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Chapter 5 - Magnetism
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~ CHAPTER 05 Inside D Magnet "Mei el nes ‘Mets dete 1 Cotton for magnet eee el eee MESS dipole + Bar magnet in a uniform magnetic field 3 Bart's magnetism «Elements of earths magnetism * Neutal pints “Tangent galvanometer © Vibration mgnetometer 3) Magnetic indution and magnetic materials 2some impetat terms sed imagen « Caafistion of substances on the ose magnate beheviou + Caries aw {Atomic modelo magnetism ‘iar af magnet : : ‘ + Carrot carrying lop as magmatic A Magnet is a Material or object that exhibits a strong magnetic field and has 4 Magnetism and matter ‘A Greek philosopher, Thales of Miletus had observed in 600 BC that a naturally occuring ore of iron attracted small pieces of iron towards it. This ore was found in the district of Magnesia in Asia Minor in Greece. Hence, the ore was named ‘magnetite. Later, William Gilbert first suggested that earth behaves as a huge moge| which causes the alignment of compass needles, then oersted discovered that motiy charges are the sources of magnetic fields. So, the sci long before the 19th century. The phenomenon of attraction of small bits of iron, steel, cobalt, nickel, ete, tora the ore was called magnetism. Matters like (solid, liquid or gases) show magnetisn and hence are classified into different categories according to their magnetic properties. In this chapter, we shall learn about magnetism and magnetisation of matter followed by knowledge of magnet, magnetic dipole and their magnetic fies We will also discuss about the earth's magnetism, 1) Magnet ence of magnetism was kaom Property to attract some specific materials like iron towards it, The magnetic fel! * Invisible but is responsible for properties of a magnet, ‘Magnets are of two types (i) Natural magnets Gi) Artificial magnets Natural magnets are generally irregular in shay hand, artificial magnets may have desired sha shoe magnet, compass needle, pe and weaker in strength. On the wpe and strength. A bar magnets tc, all are examples of artificial magaet Bar magnet A bar magnet consists of two equal and non- ole Aesigated a north ole) an the sth a age oles, OT at small distance, But they are not exactly at the ends. The distance betwe2?oles of a bar magnet is known as magnetic length of a Tiagnet. Its direction is from S-pole of the magnet to Npole and is represented by 2l It s sometimes also known effective length (L, ) of the magnet and is less than its geometric length (L, ora bar magnet, L, -(2)s. = = | Fig. 5.1 Bar magnet General proper Directional property When a magnet is suspended freely, then it points in the caith’s N-S direction (in magnetic meridian). A w{_s 'S Of magnet Fig. 5.2 Freely suspended bar magnet Monopole Non-existance Ita magnet is broken into number of pieces then each piece behaves as an individual magnet rather than isolated poles. This means that monopoles do not exist. N 5 3) [R73] [RS Fig. 53 Ifa bar magnet is broken, each piece Dehaves asa small magnet Attractive/repulsive properties Like magnetic poles repel each other and unlike magnetic oles attract each other. rae TRepalaon' NShscios YS) Fig. S4 Like poles repel and unlike poles attract Note Repusion is a sure test of magnetism. Magnetic field lines The magnetic field lines of a magnetic field are the imaginary lines which continuously represent the direction of that - Magnetic field. Properties of magnetic field lines () The magnetic field lines of a magnet form closed continuous loops. This property is unlike electric field Chapter 05 : Magnetism and matter (aa lines, which begin from positive charge and terminate at the negative charge or escape to infinity. (a) The tangent, at any point of a magnetic field line, represents, the directionof net magnetic field 'B' at the point. (ii) At any point tangent to the magnetic field line represents the direction of net magnetic field (B) at that point. (iv) The tangent at any point of a magnetic field line respect the directions of net magnetic field B at that point. (¥) The lazger the number of field lines crossing per unit area, the stronger is the magnitude of the magnetic field B. (vi) The magnetic field lines do not intersect, for if they did, the direction of the magnetic field would not be ‘unique at the point of intersection. (vii) The direction of field lines in from N to Sif they are outside the magnet and from Sto N, if they are inside the magnet. (viii) Fig. 5.5 (a) shows the uniform magnetic field lines and. Fig. 5.5 (b) shows non-uniform magnetic field lines. Uniform magnetic field ® — Nom afom, SS AS patel o Fig. $5 Different pattern of magnetic field lines @ wo # vs Magnetic field lines or dotted ue to horse shoe magnet