X-Runes, Vikings and The New Age
X-Runes, Vikings and The New Age
X-Runes, Vikings and The New Age
Runic Hand-Signs
Important Glands and Higher Centers of the Body
Magical Rune Formulas
Morning Concecrations
Evening Consecration
Rune Banishing
Key to the Runic Futhork Table
A Document of Historical Importance
In this volume Thorsson preserves the text unaltered from its first
appearance just a year before the National Socialists came to power in
Germany. Sections of Rune-Magic will be found to be controversial by
some, but Runa-Raven feels that for the sake of historical accuracy, and
as a sign of respect for the intelligence of the reader, the text should
stand as originally written in 1932.
We must seek to preserve the roots of the Runic tradition where ever we
find them. These roots are to be studied and understood/or the value
they have. For no one knows what wisdom might rise from these roots
in the is-to-be.
Edred Thorsson
Editor's Introduction
Siegfried Adolf Kummer was born in 1899 and was one of the pioneers
of operative Runic studies in the early part of the 20th century. Little is
known of his life or of his fate in the wake of the historical events of the
Nazi era. He, along with Friedrich Bern-hard Marby, was criticized by
name in a report made to Heinrich Himmler by his chief esoteric
runologist Karl Maria Wiligut. But what his fate was is unknown. At least
one report has him fleeing Nazi Germany in exile to South America.
1) All dualities, such as those between the body and the soul, or
between humanity and nature, are both real at one level and only
apparent at another. There is a singular essence, but it finds itself in
differing conditions, which cause it to appear in various forms. But the
conditions are in turn also real. This is the key to why techniques for the
modification of physical conditions (eugenics, gymnastics, etc.) are seen
in spiritual terms by Armanists.
3) Ancient Armanic cultural features were not wiped out by the coming
of Christianity—but found refuge in the symbolism used by the church
itself and in folk customs. Today these await decoding that they may
once again live in their rightful place.
Edred Thorsson
Austin, Texas
February 1, 1993ev
Author's Introduction
In the small manuscript before you I can give only a few gems from the
great treasure trove of Aryan wisdom and Rune-magic, but these will be
of great use to the reader and will lead him into the Way of the Grail. To
anyone who has greater interest in Runic history, magic and mysteries I
recommend my work, Heilige Runenmachl.[1]
Other than the oldest Runic Futhork (alphabet), which has 18 runes and
corresponds to the "Rune Poem" of the "Havamal," [4] there are various
other Rune-rows.
Primarily the oldest, the 18-Rune, Futhork comes into consideration, for
penetrating into higher Rune-wisdom, into the Runic mysteries, with the
initiations they provide. The cosmic and magical legitimacy of this
Futhork cannot be supplanted by any other Rune-row.
Theth-Rune, Thor; thurs, thorn. Thorn is Will and Deed. Donar = Don-
Aar, the singing sun, the thunder, Thor's hammer. The Thorn of Fate,
the Thorn of Life, but also the Thorn of Death which leads to rebirth; no
Life without Death, no Death without Life. Sleeping Beauty, who is
awakened by the Thorn of Life. The Gate (The Golden Gate and the Gate
of Misfortune in folk tales.)[7] Numerical value 3.
Thes-Rune, Sig, Sal, Sol, the Rune of the Sun's power, of victory[Sieg];
Sal and Sig = Well-being and victory; of the Light, of the Hale, of the
soul, of the kindling, lightning;Sig = the sunlight; the Sieve, the
Seventh (head of the ruling council), the clan of blood-kin. The 5;jf-
Rune is the rune of the fighter and the victor; it provides victory and
makes the enemy cowardly, weak and powerless. Numerical value is 11.
The /-Rune,Laf, lagu, laug, means Life, law of Life, liver, restoration,
lye, leaves, Lagu = sea, laughter, lake. Also, love, loftiness, light,
ardor[Lohe], light of Life, insight into Life, the lantern, enlightenment,
refreshment, loudness, spring-time [2-cn^], linden-tree, sorrow[Leid},
lore; lead = learning.Laf, the Rune of initiation, but also the Rune of
experiences and examinations. The Luev, Leb, Lew, lion. The heraldic
beast of all Life is the kalafied*Laf-Rune. Numerical value 14.
