening
Bottomhole pump seizures due to sanding or elastomer swelling, is not as critical as with conventional oils. However, it is
parted tubing and blocked flow lines are a relatively common advantageous to select an elastomer with robust mechanical
occurrence in many heavy oil applications. These incidents lead to a properties to combat the tough environment typical of heavy oil
sudden escalation in rod string torque. If left uninterrupted, the applications.
power transmission equipment will continue to increase the torque
until the rod string or some other component fails. To prevent such
The high viscosity of the fluids produced in heavy oil and bitumen
equipment damage, torque limiters should be installed on the surface
applications permits considerable flexibility with respect to pump
equipment to enSure that the polish rod torque does not exceed a
sizing and reuse. This is because slippage rates decrease and pump
preset limit. Hydraulic systems typically use a pressure control
efficiencies increase with higher fluid viscosities. As a result,
valve that allows hydraulic fluid to bypass the hydraulic motor when
pumps used to produce viscous fluids can be sized quite loosely
the system pressure becomes too high. This causes a reduction in the
(I.e. 70 to 90% efficiency at rated pressure) without negatively
rod string speed and limits the torque input to the system. Electronic
affecting performance. Loose sizing decreases the 'rotor/stator
direct drives can either receive torque feedback from a mechanical
contact stresses which helps to reduce stator hysteresis-one of the
device on the wellhead drive unit or determine torque directly using
most common failures modes in low flow rate applications.
special algorithms. When operating torques exceed the preset limit,
Insensitivity to sizing can also be an advantage when it comes to
electronic drives reduce the rod string speed in an attempt to lower
pump reuse. The test data shown in Figure 14 suggests that pumps
the torque demand to the limit. If that fails, the drive will eventually
Which test poorly with water can perform satisfactorily with viscous
shut the prime mover off.
oil. The minimum test efficiency threshold that should be set for
pump reuse depends on the operating conditions, produced fluid
When a progressing cavity system is in operation, there is a viscosity and pump pressure rating. Optimal sizing criteria can be
significant amount of energy stored in the torsional strain of the rod determined for specific operating conditions by varying pump sizing
string and in the fluid column within the tubing. When a system is and subsequently tracking both short-term and long-term
shut down, the rods release this stored energy by spinning performance. Often, pumps which no longer meet the requirements
backwards. The rotational speeds attained during backspin can be for low viscosity or high water cut applications may still be suitable
extremely high, particularly if the rotor becomes seized in the stator for wells which produce more viscous fluids.
due to swelling or sanding. High backspin speeds can lead to surface
equipment failures such as bent polish rods and fragmented sheaves SYSTEM DESIGN STRATEGIES
which in turn may pose a significant hazard to field personnel
working on or near the installation. For these reasons, it is System design consists of examining various design considerations
essential that brakes be incorporated in all surface drive systems to in an effort to identify the optimal system configuration for a
control the release of rod string torque and restrict the recoil speed of specific application. The first step is to gather information for the
the rods to a safe level. After installation, it is important that the application of interest. Past experience, reservoir simulations and
brake system be subjected to a regular preventative maintenance IPR data are all possible sources for the required information. Next,
it is necessary to detennine the anticipated fluid rates. These can be low as practical, and excessive variations should be avoided.
estimated based on historical data or by setting a dynamic fluid level Wear rates can usually be reduced to acceptable levels through the
and calculating production rates based On IPR data. Initial values use of centralizers, rod guides or continuous rod, In addition,
must then be set for the wellbore geometry, pump seating location, tubing life can be extended in many instances by implementing
dynamic fluid level, tubing size and rod string configuration. If the tUbing rotation or rod string/coupling repositioning programs.
design is for an existing well, some of these parameters may be
constrained. Once the equipment and operating parameters have 6. Low pump intake pressures and gassy fluids give rise to pump
been established, flow losses, pump intake and discharge pressures, inflow and gas interference problems which can cause reduced
net lift and pump displacement can be detennined. This permits the fluid rates, poor pump efficiencies and premature pump failures,
selection of an appropriate pump model. Next, rod loading, rod These problems can be reduced by locating the pump intake
string/tubing wear and surface power transmission can be evaluated. below the perforations, eliminating inflow restrictions or using
Once a final system design has been established, any areas of gas separator devices.
potential concern should be reevaluated to confinn that the design 7. Flexible power transmission systems (e.g. hydraulic and
meets its functional requirements within guidelines that are variable speed electric systems) are advantageous in heavy oil
acceptable. operations because they can easily adapt to the changing
production conditions.
Together, the numerous equipment selection and well completion
options available, the variations in operating conditions, and the 8. Pump selection and sizing are critical to Obtain economic pump
complex fluid flow and mechanical interactions which affect system life. Pump selection should be such that the pump operates at the
