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Fund CH 4 &5

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4.1. Introduction
The previous unit indicated that long lived assets such as office equipment, government vehicles
and other relatively minor items may be acquired by a governmental unit by expenditures or
appropriations of the general fund or one or more of its special revenue funds. Long – lived
assets used by activities accounted for by a governmental fund types are called General fixed
assets. Acquisitions of General fixed assets that require major amounts of money ordinarily
cannot be financed from general fund or special revenue fund appropriations. Major acquisitions
of General fixed assets are commonly financed by the issuance of long-term debt to be repaid
from tax revenues, or by special assessments against property deemed to be particularly
benefited by the long-lived asset. Other sources of financing the acquisitions of long-lived assets
include grants from other governmental units, transfers from other funds, gifts from individuals
or organizations or by a combination of several of these sources. If money received from these
sources is restricted, legally or morally to the acquisition or construction of specified capital
assets, it is recommended that a capital project fund be created to account for these resources to
be used for major construction or acquisition projects. Long term debts will mature in the future
and have to be repaid. The repayments of long-term debts are accounted in a debt service fund.
In general, this chapter will discuss how capital project fund, and debt service fund funds are
4.2. Capital Project Fund
Capital project Funds account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or
construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by proprietary funds & trust
funds). Examples of major capital facilities are Administration Buildings, Civic Centers and
libraries etc. These funds do not account for the acquisition of smaller fixed assets, such as
vehicles, machinery & office equipment which are normally budgeted for & recorded as
expenditure in the General fund. It is also possible that a construction project could simply have
a subsidiary ledger within the General fund, rather than its own distinct fund. The existence of
the capital project fund, as any other fund will depend on the legal requirement and the need for
good financial management.
Capital project fund do not account for the fixed assets acquired only for the construction of the
fixed assets. It exists only for the period of acquisition or construction of the fixed assets. After
the acquisition or construction is completed, the capital projects fund will be abolished. The
fixed assets constructed are accounted for in the general capital asset account at the
governmental wide level. It does not also account for the repayment & servicing of any debt
obligations issued to raise money to finance the acquisition of capital facilities. Such debt &
debt related servicing activities are accounted for in the General long term debt accounts & Debt
service funds. Since the purpose of capital project fund is to account for the acquisition and
deposition of revenues for specific purpose, it contains balance sheet accounts for only liquid
assets and for the liabilities to be liquidated by those assets.
4.2.1. Operation of Capital Project Funds
Capital project funds are usually established on a project – by – project basis, because legal
requirements may vary from one project to another. So, the existence of capital project fund as
any other fund will depend on the legal requirement & the need for good financial management.
The focus of capital project fund is the entire life of the project. It is by definition an expendable
fund, and all its resources are expected to be used up. However, capital project funds do not
have the same year – by – year focus as the General fund. Because of the multi – year focus of
capital project fund, some accountants prefer not to close a capital project fund annually, but
others do. Whether or not to close the capital project fund annually will depend on the unique
factors of each case & will be strongly influenced by the requirement of the financing source.
1. Financing Capital Project Funds: Capital projects obviously need large amount of
financing. Typical source of financing includes:
 Long term debt issue proceeds
 Grants from other governmental units
 Transfers from other funds with in the governmental entity
 Interest income from temporary investments
 Gifts from individuals or foundations
 Special taxes
 A combination of more than one of the above
Intergovernmental grants, gifts, special taxes & investment interests are considered as revenues,
whereas, Inter Fund Transfers & Long-Term Debt issue proceeds are not revenues and are
presented as other financing sources and are presented that way on the statement of changes in
financial position.
Whether to have a separate capital project funds for each project or to account for all capital
project funds in one fund depends in part on what type of financing involved. Different bond
issues & different inter-governmental transfers might will have different legal requirements &
each might require a separate capital project fund. On the other hand, if one bond issue is used to
finance several projects, a single fund may be both permissible and advisable.