The y-Rune,Yr, wrong, error, iris, yew tree. This Rune means
misunderstanding, confusion, insanity, reversal, denial, destruction,
overthrow, temptation, erroneous lust in love. The erring human,
standing on his head. The Rune of erring love, of sorrow and of lust; joy
and pain, laughing and weeping. Numerical value 16.
Thee-Rune, Eh, Ehe [marriage] = eternal, the true, procreation, the Law
of Nature, which is fulfilled between man and wife. The two Selves, two
lives which by pure Love bind together themselves in marriage, merge,
and through mutual spiritual and physical re-polarization attain a higher
life. The £7te-Runc is the great Rune of Love, which will in future times
bring us to the zenith of our Germanic race.[12] Numerical value 17.
Editors Notes
[3] This is a magical formula in the heraldic language of Guido von List.
Its meaning is: "All victory for those conscious of the Divine Secret."
[4] See the "Havamal" stanzas 138-165 in the Poetic Edda.
[5] Here the Nietzschean formula ewige Wiederkehr is used.
[6] The significance of the formula of Arising-Being-Passing away to new
arising[Entstehen-Sein-Vergehen-zum neuen Entstehen] is an important
one developed by G. v. List.
[7] From the tale of Frau Holle in the collection by the Brothers Grimm.
[9] Here the first person pronoun,ich, "I," is used as a noun— which is
how Sigmund Freud referred to the Ego in German terminology: das Ich,
"the 'I.'" The concept of the "ego" for the Armanen is a more
comprehensive one involving the entire Self.
[10] Here and in the following section Kummer betrays the Neoplatonic
basis for many of his underlying ideas.
The Runer should now begin to hum: m-m-m, to slow, deep breathing.
You should begin soft and deep, let the tone swell and rise to the
highest pitch, then sink slowly again to a deep tone. Them is to be
hummed at all tone levels and in different volumes; it can also be sung
in a siren-like fashion. You should imitate the humming of bees.
The whole formula is to be repeated for half an hour, with good, deep
breathing. If your arms become tired, they can be held for short pauses
in the Is-Rune position, during which time, however, you should
continue to meditate spiritually on the reception of subtle cosmic
The subtle currents of the All-power, like radio waves, flood into the
back of the Runer's head, flow through the back and sympathetic nerves
and gather in the solar plexus and around the navel. At the same time
subtle waves of power flow into the palms of the hands (hand centers),
flood through your arms, stimulate the thymus gland (in the
center of the chest), join with the streams of the All-power in the
sympathetic nerves, activate the spleen, and strengthen the gathered
currents of power in the solar plexus, from where they fade away
through the navel into the aura. To some extent, they also (low through
the legs and then through the foot centers (in the middle of the feet)
into the earth, into the place you are standing. This process is repeated
throughout the entire practice session and brings about a strange,
blissful, beautiful feeling - a fine ringing and vibration in the practitioner.
The glands and higher centers of the body begin to sparkle; the inner
Self is freed from the constricting bonds of the body; flashes of thought,
ancestral memories and astral perception dawn from within the Runer.
You can feel and sense the cosmos, the world, in yourself whenever you
hum the tones of the Man-Rune. Every Rune has a different type of
current, a different strength, vibration, and rhythm. Those who
understand it and learn to connect themselves consciously to the All-
current of the Man-Rune become conscious magicians and masters of
their Fates.
am-em-im-om um
After ending the exercise the Runer should drain off any energies which
have been too strongly accumulated, or unfavorable waves accumulated
through false thoughts, in the following manner:
In the Man-Rune posture, hum them in a high tone, then sink to the
lowest tone, while thinking, consciously willing, that all waves harmful to
the Spirit, Soul and Body are bound to the tone vibrating in the body,
and flow through the body and fade away under the soles of his feet into
the earth with the deepest tone.
In old yodels and cheers we recognize Hie ancient Aryan name of god:
Ja-Je-Jo-Ju.[17] This is the god of jubilation, of joy and yea-saying—but
also the name for the Ju-Gu, Goths, or Nation of God. In yodels we
recognize the Germanic Rune-cult, the sacred songs and battle yells of
our forefathers, which have survived in our mountain regions to the
present day. Yodels are linked to song-like melodies and are sung in
specific arrangements of tone and word.
