Batman Talisman 2019 Rules WEBSITE
Batman Talisman 2019 Rules WEBSITE
Batman Talisman 2019 Rules WEBSITE
Below is a list of all the components that you will find in this
copy of Talisman:
• 1 Rulebook
• 12 Character Cards
• 4 Alignment Tokens
• 6 Six-sided Dice
• 6 Stat Boards
• 30 Coins
• 30 Encounter Tokens
• 36 Fate Tokens
Feat Cards Batman Card and Figure
There are 24 of these Feat Cards detailing the various special Batman is not a playable Character, but rather he plays
Abilities that may be earned and used during the game. on his own against all of the players. All players may have
an opportunity to influence Batman’s movement around
the board, but beware! An encounter with Batman can be
dangerous for the Villains!
Purchase Cards
There are 28 Purchase Cards provided. These detail
Objects that Characters may obtain by means other than
the Encounter Cards.
A Character’s Alignment shows their personality. A Righteous
Evil Character believes their doctrine leads to salvation,
an Indifferent Evil Character’s motives are adaptable, and
Chaotic Evil Characters simply wish to sow chaos wherever
they go. Alignment may change during the game as the
result of encounters or by the use of a special Ability.
The 30 Coins represent the money and valuables Characters
use for bribes and other purposes during their adventure.
Six-Sided Dice Strength and Cunning
There are six dice provided. These are used for moving, Strength represents a Character’s fighting Ability, while
resolving Combat, and determining results from instructions Cunning represents a Character’s Ability to outwit Opponents.
on cards and the game board. The Bat symbol on the die Strength and Cunning are used in Combat (see “Combat”
represents a “1” result. on page 9) and to overcome certain obstacles that may be
encountered during the game.
Health represents the Character’s durability. Health is lost
through Combat, and other dangers that are encountered.
Each Character starts the game with the number of Health
listed on their Character Card. A Character’s Health is
recorded on the green Health dial.
Villain Character Fate is a measure of a Character’s luck, and is tracked using
Cards and Figures Fate Tokens. Once per die roll, a player may pay one Fate
Token (returning it to the stockpile) to reroll one die they have
There are 12 Villain Character Cards, each detailing a different just rolled:
playable Character and their starting Strength, Cunning, Fate,
and Health values, as well as a number of special Abilities. 1. for Character movement.
Each Character Card corresponds to a custom sculpted figure
that is used to represent that Character on the board. 2. to determine their Character’s attack roll or
Character SetUp
2 4
Game Setup wish to play. The Characters not chosen are returned
to the box and may be available if a Character is killed.
1. The board is unfolded and placed in the center of the (Alternate: If all players agree, players may choose their
playing area. Characters from all of the available Characters, starting
with the youngest player and proceeding in age order).
2. The Encounter Cards are separated into 3 decks by
Region, and then each Region deck is shuffled and 6. Each player places their Villain Character Card with the
placed facedown beside the board. regular, non-deranged side face up in front of them. A
player’s Character Card, Objects, Followers, and other
3. The Feat Cards are shuffled and placed facedown game components form their personal play area, which
beside the board. should be laid out as shown in the diagram on page 5.
4. The Security Key Cards and Purchase Cards are sorted 7. Each player takes the plastic Character figure
by type and placed face up beside the board. corresponding to their Character Card and places it on
the board on the start Space indicated on the Villain
5. One player takes the Villain Character Cards, shuffles Character Card.
them, and deals two, facedown, to each player, who
must then choose which one of those Characters they
11 12
8. Each player takes a set of Stat Dials and sets the green 11. Any player whose Character starts the game with Feats,
dial to the Health value listed on their Character Card, as detailed in the Character’s special Abilities, draws the
the red dial is set to the starting Strength value, and the designated number of Feat Cards from the Feat deck.
blue dial is set to the starting Cunning value. These should not be revealed to other players.
a. After setting the initial values each player may
choose to increase either their Strength or Cunning 12. Any player whose Character starts the game with any
by one. Objects, as detailed in the Character’s special Abilities,
now takes the designated Object Cards from the
9. Each player takes a number of Fate Tokens equal to the Purchase deck.
Fate value listed on their Character Card.
13. The Alignment Tokens should be kept handy, to be used
10. Each player receives one Coin, except for Mr. Freeze when required.
who begins the game with 5 Coins.
a. The remaining tokens, and Coins are placed 14. The player who most recently read a Batman comic
to one side as stockpiles for use during the game. book, or watched a Batman movie or TV show goes
first. Play then proceeds clockwise around the board.
