The Impacts of ICT On The Students' Performance: A Review of Access To Information

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The impacts of ICT on the students' Performance: A Review of Access to


Article · January 2015


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Muhammad Saqib Khan Irfan Ullah Khan

Gomal University Gomal University


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Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

The impacts of ICT on the students’ Performance:

A Review of Access to Information
Muhammad Saqib Khan_PhD1 Irfanullah Khan2 Siraj-u-Din3 Hafiz Muhammad Ismail3
3 3
Rafid Khattak Rahimullah Jan
1. Department of Business Administration, Gomal University, Dera Ismail khan, Pakistan
2. Department of Public Administration, Gomal University, Dera Ismail khan, Pakistan
3.Khushkhaal Khan Khattak University, Karak

The study was on the Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on the students and his/her
information to access in the Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan. A sample of 50 respondents (students) was
selected from the department of Political science, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
Pakistan. However, related literatures were reviewed from textbooks, journals and past researches. The research
instruments were questionnaire which was statically analyzed with contingency tables while the hypotheses were
tested by using the mean statistic. The results of the present study showed a diverse response of the student
regarding the impact of ICT’s on the students and their access to information.

ICT stands for information & communication technologies. ICT refers to technologies that provide access to
information through communications. It is similar to information technology (IT). “But primarily focuses on
communication technologies. This includes the internet, wireless network, cell phones & other communications
medium”. In the past few decades information & communication technologies have provided to society with vast
array of a new communication capabilities. “People can communicate in real time with others in different
countries using technologies such as instant messaging, voice over IP and video conferencing, social networking
websites like face book allow users from all over the world to remain in contact and communicate on a regular
basis”. Modern information communication technologies have created a global village in which people
communicate with others across the world as if they were living next door. “For this reason ICT is often studied
in the context of how modern communication technologies affected society” (tech factor, January 04, 2010).

ICT stands for information & communications technology is an umbrella term that includes any communication
device, encompassing radio, television, cell phones, computer and network hardware, satellite systems and so on,
as well as the various services & applicate with them such as video conferencing and distance learning. “ICT are
often spoken of a particular context such as ICTs in education, health care, or libraries” (Margaret Rouse,
September, 2005). “ICT (information and communications technology or technologies) is an umbrella term that
includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer
and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications
associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning”. ICT (information and communications
technology - or technologies) is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application,
encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems
and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and
distance learning. “ICTs are often spoken of in a particular context, such as ICTs in education, health care, or
libraries” (Abe & Adu, 2007).

Concerns over educational relevance and quality coexist with the imperative of expanding educational
opportunities to those made most vulnerable by globalization developing countries in general; low-income
groups, girls and women, and low-skilled workers in particular. “Global changes also put pressure on all groups
to constantly acquire and apply new skills”. The International Labor Organization defines the requirements for
education and training in the new global economy simply as “basic education for all”, core work skills for all and
“lifelong learning for all”. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) which include radio and
television, as well as newer digital technologies such as computers and the Internet have been touted as
potentially powerful enabling tools for educational change and reform. “When used appropriately, different ICTs
are said to help expand access to education, strengthen the relevance of education to the increasingly digital
workplace, and raise educational quality by, among others, helping make teaching and learning into an engaging,
active process connected to real life”.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Access to information is a key for academic performance of students with advent of ICTs student have acquired

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

additional source for getting information along with the libraries in the university. This research explores the
impact of ICTs on students’ access to information. Students are facing some challenges such as English
Language problem, hearing problems and access problems to information.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1. To explore the ways how students access to information.
2. Highlights that acceptability of ICTs among schedule for getting information.
3. What percent of schedule use ICTs for gaining information?
4. Explore the problem faced by students in getting information.

1.4 Significance of the study

1. The present work is most significant one because information and communication technologies are a factor
which not only affect the social affairs but also influence the economic sector.
2. The present work will be exposed the root cause of students’ academic failure in access to information. My
research will be finding unknown hindrances which playing a role of hero in the failure of students access
to information.
3. The present work will be explore and present the element of improvements for students access to
information on academic level.
4. Research will be present solution of students’ academic problems due to which they facing difficulties.