There are no arbitrary aspects to these ancient traditional yodels, for
they are connected to quite precise formulas- magical powers of the
Runes and of words.
In olden times yodels were sung only together with specified bodily
exercises—Rune postures and dances-which notably increased their
magical effects. Yodels are a form of worship— Nature-bound prayer to
the All-father—the one great God of the Worlds. Thus, our ancestors, in
the highest affirmation of life, celebrated the Yod-ler, the God-ler,
and the Yell-er, as a song of thanks and a prayer of joy to their God of
jubilation, the god Baal (Hal, Dur). Now, as millennia ago, yodels are
sung by our Alpine dwellers and mountain-folk. Even if the deeper sense
is lost to them, the powers of the Runes still work and produce in the
yodler a great joy of life and an extremely close bond with nature,
which helps our mountain folk through every hardship in life.
I am convinced that in olden times yodels were practiced in the far north
and in northern and central Germany. The yodels which have survived
can only be regarded as remnants of old Germanic songs of
sanctification, battle yells and songs of healing from a time long before
the coming of Christianity. As a battle song they must have produced a
colossal magical effect upon the enemy. In the magazine Der Germane
(vol. 3), J. Nase writes the following:
"To support the view of the great age and the holy meaning of the
yodel, I should like to refer here to the oldest historical evidence (next
to the Tacitus passage)[18] available to me for their appearance; which
to be sure, apparently speaks of yodels with word texts. It is to be found
in the appendix of the work Misopogon by the later Roman Emperor
Julian the Apostate, and reads in translation: 'So I saw the barbarians
(in Germania) on the other side of the Rhine singing passionate tunes
with words which resembled the cry of cackling hens, and (I saw) their
joy in these songs.'
Forgive me, if tills translation is incorrect! On the basis of this passage,
stories have always been told about how the singing of Germanic folk
resembled the croaking of birds of prey."
Julian, who himself fought against the Germanic peoples, probably does
not have in mind here the battle song of the Germanic tribes. In this
case he would probably have said: "So I heard," instead of "So I saw."
Because of this latter expression, as well as the emphasis on the joy of
the Germanic people in these melodies described as being passionate,
one begins to suspect that the passage deals with the observation of a
legislativeThing-assembly of a Germanic tribe supporting the field
commander, then allied with the Romans. His comparison of the
reported manner of song with the cackling of hens, in spite of the
apparently disparaging manner of expression of a foreign observer, is
nonetheless quite vivid, and one can recognize in this an authentic
description of yodeling, when one thinks about the first part of the
stanza, arranged for several voices, with the long drawn out ending.
This ancient sense of the vowels is again related to their mystical primal
meaning as symbolic sounds, namely,a as the fundamental sound of the
meaning of shaping[Schaffen] and mastering [Walten]; e as the
fundamental sound of decreeing[Gesetz], ethics[Recht} and being
[Leben}; i is the fundamental sound of inwardness, of spiritual light; o is
the fundamental sound for the corporeal, for order;u is the fundamental
sound for that which was perfected in the pre- temporal All-Perfected —
the Ur- the Height, ruling from the Beyond.
Yodeling is also related to the time of the solstices, hence hulen and
julen, Hail and Yule, as opposites, like struggle and victory. R. J.
Gorsleben writes in his work Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit [Zenith of
Man = God, therefore Hu-Man is the Hu-God, and Ins servants are the
hu-mans. The German clan names of Huch and the English "Hugh,"
"Hughes," etc., refer to the "Hug-est," the Highest.[21]
"Ach, Herr Je!" is part of the invocation to Ja, not a suppressed outburst,
"Ach, Herr Jesus!" [Oil, Lord Jesus!].
In the "Holdrio" of the yodel is still contained the invocation of the Hol-
trio, the Holy Three, to whom was also consecrated the Hol-under, the
elder-tree, the holy tree.
Some old yodels which have been handed down are given below. To
anyone who might be interested in further examples I recommend the
worthwhile collection by Prof. Dr. J. Pommer: Jodler und Juchzer mil
Notendruck [Yodels and Cheers with Musical Notation].[19]
Through the previous exercises, new light falls on this famous passage.