2. Means of Acquisition: Accomplishment of capital acquisition or construction project may be
brought about in one or more of the following ways:
1. Outright purchase from Fund’s cash.
2. By construction, utilizing the governmental units own force.
3. By construction, utilizing the services of private contractors.
4. By capital lease agreement.
3. Costs Included: All expenditures for setting the project ready are put in the capital project
fund, including architect fees, transport costs, damages, etc. Usually, major capital facilities are
constructed by contracted labor. Construction costs incurred are charged to expenditures. At the
completion of the project, the cost of the facility is recorded as a fixed asset in the general capital
asset account at the governmental wide level. Until then, any costs incurred are shown as
construction work in progress in the general capital asset account. Generally, the year – end
closing entry in the capital project fund triggers the recording of an amount in the General capital
Asset Account equal to the credit to the expenditures account.
4. Retained Percentage: It is common in construction contracts for the entity to hold back some
percentage of the last payment of the contract and to require contractor on large scale contract to
give performance bond. This is to prevent the contractor from doing a poor quality work,
especially in a rush to finish at the end. Basically, the entity will pay part of the final sum, and
then have its own engineers come and inspect the contractor’s work. If the contractor’s work
passes the inspection, the balance of the amount owed is paid. If the engineer finds poor quality
or undone work, the contractor must then correct the problem before the final retained sum is
paid. This amount withhold by the governmental entity is known as retained percentage.
5. Encumbrance: Some governmental units include annual capital budgets as part of their
annual appropriated budget in which case the annual capital is recorded in the general ledgers of
the various capital project funds. However, since the amount involved in a capital project is
usually large, an encumbrance account is highly recommended & it is necessary in case of
multiple subcontractors for a project. Because of this, an encumbrance accounting procedure
alone are usually deemed sufficient for control purposes. So, recording of the budget in the
general ledger might not be necessary. In capital project fund, encumbrance is also recorded by
the same amount in which the construction contract agreement is made between the
governmental unit and the contractor and also in the same manner as that of the general and
special revenue fund.
6. Treatment of Residual Equity or Deficits: If necessary expenditures & other financing uses
are planned & controlled carefully, actual does not exceed plans. Revenues & other financing
source of the capital project fund should equal or slightly exceed the expenditures and other
financing uses leaving a residual equity (surplus) and if long term debt had been incurred for the
purpose of the capital project fund and under this case, there are three possible options;
1. The balance could be transferred to the debt service fund, as residual equity transfer for
retiring the debt, which has been incurred for the purpose of the project.
2. If the residual equity were deemed to have come from grants or shared revenues
restricted for capital acquisitions or constructions, legal advice may indicate that any
residual equity may return to its source in proportional amount or;
3. The balance might be retained for future maintenance purpose.
In some situations, in spite of careful planning and cost control, expenditures and other financing
use of a capital project fund may exceed its revenues and other financing source resulting in a
negative fund balance (deficit). If the deficit is small, an additional transfer will probably be
requested from one or more other funds. If the deficit is relatively large and/or intended transfers
are not feasible, the governmental unit may seek additional grants or shared revenues from other
governmental units to cover the deficits. If no other alternative is available, the governmental
unit would need to finance the deficit by issuing bonds. Under these circumstances, a legal or
disciplinary action might have been sought against the project manager, since public money was
being used.
7. Investment: All the money necessary to pay for capital project is usually raised near the
inception of the project by issuing bond; but contractors are paid as work in progresses. Excess
cash, therefore, may be temporarily invested in high-quality interest-bearing securities such as:
Treasury bills, Bank notes, Certificates of deposit and government bonds with short maturities.
4.2.2. Accounting for Capital Project Fund
Financial activities such as revenues earned and expenditures incurred for the construction or
acquisition of capital projects are recorded in almost the same manner as that of the General and
Special Revenue funds. At the end of each fiscal year prior to a completion of a capital project,
the Revenues, other financing sources, Expenditures, other financing uses and encumbrance
ledger accounts of the capital projects fund are closed to the unreserved and undesignated fund
balance account. Upon completion of the project, the entire capital project fund is closed by a
transfer of any unused cash to the Debt Service fund or to the General fund, as appropriate. The
unreserved and undesignated fund balance ledger account of the receiving fund would be for
Residual equity transfer. Any cash deficiency in the capital projects fund probably would be
made up by a General fund. This operating transfer would be credited to the other financing
sources ledger account of the capital projects fund and debited to the other financing uses
account of the general fund. The assets constructed with the resources of the capital projects
fund are not included in that funds balance sheet. The constructed plant assets are recorded in
the governmental units general capital assets account at the governmental wide level.