loading and performance, can make the assessment and design of PC lowest speed practical to increase the life of the pump, rod string,
pumping systems both difficult and time consuming.. Pumping,fluid tubing and surface equipment. The high viscosity fluids usually
flow, wear, loading and power transmission considerations must all allow pumps to be sized quite loosely (I.e. 70 to 90% efficiency
be evaluated to ensure a functional design. In new applications, this at rated pressure) without negatively affecting performance.
may require numerous iterations just to establish a workable system. 9. The numerous equipment and completion options available for
Design optimization on the basis of manual calculations is usually PC pumping systems can make their assessment and design both
impractical because of the time required to perform parametric difficult and time consuming. As a result, Computer models have
analyses. Consequently, computer models such as PC-Pumpll have been developed to help to automate the process.
been developed which help to automate the process of PC pumping
system design and evaluation. These models allow an appropriate ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
design to be achieved in a reasonable time frame.
C-FER's work in the area of PC pumping systems has been funded
CONCLUSIONS: through its Member Company Research Program as well as a major
joint industry study. The authors gratefully acknowledge the
1. Primary heavy oil and bitumen operations are almost exclusively financial and in-kind support of the many companies involved in
produced with progressing cavity (PC) pumping systems, This these collaborative research projects, The authors would also like to
trend has resulted because PC pumping systems are ideally suited thank the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research (C-FER) for its
for these environments, Their functional design facilitates the permission to present this paper.
handling of viscous and abrasive multi phase fluids; their low
shear reduces gas breakout and emulsification; their flexible REFERENCES
rotary drive power transmission system eliminates rod hang-up
and easily adapts to changing production conditions; and their 1. The Canadian Heavy Oil Association: The Canlldian Heavy Oil
low capital and operating costs make them attractive fori A§sQciation R\}§ervoir HandboQk, Calgary, Alberta, 1991.
marginally economic operations.
2. Saveth, K. J. and Klein, S. T.: "The Progressing Cavity Pump:
2. Historically, many of the difficulties arising from the application Principle and Capabilities," paper SPE 18873 presented at the
of PC pumping systems have been due to lack of experience 1989 SPE Production Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City,
mitigated by the absence of universal industry standards and March 13-14.
technical information.
3. Mills, R. A. R.: "Progressing Cavity Oilwell Pumps - Past,
3. The flow of high viscosity fluids through the production tubing Present and Future," The Journal of Canadian Petroleum
and surface piping can produce significant flow losses. Larger Technology, April 1994, Vol. 33, No.4, p. 5.
diameter tubing, rod string streamlining, and viscosity reduction
techniques can all reduce these losses. Nevertheless, it is critical 4. Schubert, E. L.: "Progressing Cavity Pumps (Screw Pumps) and
that flow losses be accounted for in the system design, their application in Horizontal Wells," 1994.
particularly in the selection of the pump, rod string and prime 5. Clegg, J. D., Bucaram, S. M., and Hein Jr., N. W.:
"Recommendations and Comparisons for Selecting Artificial-
4. The high volumes of sand typically produced from heavy oil Lift Methods," JPT, December 1993, p. 1128,
wells causes problems by accelerating equipment wear, 6. American Petroleum Institute: SpecificatiQn fQr Subsurface
increasing rod torque and power demand, and restricting or
Sucker Rod Pumps anc! Fittin~s., Dallas, TX, 1986.
plugging off fluid flow through the production system. Because
most problems develop due to short periods of sand slugging, 7. American Petroleum Institute: API. Recpmmended Practice for
practices which produce sudden variations in the bottomhole Desi~n <;alculatipns for Sucker BQd Pumping Systems
pressure (e.g. large speed changes, well loading, casing gas (Conventional Units), Dallas, TX, 1977.
blowdown) should be avoided. Systems which incorporate
adequate transport velocities, large sumps and excess capacity 8. American Petroleum Institute: API Specification fpr Pumpin~
will also be less prone to sand related problems. !.I.ni1.s., DaUas, TX, 1984,
5, Rod string and tUbing wear is most severe in regions of high
wellbore curvature. Consequently, build rates should be kept as
9. Streeter, V. L. and Wylie, E. B.: Fluid Mechanics First SI
Metric EditiQn, McGraw-Hili RyersQn Limited, 1981.
10. Matthews, C. M. and Dunn, L. J.: "Drilling and ProductiQn
Practices TQ Mitigate Sucker-RQd!fubing-Wear-Related
Failures in DirectiQnal Wells", paper SPE 22852, SPE
ProductiQn & Facilities, November, 1993, p. 251.
11. Dunn, L. 1. and Zahacy, T. A.: Elk PQint Field Study, Final
RepQrt, CQnfidential to C-FER Members, Centre for
Engineering Research, February 1992, PrQject 85-13.02.
12. Dunn, L. J. and Zahacy, T. A.: Pump Performance Database,
Final Report, CQnfidential tQ JIP Participants, Centre for
Engineering Research, September 1994, Project 99-00.16.
13. PC-PumpTM fQr WindQws™ VersiQn 1.1. An Interactive Design
and Evaluation TQQI fQr Progressing Cavity Pumping Systems
• User's Guide, 1993, Centre fQr Frontier Engineering
14. Matthews, C. M., Dunn, L. J., Zahacy, T. A. and Shute, D. M.:
Real Time MQnitQring of Fluid Rates, Fluid VisCQsity and
Polish RQd Loads Qn Progressing Cavity Pump InstallatiQns,
Heavy Oil and Oil Sands Technical SympQsium Challenges and
Innovations, March 1993.
°API 141.5/(131.5+°API) = g/cm
bbl x 1.589 873 E-01 =m
cp x 1.0* E+OO = mPaos
ft x 3.048* E-Ol =m
OF (OF-32)/ I. 8 = °C
gal x 3.785 412 E-03 ml
in. x 25.4* E+OO = mm
Ibf x 1.4345 924 E-02 = N
psi x 6.894 757 E+OO = kPa
*CQnversion factor is exact.