boundary lines Lt “Te HE Magnetic fed lines Magnetic fed lines bberween two uallke pole between two lke pas Fig 5.6 Different patterns of magnetic field lines ‘Magnetic field lines de toa bar magnet ASL } Magnetic Dipole A magnetic dipole is an arrangement which consists two magnetic poles of equal and opposite strengths separated at a small distance. A bar magnet, a compass needle, etc., are the examples of magnetic dipoles.33) 132) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 2 Pole strength Like electric charge, we have equivalent analogous in magnetism which is known as pole strength. Thus, pole strength can be defined as the strength of a magnetic pole to attract magnetic materials towards itself. It is a scalar quantity and its SI unit is ampere-metre (A-m). The strength of Nand S-pole of a magnet is conventionally represented by + m and ~ m, respectively. It depends on the nature of material and area of cross-section of the magnet. Strength of N and S-pole of a magnet is always equal and ‘opposite (+m and —m). Pole strength and magnetic Special Cases Figure Magnetic dipole moment It is the product of the strength of either of the pol, strength and the magnetic length of the magnet. I, represented by M. It is a vector quantity. -m M+ 5 W 214 Fig. $.7 The direction of magnetic dipole moment is same as thy of 21. Therefore, M = m(2l) Its SI unit is ampere-metre? (A-m?). ipole moment in special cases Effect on Pole Formula for new strength magnetic dipole : ‘moment Tf bar magnet is et into two 7m Remains unchanged equal peces such thatthe —=— length ofeach plece becomes ol (becomes tal) half = = IF bar magnet is cut into two 7a Pole strength of each =" hon of cal ess auch ta te -ma[ amie piece becomes half Mala faa wih ofeach piece wh tech ee (becomes ald If bar magnet is bent in the form of semi-circle Remains unchanged Mm m(2ey 2 =] meal When two identical bar onle] Remains unchanged magnets are joined perpendiolr to each other = - t =] > ¥ Veneer mgt a eel Kenai uelanged Rens matin, in a ate (+ ae + 20 Angle made by esl magnetic moment 00024 is geen to. ‘ 2 cand» geYe51 Consider a short magnetic dipole of magnetic Igth 10 em. Find its geometric length. . 6 ric length of a magnet is © times its magnetie len sa Goometic length of magnet is $times ts magnetic length, : Geomesic length =$ 10 =12cm 52 A thin bar magnet of length 2 is bont atthe ‘ni-point,s0 that the angle between them is 60°. Find the new Tengh ofthe magnet. igh; tombe a 0 sceaosoctan(S}ets0(2) /A)\, i Ls 2 A ol c Eranple 53 Te lerath of « magnetied sel wire Lan its magnetic moment is M. It is bent into the shape of L with two TE equl What wil be the new magnet nomen Sol i'm is strength of each pole, then magnetic moment M =m x I When the wire is bent into L shape, effective distance between the poles we (m will remain unchanged) Coulomb's law for magnetism This law states that the force of attraction or repulsion between two magnetic poles is directly proportional to the ‘oduct of their pole strength (mn) and inversely Proportional to the square of the distance between them. me Fig, 58 Two magnetic poles separated by a distance r Let pole strength of either pole be m, then magnetic force tween these two isolated poles kept at separation r will be Important points about the Coulomb's law for magnetism are 95 follows (i) Force will be attractive, if one pole is north and other south, ie. opposite poles. (ii) Force will be repulsive, if both poles are of same type (ie., north-north or south-south). Chapter 05 : Magnetism and matter (333 Example 54 Two magnetic poles, one of which is four times ‘stronger than the other, exert a force of 10 gf on eack other when placed at a distance of 20 em. Find the strength of each pole, Sol Let the pole strength of the two dipoles be mand 4m F =10gf =10x 10 kg f =10% 10 x 9.8N, r=20¢m Here, and 12m, 7 Ho Ising Coulomb's law of magnetism, F =H2. Using Couk gn fa. Substituting the values, 10% 10" x 9,8 = 12" mx 4m o2F a m2 10% 9.8% (0.27 X10" _ gg 4 or 98.9 Am and x 98.9 =396 Am Example 55 Two similar magnetic poles, having pole strengths in the ratio1 : 3 and placed 1 m apart. Find the point where a unit pole experiences no net force due to these two poles. Sol Lt the pole strengths ofthe two magnetic poles be m and ‘3m. Suppose the required point i located at distance x from the first pole. Then at this point, et —— Force on unit pole due to frst pole = Force on unit pole due to second pole Ho 3mxt 4x -xP 3x? =0.