A - Cellular Physiology
A - Cellular Physiology
A - Cellular Physiology
Cell membrane 2 – semipermeable phospholipid bilayer, with polar heads on the outside & lipophilic tails on the
Integral proteins - traverse the whole membrane,
glycoproteins attached carbohydrate moiety
Peripheral proteins - sit on the cytoplasmic or
extracellular surface.
1. Maintain resting membrane potential
2. Controlling cell permiability
3. Transportation of particles – ion
pumps/channels & carrier proteins
4. Anchoring of the cytoskeleton to
maintain cell shape
5. Attaching to the extracellular matrix to
help group cells together to form tissues
6. Receptors to allow chemical messages to pass between cells and systems
7. Enzymes – participate in cellular metabolism & immunity
The RMP is due to the equilibrium of electrochemical gradients affecting K + ions - Membranes are
semipermeable to ions - K+ moves across easily, but most others do not. K+ permeability at rest is greater than Na+.
1. The concentration gradient for K+ faciliatates its movement out of the cell: 150mM inside and 5mM
2. This is opposed by an electrical gradient. As the membrane is impermeable to other cations the movement
of positively charged K+ produces a negative charge on the inside of the cell. This charge opposes further
movement of K+ out of the cell.
At the RMP of -70mV the chemical & electrical gradients acting on K+ ions balance.
Only a small number of K+ ions have to move to produce the RMP. At -70mV the difference between number of +ve
& -ve charges is only 0.000002%
Anions – proteins are the main intracellular anions, but they are impermeable & have little effect on RMP. The
primary extracellular anion is Cl-, which is permeable, but sets up a similar potential to K+.
Cations – other cations contribute little to RMP as the membrane is impermeable to them. If the membrane was
permeable to Na+ then the potential would be completely reversed.
Sodium – at RMP -70mV both the electrical & chemical gradients tend to push sodium into the cell, despite its
relative impermeability. If the Na+ that does get in were not actively removed then the membrane potential would
gradually diminish.
Na+:K+ATPase pumps – is a transmembrane protein pump with a large subunit (ATPase activity) & a smaller
subunit. 2 K+ ions enter for 3 Na+ ions extruded. Hence it is electrogenic & contributes to the negative RMP as it
extrudes more +ve ions than it admits.
Used as a physiological trigger. Intracellular concentrations are kept low 0.1M. Extracellular 5mM. The chemical
& electrical gradient also pushes Ca2+ inwards. Increased membrane permeability to Ca2+ depolarises cells. 2
mechanisms remove Ca2+ from cells…
1. Membrane bound pump – low intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, activated by calmodulin, energy requiring
– 1ATP per Ca2+ ion extruded.
2. Exchange of internal Ca2+ for external Na+ - high intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, driven by Na + moving
down its concentration gradient.
01B5 97A1 Describe the structure and function of voltage gated ion channels.
Voltage gated ion channels – Na+, K+ or Ca2+ channels that are ‘gated’ by the membrane voltage.
General structure - transmembrane protein with a central pore whose opening & closing is due to change in
configuration of the proteins. Can be ion specific or general. Ions move down there electrochemical gradient.
General Function – dependence on voltage change for configurational changes alteration of ion conductance,
possibility of channel activation & inactivation
Voltage clamp – positive feedback between depolarisation & Na+ permeability can be eliminated by passing current
through a membrane. The current required to maintain a constant membrane potential reflects the ionic flow through
the channels.
Patch clamp – a small area of membrane is voltage-clamped so that individual channels can be observed.
Sodium channels
Structure: transmembrane protein made up of 4 domains each with 6 alpha
helices (S1-S6). S1-S3 are –ve charged & line a pore through the membrane.
In the resting state a +ve charged sensor is attracted by the –ve pore.
Opening: depolaristation to threshold potential swings the sensor towards the
outside of the membrane & the activation gate opens. The +ve charged S4
segment moves outwards, the whole structure undergoes a conformational
change, & the central pore opens for for 0.7msec.
Density: 500-1000 per m2
Ionic permeability: Li+ 1.1, Na+ 1, K+ 1/12, rubidium 1/40
Block: Tetrodotoxin & saxitoxin block the mouth of the channel from outside.
LA block the channel after diffusing through the membrane. Function can be
reduced by [H+]. Quaternary ammonium ions block, but only from the
Inactivation: by a particle which can be removed by the internal application of
the enzyme pronase. Sea anemones & scorpions produce peptide toxins that can
prevent inactivation hyperexcitation & pain.