80 - - - ; - _ .


... !'"---+--

20 ..t

PCP Beam ESP Hydrsullc Gss Lift Gss Lift
Jel Pump (Conllnuoul) (Inllrmln.nl)

Artificial Lift Type

Figure 2-Overall system efficiencies for the common
artificial lift systems.
·.~=--- Coupling/Centralizer

.....H - - - Rod String

I~'---- Production Tubing
v . 4 - - - Rod String/Rotor 1000
Loss 100
~+---- Rotor (kPs)


n·E!---- Stator

0.1 ..j....-L...J-,.l.L.~I-...J-..w...u..1.!4_..J..".L.LlJJ.J.4_......J-L..u..- ......- _ - _ l

10 100 1000 10000 100000

fluid Viscoalty (cp)
Figure l....configuration of a typical rod driven Figure 3-Pressure losses through production tubing for
progressing cavity pumping system. varying viscosity and flow rate conditions.

2 0 0 0 . . - - - - - - - - . - . . . . - - . . . - - - - -......
-Tubing Head Pressure
-Hydraulic Pressure

1600 , .


Loss 1000 1§"1111111 Pressure

Hydreullc 800

l~~~II~~~II~ ml~~~_I~
(kPa) 100
o 25.4 mm C'mUnuous Rod
10 ~~~~Ii~(> 25.4mmI7.6mSldRod$WithSlimHoIeCplgs
~ l; 25.4 mml7.6 mSId Rod$ WithCplgs and 3 Rod Guides
6""'-...-JA-+-H+tH--1- 73.0 mm Production Tubing
- SS.9 mm Production TUbin
Pump Models: 120·18 and 4(}.N·095
10 100 1000 10000 100000
fluid Viscosity (cp)
711/85 7/1/86 7/1187 7/1/88 7/1189 7/1190 7/1191