The Game Turn • If the player wins the Combat they have escaped Batman,
they roll one die and consult the chart on the Batman
Each player’s turn consists of two parts, in this order: Card to determine what happens to their Character.
1. Movement – The player rolls a die and moves his • Batman remains on the Space where Combat occurred.
Character that number of Spaces around the board.
a. Characters may move clockwise or counterclock • If they lose, the Character loses 1 Health.
wise in their current Region, but may not double-
back in a single movement.
b. If the movement roll is a 1, also resolve movement
for Batman (see below). After a Character has finished their movement, they must
either encounter the Space they land in or a Character in that
2. Encounters – Once a Character has finished their move, Space. Characters can encounter a wide variety of enemies
they must encounter either the Space or a Character in and personalities. Sometimes the encounters are friendly
the Space where they land. At the end of a Character’s and aid the Character with gifts. Other times the encounters
turn, play passes clockwise to the player to the left. are hostile and attack the Character, or even cause them to
become Deranged!
Direction may not be reversed during a move except when
passing between the First Floor [Outer] and Second Floor Encountering Another Character
[Middle] Regions (see “The Guard Post” on page 13). A
Character must always move at the start of their turn. A Character may encounter another Character by either an
attack (see “Combat Between Two Characters” on page 10)
or by using one of their special Abilities. If a player chooses to
Movement in the Tower Region encounter a Character instead of encountering a Space, they
The die is rolled for movement in the Tower Region, however may not visit any Stranger or Place on the Space, nor may any
a Character may only move half of the number of Spaces Objects, Followers, or Coins be taken from the Space.
rolled rounded up.
Encountering a Space
Turning Back Characters must always follow the instructions on the Space
where they land if their player chooses to encounter the
A Character in the Inner Tower Region may decide at Space instead of encountering another Character.
any time to turn back and move back towards the Tower
Entrance. If encountering a Space with the Draw Cards icon:
A Character who has turned back still only moves half 1. Draw Encounter Cards from the deck matching
of the movement value rolled each turn, but ignores the the Characters current Region. Draw up to the number
instructions on all of the Spaces on their return to the Tower instructed on the Space, include any cards already on
Entrance. Once a Character has declared their intention to the Space, regardless of their type.
turn back, they cannot change their mind and must go all
the way back to the Tower Entrance. 2. Resolve cards in order starting with the lowest encounter
number. This will typically follow the order below
Batman Movement • Combat with Enemies (see Combat)
Any time a player rolls a 1 for their own movement, they • Resolve any additional instructions on the Space
move one Space and then roll an additional movement
die. They then move Batman the number of Spaces rolled • Visit Strangers and Places
either clockwise or counterclockwise. Additionally, as his
first movement the active player may move Batman into the • Collect any Followers, Coins, and Objects
adjacent Space of another Region before completing any (optional)
remaining Spaces of movement in that Region.
• Ditch any Followers, Coins and Objects (optional)
Whenever Batman lands on a Space containing one or more
Characters at the end of his movement, the player who Cards with the same encounter number are resolved
moved Batman must choose a Character on that Space to in the order drawn.
engage in Combat with Batman.
On the First Floor, Encounter Cards are placed next to the
• The attacked Character chooses the type of Combat board, adjacent to the Space where they are encountered.
(Strength or Cunning). Then complete Combat as For the Second Floor and the Guard Tower, Encounter Cards
directed on the Batman Card.
are placed near the game board and a pair of matching 2. Feats, Weapons and Abilities: Any Feats, Objects,
Encounter Tokens is placed with one token on the card and Legendary Objects or Abilities that a player wishes to
one on the associated Space on the game board. use to affect a Character’s Strength or Cunning must be
implemented before the Attack Roll is made.
3. Attack Roll: The active player rolls one die and adds
the result to their Character’s Strength or Cunning,
depending on the type of Combat that is occurring.
Be sure to add the appropriate modifiers in the total.
Remember that only one Weapon may be used at a time
(see ‘Weapons and Armor’ on page 11).
Card Anatomy
Character is defeated and loses one Health (use of
an Object, Feat, or special Ability may prevent this
but for Strength Combat only).
c. If the Attack Scores are equal, the result is a stand-
1 Title off and there is no effect. If the Character is defeated
or the Combat ends in a stand-off, the Character’s
2 Card Type turn ends immediately.
3 Enemy Stats 6. When comparing Attack Scores, the Active Player may
pay one Fate to reroll their Attack Roll if they wish, in
3 2 4 Card Text which case they must accept the new result and use it
to recalculate their Attack Score. Players may not use
5 Encounter Fate to reroll the Enemy Attack.
5 More Than One Enemy
If there is more than one Enemy that attacks a Character
by Strength or more than one that attacks by Cunning and
they have the same encounter number, they fight as one
during the battle, adding their Strength or Cunning together
with just one Attack Roll to make a single, combined Attack
Score. An Enemy with Strength will never join in an attack
with an Enemy with Cunning.