Furthermore, the bonds issued to finance the capital projects fund are not a liability of the fund.
Prior to maturity date of the bond, the liability is carried to the General Long-Term Debt account
and when the bond matures, it will be transferred to Debt service fund. The following illustration
will show how the construction and related activities are accounted for in a capital projects
Illustration - 6.1: Assume the town of Bonga wants to construct a new library on the site owned
by the town. The construction is expected to cost Br.50, 000,000. It is expected to be completed
within two years on June 30, year 7. In a special meeting held on July 2, year 5, the members of
the town council approved a Br.30,000,000 issuance of general obligation Bonds maturing in 20
years. The proceeds of this sale will be used to help finance the construction of the new library.
The remaining Br.20, 000,000 will be financed by an irrevocable state Grant that has been
awarded. The following transactions occurred during the fiscal year ended June 30, year 6.
1. The General fund loaned Br.500, 000 to the library capital projects fund for Drafting,
Engineering and other preliminary expenses by receiving a note which is later to be settled
from the bond issue proceeds. The journal entry to record this will be:
Cash------------------------- 500,000
Bond anticipation Notes Payable----- 500,000
2. Out of the irrevocable grant of Br.20, 000,000, the state contributed Br.5, 000,000 and
the remaining is deemed to be susceptible to accrual. This will be recorded as
Cash ----------------------- 5,000,000
Due from state grant-------- 15,000,000
Revenue-------------------- 20,000,000
3. Preliminary Engineering and Planning costs of Br.320, 000 were paid to the contractor.
There had been no encumbrances for this cost.
Construction Expenditure--------- 320,000
Cash ---------------------------- 320,000
4. The Bonds were sold at 101%. The bond indenture agreement requires that any premium
to be set aside in the related Debt Service fund.
Cash [101%*30,000,000] ------------------ 30,300,000
Other Financing source- Bond proceeds ---------- 30,000,000
Due to debt service fund ------------------------------- 300,000
5. The town of Bonga library capital project fund invested its Br.10,000,000 bond proceeds
on the federal Government treasury bills.
Short Term Investment – Treasury Bills ---------10,000,000
Cash ----------------------------------------- 10,000,000
6. A construction contract for Br.44, 270,000 is authorized and signed with the contractor.
Encumbrances ---------------------44,270,000
Fund balance Reserved for Encumbrances ------ 44,270,000
7. Orders were placed for materials estimated to cost Br.550, 000.
Encumbrances ------------- 550,000
Fund Balance Reserved for Encumbrances------- 550,000
8. The materials previously ordered (transaction 7) were received at a cost of Br.510, 000.
a) Fund balance reserved for Encumbrance ---- 550,000
Encumbrance --------------------------------550,000
b) Construction expenditure------------------------- 510,000
Construction Payable ----------------------------510,000
9. In addition to the construction contract of transaction 6, Br.3, 900,000 was incurred for the
services of the architects and engineers; of this amount Br.3, 100,000 was paid.
No Encumbrance was recorded.
Construction expenditure -------------------- 3,900,000
Construction payable --------------------------------- 800,000
Cash ------------------------------------------------- 3,100,000
10. Received cash of Br.1, 000,000 from the General fund as an operating transfer.
Cash -----------------------------------------1,000,000
Other financing source- Operating Transfers In----1,000,000
11. A partial payment of Br.10, 000,000 was received from the state irrevocable grants and
the General fund loan was repaid with interest amounting to Br.10, 000.
Cash ------------------ 10,000,000
Due from state grant ------------------- 10,000,000
Bond anticipation notes payable-------500,000
Interest Expenditure --------------------- 10,000
Cash ---------------------------------- 510,000
12. When the project was approximately half finished, the contractor submitted billing for a
payment of 12,000,000.