Figure 4-Influence of rod string and tubing Figure 5-Fluctuation in tubing head pressure and
configuration on flow losses. hydraulic pressure with ambient temperature.
600 SuckerAod
6000 . , . - , , - - - - - - - - , - - - - - , - - - - - n - : A o --:-7St-:-rln-;g
Dlemeter Tension
(mm) (kN)
500 5000 ... 20
22.2 -0- -0- 40
400 1+---+---+---1 ••• 25.4 4000
Contact -.. 60
Contact oQ- 28.6 Load oQ- 80
Load 300 (N) 3000 +----+---iho''----7'''+-----,;'''''-H 100

200 2000

100 1000 . ·······_····.. . ······~r· . · · . . . . ·. ·..·.·

::.--'I~ Calculations based on
0 a .j,lIII~==::::;r;.:...__-l- +7~.6.::m~s~uc~ke~r~ro~d.:::le~ng~lh:::s.~

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 o 3 6 9 12 15
Hole Angla (') Wellbore Curvature ('130m)
(a) Gravity induced loads. (b) Tension/curvature induced loads.
Figure 6-Development of rod/tubing contact loads with standard sucker rod strings.

100 30 ,---r---r---r---r--~
-0- Dogleg Severity
I Tubing Wear
25 / ...1 .
Dogleg 20
Relatlve +---4---+- - - + -
Tubing 11

Tubing Wear 15 +---j---j---f---/r

Wear Aate
(%) 40
10 +---+---j---h/"--+


N ~h 100 200 300
400 500
W~ l 600 700 o 8 12 16 20
Measured Depth (mKB) Sand Cut (%)

Figure 7-Tubing wear in a directional well with a rod Figure 8-Influence of produced sand on
string equipped with coated centralizers. tubing wear rates.

Figure 9-Examples of spin-thru centralizers, coated centralizers and rod guides.

125 7 I 0 i i
o Flow Speed Up Tubing
6 + r:Jijj _ 12 • ,
Tubing Size
Normalized 0_9 t------~-"-j- .(mm) " ,73,0"
5 ---rrrr----,----------------
o - A~~e 0.6 I 74aS9--

Dally Speed
Pump 75 Through
(mfs) 0.3
the 4
(mts o 1
0; 0 I.e::::::r=
0 100
200 300
50 f----- per 3 --- --~r5T ----.- -- Auid Rate (m"31day)
100 m3/Day) D..
4d, 0 0 ,
! _I_.....1- 1 _
2 .-.- - --'0--'-'0-- -------.~-.-
25~ f ! I , Do 0 DO!
oo"pO o

o I j j i i i I
oI i i I I I I
o 30 60 90 120 150 180
Pump SUbmergence (m) o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Pump Displacement (m3roayIRPM)

Figure 10 Effect of pump submergence on pump efficiency. Figure II~Nonnalized flow velocities through the pump as a
function of pump displacement.


'~i~ :~~-
+-r--t-~<> :: . ; ~ ~
ProductIon Tank Gases I I
Tank Bled Off 5000

,=-, Free Gas
Continues to
. . . . .UN

.aoo If.!! gl
<>,<>~ lJ v~~nr~
<> ~ <>! ;,C,.f~ .~
Evolve with Heat
and Time

+-·'-'!..¥"'' T' I"l'''''ri:,.td,.rt''flt~ . :+ I

1000 • UeMurecf(Bottomhole Ga~)

<> Cfilcthled (Fluid In.1 &·CflP) I"
- Worlcover Mamers

51'1/92 8IMn 7/1192 8/1i92 9I'1J92 1Q11/92 11/1/92 12/1192 1/1193211193 3'1193

Figure 13-Comparison of measured and

calculated pressures at bottornhole gauge.
Free Gas
Forced Back
Into Solution
P>Pv .0 1 :=t: ±,i'~
o==~ s~cpol, I

60 ]

: H.
! :
-L------'~_--.- 1

(%) " ' .

I "1
I :~~;;;__
....zoo W"o/A

Corod 200-18 (Used) I .


6 9 12 16
Pump Offf..-errtlIIf Prusur. (MP_)

Figure 12-Gas effects on a PC pumping system. Figure 14-Effect of fluid viscosity on pump efficiency.

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