Combat Between 1. Evade: The Character being attacked may evade if they
have a Feat or Special Ability that allows them to do so.
Two Characters 2. Feats, Objects and Abilities: Both Characters have
Combat between two Characters is always completed using the opportunity to use Feats before the dice can be
Strength, unless the attacking Character has an Ability that rolled. Any effects or Abilities that affect a Character’s
allows them to fight with Cunning. Strength or Cunning must be implemented before the
Attack Roll is made.
Battles between two Characters are resolved in the same
manner as Combat with Enemies, with the following 3. Determine Attack Rolls: Both Characters then roll
changes: a die to determine their Attack Roll. Once both Attack
Rolls have been made, the attacking Character must
choose first whether to pay Fate to reroll. Once they have
Example of Combat
The Joker has a Baseball Bat in addition to the Stealth to add one more to his Strength, making a total of
and Rage Feat cards. Earlier in the game The Joker 9 (3+5+1). Spoiler rolls a 6 for her attack and The
increased his Strength to 3 and his Cunning to 5 as Joker rolls a 3.
shown on the red and blue dials. On his turn The
Joker moves to an Open Cell Space and draws 1 After adding their Strength values to their Attack
Encounter Card. It is Spoiler who has a Strength of 6. rolls both The Joker and Spoiler have an attack
value of 12, which would result in a stand-off. The
The Joker could choose to evade Spoiler by using the Joker decides to spend one of his 3 Fate tokens
Stealth Feat, but decides to attack Spoiler instead. to reroll his attack roll. The new result is a 5, which
Since Spoiler has a Strength value, The Joker must makes his attack score a 14. Since The Joker’s
also fight with Strength. attack score is now higher than Spoiler’s, he defeats
Spoiler and collects her card for Infamy points.
The Joker chooses to use the Rage Feat, allowing If The Joker’s attack score had been lower than
him to add his Strength of 3 to his Cunning of 5 for Spoiler’s he would have lost the battle and lost 1
the Combat. Additionally, he uses the Baseball Bat Health, ending his turn. In this case Spoiler would
have remained on the Open Cell Space.
chosen, the defending Character has the same option.
No matter what the defender chooses, an attacking Followers
player who decided not to spend Fate may not change During the game, Characters may acquire Followers as
their mind after the defender has made their choice. the result of encounters. All Followers accompanying a
Character are kept below the Character Card and must
4. Compare Attack Scores: Next, each Character’s be kept face up. A Character may have any number of
attack score is determined as in battles against Followers. Any Followers that are killed or that must be
Enemies. The Character with the higher attack score discarded are placed on the Encounter Card discard pile.
wins the battle. If the scores are equal, the result is a
1. Anything that attacks a Character (1st and 2nd Floor only) Total Cunning 1 2 3 4 5 6+
If the Feat deck is exhausted, all of the discarded Feat Cards
are shuffled and placed facedown to form a new deck. Feats
are kept secret from other players. The effect of each Feat,
Both Objects and Legendary Objects are considered to and when it can be completed, is detailed on the individual
be Objects. Any Object Cards Characters have are placed Feat Cards.
below their Character Card and must be kept face up.
Using Feats
Object Carrying Limits A player may use any number of Feat Cards from their hand
No Character may have more than four Objects unless they on their turn, but may only use one Feat during another
have a Loot Bag. Any Character acquiring more than four Character’s turn. Feats are always resolved immediately
Objects must decide which to keep. The remainder are when played or when encountered on the board.
immediately placed face up on the Character’s Space. Coins
and Fate Tokens do not count as Objects.
1-4. Ignored 5. Gain 1 Health. 6. Gain 1 Feat. the Guard when crossing back to the 1st Floor. Health. 6. Gain 1 Feat.
free, or Search the Morgue by rolling one die: must first defeat a Guard with Strength 9. Do not fight arch the Chapel by rolling one die;
Chaotic Evil: Either replenish up to your Fate value for and ignore any card already on this Space. Instead, you r heal up to your starting Health
cost of one Coin each. If you are crossing to the 2nd Floor, do not draw a card
Indifferent: Replenish Fate up to your Fate value at the
Righteous Evil: Lose 1 Health.