1.5 Main Hypothesis

The information communication technology has a profound impact on the students to access the information.
The ICT can either increase or decrease the degree of information among the students. There are certain
technical complications in defining and measuring the role of ICT in a specific way. This study responds to the
questions: In Gomal University, what is the degree of access to information among the students? How they feel
about the role of ICT in getting the information?

This background summarizes the evidence base from which the ICT capability’s introduction, organizing
elements and learning continuum have been developed. “It draws on recent international and national research,
as well as initiatives and programs that focus on ICT across the curriculum”. ICT capability is based on sets of
relevant knowledge, skills, behaviors and dispositions. Internationally, such capability is typically represented
developmentally across interrelated domains or elements to show increasingly sophisticated experiences with the
technology. For example, the ICT curriculum for England presents ‘lines of progression’ in strands and sub-
strands. “The National Education Technology Standards for students provided by the International Society for
Technology in Education represent capability with six sets of standards”. In Australia, the Statements of
Learning for ICT were presented as five broadly defined conceptual organizers, representing key aspects of ICT
that apply across the curriculum. “The Australian Council for Educational Research has also identified a
progression in research associated with the National Assessment Program – ICT Literacy”.

Early researchers into ICT in education, such as Papert (1980) and Turkle (1984), considered that students
constructed reality from experience and prior knowledge. “The student interacts with the environment and, to
cope with this environment, develops a conceptual framework to explain the interaction”. More recent theorists,
such as Dede (2009), echo these earlier propositions even as technologies evolve, giving rise to the set of
constructs upon which the ICT capability is based. “In particular, the overarching element Applying social and
ethical protocols and practices when using ICT addresses the personal, social and cultural contexts introduced by
theorists such as Papert and Turkle”.

2.1 Types of ICT’s Used in Education

ICTs stand for information and communication technologies and are defined, for the purposes of this primer, as a
diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and
manage information. “These technologies include computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and
television), and telephony”. In recent years there has been a groundswell of interest in how computers and the
Internet can best be harnessed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of education at all levels and in both
formal and non-formal settings. “But ICTs are more than just these technologies; older technologies such as the
telephone, radio and television, although now given less attention, have a longer and richer history as
instructional tools”. For instance, radio and television have for over forty years been used for open and distance
learning, although print remains the cheapest, most accessible and therefore most dominant delivery mechanism
in both developed and developing countries. “The use of computers and the Internet is still in its infancy in

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

developing countries, if these are used at all, due to limited infrastructure and the attendant high costs of access”
(Aribamikan, 2007).

2.1.1 What is e-learning?

Although most commonly associated with higher education and corporate training, e-learning encompasses
learning at all levels, both formal and non-formal, that uses an information network—the Internet, an intranet
(LAN) or extranet (WAN)—whether wholly or in part, for course delivery, interaction, evaluation and/or
facilitation. “Others prefer the term online learning. Web-based learning is a subset of e-learning and refers to
learning using an Internet mainly using a browser (such as Chrome or Firefox or Internet Explorer)”. It can also
be viewed as learning through the use of electronic devices.

2.1.2 What is blended learning?

Another term that is gaining currency is blended learning. “This refers to learning models that combine
traditional classroom practice with e-learning solutions”. For example, students in a traditional class can be
assigned both print-based and online materials, have online mentoring sessions with their teacher through chat,
and are subscribed to a class email list. “Or a Web-based training course can be enhanced by periodic face-to-
face instruction”. Blending was prompted by the recognition that not all learning is best achieved in an
electronically-mediated environment, particularly one that dispenses with a live instructor altogether. “Instead,
consideration must be given to the subject matter, the learning objectives and outcomes, the characteristics of the
learners, and the learning context in order to arrive at the optimum mix of instructional and delivery methods”
(Asiabeka, 2010).

2.1.3 What is open and distance learning

“Open and distance learning is defined by the Commonwealth of Learning as a way of providing learning
opportunities that is characterized by the separation of teacher and learner in time or place, or both time and
place; learning that is certified in some way by an institution or agency; the use of a variety of media, including
print and electronic; two-way communications that allow learners and tutors to interact; the possibility of
occasional face-to-face meetings; and a specialized division of labor in the production and delivery of courses”.

