Construction and Building Materials: Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank, Roger P. West, Claudia Pellegrino
Construction and Building Materials: Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank, Roger P. West, Claudia Pellegrino
Construction and Building Materials: Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank, Roger P. West, Claudia Pellegrino
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper, from the perspective of the precast industry, reports on a study into the activation of mortar
Received 26 October 2018 mixes with ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) (0, 30, 50, 70%) and cement (CEM I 42.5R) using
Received in revised form 18 April 2019 temperature (ambient (20 °C) and moderate (35 °C)) and accelerating admixtures (a novel chloride free
Accepted 20 April 2019
activator and a commercial admixture) to enhance very early age strength. The discrete temperature acti-
Available online 10 May 2019
vation is found to provide larger improvements in early age strength compared to the use of admixtures.
However, irrespective of temperature activation, the novel admixture, in absolute terms, provides greater
benefit in strength activation of GGBS mortars compared to the existing commercial admixture. Further,
most of the GGBS mortar mixes equalled or surpassed the 28-day strength of the control mixes without
Temperature curing any cross-over effects.
Admixtures Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Chloride free activator
1. Introduction also reacts with the ions of slag separation to form hydration prod-
ucts [14]. At early age, the GGBS particles act as nucleation sites
Precast industries, especially in temperate climates, utilize and accelerate the hydration reaction of cement [15–18]. There
rapid hardening cement (such as CEM I 42.5R) and temperature are, in essence, two parts to GGBS hydration, one is the dissolution
activation for early strength gain [1]. A research gap exits in this of the aluminosilicate shell due to the high alkaline medium, which
sector in the exploration of the use of supplementary cementitious otherwise is impenetrable to water and hinders particle reaction;
materials, like ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS), to and the other part is the further reaction of GGBS particles with
reduce concrete’s carbon footprint [2–5]. GGBS comes with its calcium hydroxide, exhausting the portlandite (CH) in producing
merits in enhancing aspects of durability [6–10]. However it is dis- more C-S-H gel. This gives rise to longer setting times, low early
advantaged by a limitation of lower early age strength [11–13] age strength and faster strength development at later ages
which can affect the timing of very early stress transfer, de- [19,20]. The main physical effects [21,22] observed during hydra-
moulding and lifting of structural elements in precast yards, which tion at ambient temperature are (a) a dilution effect, which is
thus reduces productivity and competitiveness of the products. caused by an increase in w/c ratio with an increase in replacement
In PC-GGBS mortars, during the early hydration and hardening levels; (b) a filler effect, which is caused by the separation and dis-
phases, the C-S-H gel and ettringite are formed and release Ca persion of cement grains; and (c) a stimulation effect, which is
(OH)2 (or CH). This CH not only helps to maintain a certain pH in caused by slag consuming the CH, thus accelerating the further dis-
the pore solution (which activates the hydration of the slag), but solution and stimulation of the hydration process.
GGBS is more sensitive to temperature than Portland cement
(PC) because the activation energy for slag cements is higher than
⇑ Corresponding author. those of 100% PC mortars [23,24]. At higher temperatures, the
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Korde).
0950-0618/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524 507
hydration of PC increases which, in turn, activates the GGBS, thus chemical activators is examined for mortars under thermal activa-
increasing the volume of hydration products and reducing the tion, that is, a moderate curing temperature (35 °C) compared to
porosity of the system [17]. However, the higher rate of hydration the ambient curing temperature (of around 20 °C). By examining
due to higher temperatures generates a less homogeneous the failure loads for mortar prisms in flexure, estimates of early
microstructure with coarser pores. This produces a cross-over age modulus of rupture were also made, which was essential for
effect [25] whereby the later strength of higher GGBS dosage con- estimating resistance to bending stresses which may arise when
crete is lower than non-GGBS concretes. Also, it reduces the hydra- striking and lifting slabs from their shutters at pre-early age.