Additional Rules However, The Joker may not have the Police Radio,
because that card states that no Chaotic Evil Character
may have it. If a Character encounters an Object they may
Deranged not have, they must leave it face up in their current Space
morgue office guard post bathroom chapel
open cell
deranged Deranged the effect lasts for three YOU SUFFER FROM
While you are Deranged, you have:
Purchase Cards
Strength: 1 Cunning: 1
Move: One Space per turn (no die roll).
must follow the rules listed there.
Life: Retain your Character’s Health.
Fate: Retain your Character’s Fate.
You cannot add the additional Strength and
At the end of the third turn flip the
Cunning points of your Character. You cannot
perform or gain Feats, though you may keep
corrupt guard the ones you had.
orderly's station bathroom Narrow Passage
Unlike the Encounter Cards and Feat Cards, Security Key Cards
When you return to normal, your Character will Health
non-Deranged side as the Character and Purchase Cards are not placed into a discard pile when not
© Games Workshop Limited 2019. © & ™ DC Comics. (s19)
Suffer one penalty. Either pay one Coin (dis
reverts back to their original form. needed, they are instead returned to their appropriate piles and
boiler room
are available to all Characters once more.
common room
revert to normal when the effect wears off. move forward. Otherwise, turn back.
next turn, you must have a Security Key Card to
are limited to the number of components provided with the
You must stop when you enter this Space. On your
stairs down
this Space and Combat occurs.
Space Batman also moves to
When a player enters this
equipment storage
prison yard
again, the Character remains Deranged for three more turns
starting from the second instance of becoming Deranged. Followers
During the game, Characters usually acquire Followers as
Losing A Turn control room entrance
the result of encounters. All Followers accompanying a
Character are kept below the Character Card and must be
Any instructions that result in the
electrical room
loss of a turn cause the player
locker room kept faceup.
hallway stairs up
common room
add 2 to their attack rolls.
A Character may have any number of Followers.
Character Death and
Inherited Items Carmine Falcone's Cell
A Character who lands on
When a Character is killed, remove the Character Card and Carmine Falcone’s Cell
open cell
a job. If a Character
The Objects, Coins, and Followers that were put to one side A Character may not accept more than one job at a time.
are inherited by the player’s new Character and may be used A Character must attempt to complete the assigned job
as normal. Unwanted cards, or cards that may not be kept immediately if they are able to do so. In addition, Carmine
based on the new Character’s Alignment, should be left on Falcone will prevent any Character who has accepted a job from
the Character’s starting Space. opening the Security Door until the job is complete. Visit the Doctor, Pharmacist or Ps
Doctor: Heal up to two Health at t
Crossing Between
Objects you have and gain one Coin
You must stop when you enter this Space. On your
4-5. Safe.
Objects you have and gain one Coin for
Coin each. Pharmacist: Discard any num lock or Strength to force it. Choose which ability you
Doctor: Heal up to two Health at the co Suffer one penalty. Either pay one Coin (discard) or lose one Health. are using and roll two dice.
Visit the Doctor, Pharmacist or Psychia
open cell
1. Attacked by an inmate with Cunning 4.
Any enemies that you fight here Any enemies that you fight here
each of your Followers. If a 1 or 2 is d) 1 Legendary Object.
A Character that defeats or evades the Guard at The Guard the Character’s turn ends on the Tower Entrance. If
Roll one die for yourself, and one for
A Riot breaks out among the inmates:
Post must continue their movement by entering the Second unsuccessful, the Character’s turn ends immediately and
Righteous Evil: Lose 1 Health.
Indifferent: Replenish Fate up to your Fate value at the
cost of one Coin each. A corrupt guard will sell you equipment, a med kit OR will provide
Floor and continuing to move in either direction to the full they remain on the Security Door Space.
Chaotic Evil: Either replenish up to your Fate value for you with medication. Equipment: Helmet (2 Coins); Baseball Bat (2 Coins);
free, or Search the Morgue by rolling one die: Lock Pick (3 Coins); Riot Shield (3 Coins); Bulletproof Vest (4 Coins).
add 2 to their attack rolls.
Any enemies that you fight here
stand-off with the Guard does not lose a Health, but their
equipment storage
Control Room. If they
stairs down
The Guard does not attack Characters passing over the Key Card they must turn
move forward. Otherwise, turn back.
lands on the Guard Post Space, may choose tolandingencounter stairs up stairs down tower entr
patrolled corridor
add 2 to their attack rolls.