By a conscious act of will the Runer should now, while singing from the
highest to the deepest tones, circulate
those energies gathered in his hand throughout his entire body. I shall
give no instructions concerning the magical
employment of this sign against other persons, but advise every Runer
to use these signs only for his own development.
Fig. 2 shows the [/r-Rune hand-sign. Your left arm is bent below the
shoulder height, so that the hand position, Fig. 2,
comes to rest about 8 inches in front of your eyes. The Runer singsu-u-u
in different pitches and volumes for three
minutes, following which you take a short pause. Each Rune sign must
be repeated three times for three minutes each,
since otherwise no satisfactory collection of energies can be reached in
the hand centers.
Here the Runer will detect, above all in the finger-tips and the center of
the hand, a certain cool, lukewarm, or even warm feeling. The
perception is different for every Runer; as in every case of magnetism,
one feels a coolness, another warmth, because every human being is
polarized differently. The one is more electric, the other more magnetic,
and as a result the perception varies as well.* At the end of the
exercise, the Runer should circulate the collected energies by a
conscious act of will throughout the entire body, during which time
advanced students can observe a pale gold-orange or gold-green
oscillation of their auras. A strong charge of electro-magnetic powers
can be achieved through this Rune hand-sign especially.
emanation research.
Fig. 3. The Runer proceeds as with the .Fa-Rune, stretches the left arm
upward and takes the hand position of Fig. 3.
Singd-a-a three times, for three minutes each, during which higher
tones are to be held longer. Here, too, cosmic
energies begin to collect in the hand, which is experienced as prickling in
the extended finger-tips, as well as in the ring
finger and the tip of the thumb. Thoughts are focused on the reception
of Solar powers. After ending the exercise the
collected energies are to be circulated throughout the entire body by an
act of conscious will. At the deepest tone they
are focused in the feet. The astral color vibration is bright yellow. Also
higher astral laws can be evoked by means of
this hand-sign. This depends entirely on how much cosmic energy the
Runer is able to absorb and take into the body.
The deeper the inner concentration is, the stronger the collection of
powers will be. Due to a lack of space I cannot do
into further details here.
Runer feels a fine tingling and a gentle prickling in the thumb, the base
of the thumb, and the hand center; the
outstretched fingers begin to vibrate lightly. Thoughts or inner
meditations are focused on receivingAr-Fire and Solar
powers. Tills sign particularly affects the forces of life, in a rejuvenating
and strengthening manner. Drawing the power
into the body produces a strong effect on the solar plexus. The astral
color is silver-grey to bright grey-green.
Inner thoughts are focused on victory over one's own mistakes and
weaknesses, on receiving sunny, victorious healing
powers and the inherited memory[26] of magical might and power. By
tills hand-sign, too, a great accumulation of
cosmic energies is acquired in the hands. The left hand becomes warm,
and the Runer will feel how the current also
passes into the right hand. During the discharge process, the current
can be observed throughout the entire body. Here,
too, one may detect an ozone odor coming from the hands. This sign
produces a strong awareness of power and victory
in the practitioner. With sufficient development of the Runer, higher
magical laws will come into force.
that the tip of the index finger is located at the height of the navel. The
sound formulas are:
Sorrow, Stress and Need, Joy and Contentment I strive in longing back
to Thee."
After several repetitions of this sign, the Runer will be able to perceive a
pleasant turning or boring feeling in the right hand. A subtle bond
develops with the navel, though which the energies affect the solar
plexus, in such a way that a whispering begins in the Inner Self of the
Runer, inherited memories and often astral perceptions appear.
Fig. 13. TheBar-Rune sign is produced with the arms raised above the
head, as Fig. 13 shows. Its sound formulas
Inner thoughts are focused on the birth of the Spirit and higher magical
powers. Here the Runer, if inwardly well
centered, will observe in the hands, as well as with the intake of power
into the body, a light fluttering feeling, as if the
higher Spirit and higher magical abilities were being born—engendered
by the energies from this Rune-sign. Often,
after weeks of daily practice, the feeling appears more strongly
perceptible. Persistence leads to the goal.