Fund balance Reserved for Encumbrance------- 12,000,000
Encumbrance ---------------------------------------- 12,000,000
Construction Expenditure---------------------------12,000,000
Construction payable ---------------------------------12,000,000
13. The contractor’s initial claim was fully verified and paid.
Construction payable ----------------------- 12,000,000
Cash---------------------------------------------- 12,000,000
4.2.3. Financial Reporting for Capital Project Fund.
Each capital project fund that meets the definitions of major fund must be reported in a balance
sheet and statement of revenue, expenditure and change in fund balance. These two financial
statements are prepared for the town of Bonga after posting and preparing trial balance for the
forgoing transactions as follows:

Town of Bonga
Library Capital Project Fund
Trial Balance
June 30, Year 6
Account Title Debit Credit
Cash Br.20, 870,000
Short term investment – Treasury Bills 10,000,000
Due from state Grant 5,000,000
Construction payable Br.1, 310,000
Due to DSF 300,000
Fund balance Reserved for encumbrance 32,270,000
Unreserved and Undesignated fund balance -
Revenues 20,000,000
OFS – Bond Proceeds 30,000,000
OFS – Operating transfers 1,000,000
Construction Expenditures 16, 730,000
Interest Expenditures 10,000
Encumbrances 32, 270,000 _________
Total Br.84, 880,000 Br.84, 880,000

Town of Bonga
Library Capital Projects Fund
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
For The Year Ended, June 30, year 6
Irrevocable State grant Br20, 000,000
Construction Expenditures Br.16, 730,000
Interest Expenditure 10,000 16,740,000
Excess of Revenue over Expenditure 3,260,000
Other financing sources (Uses)
OFS – Bond Issue Proceeds 30,000,000
OFS – Operating transfers in 1,000,000 31,000,000
Excess of Revenue and OFS over Expenditure 34,260,000
Add: Fund balance – July 1, Year 5 _____-____
Fund balance – June 30, year 6 Br.34, 260,000
Town of Bonga
Library Capital Projects Fund
Balance Sheet
June 30, Year 6
Cash Br.20,870,000
Short Term Investment – Treasury bills 10,000,000
Due from state Grant 5,000,000
Total Asset Br.35,870,000
Liabilities and Fund Balance
Construction Payable Br.1,310,000
Due to DSF 300,000
Fund Balance:
Reserved for Encumbrance 32,270,000
Unreserved and undesignated 1,990,000
Total Liabilities and Fund balance Br.35,870,000
After preparing the financial reports, some of the accounts which require closure will be closed
as follows:
1. Revenues 20,000,000
Other financing source – Bond Proceeds 30,000,000
Other financing source– Operating Transfer In 1,000,000
Construction Expenditure 16,730,000
Interest Expenditure 10,000
Unreserved and undesignated-fund Balance 34,260,000
2. Unreserved and Undesignated – fund balance. 32,270,000
Encumbrance 32,270,000
4.3. Debt Service Fund
Governmental entities might face cash shortage while they carry their regular activities. In such a
case, these Governmental entities may issue general obligation debt in the form of liabilities
usually bonds that are secured by the full faith and credit of the governmental unit. The payment
of the principal and interest should be well planned in advance and made timely. The payment of
principal and interest on debt is called servicing the debt. This sub topic will discuss how
government’s long-term liability is serviced and how such debt servicing activities are accounted
in a separate fund. Thus, debt service funds are used to accumulate resource that will be used to
pay the principal and interest on general obligation long-term debt. General obligation debt does
not include debt that will be serviced from resource accumulated in proprietary funds and non-
expendable trust funds. Accounting for Debt service fund is similar to those of the General funds
and Special revenue funds. However, the budgetary account of encumbrance is not necessary for
Debt service funds.
4.3.1. Characteristics of Debt Service Fund
 Debt service fund is used to account for both the repayment of the principal and payment
of interest of the long-term debt when they are due.
 Debt service fund are government funds and therefore, are expendable. Debt service
funds are created for general long-term debt which has been used to provide resource for
one of the other government funds.
 Debt service fund use modified accrual basis. An application of modified accrual basis
has to do with interest payable. Interest payable is not accrued in the debt service fund. It
is only recorded as liability in the period when it becomes due. For example, Interest due
on January 31, 2008 would not be accrued and recorded on December 31, 2008 balance
 Accounts recommended for use by Debt service fund are almost similar with accounts of
other funds.