2.2 Advantages of ICT

Information and Communication Technologies have recently gained groundswell of interest. It is a significant
research area for many scholars around the globe. “Their nature has highly changed the face of education over
the last few decades. For most European countries, the use of ICT in education and training has become a
priority during the last decade”. “However, very few have achieved progress. Indeed, a small percentage of
schools in some countries achieved high levels of effective use of ICT to support and change the teaching and
learning process in many subject areas”. Others are still in the early phase of Information and Communication
Technologies adoption.

Many teachers use ICT to support traditional learning methods, for example, information retrieval in which
students are ‘passive learners of knowledge instead of ‘active producers able to take part in the learning process.
“In a document entitled teaching and learning with ICT, Galea (2002) explains how ICT can promote teaching
and learning. According to her there are two main reasons behind increasing the use of ICT in education in
UK”. Firstly, ICT can change the lessons’ pace: she stated that children in modern society need to develop
sufficient potentials and skills that enable them to take full advantage from the new opportunities that ICT
offer. “Second, there are groundswells of interest of academic researchers in UK in how technological tools can
enhance the quality of teaching and learning in schools, and so help learners to achieve better outcomes”.
Furthermore, it has been proved that new technologies have lots of benefits on the students (Lawsent & Vincent,

2.3 Impact of ICT’s on Learning & Achievement

1. “There is widespread belief that ICTs can and will empower teachers and learners, transforming
teaching and learning processes from being highly teacher-dominated to student-centered, and that this
transformation will result in increased learning gains for students, creating and allowing for opportunities
for learners to develop their creativity, problem-solving abilities, informational reasoning skills,
communication skills, and other higher-order thinking skills”. However, there are currently very limited,
unequivocally compelling data to support this belief.
2. ICTs are very rarely seen as central to the overall learning process. “Even in the most advanced schools
in OECD countries, ICTs are generally not considered central to the teaching and learning process”. Many
ICT in education initiatives in LDCs seek (at least in their rhetoric) to place ICTs as central to teaching and

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

3. An enduring problem: putting technology before education. “One of the enduring difficulties of
technology use in education is that educational planners and technology advocates think of the technology
first and then investigate the educational applications of this technology only later”.

2.3.1 Impact on student achievement

1. The positive impact of ICT use in education has not been proven. “In general, and despite thousands of
impact studies, the impact of ICT use on student achievement remains difficult to measure and open to
much reasonable debate”.
2. Positive impact more likely when linked to pedagogy. “It is believed that specific uses of ICT can have
positive effects on student achievement when ICTs are used appropriately to complement a teacher’s
existing pedagogical philosophies”.
3. ‘Computer Aided Instruction’ has been seen to slightly “improve student performance on multiple
choice, standardized testing in some areas Computer Aided (Assisted) Instruction (CAI)”, which refers
generally to student self-study or tutorials on PCs, has been shown to slightly improve student test scores
on some reading and math skills, although whether such improvement correlates to real improvement in
student learning is debatable.
4. Need for clear goals ICTs are seen to be less effective (ineffective) when the goals for their use are not
clear. “While such a statement would appear to be self-evident, the specific goals for ICT use in education
are, in practice, are often only very broadly or rather loosely defined”.
5. There is an important tension between traditional versus 'new' pedagogies and standardized testing
Traditional, transmission-type pedagogies are seen as more effective in preparation for standardized testing,
which tends to measure the results of such teaching practices, than are more ‘constructivist’ pedagogical

2.4 ICT’s Impact on Environmental Sustainability

New research into the potential impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on environmental
sustainability has concluded that they could have a positive or a negative effect, depending on the design of
supporting policies. “The study, entitled 'The future impact of ICTs on environmental sustainability', was
commissioned by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies at the Commission's Joint Research Centre
(JRC)”. It sought to assess how telecommunications and information technologies would affect Europe's
environmental performance between now and 2020 according to several key indicators, including: the volume of
transport relative to GDP; energy consumption and the share of renewables; and the management of municipal

Overall, the report concluded that: 'ICTs could improve the situation, reinforcing positive effects in the
environment, or they could worsen the situation. “This suggests that environmental policies have to be designed
to ensure that ICT applications make a beneficial contribution to environmental outcomes, and, at the same time,
suppress rebound effects.” A perfect example of this phenomenon, according to the report, is in the transport
sector, in which it states that: 'Time reduction and network capacity increases by intelligent transport systems
will pave the way for more demand for transport, unless measures are taken to limit growth. “The authors
suggest that internalizing the cost of environmental externalities in particular by raising energy and fuel prices
could bring demand down to a level where transport is no longer linked to economic growth”.