Fig. 14 shows theLaf-Rune hand-sign. The Runer should raise the left
arm upward and assume the hand position
shown in Fig. 14. Utilize the following sound formulas with this sign:
except that the thumb is spread somewhat further outward. Its sound
formulas are:
Fig. 17. In this sign the hands are folded above the head, except that
the fingers remain stiff, straight and pointed.
history. The British currency called pounds, shillings, and pence was derived in
part from the Roman solidus (coin) which bore a runic inscription. 5 Some texts on
runes mention that Hitler’s troops used the runic form of “S” as symbols on their
collar badges. 6
Like occult practices in general, runes were once suppressed by the church as a
work of the devil, but rune revivals have occurred periodically. For example, in the
late 1800s:
By going underground, the runic system survived as an unpublished and
unpublicized magico-mystical tradition in all the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic and
Scandinavian countries—and this includes the United States which took in
immigrants in large numbers from all those areas. At the end of the nineteenth
century, the teaching first began to be written down in a formulated and coherent
fashion. The bulk of this work was done by German and Austrian occultists,
sometimes using material that had been transmitted orally, but more usually
working via the method of analeptic recall. 7
The Germans in particular seem to have been fascinated by the runes, and
Naziism not only made use of them but of much other occultism as well. 8
Practitioners David and Julia Line observe:
Although the Church actively tried to stamp out runic divination, it continued
to be practised in secret and became inevitably linked with witches, warlocks and
their arts.
Runes, both esoteric and practical, continued to be studied throughout history
until this century and nowhere else were they held in such high esteem as Germany.
Runes became a vital component of the Third Reich’s belief in Aryan superiority. 9
In fact, the Nazis employed two runes extensively: the swastika (originally a Norse
magical symbol known as Thor’s hammer) and the sigil [a stylized “s” or lightening
bolt] used by the SS troops, originally a symbol of the Earth Mother and the sun. 10
The runic connection to German politics and pagan beliefs seems clear:
It was not until the late nineteenth century that runes once more appeared in
public consciousness and this was the result of research by German occultists who
were trying to revive Teutonic and Norse paganism.
Many of these occultists identified themselves with various extreme forms of
German nationalism. One of these was Dr. Bernard Koerner,... a disciple of the
famous German occultist Guido Von List whose book The Secrets of Runes was a
best-seller in European occult circles. Another associate of Koerner was Baron von
Sebbottendorf who edited a magazine called Runen or The Rune devoted to Aryan
paganism, rune lore and anti-Jewish propaganda.... It is certain that Hitler and his
cronies were fascinated by the runes and their secret occult powers. He even
adopted the rune as the symbol of the feared SS elite troops who effectively ruled
occupied Europe.
Today, the worship of the old Norse gods still continues. There are Odinist
movements in Germany, Britain, Canada, the United States and Australia. Some
advocate extreme right wing politics which suggest a link with the German
nationalists and many still practise the ancient art of rune magic. 11
Not surprisingly, the association with Hitlerism drove rune magic underground:
The appropriation of the Runes by the higher echelons of the Nazi party did the
advancement of runic lore no good at all in the years following the Second World
War.... [A]fter the collapse of the Nazi war machine the Allies very naturally wanted
nothing at all to do with Runes: neither did the German nation itself, busily
repudiating the Nazis and all their works and anxious to avoid guilt by association
in any form. The Runes were consequently consigned to the occult wilderness. Only
one article on Runes was published in the United Kingdom between the middle
forties and the early seventies. 12
In recent decades, runes have experienced another revival, perhaps, at least in
part, from the great popularity of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, which deals
with Teutonic and Norse mythology. In The Runic Workbook, Willis writes of the
postwar era:
During this period, the Runes and runic philosophy were being impressed upon
the consciousness of the post-war world, particularly among the English-speaking
peoples, through the surprising agency of J.R.R. Tolkien. In The Lord of the