 The operations of Debt service fund do not involve the use of purchase orders and
contracts for goods and service, so encumbrance accounting is not needed.
 Timing of Debt service payment mostly due to both political and financial management
consideration, the payment should be kept consistent. The life of the issue with serial
bond is easy but with term bonds, it takes planning.
 Although each issue of long term or intermediate debt is a separate obligation, GASB
standard suggests a single Debt service fund be used to service all debts as much as
possible if not as few numbers of funds as possible.
 For convenience of bondholders, the payment of interest and the redemption of matured
bond is handled through banking system.
4.3.2. Types of Long-Term Debts
Bond is a written promise to pay a specified principal sum at a specified future date with interest.
They are typically issued in 1,000 and 5,000 denominations. Most long term debt of
governmental units consists of one of the following two basic types of bonds:
1. Term Bond: Term bonds are bonds whose principal is repaid in lump sum at their
maturity date. Such lump sum payments are usually made possible through accumulation
of money in the Debt service fund on an actuarial basis over the life of the bond issue in a
sinking fund.
2. Serial bonds: These are bonds which have periodic maturities. The principal of a serial
bond are repaid at various or determined dates over the life of the issue. There are four
types of serial bonds: Regular serial bond, Deferred serial bond, Annuity serial bond and
Irregular serial bond.
In addition to bonds, debit service fund may be required to service debts arising from:
 Long term debt which arise because of different activities of governmental unit.
 Debt arising from the use of notes or warranty having a maturity period of more than a
 Periodic payments required by capital lease agreements.
Source of finance for Debt service fund:
 Special taxes
 Periodic transfer from General fund
 Investment made for purpose of repaying long term debt.
 Issuing new bond to refinance a matured bond
 Bond premium and accrued interest on bond sold
 Residual equity transfer from other funds
4.3.3. Accounting for Debt Service Fund
As with all government type funds, the measurement focus of Debt service fund is available and
spendable resources. This means that the accounting system centers on the accumulation of
resource and expenditure of those resources. As a result, long lived assets and long-term
liabilities are not found in Debt service fund. The available spendable criteria focus on assets
currently available and the claims due and payable against those assets. The timing of the
recognition of revenues and expenditure is the same for Debt service fund as for all other
governmental type funds-modified accrual bases. Therefore, the rules for recognition discussed
before are applicable to debt service funds. In general, revenues are recorded when they are
measurable and available, and expenditures are recorded when due and payable. The following
examples will illustrate the accounting for Debt service fund.
Illustration-: Assume that Bonga town administration issued Br 5,000,000 serial bonds on Jan 1,
2007 for the construction of recreational park. The bond bear semi- annual interest rate of 5% to
be paid on Jan 1 and August 1 and the face value of the bond is to be retired over 10 years by
making equal installment payments on Jan 1 of each year.
Farther, burden of servicing the debt on the tax payers were distributed evenly throughout the life
of bond. Accordingly, it is determined that tax payers should provide Br 625,000 as revenue in
2007. It is also agreed that the General fund will transfer Br 125,000 to the debt service funds on
July, 2007.
Appropriations for the year incurred only one semi-annual interest payment to be made on
August, 2007.