2.5 The Impacts of ICT’s on Students’ Performance

The purpose of the present paper is to examine the relationship between the use of information and
communication technologies (ICT) and student performance in higher education. “So far, economic research has
failed to provide a clear consensus on the effect of ICT investments on student’s achievement”. Our paper aims
to summarize the main endings of the literature and to give two complementary explanations. “The 1st
explanation focuses on the indirect effects of ICT on standard explanatory factors. Since a student’s performance
is mainly explained by a student’s characteristics, educational environment and teachers’ characteristics, ICT
may have an impact on these determinants and consequently the outcome of education”. The differences
observed in students’ performance are thus more related to the differentiated impact of ICT on standard
explanatory factors. “While ICT equipment and use rates are growing very fast in the European Union, the
adoption of complementary organizational designs is very slow and differs from one institution to another”. This
may explain the observed differences in students’ achievement.

2.6 Technological Development

Throughout the twentieth century, people received most of their information by word of mouth and from letters,

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

broadcasters or publishers of newspapers and books. “Today, technological development and the increasing
availability of the internet have sped up and blurred the distinction between information-creator and information-
receiver. Information flows are now broad, diverse, reversible and accessible”. The ability of almost anybody to
set up a website and begin publishing or broadcasting content has led to fundamental changes in the media.
Companies and individuals can publish anything from text or images to a video using high speed and broad
bandwidth digital technology. They can then deliver them direct to computers or mobile devices worldwide 2014.

3.1 Survey Approach
An analysis of the social research methodologies suggests that survey is the handy tool for managers to collect
primary data using questionnaire and interviews about the perceptions and attitudes of the respondents. “It is
noted somewhere that questionnaire approach is the “most frequently used mode of observation in the social
sciences because surveys are reportedly the excellent vehicles for measuring attitudes in large populations”
(Sekaran, 2003:257).

3.2 Population & Sample

The universe or population is the entire group of items in which the researcher is interested and wishes to plan to
generalize (Boyd et al., 1977:302-303). The population of interest in this research project consisted of all the
‘Students’ of Political Science Department in the Gomal University, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan while from
this population, a sample of 50 students was selected by simple random technique.

3.3 Data Collection Methods

• Secondary Sources: All research inevitably involves the use of the book, pamphlet, periodical,
and documentary materials in libraries. “Literature review is the documentation of a
comprehensive review of the published and unpublished work from secondary sources of data
in the areas of specific interest to the researcher (Goode & Hatt, 1952:103).
• Primary Sources: A structured questionnaire was prepared by first extracting variables and
their related attributes from the extensive literature survey. The questionnaire included the
research and demographic variables. There were two (2) demographic variables while the
research variables are the violence and the voting behavior.

3.4 Tools for Data Analysis

Similarly, the descriptive tools were applied by showing the frequencies, means and other data about the
research variables.


Table 4.1 Frequencies across Gender
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Female 15 30.0 30.0 30.0
Male 35 70.0 70.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Table 4.1 shows the frequencies regarding the respondents on gender basis. It shows that there are total 50
respondents, from which 15 (30%) are males and 35 (70%) are females.

Table 4.2 Frequencies across Income

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Below 20000 7 14.0 14.0 14.0
Below 40000 17 34.0 34.0 48.0
Above 40000 26 52.0 52.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

Table 4.2 shows the frequencies regarding the respondents on income basis. It shows that the income of 7 (14%)
respondents is below 2000. In the same line, the income of 17 (34%) respondents is below 40000. Similarly, the
income of 26 (52%) respondents is above 40000.

