Balancing Chemical Equations - 60 Min Lesson

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Balancing Chemical Equations – 60 min Lesson

 Mass is conserved during a chemical reaction.
 Investigate the conditions necessary for a reaction to be considered balanced using pictorial representations
as a guide.
 Develop strategies that can be used to balance chemical equations.
Common Core Standards Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
NGSS Science Content HS-PS1-7 C.8D use the law of conservation of

Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, mass to write and balance chemical
and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction. equations
Crosscutting Concept
Energy and matter: the total amount of energy and matter in a closed
system is conserved
Science and Engineering Practices
Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking: use mathematical
representations of phenomena to describe explanations
 PhET Balancing Chemical Equations
 Balancing Chemical Equations Investigation – 1 per student
 3-2-1 Exit Ticket – 1 per student
ENGAGE 5 minutes
Show the first 1:30 min of the TED Lesson on Conservation of Mass:

In pairs, ask students to state the Law of Conservation of Mass in their own words on a whiteboard or index
card. Collect student ideas by having a few students share their responses.
Part 1 – Beginning Observations 10 minutes
Teacher will… Students will…
Pass out Balancing Chemical Equations handout. Explore the simulation and make
Select 2-3 students that will share out their observations with the beginning observations (Part 1 of lab).
class. If possible, have students show their findings using the teacher When other students are sharing their

computer in front of the room. *make sure students have shared the ideas have remaining students put
“Tools” function and how to reset the simulation. laptops half way closed to ensure focus
on student presenting.
Part 2 -3 – Introduction and Game 30 minutes
Teacher will… Students will…
Introduce lab expectations. Complete investigations using the
introduction and game tabs.
Circulate while students are completing the investigation and ask
guiding questions.

The following guiding questions could be asked to individual/groups

of students as the teacher circulates.
Guiding Questions
1. What are the benefits of using the tools function?
2. Does using one tool over the other have more advantages? August 2015, Elyse Zimmer

3. What does the pictorial diagram show that the balanced
equation below it does not?
4. How are the atoms represented in the simulation?
5. What are the limitations of the simulation?
6. Why does the simulation default – or make you – change the
coefficients instead of the subscripts?

Exit Ticket 10 minutes

Teacher will… Students will…
Distribute Exit Ticket to students. Complete their Exit Ticket individually.
Collect lab investigations and Exit Tickets. Read and use to guide
further instruction.

OPTIONAL: Have students share their responses to their 3-2-1 ticket

with their table or with the whole group. August 2015, Elyse Zimmer

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