Function: Nerve action potentials
Potassium channels
Types: several identified, but delayed rectifier potassium channels are involved in nerve APs
Structure: 3-3.3 diameter
Density: 36 per m2
Ionic permeability: K+, thallium, rubidium & ammonium. Despite being smaller Na + ions cannot pass as they cross
with a hydration shell which is too big for delayed rectifier channels.
Block: caesium, barium, strychnine & quinidine. Quaternary ammonium ions block, but only from the inside.
Inactivation: No inactivating mechanism.
Calcium channels
Types: T (transient), N (inactivated at very –ve potentials, neuronal) & L (long lasting) types which differ in
sensitivity to blockes & threshold potentials.
Structure: Molecular sequence very similar to Na channels
Ionic permeability: Ca2+
Block: Divalent cations (manganes, nickel, cobalt + cadmium), verapamil, dihydropyridines & cone shell toxin
Function: ventricular muscle, nerve terminals
93A2 What are 'membrane channels'? How are they investigated? Describe one commonly -
interfered with in Anaesthesia
Lysosomes – irregular acid containing structures that digest endocytosed bacteria & defunct cell components.
Peroxisomes – contain enzymes which catalyse a variety of anabolic & catabolic reactions.
Cytoskeleton – a system of fibers (microtubules, intermediate filaments/microfilaments & adhesion complexes) that
maintain the structure of the cell, allow the cell to change shape & move and allow organelles to move within the cell.
Centrisomes – consists of 2 centrioles. They duplicate & monitor the steps in cell division.
Cilia – Cell projections used to propel mucus & other substances over the surface of epithelia.
Cell adhesion molecules – anchor cells to each other & the basal lamina.
Nucleus – surrounded by a nuclear envelope (membrane) & contains the cellular blueprint (chromosomes, made of
DNA) and a nucleolus where ribosomes are produced.
Ribosomes – the sites of protein synthesis. Contain a large & small subunit. Are found on the rough ER or free in the
98B7 Briefly describe structure of mitochondria. Outline the metabolic processes that occur in 64%
Mitochodria – membrane enclosed organelles found in most eukaryotic cells 1-10m diameter. Each cell typically
contains 2000 mitocondria = 20% cell volume, but number
reflects metabolic activity of the cell.
Mitochodrial DNA is independent of the DNA found in the cell
nucleus & is inherited from the mother (only egg gives
cytoplasm where mitochondria located). Self replication.
Inner mitochondrial membrane – contains over 100 different polypeptides with a high protein to phospholipid ratio
(3:1). It is highly impermeable and has a membrane potential. It has numerous cristae which SA. The proteins have 4
different functions…
1. Oxidation reactions of the respiratory chain Details of oxidative phosphorylation, cytochromes & electron
2. ATP synthase – produces ATP in the matrix
3. Transport proteins - regulate the passage of metabolites into and out of the matrix.
4. Protein import machinery
Chemiosmotic hypothesis
Metabolic Processes Integrative role in production of energy from CHO, fat + protein metabolism
The matrix contains hundreds of enzymes, ribosomes, tRNA, DNA and the enzymes major functions include…
1. Oxidation of pyruvate
2. Oxidation of fatty acids
3. Citric acid cycle
Other functions
1. Programmed cell death
2. Cellular proliferation
3. Regulation of the cellular oxidation reduction state Drug metabolism
4. Heme synthesis
5. Steroid synthesis
6. Thermoregulation – mitochondrial uncoupling due to thermoregin in brown fat metabolism
7. Calcium store
Functions can be specific to different cell types e.g. detoxification of ammonia in the liver.
Mutations of genes regulating mitochondrial function mitochodrial diseases.
Endoplasmic reticulum – an organelle found in all eukaryotic cells that is an interconnected network of tubules,
vesicles & cisternae.
Structure – very similar to the plasma membrane. It is an extensive membrane network of cisternae (sac like
structures) held together by the cytoskeleton. The phospholipid membrane encloses a cisternal space (or lumen) from
the cytosol.
Functions - vary greatly depending on the exact type of endoplasmic reticulum and the type of cell in which it resides.
1. Protein – translation, folding, glycosylation & disulfide bond formation (stabilises many proteins)
2. Protein transport - either to the cell membrane or to the golgi apparutus to be exocytosed from the cell
3. Calcium sequestration
4. Production & storage – glycogen, steroids, other macromolecules
Protein synthesis 2
Process by which secretory granules fuse to the cell membrane & then the area of fusion breaks down, leaving the
contents on the cell exterior. Requires Ca2+, docking proteins & energy.
Transport proteins
Transmembrane proteins that form ions channels or transport substances like
glucose, urea & amino acids. Even water which diffuses, is supplemented
throughout the body with water channels. Some channels are continuously open,
others are gated e.g. ligand, voltage or mechanostretch gated. Some are carriers
that bind ions & other molecules, then change their configuration and swap the
bound molecule from one side to the other.