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Table 4.3 Frequencies across Education

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Natural Science 1 2.0 2.0 2.0
Social Science 49 98.0 98.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Table 4.3 shows the frequencies regarding the respondents on education basis. It shows that only one respondent
belong to natural sciences. In the same line, there were 49 (98%) respondents belong to social sciences. As the
present work is the case study of Political science department, so the researcher has collected the data from the
said department.

Table 4.4 Frequencies across Residence

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Urban 22 44.0 44.0 44.0
Rural 28 56.0 56.0 98.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

Table 4.4 shows the frequencies regarding the respondents on residence basis. It shows that the 22 (44%)
respondents belong to urban areas while the rest of 28 (56%) respondents belong to rural areas.

Table 4.5 Frequencies across Tongue

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Urdu 3 6.0 6.0 6.0
Saraiki 9 18.0 18.0 24.0
Pashto 38 76.0 76.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Table 4.5 shows the frequencies regarding the respondents on tongue basis. It shows that the 3 (6%) respondents
speak Urdu, 9 (18%) respondents speak Saraiki and 38 (76%) respondents speak Pashto.

Table 4.6 Frequencies across the Computer

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Yes 39 78.0 78.0 78.0
No 11 22.0 22.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Table 4.6 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: do you have a computer at your
home? From the respondents 39(78%) have replied yes while 11 (22%) of the respondents have no computers at
their homes.

Table 4.8 Frequencies across the Internet availability

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Yes 28 56.0 56.0 56.0
No 22 44.0 44.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Table 4.8 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: if you have computer then is
there any facility of internet available? From the respondents 28(56%) have replied yes while 22 (44%) of the
respondents have no internet facility.

Table 4.9 Frequencies across the Internet availability

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Yes 21 42.0 42.0 42.0
No 29 58.0 58.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Table 4.9 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: the availability of internet is
difficult for you? From the respondents 21(42%) have replied yes while 29 (58%) of the respondents have no
internet at their homes.

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Table 4.10 Frequencies across the Cell Phone Net

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Yes 31 62.0 62.0 62.0
No 19 38.0 38.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Table 4.10 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: you also used cell phone for
internet in routine? From the respondents 31(62%) have replied yes while 19 (38%) of the respondents have no
internet at their cell phones.

Table 4.11 Frequencies across the ICT in Gomal University

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Yes 19 38.0 38.0 38.0
No 31 62.0 62.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

Table 4.11 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: in Gomal University ICT’s
easily available or not? From the respondents 19(38%) have replied yes while 31 (62%) of the respondents have
no because they have no access to ICT.

Table 4.12 Frequencies across the Funding for ICT

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Yes 11 22.0 22.0 22.0
No 39 78.0 78.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Table 4.12 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: in Gomal University any type
of funding available for ICT’s? From the respondents 11(22%) have replied yes while 39 (78%) of the
respondents have no because they have feel that there is no fundings for ICT.

Table 4.13 Frequencies across the use of Books for Information

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Yes 42 84.0 84.0 84.0
No 8 16.0 16.0 98.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

Table 4.13 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: you use books for getting
information? From the respondents 42(84%) have replied yes while 8 (16%) of the respondents have no because
they have never used the books for getting information.

Table 4.14 Frequencies across the use of Net for Educational purposes
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Yes 45 90.0 90.0 90.0
No 5 10.0 10.0 98.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

Table 4.14 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: how much time you have used
internet for your educational purposes? From the respondents 45(90%) have replied yes while 5 (10%) of the
respondents have no because they have never used the books for getting information.

Table 4.15 Frequencies across the Social Movies

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1-3 Hours 43 86.0 86.0 86.0
1-6 Hours 7 14.0 14.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

Table 4.15 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: how much time you have spent
to watch social movies on your device? From the respondents 43(86%) have replied yes while 7 (14%) of the
respondents have no because they have never used the device for watching social movies.

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Table 4.16 Frequencies across the belonging of Class in Society

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Upper 3 6.0 6.0 6.0
Middle 45 90.0 90.0 96.0
Poor 2 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Table 4.16 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: you belong from which type of
class in the society? From the respondents 3(6%) have replied to upper class, 45(90%) of the respondents belong
to middle class while the rest of 2(4%) of the respondents belong to poor class.