tion at later ages due to the precipitation of hydration products on
the surface of cement grains, delaying or stopping the hydration of 2. Materials and methods
anhydrous cement in the core of the grains, causing lower strength
[26]. These cross-over effects can be observed at 6 to 10 days for PC 2.1. Materials
mortars, whereas these are delayed in the case of slag-cement This experimental study on standard mortars is undertaken with rapid harden-
mortars due to the consumption of the hydration products and, ing cement (CEM I 42.5R) as the base cement, standard siliceous sand as per the
thus, for 40% replacement the cross-over occurs closer to 28 days European standard (IS EN196-1, 2005), potable water. The GGBS had an average
[24]. To compensate for the slow reaction of PC-GGBS mortars, a particle size (D50) of 11.62 mm (Fig. 1 analysed using classical parallel beam laser
diffraction (HELOS series)) and see Table 1 for the chemical composition. The two
high curing temperature and/or low w/b ratio can be adopted. An
types of admixtures used are termed here Admixture 1 (the novel admixture ECO-
increase in temperature accelerates the hydration of PC and thus CEM AccelR8 Plus) and Admixture 2, (MC Rapid FastKick-105). The Admixture 1 is a
the slag [27,17], while the reduction of the w/b ratio results in chloride free activator, comprising a combination of thiocyanates, amines, ligno-
achieving a similar solid/space ratio in paste [24]. The high rate sulphates, sodium oxides and water as the key ingredients, with an overall pH of
of hydration of PC produces an increase in the 2-day compressive 4.5. Admixture 2 is also an accelerator developed for precast concrete and cold
weather applications, however its constituents have not been disclosed by the
strength for all w/b ratios [28], but for high w/b ratios the compres- manufacturer.
sive strength decreases due to the large space available (or capil-
lary porosity) to be filled by hydration products. 2.2. Mechanisms of strength gain for the components of Admixture 1
In PC-GGBS mortars, to promote early age strength develop-
ment, various choices have been examined such as the types and The mechanisms of strength gain for each of the constituent components of
Admixture 1 are discussed to understand the role played by these chemicals. These
replacement rates of the binary and tertiary cements [29], cement
components do not exceed the specified limits for PC.
fineness [30,31], curing temperature [24,32–34], water-binder In respect of amines, the surface of cement particles has a residual positive
ratios, chemical admixtures [35] and various chemical composi- charge, while sand and aggregates have a negative charge, whereas water mole-
tions of GGBS [36]. The compressive strength of ground slag has cules are di-polar. The overall action of these charged particles is opposite charges
greater effect on strength at early and later ages compared to are cancelled out, thus decreasing the free energy in the system [46]. Some amines,
when used as additives, become adsorbed on the surface of the cement particles,
ground PC [34]. The type of cement also plays an important role
thus affecting the rheology of the concrete mix during hydration, depending on
in strength development due to its chemical composition [37]. A the molecular structure. Amines in some cases increased the 1-day strength of mor-
minor addition of lime and Plaster of Paris in PC-GGBS mortars tars due to the increased hydration of C4AF. These amines remain in solution (that
have also demonstrated better early age strength [38]. A combina- is, they are not adsorbed) after all the sulphates have reacted and form iron com-
plexes that enhance the transport of the ferric ions, causes interstitial phases
tion of limestone fillers and GGBS in cement mortars have also
(C4AF) to coexist in C3S grains, thus favouring hydration of both and hence
demonstrated benefits at all ages [39]. Researchers have also used increased hydration rate [47–49].
mathematical models to predict the hydration process of PC-GGBS Thiocyanates are known to accelerate the rate of hydration of PC at low temper-
cements [40]. The percentage replacement of PC with GGBS also atures, thus inhibiting freezing of water in pores [50]. All thiocyanates are found to
affects the strength development as it is known to react slowly, increase the maximum rate of heat evolution and shift the occurrence of the peak to
earlier. The C3S phase is accelerated and the formation of low sulfo-aluminates is
affecting the early age strength at higher replacements. At low
accelerated and masked with the C3S phase [50]. Also, another study notes that
replacement rates, it produces an increase of non-evaporable water addition of sodium thiocyanate produced more calcium hydroxide than an equal
at early age due to the filler effect, and later, because of slag hydra- amount of calcium chloride between 6 and 18 h after mixing [44].
tion, it increases the strength development. However, at higher Lignosulphonates are a group of well-known dispersing agents used in concrete,
replacement rates, the filler effect cannot compensate for the dilu- also known as plasticizing admixtures or water reducing admixtures. The dispers-
ing effectiveness of a superplasticizer on cementitious materials is a function of
tion effect caused due to the presence of a large amount of slow its degree of adsorption on the surface of a cement grain and hydrates. These
reacting particles of slag [41]. adsorbed particles give the cement particle a total negative charge, thus hindering
Chemical admixtures are also used to activate the strength particles from coming close enough to form agglomerates, which make the particles
development of GGBS at early ages particularly alkali activators available for hydration reactions and the water available for workability. An
increased amount of ettringite formation is recorded due to enhanced C3A reactions
[28,42,43]. Further, other literature suggests that thiocyanate,
taking place when lignosulphonates are added [51–54].
being labelled harmful, needs to be investigated further in combi-
nation with nitrates, alkanolamines and/or hydrocarboxylic acids
and their salts. Thus, an accelerator can be formulated using ingre- Table 1
dients that separately show accelerating effects independently Physical and chemical characteristics of OPC and GGBS.