- x? or V3x 1 =0.366m B Magnetic field strength at a point due to magnetic dipole or bar magnet The strength of a magnetic field at any point is defined by of unit strength the force experienced by a hypothetical north pole placed at that point F i.e, B =~, where mis the pole strength of hypothetical north pole, Magnetic field strength is a vector quantity. ‘The direction of magnetic field B is the direction along which hypothetical north pole would tend to move, if free to do so, We have used the word hypothetical north pole in the above discussion because an isolated magnetic pole does not exist. Let us now calculate the magnetic field strength at different points of magnetic dipole (or bar magnet).OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 2 1. When point lies on axial line of a bar Magnet Let 2 be the magnetic length of a bar magnet with its centre at O. The magnetic dipole moment of the magnet is M, where M = m x 2I. The distance of the observation point P on the axial line from the centre of the magnet be OP =r. san pr Fig. $.9 Magnetic field of bar magnet on axial line If mis the strength of each pole, then magnetic field strength at P due to N-pole of magnet is given by Ho, mee 4x (NPY? Magnetic field strength at P due to S-pole of magnet, along OP. a Ho x mx1 Mo _™ _ stong PO 4x (SP)? 4m (+1)? 1. Magnetic field strength at P due to the bar magnet, Ho __2Mr Be B, =B, ~B, (superposition ~ sign due to opposite direction) ‘When the magnet is short, !?<< r?, such that /? is neglected, then, ‘The direction of B, is along OP. 2. When point lies on equatorial line of a bar magnet In figure given below, the point P is shown on equatorial line of the same bar magnet, where OP = r. Fig, $.10 Magnetic field of bar magnet on equitorial line P due to N-pole of magne i a , Magnetic field strength at _Ho mxl _ Ho Bian py ae oe) + from N pole to poinep Magnetic field strength at P due to Spole of magne, Ho mx1_ Ho __™ _, from point P to pole Bo= 7 gp antl) : i ir vertical com; ‘As,B, = By in magnitude, their vertical components 3 0 aa OP produced and B,sinO along PO will cancel og However, horizontal components along PX will add, Therefore, magnetic field strength at P due to the bar magnet, B, = B, cos + B, cos = 2 B, cos@, along Px, Ho _mx 2! wa an Ge)? an GR If the magnet is short, [? << r, such that /? is neglected M Ho M Ho to % i p, =Ho = Pan Ge 4m The direction of B, is along PX,a line parallel to line joining N pole to S pole. On dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get Boo> > B,=28, Hence, magnitude of magnetic field due to a short ba magnet at any point on the axial line of magnet is twice the magnetic field at a point at the same distance on the equatorial line of the magnet. 3. When point makes angle 6 with axis of a bar magnet ‘At an angle @ with the axis of magnet, the magnetic field at point P at a distance r from centre of magnet is andor axial position of point P, © = 0° and for equatorial postion, 0 = 90° ote Te magnet potential ue toa magnetic ope at distance rs nite eos a ow, () 0 the anisof magnet 0 = 0° vatoM ane {b) On the neutral axis, 0= v=o gxomple 5.6 Find the magnetic field due to a dipole of magnetic moment 3 Am” at a point S m away from it in the Grection making angle of 45° with the dipole axis. Sol, The condition given in the figure can be drawn as So, the magnetic field at point P is, oM Bas f+ 3.005" Here, M=3 Am?, r=5 m, @= 45° 3 B=107x a + 3cos?(45°) Example 5.7 A bar magnet of length 0.1 m has pole strength 4f50 A-m. Calculate the magnetic field at distance of 0.2 m from its centre on (0 ts axial line and Sol, Here, m = 50 Acm, r= 0.2 m2! = +: Magnetie dipole moment, M =mQ!)=50x0.1=5A-m? (id ts equatorial tine. 11m or 1=0.05 m 2Mr 1077 x 2x 5x 0.2 _ ee (Bg, =Ho_2Me_ 10° x2 5402 2 49. 104T al an GPF (0.27 -0.05°F M 107 « 5. (i) By Ho M1 el ae Geel? (0.2 + 0.057)? =5.71x10°T. Formula with (-? —[?) and (o%p!7) are used because here >>I does not apply. Chapter 05 ; Magnetism and matter (35 Example 58. Calculate the magnetic induction at a point 1 A away from a proton, measured along its axis of spit. The ‘magnetic moment of the proton is1.4x 10-8 Am*. Sol, On the axis of a magn: given by dipole, magnetic induction is, Substituting the values, we get p- Hota x10) om? Example 5.9 A short bar magnet has a magnetic moment of 048JT~', Give the direction and magnitude of the magnetic field produced by the magnet at a distance of 10 cm from the centre of magnet on (i) the axis (ii) the equatorial lines (normal bisector) of the magnet. Sol. (i) When the point lies on the axis, then let B be the magnetic field at P. 8x 10° T=2.8 mT r=10cm=0.1 m Wo 2M _yg-7, 2048 ate. 2M 10-7 eaCeEE (oa = 0.96 x 10~'T from S pole to N pole (ii) Let B, be the magnetic field at point P on the equatorial line By =H M a0 x 248, ep oy =0.48x 10*T = 0.48 Galong from N pole to S pole. Magnetic field due to a hypothetical monopole At any point, magnetic field due to hypothetical monopole is given by oo Fig, 8.12 Magnetic feld due to a monopole So, at a point P situated