Upgrade IOS To Sdwan For Router1127

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Upgrade IOS to SDWAN for router 1127

Putty will ask you credentials (username and password):

We will write admin/admin. Then to confirm new password, we’ll repeat admin/admin.

Press ENTER to see Router#

First command you have to put is “ copy usb0:c1100-universalk9.V172_1RES5.SPA.bin bootflash: “

Press ENTER to confirm the copy of new version :

When copy is completed next command is : request platform software sdwan software install
Be sure command had be taken, because sometimes system needs time to get info :

Once Router# appears again, next command is the request : request platform software sdwan
software activate 17.2.1RES5.0.2

So, now you have to waiting for the reload of this command :
Once done, Putty will ask you again about new credentials, so we will write again admin/admin

as you know, put “en” to write again, and check the version with command “show sdwan software

You will see these informations :

As you could see, version 17.2 is active, but still not default version. So, we have to put the two last
commands :

• request platform software sdwan software set-default 17.2.1RES5.0.2 (+ENTER)

• request platform software sdwan software upgrade-confirm

With these last commands we are sure router will not downgrade on previous version 16.12 after
next start. Operation has been completed!
######Here the list of commands ####

• copy usb0:c1100-universalk9.V172_1RES5.SPA.bin bootflash:

• request platform software sdwan software install bootflash:c1100-
• request platform software sdwan software activate 17.2.1RES5.0.2
• show sdwan software
• request platform software sdwan software set-default 17.2.1RES5.0.2
• request platform software sdwan software upgrade-confirm
• request platform software sdwan software reset (in case need to reconnect)

IMPORTANT : in case router has not primal configuration, and doesn’t ask you credentials,
you have to write these commands :

username admin privilege 15 secret admin


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