Any enemies that you fight here
stairs up
boiler room
Lock Pick may declare that they are searching a locked desk Asylum and win the game.
open cell
guard post
for Guard’s Keys. The Character takes the Guard’s Keys If the Character loses in
Card from the Purchase deck (if available).
Strength and Cunning derived from Objects and Legendary Objects do
Combat they must return
to the Security Door at the
not count on this Space, nor may you use Legendary Objects or Feats. Suffer one penalty. Either pay one Coin (discard) or l
Any Character with Guards’ Keys may cross from the First base of the Tower. If the
to the Second Floor by returning the Guard’s Keys
bathroom guard post Combat
office ends in a stand-off morgue
Card to the appropriate supply or discard pile. The Character the Character remains in the
crosses to the Space directly opposite the one they are in. This Security Control Room and
is their move for that turn; they do not roll the die to determine must fight Batman again on
stairs up
blind spot
additional movement. The Character must encounter the their next turn.
Space they moved into or a Character in that Space. Righteous Evil: Lose 1 Health.
Indifferent: Replenish Fate up to your Fate value at the
If you are crossing to the 2nd Floor, do not draw a card cost of one Coin each.
l: Either heal up to your starting Health and ignore any card already on this Space. Instead, you Chaotic Evil: Either replenish up to your Fate value for
e, or Search the Chapel by rolling one die; must first defeat a Guard with Strength 9. Do not fight free, or Search the Morgue by rolling one die:
Gain 1 Health. 6. Gain 1 Feat. the Guard when crossing back to the 1st Floor. 1-4. Ignored 5. Gain 1 Health. 6. Gain 1 Feat.
move forward. O
next turn, you
You must stop
er room
Alternative Rules Alternative Play Rules
If players want to use any of the rules discussed here, they Ditching Cards before Encounters
should make sure that everyone understands and agrees to Adding this rule allows a player to ditch Followers or Objects
the rules before the game begins. onto a Space before drawing cards. This allows them to
avoid drawing cards, as the ditched cards count towards
Rules for Traditional Play the number of cards on the Space. These cards may not be
taken back this turn.
Batman Talisman uses the faster play rules from the Talisman
Revised 4th Edition game. It is possible to adjust the rules back Talisman Bloodbath
to the original game length using the changes listed below.
For a more aggressive game, remove three cards from
No Inheritance the available Talisman Security Key Cards instead of using
all four. In addition, any player whose Character is killed
For a more challenging game, remove the inheritance rules immediately loses the game instead of drawing a new
for when a Character dies. Instead, when a Character dies, Character Card. The Talisman Bloodbath alternative rule
all the Character’s Objects, Legendary Objects, Followers, makes for a short, but very, confrontational game.
and Coins are placed on the Space where the Character
was killed. All the Character’s gained Strength and Cunning
is lost and Fate Tokens are returned to their stockpiles. All
other cards (including the Character’s Infamy Cards and
Feats) are placed in the appropriate stock or discard piles.
The Character Card and Character Figure are removed from
the game. The dead Character’s player may start again, on
their next turn, with a new Character drawn at random from
the unused Character Cards, following steps 6–12 from the
“Game Setup” section (see page 6).
No Starting Bonus
During the set-up phase players do not gain one additional
Strength or Cunning. Instead start the game with only the
values listed on the Villain Card.
Based on Talisman 4th Edition by Games Workshop Special Thanks to: Sam Barlin, Jordan Davenport,
Darren Donahue (3D), Hannah Friedman, Wynona Hendrickson,
Original Talisman Game Design: Robert Harris
Delaney Mamer, Pat Marino (Batman Adaptation), Jayne Prindiville,
Game Board Illustration: Ross Taylor Jessica Hartung (Product Management), Zoё Robinson,
Juan Romero, Jason Rosenberg, Pam Weirich (Graphic Design)
Talisman, GW, Games Workshop, and all game mechanics, associated logos, designs and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games
Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. BATMAN and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics. (s19)
USAOPOLY is a trademark of USAOPOLY, Inc.© 2019 USAOPOLY, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Key Components & Concept Overview: 2-4 Objects: 11
Combat: 9-11
Combat Example: 10
Talisman Encounter Sequence
If you wish to use any Feats that must be used before moving, do so now.
(see “Movement” on page 8)
If there were any Enemies, did NO NO If there were any Enemies, did
you defeat or evade them all? you defeat or evade them all?
Follow rules
Use special YES Turn ends YES
for battles
Ability as
or psychic
on your
Character Does the encounter result in you being moved to a different Space?
on page 9).
Turn Ends NO Did the encounter result in you being moved to a different Space? YES