Table 4.17 Frequencies across the English Language

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Agree 23 46.0 46.0 46.0
Disagree 5 10.0 10.0 56.0
Neutral 8 16.0 16.0 72.0
Strongly Agree 12 24.0 24.0 96.0
Strongly Disagree 2 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

Table 4.17 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: English language is a problem
when student use technologies? From the respondents 23(46%) have agreed, 5(10%) of the respondents
disagreed, 8 (16%) of the respondents were neutral, 12(24%) of the respondents strongly agreed and 2(4%) of
the respondents were strongly disagreed.

Table 4.18 Frequencies across the Un-equal Education

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Agree 26 52.0 52.0 52.0
Disagree 10 20.0 20.0 72.0
Neutral 2 4.0 4.0 76.0
Strongly Agree 10 20.0 20.0 96.0
Strongly Disagree 2 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Table 4.18 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: un-equal educational system is
also cause of hindrance for students in gaining information? From the respondents 26(52%) have agreed,
10(20%) of the respondents disagreed, 2 (4%) of the respondents were neutral, 10(20%) of the respondents
strongly agreed and 2(4%) of the respondents were strongly disagreed.

Table 4.19 Frequencies across the Watching of TV

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Agree 6 12.0 12.0 12.0
Disagree 22 44.0 44.0 56.0
Neutral 10 20.0 20.0 76.0
Strongly Agree 7 14.0 14.0 90.0
Strongly disagree 5 10.0 10.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0

Table 4.19 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: does daily watching TV enough
for student in getting information? From the respondents 6(12%) have agreed, 22(44%) of the respondents
disagreed, 10 (20%) of the respondents were neutral, 7(14%) of the respondents strongly agreed and 5(10%) of
the respondents were strongly disagreed.

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Table 4.20 Frequencies across the Information about the students of rural areas
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Agree 11 22.0 22.0 22.0
Disagree 5 10.0 10.0 32.0
Neutral 5 10.0 10.0 42.0
Strongly Agree 23 46.0 46.0 88.0
Strongly Disagree 6 12.0 12.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Table 4.20 shows the frequencies of the respondents regarding the question that: rural students are backward in
information race than the urban students? From the respondents 11(22%) have agreed, 5(10%) of the
respondents disagreed, 5 (10%) of the respondents were neutral, 23(46%) of the respondents strongly agreed and
6(12%) of the respondents were strongly disagreed.


In Gomal University, many students consider ICT tools very helpful in that it helps them to do assignments
teachers see that ICT enables students with special needs or difficulties. It also helps to reduce the social
disparities between students, since they work in teams in order to achieve a given task. Students also assume
responsibilities when they use ICT to organize their work through digital portfolios or projects. In addition, the
study showed that ICT has significant impact on students and learning processes. By virtue of university
administration and training seminars organized in this regard, ICT tools stimulate students. Indeed, an absolute
majority of students in Gomal University claim to use ICT to do tasks, such as preparing assignments and
sequencing classroom activities. Therefore, students plan their lessons more efficiently. ICT also help students to
work in teams and share ideas related to the curriculum. There is also evidence that broadband and interactive
whiteboards play a central role in fostering students’ communication and increasing collaboration between

Considering the findings of the study, it was concluded that information and commutations technology have
significant impact in the students and their access to information. The impact were found to be relevant to senior
students in ICT providing solutions to specific problems of curricula, ICT enhance qualitative and quantitative.

5.1 Recommendations
Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were given as follows:
1. The management of the institution should as a matter of urgency put more ICT facilities and equipment
in providing solutions to specific problems of curricula.
2. The management of the institution should recognize the impact and applicability of ICT to enhance
qualitative and quantitative decision-making in the successful academic output.
3. The high ups should make the compliance of ICT facilities more relevant to encourage skill acquisition
and competence of the students.
4. The administrators should show more interest in the use of ICT tools to guarantee effectively
administrator the learning process of the students.
5. The administrators should build more confidence in ICT tools in having capacity to handle and process
data within a fastest desired speed.

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