Test Engleză
Test Engleză
Test Engleză
Retirement hone
Old age pensioner
Generation gap
Senior citizen
Memeber of society
Affordable childcare
Pension scheme
Demographic time bomb
Life expectancy
Two-income family
Judge - a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how a person who is
guilty of a crime should be punished, or who makes decisions on legal matters
Prosecutor - a legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a
law court
Constable - a British officer of the lowest rank
Probation officer - a person whose job is to regularly see people who have committed
crimes and who are on probation, and to help them to avoid committing crimes again
Solicitor - a type of lawyer in Britain and Australia who is trained to prepare cases and
give advice on legal subjects and can represent people in lower courts
Barrister - a type of lawyer in the UK , Australia, and some other countries who can give
specialized legal advice and can argue a case in both higher and lower courts
Justice of the Peace - a person who is not a lawyer but who acts as a judge in local law
courts and, in the US, can marry people
Juror – member of a jury
Break out of prison
Make/take a stand on/against something
Make an arrest
Pay for one’s crime
Make amends for
Do one’s bit
Take the blame
Pay a fine/penalty
Break/pass a law
Lay down the law
Serve/take time in prison
Serve somebody with a warrant
Commit a crime
Plead guilty
Reach verdict
Give evidence
Pass over
Cut in
Pass away
Cut back
Pass out
Pass on
Cut down