at distance r from a monopole, ‘magnetic field is given by om Pine Important points about magnetic field due to monopole () Itis away from pole, if it is N-pole as shown in Fig. 5.13 Gi) It is towards pole, if itis S-pole, as shown in Fig. 5.13 Spole e =, Fig. 5.13 Magnetic field due to pole38) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 2 Current carrying loop as a magnetic pole Consider a planar loop of wire carrying current as shown in Fig. 5.14. Looking from the upper face, current is, anti-clockwise. Therefore, it has a north polarity, (NV) Looking from the lower face of the loop current is clockwise (.G}: Therefore it as a south polarity. Thus, the current carrying loop behaves as a system of two equal and opposite ‘magnetic poles and can be considered as a magnetic dipole. Fig. $.14 Current loop with north and south polarity Magnetic dipole moment of current carrying loop The magnetic dipole moment of the current carrying loop (W)is directly proportional to ot Fig. 5.15 Magretic dipole moment of current loop @ strength of current (1) through the loop and (Gi) area (A) enclosed by the loop ies M«Iand Mo A M=KIA w= () where, k is proportionality constant If we define unit magnetic dipole moment as that of a small single turn loop of unit area carrying unit current, then from Eq. (i), we get = kxIx1 or k=1 IA For N tums Nia) In vector form, [M=NIAA where, fis unit vector perpendicular to the plane of the loop. Here, the factor NI is called ampere turns of current loop. So, magnetic dipole moment of current loop ‘Ampere turns x loop area Note rection of magnetic moments give by righthand re . From Eq. 6), M current of GA is flowing through a 20 ty, circular coil of. fads 5 cm, The col ies in the xy-plone yn cr agnitude and direction of the magnetic dipole mney! associated with it? Sol Magnetic dipole moment is given by M=NIA ' N=2Q,/=6A, r= 5 om = 0.05 em M=00)x (6) 2 x (0.057 =0.94 Am? Example 5.10 Here, “The direction of magnetic dipole moment is perpendiculary the plane of the coil. Hence, itis along Z-axis. Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron in an atom ‘The circular motion of an electron around the positively charged nucleus of an atom can be treated as a current oop producing a magnetic field. Hence, it behaves likea magnetic dipole. ‘The (negatively charged) electron is revolving anti-clockwise and so the current is clockwise. Hence, according to the right-hand rule, the dipole moment M is perpendicular to the plane of the current loop and is directed downwards. ™M Fig. 5.16 Orbital magnetic moment of a revolving electron L Let m, be the mass and —e the change of an electron revolving with speed v in a circular orbit of radius ’- ‘The magnitude of the magnetic dipok M etic dipole moment associated with the revolving electron is e 2) O Tan, angular momentum L of M=1A= 2? x pp? 27. ae ‘The magnitude of the orbital electon, L=m,ur - On dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (i), we get Mie WO Em Ths the ratio of the magnitude of the magnetie dinste oe the magnitude of the angulat 2 omentum of the revolving el i eet This ratio is omagnetie ratio I | catio is called the gyromagnetic ratio. ts ¥ an electron is 8.8% 10!° C/kgy,pe vector form of Eq, ii) can be written as ‘The minus sign means that M is directed opposite to L. Now, according to Bohr's quantisation principle, the lar momentum of a revolving electron assumes discrete values only. That means, it is an integral multiple of 4 where h is a fundamental constant of quantum mechanics named after Max Planck, known as Planck's constant having value 6626x10~ J-s. Therefore, angular momentum can be written as nh Oe where, n is an integer of values n> 0 and is also known as principle quantum number. Now, from Eqs. (ii) and (iv), we get, Lamw liv) M e neh = = M= bs) mh/an 2m, anm, fy When n =1,M=4 (the elementary magnetic dipole moment), thus eh wnlvi) Lae The elementary magnetic moment of a revolving electron is also known as Bohr magneton (1). Now, substituting e = 1.6x107!? C,h = 6.626x10™ J-s, = 314and m, = 9.01x10~ kg in Eq. (vi), we get, 1,6x107!9 x6.626x10™ , 2 4%3.14% 9.0110" = 9.27107" A-m? + [Bohr magneton = 9.2710"? A-m? Example 5.11 A current I flows in a conducting wire of length L If we bent it in a circular form, then calculate its magnetic dtpole moment. Sol Let a wire of length L is bent in a circular form of radius r. Then, a tid Qar=L => r=5- Chapter 05 : Magnetism and matter @ ‘The magnetic dipole moment of a circular ring, M=IA (ovhere, A is area ofthe ring) or Men? i) On putting the value of rfrom Eq. (i) in Eq il, we get u-u(3) 2e Example 5.2 The electron in hydrogen atom moves with a speed of 2.2% 10° m/s in an orbit of radius 5.3 10"! em. Find the magnetic moment of the orbiting electron. Sol Frequency of revolution, f= ‘The moving change is equivalent to a current loop, given by Iafxe or = : 2ar If Abe the area ofthe orbit, then the magnetic moment of the orbiting electron is, Putting the values, we get {1.6 x 1071 2.2 x 105.3 x 10"! x 107) 2 M =9.3x10*°Am? Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid ‘The magnetic field lines for a bar magnet and a current. carrying solenoid resemble very closely. Therefore, a bar magnet can be thought as a Jarge number of circulating currents in analogy with a solenoid. The expression for the magnetic field due to a solenoid is, = Ho 2m 2 in p> where ris the distance between the centre of solenoid to the required point. This expression is same as the expression for magnetic field of a bar magnet at its axial point. Thus, a bar magnet and a solenoid produce similar magnetic fields. ‘Therefore magnetic field lines associated with a solenoid are also similar to a bar magnet as shown in the figure. SEE if ie Fig. $.17 Magnetic field lines due to a solenoid carrying current338) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 2 Example 5.13 A closely wound solenoid of 800 turns and area of cross-section2.5 x 10'm? carries a current of 3.0 A, Explain the sense in which the solenoid acts like a bar magnet. What is its associated magnetic moment? Sol. It is given that number of tuens, N = 800 and Area of cross-section, A =2.5% 10" m? 800% 3.0% 25x10 oeoyr"! ‘Which acts along the axis of the solenoid in the direction related fo the sense of flow of current according sight handed screw rule. . Bar magnet in uniform magnetic field When a bar magnet is placed in a uniform magnetic field, torque acts on the magnet. Also, magnetic potential energy is associated with the magnet due to its orientation as discussed in following sections. Torque on bar magnet in a uniform magnetic field Let us consider a bar magnet of length 2I placed in a uniform magnetic field B. Let the magnetic axis of the bar magnet makes angle @ with the field B, as shown in the figure. Fig. 5:18 Torque on a bar magnet ‘Then, Force on N-pole = mB along B Force on S-pole = mB, opposite to B where, m =strength of each pole and B =strength of magnetic field These forces being equal and opposite form a couple, which tends to rotate the magnet clockwise, so as to align it along B. So, the moment of couple or torque is given by, + = Force x Perpendicular distance = t= mBxNA A) NA In ANAS, sin = NS . NA = 2lsin® Eq, () becomes, t = mB x 21 sin0 Also, M = mx 21 MBsin) Ci) > In vector form, we can rewrite this equation as [p> in vector form, yD direction of tis perpendicular to the plane cons. Te is and ip given by right handed screw rule. ny Work done or potential energy of a magneti (bar magnet) in a namie i : rorque acting on the dipole tends to align it in th ee fe eee dipole against the action of the magnetic torque, This y done is stored in the form of potential energy ofthe digae Now, a small amount of work done in rotating the digg, through a small angle a0 is given by, dW=
U =~ MBcos@ = - MBcos 90° = 0 (ii) When the magnetic dipole is aligned along the ‘magnetic field, then it is in stable equilibrium haviag ‘minimum potential energy ic., when 0 = 0° = U. (ii) When 8 = 180%, => U=~MBcos0 = ~ MBcos180° = MB {In this condition, potential energy is maximum. Cdipgl, Example 5.14 A magnet of magnetic s0iA-m? is net of magnetic moment 50k fem. placed along the X-axis in a magnet field B = (0.54 + 7: Find the torque acting on the magnetic field. Sok + Torque, ¢=M x B where, Mis magnetic moment and B is magnetic field Given, M=50iA-m?, B= Osi +3) T +250 i) nc + =1500 x) Using 1} =8, we havefaomple $15. A bar magnet when placed at an angle of 30° 10 thediretion of magnetic field of 5x 10" T, experiences @ moment of eouple 2.5 10° N-m. Ifthe length of the magnet is ‘Sam, then what will Be its pole strength? Sol Here, 0=30", B=5 x10? 7 510° Nm, m=2%10 Asm Example 5.16 The work done in turing a magnet of magnetic moment M by an angle 90° from the meridian is 1 times the corresponding work done fo turn it through an angle of 60°. What isthe value of n? Sal, Here, Wi, =MB(cos 0° — cos 90° Similarly, Wp = MB(cos 0° ~ cos 60°) =MBQ-0)=MB W,=W, >n=2 Example 517 A bar magnet of magnetic moment 2.0 A-m? is free to rotate about a vertical axis through its centre. The magnet is released from rest from the east-west position. Find the kinetic energy of the magnet as it takes the north-south psition. The horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field isB=25 wT. Earth's magnetic field is from south to north. Sl, Gain in kinetic enezgy =loss in potential energy Tus, KE =U, -U; bs U=—MB cos @ KE Mp con(#)— CAB coor) = 8 Substituting the values, we have, KE = (2.0) (25x 10) J= 50) Bample 5.18 