[44]. This idea is utilized in formulating a novel admixture which CEM I (42.5R) GGBS
is applied here in PC-slag mortars to study its benefits for the pre-
Physical Properties
cast industry in particular, where very early age strength is espe- Particle mean diameter (lm) – 11
cially pertinent. Density (kg/m3) 2.75–3.2 2890
With the above background, this paper describes research con- Oxide compositions (%)
ducted on a range of GGBS mortars (as mandated in European SiO2 18.08 36.55
Standard IS EN196 - 1: 2005 [45]) to characterise the effects of Al2O3 5.15 12.48
employing two types of admixtures (one novel alkali-free acceler- Fe2O3 2.97 0.64
CaO 64.35 43.09
ating admixture and the second an extant commercial accelerator) SO3/Sulphate/Sulphide 2.85 0/0.12/0.76
which were specifically designed to accelerate GGBS with no MgO – 8.17
adverse effect on long term strength. The results are compared Mn2O3 – 0.21
with a control sample containing PC (a CEM I 42.5R with about TiO2 – 0.76
LOI 2.83 0.8
14% limestone powder). Furthermore, the effectiveness of these
508 C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524
Table 2
Standard mix proportions.
Since this study is designed to primarily simulate a precast production environ- Fig. 1. Particle size analysis of GGBS.
ment, two types of practical curing conditions were adopted. The moulds filled with
mortar, for ambient temperature curing, were kept in a box wrapped with wet hes-
sian cloth (to create humid conditions), further covered with a plastic sheet and left
in ambient conditions, (approximately 20 °C). The samples for moderate tempera-
ture curing were kept in a tray which in turn was wrapped with hessian cloth
and placed in a temperature and humidity control chamber where the temperature
was kept at approximately 35 °C and a relative humidity of 90% for 16 h only, then
removed to a curing tank at 20 °C.
Two types of tests, namely flexural and compressive strength, were performed
at six different ages (16 h, 1, 2, 3, 7 and 28 days). For each testing age there were
two specimens to be tested, thus, in all, 12 samples were required for each condi-
tion. The prism specimens were first tested under flexure in a 3-point bending test
under a deflection control set-up, as per IS EN 1015-11, Figs. 2 and 3. After flexural
failure of the two specimens, the resulting 4 sample halves were tested over a
40 40 mm footprint under uniform axial compression using the same test equip-
ment. The matrix of samples for testing was 4 (0%, 30%, 50%, 70% GGBS) 2 (tem-
peratures conditions: 20 °C and 35 °C, representing summer and thermally curried
winter conditions) 3 (admixtures: none, Admixture 1 and Admixture 2) 6 (test-
Fig. 2. Test setup for Flexure test.
ing ages: 16 h, 1, 2, 3, 7, 28 days) 2 sample pairs for flexural and 4 each for com-
pression. Thus, in this research program there were a total of 288 samples for
flexural testing and 576 samples for compression testing.
The specimen labelling system used to facilitate the comparison of mixes com-
prises of four characters; the first refers to the cement type (C = CEM I 42.5R and
G = slag cement); the second refers to the percentage of GGBS (for example, 3
implies 30% replacement); the third refers to the admixture (N = none, 1 or 2 refers
to Admixture 1 and Admixture 2 respectively); and the last character refers to the
curing regimes over the first 16 h (Ambient, A = 20 °C; Moderate, M = 35 °C). Hence,
for example, a label ‘G31A’ would mean PC-GGBS mortar with GGBS (G) as 30% (3)
replacement along with Admixture 1 (1) and cured under ambient conditions (A).