Rings, the Dwarves are said to use the Runes for communications, and this runic
alphabet is explained in that part of the Appendix to The Lord of the Rings which
deals with writing in Middle Earth. Tolkien was a professor of Anglo-Saxon, and the
whole work [The Hobbit and the three books of The Lord of the Rings] is shot
through with glimpses of Teutonic Mythology. 13
Willis argues that “the guardians of the runic traditions” (i.e., the spirit world,
particularly the ancient pagan gods associated with runes) have now instituted a
PR program on behalf of rune magic:
In occult circles, however, it was not until the early eighties, when interest in the
Runes had reached a high pitch, that the guardians of the runic tradition gave the
order for a further release of information—this time of a deeper and more esoteric
nature. This is where we stand today, on the brink of a new dawn of runic
instruction.... For those who prefer group workings, there are Odinic Lodges, as
the runic Mystery Schools are called, operating all over Northern Europe, North
America, and even Australia. 14
In theory or practice, runes, like other divination, may be combined with additional
forms of the occult—astrology, geomancy, numerology, alchemy, cabalism, the I
Ching, tarot, etc.15 Rune tiles can be drawn at random and meditated on, cast in
lots like the I Ching, or laid out in wheels or crosses like the tarot. One author
refers to the runes as “a later and more sophisticated version of the I Ching….” 16
A survey of the literature will also reveal the connection between runes and ancient
shamanism. Indeed, the modern rune caster is, in part, engaging in a practice that
will enable him to develop shamanic skills. For example, Michael Howard’s text,
The Magic of the Runes: Their Origins and Occult Power, is a preliminary
introduction to shamanism. He discusses the relationship between the rune
masters (priests) and shamans, their common employment of spiritism, and some
of the similarities in philosophy and practice. ForHoward, the rune master was a
kind of shaman: 17
The wizards who used the runes for magical purposes regarded themselves as
blood kin to Odin, the Nordic god who was popularly accredited with inventing the
runic alphabet. As we have seen, they were basically followers of the shamanistic
tradition which is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, religious belief systems known
to humanity.... Shamanistic spirit drums had occult symbols or demon faces painted
on their surfaces and runic characters etched around the rim.… 18
Not surprisingly, Howard concludes by noting that through rune work and the
related practice of dream work, “We can indeed become our own shamans.” 19
Willis, whose text is a standard work on runes in occult circles, also observes the
shamanistic orientation of rune magic:
With the purchase of this book, you are on your way to becoming a runic shaman.
Resolve to be worthy of this ancient and noble calling. ... Runes are the sacred
symbols of the Teutonic races, and in the far past, a complete system of philosophy
and magic was erected upon them. This system was handed down from shaman to
pupil with word of mouth using the Runes themselves as mnemonies.... The
Germanic/Norse tradition is essentially shamanistic.... The clearest description we
have of a runic practitioner is of a female shaman. It comes from the Saga of Erik
the Red, and was written in the thirteenth century. 20
1. Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Harper’s Encyclopedia of Mystical and Paranormal
San Francisco, CA: Harper Collins, 1991, p. 522.
2. David and Julia Line, Fortune Telling by Runes, Wellingborough,
England: Aquarian Press, 1985, p. 9.
3. Tony Willis, The Runic Workbook: Understanding and Using the Power of
Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England: Aquarian Press, 1986, p. 180.
4. David and Julia Line, Fortune Telling, p. 8.
5. Ibid., p. 21.
6. Michael Howard, The Magic of the Runes: Their Origins and Occult Power ,
Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England: The Aquarian Press, 1986, p. 6 ff.
7. Willis, The Runic Workbook, p. 19.
8. J. M. Angebert, The Occult and the Third Reich , NY: McGraw Hill, 1975;
Dusty Skylar,
Gods and Beasts, NY: Thomas Crowell, 1977.
9. David and Julia Line, Fortune Telling, pp. 18-19.
10. Guiley, p. 523.
11. Howard, Magic, pp. 86-67.
12. Willis, The Runic Workbook, p. 20.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. David and Julia Line, Fortune Telling, pp. 17-18, 24, 29; Willis, The Runic
pp. 32, 125, 165, 188-92; Howard, Magic, p. 74.
16. Howard, Magic, p. 74.
17. Ibid., pp. 9-13, 29-35, 54-59.
18. Ibid., pp. 29-31.
19. Ibid.
20. Willis, The Runic Workbook, pp. 13, 17-18.