A short bar magnet of magnetic moment m=032JT"! is placed in a uniform magnetic field 0.15 T. If the bar magnet is free to rotate in the plane of the field, which srientation would correspond to its (i) stable and (i) unstable ailiérium? What is the potential eneray of the magnet in 2ch case? Sl.) When m is parallel to B, then the magnet isin stable equilibrium, : 9=0° «+ PE in this case is given by, U =-m-B=-mB cos0 = 0.32 0.15 1=-0.048] @) When m is anti-parallel to B, then the magnet will bein unstable equilibrium, e 0 =180° Chapter 05: Magnetism and matter (339 ‘Thus potential energy in this ease is given by U =-m-B=-mB cos180° 032% 015 x (1) = +0048) Example 5.19 Consider the situation shown in the diagram, where A small magnetised needle A is placed at a cenire marked ‘a5 0. The direction of its magnetic moment is indicated by arrow. The other arrows show different positions fand oriertations of the magnetic moment) of another identical magnetised needle X. () In which configuration, the system isnot in equilibrium? (ii) In which configuration isthe system in (a) stable and @ unstable equilibrium? (ii) Which configuration corresponds to the lowest potential energy among all the configurations shown. x Sol, Potential energy arises due to the PE of dipole X in ‘magnetic field of A. Magnetic field due to A, Omen poston, By =!2-24 sg Oe elie pete 8 gee a an M:B=-MB cos 8 For stable equilibrium, Uis minimum ie., 0 The PE, U=: For unstable equilibrium, Uis maximum i.e. =180" (i)In.X, and Xp when notin equilibrium Gi @) XX, in stable equilibrium and (b) XX; in unstable equilibria. ii) X, corresponds to lowest PE, U =-MB cos 2M HO 2M ogg ge Ho 2ME an y 4ar® Oscillations of a freely suspended magnet. ‘When a small bar magnet of magnetic moment M is placed in a uniform magnetic field B such as it is free to vibrate in a horizontal plane of magnetic field B about a vertical axis passing through its centre of mass. This bar magnet oscillates. The restoring torque in this case will be, * t=-MB9_ ¢. For small oscillation, sin@ = 0) ‘The deflecting torque on the magnet is a0 a=128 ae? 4= ui) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 2 7 le given below gives a comparison between gy where Fis the moment of inertia of the magnet about the The able gh A magnetic dipole. ‘ @o axis of rotation and “® ig the angular acceleration. Physical quantity © Electric dipole Magnetic. ~ aa Sin, Phogeal quantyy (© etre dipole Magnetic g In equilil rium, deflecting torque = Restoring torque p= a2, d?0_ -MBO 2 i en or 9 = AS = 070, where @ ction af dipole _—_‘Fromnegative ' de? r T 2 Directo f dipo charge to the north pole @0 a positive charge fey angular acceleration > «angular displacement 0 Sts com ld A So, the oscillations of a freely suspended magnet in a “4 Net org fa uniform ld uniform magnetic field are simple harmonic. The period of | ja ‘5. Feld at far away point vibration is given by aes re2 TG. Field at far anray point on perpendicular ote bisector (opposite ld B can be calculated from above equation Poin aoe : and is given as ‘Work done in rotating the dipole BE (cos0,—cos0) _MBIcos0, exh) Example 5.20 A magnetic needle is free to ascillate in a ann nfl (€ or8) and dipole monertper uniform magnetic field as shown in figure. The magnetic ee ee eee moment of magnetic needle is 7.2 Am* and moment of inertia. 7 ‘ Teesx (ree m?, The number of oscillations oe et Magnetism and Gauss's law 5818 10. Calculate the magnitude of magnetic field? ‘The Gauss's law of magnetism states that, “the surface Integral of a magnetic field over a closed surface is zero ie, te ret magnetic flux through any clased surface is always zera” fB-dS =0 iene Consequences of Gauss's law Sol, Here, T= =~ =0.5s ‘) Time taken 10 (i) Consider a Gaussian surface {any closed surface} . ae at enclosing one of the poles (say south) of the magnets M=1.2Am4,1=6.5%10 y ee shown in figure, Here, the number of field lin As T=2mf or TP=4n?@ entering the Gaussian surface is same as the number! + het magnetic flux for the whole ‘The magnitude of the magnetic field is Gaussian surface is zero. ant 14x 6.5% 10 Ba ttt AO x Ooxe" MT 1.2% 0.57 Comparison between an electric dipole and a magnetic dipole: The electrostatic analogue ‘The behaviour of a magnetic dipole (may be a bar magnet also) is similar to the behaviour of an electric dipole. The only difference is that the electric dipole moment P is replaced by magnetic dipole moment M and the constant, 1.42% 104 T S Gaussian ‘surface Fig 5.19 Magnetic field lines are continues (i) The Gauss’ theorem in magnetism implies that isolated magnetic poles do not exist. In case of case of open surface |B -dS = 65 (magnetic flux associated with the surface) (iv) The magnetic poles always exist as unlike paits equal