The Gibbs-Donnan effect is a name for the behavior of charged particles near a semipermeable membrane to
sometimes fail to distribute evenly on either side of the membrane. The usual cause is the presence of a different
charged substance that is unable pass through the membrane and is thus creating an uneven electrical charge.
E. To outline the role of cellular receptors and the function of secondary messengers within the cell
Mechanisms by which chemical messengers act
Extracellular ligands are called “first messengers” whereas intracellular mediators are called “second messengers”.
Second messengers bring about changes in cellular function by altering enzyme function, triggering exocytosis,
altering transcription of various genes. When activated many of the membrane receptors initiate release of secondary
messengers via G-proteins, the secondary messengers activate protein kinases (enzymes that catalyse the
phosphorylation of tyrosine or serine residues in proteins) or initiate phosphorylation of intracellular proteins.
Cellular receptors
Synaptic transmitters “ligands” – ACh, serotonin, GABA & excitatory aa’s (glycine, aspartate, glutamate) – act on a
receptor to increase transmembrane conductance of an ion & thereby altering electrical potentiation across the
Nicotinic receptors - transmembrane polypeptides whose subunits form a cation selective ion channel.
Involved in fast synaptic transmission.
History – called nicotinic because the alkaloid nicotine
stimulates them.
Structure - Glycoprotein with 5 subunits: 2 alpha & a beta,
gamma + delta.
Mechanism - Receptor extends through the cellular membrane
creating a channel that allows ions to flow down a concentration
gradient. When 2 molecules bind to the subunits a channel opens which allows inward Na+ & Ca2+ flow and
outwards K+ flow.
Time – occurs in milliseconds. This rapidity is crucial in moment-to-moment transfer of information across synapse.
Sites & modulation
Postganglionic cells in all autonomic ganglia – anticholinesterases (neostigmine)
Skeletal muscles endplates - DNMB (suxamethonium), NDNMB
Some CNS neurons.
Agonist – muscimol
Antagonist – biculline
Modulators - Anaesthetics (benzos, barbiturates, propofol, etomidate) +
ETOH. Enhance GABA mediated inhibition by increasing GABA affinity
for receptors (dissociation) and augment the chloride conductance that is
gated by these receptors. At high doses barbiturates can directly open
chloride channels, benzodiazepines cannot.
2. GABAB – coupled to G-proteins & either inhibit Ca2+ channels or activate K+ channels.
Location - increased concentration in the cerebellum.
Agonist - antispasmodic baclofen.
Many growth factors (insulin like, platelet,
epidermal, nerve, etc) bind to a receptor with a
single membrane spanning domain that activates
tyrosine kinase which autophosphorylates itself and
ultimately leads to the production of transcription
factors that alters gene expression.
Similar to ligand regulated transmembrane
receptors except the enzyme is not intrinsic to the
receptor molecule. E.g. Growth hormone activates
janus tyrosine kinase (JAK) which phosphorylates
signal transducer & activator transcription (STAT)
proteins to alter gene transcription
Ligands – GH, erythropoietin, interferon, etc
Mechanism – when a ligand binds the 2 JAKs
become active & phosphorylate the tyrosine
residues on the receptor which binds 2 STATs
(signal transducers & activators of transcription) which are then phosphoryated by JAK. The 2 STATs attach to each
others tyrosine phosphates dissosociate & travel to the nucleus where they regulate gene transcription.
Second messengers
Second messenger - an intracellular chemical substance that carries a signal from the intracellular domain of a
transmembrane receptor. They amplify & regulate the signal.
Mechanism - G-proteins or receptor tyrosine kinases stimulate phospholipase C which splits PIP 2 into diacylglycerol
& inositol-triphosphate ( PIP2 IP3 & DAG).
DAG stays in the membrane & activates the calcium sensitive protein kinase C.
IP3 diffuses through the cytoplasm & triggers Ca2+ release from internal storage vesicles into the cytoplasm.
Elevated cytoplasmic Ca2+ promotes binding of Ca2+ to calmodulin which regulates enzyme activity (including Ca 2+
dependent protein kinases).
Termination - Ca2+ is pumped away, IP3 is dephosphorylated.
Intracellular calcium
intracellular Ca2+ activates calcium binding proteins which activate a
number of protein kinases. Many second messengers act by
intracellular Ca2+, either from intracellular stores or through ion
Guanine Nucleotide Binding Proteins - intermediaries in cell communication for multiple classes of drugs. They are
universal transducers that amplify intracellular signalling & regulate receptors.