Business Schools - Equilibrists On An Unraveling Rope

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guest editor

equilibrists on an
unravelling rope

Guest editor Professor Rik Maes discusses how business schools can regain relevance for
management practice.

orporate scandals in the US and in Europe caused important drivers of business performance, they measure

C major business schools to redraw on the spur of

the moment their favourite teaching toys, ie the
case studies in question. This hasn’t prevented even
themselves almost solely by the rigour of their scientific
research (…) (They) exist primarily to support the
scholar’s interests.” (Bennis and O’Toole, 2005). There
leading management gurus (Mintzberg, Ghoshal, Bennis is as big a difference between teaching customer-
and O’Toole, and many others) to assail the same orientation and being customer-orientated as there is
business schools more fundamentally and more decisively. between reading about bulls and being in the ring,
They are not only accused of educating future managers according to an old Spanish proverb.
in an amoral (and even immoral) way, but equally of being Forewarned is forearmed: weren’t there any warnings
irrelevant and detrimental for real management against the growing separation between management
education at large: management practices simply don’t theory and management practice? Or, still more germane,
work according to the mathematical formulas published weren’t there any models for a better-balanced and hence
in Management Science and other so-called top more relevant business school? I bet there were! In 1990,
management journals. Ernest Boyer published his landmark vision on
My basic concern with business schools as they scholarship. In this highly acclaimed, yet just as
operate today is that they are unable to solve (or even to disregarded manifesto, he stands up for the reassessment
address) the very fundamental problems organisations of forgotten values in academic life: “Surely, scholarship
(and not only companies) all over the world are facing means engaging in original research. But the work of the
today. Societal, organisational and individual dynamics scholar also means stepping back from one’s
are confronting organisations with their own identity and investigation, looking for connections, building bridges
raison d’être, yet business schools continue to operate between theory and practice, and communicating one’s
as if the career of their faculty based on esoteric knowledge effectively to students. Specifically, we
publication rankings is their main concern. “Instead of conclude that the work of the professoriate might be
measuring themselves in terms of the competence of their thought of as having four separate, yet overlapping
graduates, or by how well their faculties understand functions. These are: the scholarship of discovery; the

convergence vol 6 no 3
guest editor

scholarship of integration; the scholarship of application; scholarship becomes a common quality of academics and
and the scholarship of teaching” (Boyer, 1990: 16) non-academics alike.
Elaborating on this model, Boyer asserts that The advantages of this approach, related to the above-
discovery should not only contribute to human mentioned lack of relevance of business schools, are
knowledge, but also to the intellectual climate of a straightforward. Just to mention some with respect to
university and of society. The scholarship of integration, research, as this materialises to be the sitting target in
for its part, is dealing with the interpretation and the discussion on business schools: (1) academic
meaning of discoveries and their contexts; therefore, it is researchers are continuously invited to leave their ivory
inherently inter-disciplinary. The scholarship of tower and to deal with fundamental business problems of
application deals with the responsible application of the topical interest; (2) practitioners are stimulated to
scholar’s knowledge in the outside world; Boyer explicitly
notes that application not necessarily follows knowledge, Business schools are unable to address the
yet that “new intellectual understandings can arise out of
the very act of application (…)Theory and practice vitally
very fundamental problems organisations
interact and one renews the other” (ibid., 23). Through all over the world are facing today
the scholarship of teaching, professors not only transmit
knowledge, but transform and extend it as well through engage in research, often in collaboration with academic
the interaction with challenging students. researchers, and hence to reflect deeply on their
For a number of years, the Department of Information practical experiences; (3) sterile retrospective,
Management at the University of Amsterdam has been quantitative research is naturally replaced by
engaged in an analogous endeavour, although we were at generative research aimed at giving direction to the
the outset not aware of Boyer’s ideas. All of its fundamental transitions organisations are faced with;
educational programmes, ranging from undergraduate (4) mixed learning communities are both the breeding
programmes in business studies and business ground and the test ground for joint action research;
information systems to a post-graduate executive and (5) through learning-by-sharing and integral
programme in information management and an scholarship, universities and business start recognising
accompanying continuing education programme, as well each other again as the interesting and interested
as its research programme, are organised according to partners they always ought to be.
the “learning-by-sharing” approach (Maes, 2003; Business schools are invited to leave the unravelling
Huizing, Maes and Thijssen, 2005). In this approach, rope and to jump in the space of fundamental relevance.
four roles comparable with the scholarship typology of But I doubt they will ever have the guts to prefer
Boyer are discerned: researcher, student, practitioner jumping above falling, paralysed as they are!
and teacher.
What makes learning-by-sharing unique is that References:
Bennis, WG and O’Toole, J (2005). “How Business Schools Lost Their Way”,
gradually, through the succeeding programmes, these roles Harvard Business Review, 83(5): 96-104.
are deliberately spread over the different participants: Boyer, EL (1990). Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate.
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
whereas bachelor students are still very much in their Ghoshal, S (2005). Bad Management Theories are Destroying Good
Management Practices. Academy of Management Learning and Education,
student role and their teachers in the teaching role,
4(1): 75-91.
participants in the continuing education programme, Huizing, A, Maes, R and Thijssen, JPT (2005). “Educating Professionals:
Leveraging Diversity in a Globalising Education”, to appear in Educational
students/practitioners and teachers/researchers alike, are Innovation in Economics and Business XI, Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Maes, R (2003). “On the Alliance of Executive Education and Research in
members of a community of reflective co-learners playing
Information Management at the University of Amsterdam”, International
interchangeable roles according to the problem under Journal of Information Management, 23(3): 249-257.
Mintzberg, H (2004). Managers, Not MBAs: A Hard Look at the Soft Practice of
consideration. Through learning-by-sharing, integral Managing and Management Development. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.

convergence vol 6 no 3

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