strengths. is replaced by 42, Grey anCheck point 51) 4, Magnetic length is {@) less than geometric length {b) equal to geometric length {@) geater than geometric length {6) None ofthe above jagnetic lines of force due to a bar magnet do not intersect because {@) apoint aways has a single net magnetic field (0) the lines have similar charges and so repol each other {@ the lines always diverge trom a single point {6) None ofthe above 4, The unt of pole strength is @Am — Am AM?) Am? 4, Abar magnet of magnetic moment M; is axially cut into two equal pars. If these two pieces are arranged perpendicular to.each other, the resultant magnetic moment is My. Then, the value of M/Mp is 1 1 Oy O1 OF oe ‘5. Ata point on the right bisector of a magnetic dipole, the magnetic (@) potential varies as 1/7? (0) potential is zerg at all points onthe right bisector (0) field varies as 7? (G) field is perpendicular to the axis of dipole 6. Tho ratio of the magnetic fields due to small bar magnet in ‘end position an broad side on position is (at equal distance from the magnet) @m — @ ie @1 2 7. Two solenoids acting as short bar magnets P and Q are ‘arranged such that their centres are on the Xaxis and are separated by a large distance. The magnetic axes of P and ‘are along X and Y-axes, respectively. Ata point R, midway between their centres, if B is the magnitude of induction due 0, then the magnitude of total induction at F due to the both magnets is (@) 38 (o) (58 2 @ Bo @s 2) Earth's magnetism Our earth behaves as a huge powerful magnet. The value of magnetic field on the surface of earth is a few tenths of gauss (1 G=10~* T) and its strength varies from place to Place on the earth's surface. The earth’s magnetic south Pole is located near the geographic north pole and the 8, The intensity of magnetic field due to an isolated pole of strength m ata point distant r from it will be proportional to @F (0) er? Oh ot 9. Apartcle of charge q and mass m moves in a circular orbit of radius r with angular speed «, The ratio of the magnitude of its magnetic moment to that o its angular momentum is gu? go? @ om © 2 ‘om 10, Abar magnet of magnetic moment M, is placed in a magnet field of induction B. Tho torque exerted on itis (@) MB ) -B-M (OMB () M+B 11. The couple acting on a magnet of length 10 cm and pole strength 15 A-m, kept in a field of 8 =2x10™ T, at an angle of 30° is {@) 15x10 N-m (b) 15x10* N-m (©) 15x10 N-m (d) 18x10 N-m 42. Abbar magnet s held at right angle to a uniform magnetic field. The couple acting on the magnet is to be halved by rotating i from this positon, The angle of rotation is @ 6" (b) 45" a @ 13. ita bar magnet of magnetic moment Mis freely suspended in a uniform magnetic field of stength 6, then the work done in rotating the magnet through an angle 8s, (@) Ma(i—sin) (0) MB sin 0 (6) MBcos 0 (@) MB(t— cos 8) 14. The effect due to uniform magnetic field on a freely suspended magnetic needle is (a) Both torque and net force are present (0) torques present but no net force (c) Both torque and net force are absent. {d) net force is present but not torque: 18. The net magnetic flux through any closed surface kept in a magnetic field is @ 20) Bo go os © © amg ~ (o) Ho carth’s magnetic north pole is located near the geographic south pole. In fact, the configuration of the earth's magnetic field is very much similar to the one that would be achieved by burying a gigantic bar magnet deep in the interior of the earth. The axis of earth's magnet makes an angle of 11.5° with the earth’s rotational axis. The magnetic lines of force around the earth is shown in figures.342) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 2 ‘Some definitions related to earth's magnetism are (i) Geogeaphie axis ‘The straight line passing through the geographical north and south poles of the earth is called its gcographic axis. It is the axis of rotation of the earth, (i) Magnetic axis ‘The straight line passing through the magnetic north and south poles of the earth is called the magnetic axis. (ii) Magnetic equator It is the great circle on the earth perpendicular to the magnetic axis. (iv) Magnetic meridian The vertical plane in the direction of Bis called magnetic m (v) Geographic meridian The vertical plane passing through the line joining the geographical north and south poles is called the geographic meridian. ‘ais of rotation 7oF the earth 6 Geographical ‘north pale Fig, 5:20 Magnetic field ofthe earth Note fants magnet reser rom place to place and ata place Elements of earth's magnetism ‘The earth's magnetic field at a place can be completely e completely described by three parameters which are called elements of earth’s magnetic field. These three elements are (i) Magnetic declination or Angle of declination (.) At any place the