The entry to record the legally adopted budget is as follows:
1. Estimated revenue ………………………………… 625,000
Estimated other financing source …………………...125,000
Appropriations (5%X5000, 000) ………………….250, 000
Fund Balance ……………………………… ……...500,000
During the year 2007, the debt service fund levied property tax of Br 650,000 of which 3.85% is
estimated to be uncollectible. The entry would be:
2. Property tax- receivable current ………………… 650,000
Allowance uncollectible 3.85 % (650,000) ………...25,025
Revenues ……………………………………………624,975
If cash in the amount of Br 575,000 is realized from the property tax during the current year, the
entry in the debt service fund should be:
3. Cash ……………………………………………575,000
Property tax receivable current……………………….575,000
If Br 1,250 of uncollectible taxes are written off, the following entries should be passed
4. Allowance for un collectible property tax ……………………1,250
Property tax receivable current ………………………………1,250
To generate asset, in addition to those contributed by the tax payers and the General fund, the tax
receipts are invested in marketable securities. If Br. 500,000 is invested, the entry would be:
5. Investment……………………………… 500,000
Cash……………………………………………. 500,000
When some of the investments are sold for Br. 250,000 of which Br. 25,000 is interest earned on
investments, the following entry should be made:
6. Cash…………………….. …………250,000
Investment ……………………………………… 225,000
Revenue (interest on investment)…………………. 25,000
For investments due to the town bond holders, checks are issued in August after vouched for the
amount of the semiannual interest. The entries to record the due is as follows:
7. Expenditure- interest ………………………… 250,000
Interest payable……………………………………………250,000
To record the payment of the expenditure
8. Interest payable………………………………… 250,000
Cash……………………………………………….250, 000
To record the issuance of checks for payment of the transfer of Br. 125,000 from the General
fund, classified as an operating transfer in and recorded to the Debt service fund book as follows:
9. Cash …….……………………. 125,000
Operating Transfer In ………………………125,000
On Dec 31, 2007, the balance sheet date of the interest earned but not yet received on the
investment amounted to Br. 12,500. This transaction should be recorded as:
10. Interest receivable on investment……………… 12,500
Revenue-interest earned on investment………………. 12,500
If the remaining Br. 275,000 of the marketable securities previously acquired and still held on
Dec 31, 2007 had market value of Birr 287,500, the following journal entries should be passed to
record the increase in value.
11. Investments………………….. …12,500
Revenue from increase in fair market value of investment... 12,500
After posting the above transactions, a pre-closing trial balance for the debt service fund of the
town at the end of the year 2007 is presented as follows:
BongaTown Administration
Debt Service Fund
Pre- closing Trial Balance
As of Dec 31, 2007
Debit Credit
Cash……………………………………… Br. 200,000
Property tax receivable current …………. 73,750
Allowance for uncollectible tax……………………………… Br.23,750
Investments ………………………………. 287,500
Interest receivable………………………… 12,500
Revenue property tax …………………………………………… 625,000
Revenue interest earned…………………………………………. 37,500
Revenue from increase in mkt value of security --------------------- 12,500
Operating transfer in ……………………………………………. 125,000
Expenditure (interest)……………………… 250,000
Estimated revenue………………………… 625,000
Estimated other financial source…………… 125,000
Appropriations……………………………………………………. 250,000
Fund balance……………………………………………………… 500,000
Total ………………………………… Br.1,573,750 Br. 1,573,750
The statement of revenue, expenditure & change in fund balance and Balance sheet for Bonga
town can be prepared from the forgoing transaction as follows:

BongaTown Administration
Debt Service Fund
Statement of Revenues Expenditures and Change in Fund Balance
For the year Ended Dec 31, 2007
Revenues :
Property tax ………………………………….. Br.625,000
Interest on investment ……………………….. 37,500
Increase in fair mkt value of invest…………... 12,500 ………… Br.675, 000
Expenditures :
Semi annual interest ………………………….. …………………… (250,000)
Excess of revenue over expenditure…………………………………… 425,000
Add: Other financing sources:
Operating transfer in ……………………………. 125,000
Less: Other financing uses ……………………….. 0……………………125,000
Excess of revenue and other financing sources
Over expenditure and other financing uses…………………………………550,000
Add beginning fund balance……………………………………………… 0
Ending fund balance……………………………………………………Br.550,000
BongaTown Administration
Debt Service Fund
Balance sheet
Dec 31, 2007
Cash ………………………………………………….…Br. 200,000
Property tax receivable ……………………73,750
Less allowance for uncollectible accounts (23,750)………. 50,000
Interest receivable…………………………………………… 12,500
Total assets ………………………………………… 550,000
Liabilities ………………………………………………….. 0
Fund balance ……………………………………………… 550,000
Total liability & fund equity………………………… Br.550,000
After preparing the different financial statements, the following closing entries will be made:
1. Appropriations …………………………… 250,000
Fund balance …………………………….. 500,000
Estimated revenue ……………………… ….625,000
Estimated other financing source…………. ..125,000
2.Revenue -property tax ………………….. 625,000
Revenue-interest on investment …………… 37,500
Revenue increase in mkt value………… 12,500
Other financing source-OTI……………… 125,000
Expenditure ……………………………… 250,000
Fund balance……………………………… 550,000

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