3.1. Ambient temperature tests ing slag particles [23]. Hence, the compressive strength develop-
ment rate decreases when slag content increases at very early
3.1.1. Compressive strength test ages. Subsequently, as more CH is available at later ages, the
The strength development for CEM I 42.5R cement mortars with strength development increases at a faster rate as compared to
varying amounts of GGBS and cured at 20 °C is shown in Fig. 4. It CEM I 42.5 R [16], which can be observed from the changing slopes
can be observed that the early age strength reduces with increases of the G3NA and G5NA curves in Fig. 4 from 2 to 3 days, and sub-
in the percentage of GGBS as anticipated. Also, the recovery of sequently 3–7 days and 7–28 days for 30% and 50% GGBS. For 70%
strength with time with GGBS is also relatively slow, up to 7 days. GGBS, even though the rate of hydration is higher, it is unable to
However, the strength at 28 days for 30% and 50% GGBS surpasses catch up with the control strength by 28 days, since the filler effect
the control samples. It can also be observed that the compressive of slag is unable to compensate for the dilution effect due to the
strength development for 30%, 50% and 70% GGBS are progressively higher level of replacement.
slower up to 2 days. At a low replacement level of cement by slag The activation of slag using two accelerating admixtures is
(up to 20%) an increase in non-evaporable water occurs at an early explored to enhance the strength development process. Their per-
age due to the filler effect and later because of slag hydration. For formances are shown in Figs. 5–7 for 30%, 50% and 70% GGBS
higher replacement levels, the filler effect cannot compensate for respectively. In all cases of GGBS replacement, Admixture 1 per-
the dilution effect caused by the large incorporation of slow react- forms much better than Admixture 2 and exhibits a faster rate of
Average Compressive Strength (MPa)
10 G5NA
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 4. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS compressive strengths and age without admixture for 30, 50, 70% slag at ambient temperature.
Average Compressive Strength (MPa)
10 G31A
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 5. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS compressive strengths and age with and without admixtures for 30% slag at ambient temperature.
510 C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524
10 G51A
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 6. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS compressive strengths and age with and without admixtures for 50% slag at ambient temperature .
Average Compressive Strength (MPa)
10 G71A
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 7. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS compressive strengths and age with and without admixtures for 70% slag at ambient temperature.
Table 4 also able to accelerate the early age strength development, how-
Impact of Admixture 2 on compressive strength at ambient temperature. ever Admixture 1 demonstrates better performance.
At 16 h, from Fig. 8, by increasing the percentage of GGBS, the
strength decreases and neither admixture can activate the GGBS
sufficiently at ambient temperature to compensate for that
decrease. More specifically, when their strengths are normalised
against the control samples, the strengths of 30%, 50% and 70%
GGBS are 53%, 30% and 15% respectively. Both admixtures improve
the strength at 16 h, however the effects in the case of Admixture 1
are greater. With Admixture 1, 30%, 50% and 70% GGBS the
strengths are 86%, 48% and 22% respectively of the control. This
demonstrates definitive benefits of Admixture 1 on various GGBS
replacement mixes.
None Admix 1 Admix 2
Average Compressive Strength (MPa)
0% 30% 50% 70%
% Slag
Fig. 8. Compressive strength at 16 hours for all specimens cured at ambient temperature.
None Admix 1 Admix 2
Average Compressive Strength (MPa)
0% 30% 50% 70%
% Slag
Fig. 9. Compressive strength at 1 day for all specimens cured at ambient temperature.
512 C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524
None Admix 1 Admix 2
0% 30% 50% 70%
% Slag
Fig. 10. Compressive strength at 28 days for all specimens cured at ambient temperature.
Average Flexural Modulus of Rupture (MPa)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 11. Relationship between modulus of rupture for CEM I 42.5 R and slag cements with age and without admixture for 30, 50, and 70% cement replacement at ambient
At 1 day, observations from Fig. 9 indicate that, with 8 h of addi- In contrast, at 28 days (Fig. 10) the strengths, when normalised
tional curing at 20 °C in a water bath (to 24 h after pouring), the with the control samples at low temperature, for 30, 50 and 70%
strength of the control samples increases by 84%, while the mini- GGBS are 106, 105 and 86% respectively. In the presence of Admix-
mum strength improvement of the GGBS samples is 60%. In partic- ture 1, these become 115, 109 and 111%. In conclusion, while the
ular, their strengths, when normalized against the control samples, 28-day strengths for all replacement levels of GGBS can surpass
for 30, 50 and 70% GGBS, are 47, 32 and 14% respectively. In com- the strength of the control mortar samples when using Admixture
parison, the equivalent strengths in the presence of Admixture 1, 1, the pre-early age strengths will remain a challenge in pre-
when normalized with the control samples, are 87, 50 and 23% casting.