acute angle between the magnetic meridian and the geographical meridian is called angle of declination a. The value of ot is small in India. It is 0°41" E for Delhi and 0°58 W for Mumbai. This means that at this place compass needle tells true north very accurately. “True North Fig. 5.21 Determining angle of declination inctination or Angle of dip (0) place is the angle Between th eof dip Oa ete Field (B) ad otizont ig, ar ne At eat’ mauetC pes, th ts vertical eagle of dp is 9 ic needle is vert ‘al th At nagne' i is horizontal or angle of dip is The ang! direction of ¢: the magnetic magnetic fiel freely suspendes magnetic equator, (ii) Horizontal and vertical magnetic field Let B, be the net magnet the component of earth’s jc field at some point. Hand Vjy Te horivontal and vertical components of B,. Let O isthe angle of dip atthe some place, then we can see that, H=B, cos fi) V=B, sind li) and Geographical North —L. Maguetic P = Neath 7 0 Geographical Meridian & Nogntic ‘Meridian y w Q R Fig. $.22 Elements of earth's magnetic field Squaring and adding Eqs. ()) and (ii), we get B, =H? +v? Further, dividing Eqs. (i) by Eq. (), we get tr) some place we can find B, and V 0 = tan” By knowing Hand 0 a at that place. Note 1. Ai magnetic equator, Similarly, ie v = Be and at poles H = B, c0s90°= 15IN0°= 0 and at poles tan "heres mega of pace. ()tsoctinc i n magnetic maps are innation tne iene iting points of equal ine op Mater "places of zero dip is called actinic ine M) WSogonic tines Thes tne tng pace 22 lies joining paces of equal dectinaion ™ oneronple 521A compass needle of magnetic moment 60 Am? arsnting geographical north at a certain place. It experiences Efrque of .2x 10° Nem, The horizontal component of Aus magnetic field at that place is 40 uWb/m:. What is the ral of declination at that place? fol. A compass needle in stable equilibrium position points towards magnetic north i.e, along the horizontal component H tf earth's magnetic field. When itis tumed through the angle tf declination , so a8 to point geographical north, then it fxperiences a torque of magnitude MH sin a. ", MH sin =1.2x 10” N-m given) Here, M=60A-m?, H=40x 10 Whim? 1.2% 109 sing 212% 10. 30x 40% 10% 0.5. a=30° Grample 5.22 In the magnetic meridian of a certain place, the forizantal component of earth's magnetic field is 0.26 G and the dip angle is 60°. Find {0 vertical component of earth's magnetic field {i the net magnetic field at this place. Sol Given, H = 0.26 Gand @ = 60° fxomple 523 The horizontal and vertical component of arth field at a place are 0.22 gauss and 0.38 gauss, respectively. Calculate the angle of dip and resultant intensity of earth’ field. Sol Here, = 022G,V =0386 038 Now, = 2238 ever nO 022 Angle of dip, 8= 59°56" Resultant magnetic field of the earth is B=yH? +V? = 022? + 036? =0.427G Example 524 Ata certain location in Africa, a compass points 12° west ofthe geographic north. The north tip of the magnetic reel ofa dip eircle placed in the plane of magnetic meridian ints 60° above the horizontal. The horizontal component of the ‘art’ field is measured to be 0.16 G. Specify the direction and Tagnitude of the earth’s field atthe location. Sol, Using the relation, H =B, cos 0, we get the magnitude of B kiven by = 0.16x 2=0.32G or B=0,32x 10 T [16-10 7) ( Chapter 05: Magnetism and matter (343 Direction of B The earth's field lies in a vertical plane 12° west of geographic meridian at an angle of 60" above the horizontal line. Example 5.25 A magnetic needle suspended in a vertical plane at 30° from the magnetic meridian makes an angle of 45° with the horizontal. Find the true angle of dip. Sol, In a vertical plane at 30° from the magnetic meridian, the horizontal component is, i vs Magnetic io" Mevtian v Ht =H c0s30° While vertical component is still V. Therefore, apparent dip wall be given by tan @ = &=-—_¥ ied HF Heo 30° v but vate (where 0 = true angle of di a ae gle of dip) tan 0 an 0 = tan = 530° 0 = tan“ [tan & cos 30°] = tan"! [(tan 45°) (cos 30°)] = 41° Example 5.26 A ship is to reach a place 10° south of west. In which direction should it be steered ifthe declination at the place is 18° west of north? Sol, As the ship has to reach a place 10° south of west ie. along OP, soit should be steered west of magnetic north at angle of 90° ~18° + 10° = 62° aq GN Gs MS Example 5.27 A dip circle shows an apparent dip of 45° at a place where the true dip is 30°. If the dip circle is rotated ‘through 90°, what apparent dip will it show? Sol, 0, and 0, are the angles of dip in two arbitary planes which are perpendicular to each other. Here, = 45% and 0 =30° As, cot O=cot? 8, + cot? where 0 is ture dip. cot? 30° = cot? 45° + cot? 0, cot? @, = cot, =1.414 -, 0, = 35.2
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