Test Engleză

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Test engleză

Steadily – slow increase

A burden on society – black sheep
Supplemental to their pensions – bonus money
Ageing society
The right mindset – prompt
A huge dearth of childcare – lack of childcare
The added benefit

Retirement hone
Old age pensioner
Generation gap
Senior citizen
Memeber of society
Affordable childcare
Pension scheme
Demographic time bomb
Life expectancy
Two-income family

Murder – planning and causing the death of somebody

Embezzlement – stealing money from the company where you work
Jaywalking – crossing the street in the wrong place
Manslaughter – unintentionally causing somebody’s death
Vandalism – destruction of public property
Littering – leaving rubbish in public place
Fraud – gaining money through dishonest means
Slander – publicly lying about somebody
Loitering with intent – remaining in a public place without an obvious reason
Mugging – stealing money from the company where you work
Libel – publishing lies about somebody
Kidnapping – holding somebody against their will in order to gain something
Trespassing – illegaly entering the property of somebody

Judge - a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how a person who is
guilty of a crime should be punished, or who makes decisions on legal matters
Prosecutor - a legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a
law court
Constable - a British officer of the lowest rank
Probation officer - a person whose job is to regularly see people who have committed
crimes and who are on probation, and to help them to avoid committing crimes again
Solicitor - a type of lawyer in Britain and Australia who is trained to prepare cases and
give advice on legal subjects and can represent people in lower courts
Barrister - a type of lawyer in the UK , Australia, and some other countries who can give
specialized legal advice and can argue a case in both higher and lower courts
Justice of the Peace - a person who is not a lawyer but who acts as a judge in local law
courts and, in the US, can marry people
Juror – member of a jury
Break out of prison
Make/take a stand on/against something
Make an arrest
Pay for one’s crime
Make amends for
Do one’s bit
Take the blame
Pay a fine/penalty
Break/pass a law
Lay down the law
Serve/take time in prison
Serve somebody with a warrant
Commit a crime
Plead guilty
Reach verdict
Give evidence

Foot the bill for something

On the fringes of society
Take the law into one’s own hands
Kill two birds with one stone
Throw oneself on the mercy of the court
Bridge the generation gap
The law of jungle
Rob Peter to pay Paul
Make a killing on something
Charity begins at home

Pass over
Cut in
Pass away
Cut back
Pass out
Pass on
Cut down

Do something against one’s better judgement

Go against the establishment
Race against the clock
Go against somebody’s wishes
Do against the law
Win against all odds
Do against one’s principles
Do against somebody’s advice

Lad - a boy / youngman

Conferred – to exchange ideas on a subject
Ancient - old
Tricky - difficult
Misery – great unhappiness
Articulate – able to express thoughts and feelings
Mandatory – must be done
Baffling – impossible to understand or explain

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