respectively. Thus, the presence of Admixture 1 results in a mea- Thus, the present study on compressive strength for samples
surable and worthwhile improvement in strength under ambient cured at ambient temperature shows the effectiveness of admix-
conditions but do not reach the control strength. This will be prob- tures and demonstrates the prominent behaviour of Admixture 1.
lematic for pre-casters who need to attain a prescribed strength at The synergistic effects of the combination of different accelerating
pre-early age to transfer prestress, but this does not appear to be compounds and water reducers in Admixture 1 can eliminate the
achievable even with low GGBS contents in the presence of this differences in early age strength development at low replacement
purpose-designed accelerating admixture. (30%) levels of GGBS.
C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524 513
3 C0NA
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 12. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS modulus of rupture and age with and without admixtures for 30% slag at ambient temperature.
Average Flexural Modulus of Rupture (MPa)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 13. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS modulus of rupture and age with and without admixtures for 50% slag at ambient temperature.
3.1.2. Statistical significance test for specimens cured at ambient addition of Admixture 1. Further, Admixture 1 demonstrates a ben-
temperature efit at all testing ages, and not just early age, as would be expected.
To ascertain whether the addition of the admixtures is statisti- In contrast, Table 4 shows that Admixture 2 demonstrates a benefit
cally significant, a closer study of the compressive strength to mixes with 30% and 50% GGBS up to 7 days but with 70% GGBS,
improvements is made. This is undertaken for compression only it has no measurable effect prior to the 7-day tests.
since there are four samples available for study, and thus a larger
data set per variable. Tables 3 and 4 present the one-tailed Stu- 3.1.3. Flexural strength test
dent’s t-test (a = 0.05) to determine if a benefit observed using The characteristic derived from the 3-point bending test is the
admixture is statistically significant [56]. Note also that mixes modulus of rupture (MOR) and the trends for it are not dissimilar
where the admixture leads to a deficit in compression are consid- to the compressive strength results. Fig. 11 shows the performance
ered statistically insignificant as the test is evaluating benefit only. of 30, 50 and 70% GGBS as compared to the control samples. Here it
Table 3 shows that Admixture 1 has no significant benefit on can be observed that the substitution of cement with GGBS results
the compressive strength of mortar mixes without GGBS, suggest- in a decrease in early age MOR, however, at later ages, 30% GGBS is
ing that the admixture is acting only on the GGBS and not the Port- able to match the MOR of the control samples at 28 days while 50%
land cement. For mixes containing GGBS, all but one (50% GGBS at and 70% GGBS replacement mixes are able to recover significantly.
28 days) demonstrates a statistically significant benefit due to the The rates of strength development of MOR from 2 to 3 days, 3 to
514 C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 14. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS modulus of rupture and age with and without admixtures for 70% slag at ambient temperature.
None Admix 1 Admix 2
Average Compressive Strength (MPa)
0% 30% 50% 70%
Fig. 15. Modulus of Rupture at 16 hours for all samples cured at ambient temperature.
None Admix 1 Admix 2
Average Compressive Strength (MPa)
0% 30% 50% 70%
Fig. 16. Modulus of Rupture at 1 day for all samples cured at ambient temperature.
C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524 515
None Admix 1 Admix 2
Fig. 17. Modulus of Rupture at 28 days for all samples cured at ambient temperature.
Average Compressive Strength (MPa)
10 G5NM
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 18. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS compressive strengths and age without admixture for 30, 50, 70% slag at moderate temperature.
7 days and 7 to 28 days are higher than that of the control samples. At 16 h, the general observations from Fig. 15 are that by
However, even with the later greater rate of hydration, the 50% and increasing the percentage of GGBS, the MOR decreases. The
70% GGBS samples are unable to match the control strength in strengths, when normalised with the control samples, for 30, 50
28 days. and 70% GGBS are 60, 30 and 10%, a trend which is not unlike that
The influence of the admixtures is explored to identify activa- for compressive strength. Both admixtures improve early age MOR
tion of the MOR of the GGBS samples, as shown in Figs. 12–14 performance, however the equivalent effects of those achieved in
for 30, 50 and 70% GGBS replacement, respectively. Admixture 1 the case of Admixture 1, when normalised against the control spec-
and Admixture 2 perform similarly for 30 and 50% GGBS replace- imens, are 95, 60 and 30%, a notable improvement on the strengths
ments whereas in the case of 70% GGBS, Admixture 1 is more effec- without admixture.
