Assignment-4: Sub.-Jig, Fixture & Gauges Design (Design (PR.)
Assignment-4: Sub.-Jig, Fixture & Gauges Design (Design (PR.)
Assignment-4: Sub.-Jig, Fixture & Gauges Design (Design (PR.)
(2) What is Gauge Tolerance & Wear Allowance Explain with Mathematical Example?
(3) Find Shaft & Hole Tolerance also states types of Fits?
(a) Hole 60+0.25
+0.25 (b) Shaft 60+0.005+0.05
(4) Hole & Shaft have Nominal Assembly Size of 50mm.This Assembly have Maximum Clearance of
0.15mm & Minimum Clearance of 0.05mm. The Hole Tolerance is 1.5Times of Shaft Tolerance.
Determined the Limits for both Hole & Shaft By using (a) Hole Basis System (b) Shaft Basis System ?
(5) Draw & Design a Progressive type of Go & No Go Plug Gauge Suitable for 30H7 Hole? How can
you Identify Go & No Go Ends of Double Ended Plug Gauge?
(6) Design a General type of Go & No Go Gauge Suitable for Component having 50H7f8 Fit ? Given
Upper Limit of Shaft: -5.5D^0.41
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