tive at improving the early strength development. However, at At 1 day, the general observations from Fig. 16 are that with 8 h
28 days the results of both the admixtures are broadly similar of additional curing at 20 °C in a water bath, the strength of the
and close to the ones achieved by the control samples. Admixture control samples increases by 60%. Also, the minimum improvement
1 with 30% GGBS gives a performance equivalent to control sam- in flexural strength of all GGBS samples under ambient temperature
ples at early ages, unlike all other variations that contain GGBS. is also 60% between 16 and 24 h. The strengths, when normalised
Here also, the synergistic effects of thiocyanates, ligno-sulphates, against the control samples at ambient temperature, for 30, 50
amines, sodium oxides and water in the form of Admixture 1 are and 70% GGBS are 60, 35 and 15% respectively. Their equivalent
visible and can reduce the differences in strength between the strengths, in the presence of Admixture 1, when normalised with
GGBS and control samples at early age. the control samples, are 97, 60 and 30%. In conclusion, the presence
516 C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524
10 G31M
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 19. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS compressive strengths and age with and without admixtures for 30% slag at moderate temperature.
Average Compressive Strength (MPa)
10 G51M
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 20. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS compressive strengths and age with and without admixtures for 50% slag at moderate temperature.
of Admixture 1 results in a minimum of 15% improvement in with the three admixture variations, are cured at a moderate tem-
flexural strength gain when normalised against the control samples perature of 35 °C in a temperature and humidity chamber. Subse-
at 1 day. quently, these specimens are tested in flexure and compression
Finally, at 28 days the strengths of GGBS samples, when nor- and the results are discussed in this section.
malised against the control samples at low temperature, for 30,
50 and 70% GGBS are 100, 91 and 96% respectively Fig 17. Their 3.2.1. Compressive Strength
equivalent strengths in the presence of Admixture 1, when nor- The strength development over 28 days under the moderate
malised against the control samples, are 96, 88 and 96%. Thus, temperature curing condition for 0, 30, 50 and 70% GGBS is shown
there is a marginal reduction in flexural strength due to Admixture in Fig. 18. Due to the modest temperature increase, there is a sig-
1 at 28 days. nificant strength gain for 0% GGBS samples (control samples) at
pre-early age. 30% GGBS samples still fall behind in terms of
3.2. Moderate temperature tests strength development due to the delayed hydration of GGBS. How-
ever, the gap narrows at 3 days and subsequently the strength
In the precast industry during winter, particularly in Ireland and development of 30% GGBS samples is approximately parallel to
other temperate climates, the use of a CEM I 42.5 R cement and that of the control specimens and they achieve approximately
thermal activation is common to offset the low ambient tempera- equivalent strength at 28 days. In the case of 50% and 70% GGBS
tures and to achieve the desired early age concrete maturity that is samples, however, while the early age strengths are higher com-
needed. In this study, the different samples containing GGBS, along pared to their equivalents at ambient temperatures, these
C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524 517
10 G71M
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 21. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS compressive strengths and age with and without admixtures for 50% slag at moderate temperature.
None Admix 1 Admix 2
Average Compressive Strength (MPa)
0% 30% 50% 70%
% Slag
Fig. 22. Compressive strength at 16 hours for all specimens cured at moderate temperature.
None Admix 1 Admix 2
Average Compressive Strength (MPa)
0% 30% 50% 70%
% Slag
Fig. 23. Compressive strength at 24 hours for all specimens cured at moderate temperature.
518 C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524
strengths are much lower that the moderate temperature control respectively. Both admixtures improve strength development,
samples. The 50% GGBS samples have a greater strength than however the effects of those achieved in the case of Admixture 1
70% GGBS at early age, however, the high rate of strength develop- are more prominent and hence are discussed further. The corre-
ment with 70% GGBS that occurs later means it can achieve equiv- sponding strengths of moderate temperatures samples in the pres-
alent strength compared to 50% GGBS within 7 days. In this study, ence of Admixture 1, when normalised against the ambient
the strengths of the control samples at both ambient and moderate temperature control samples, are 141, 106 and 56% respectively.
temperatures at 28 days are similar, which demonstrates the Thus, the addition of Admixture 1 to a mortar mix with 30% GGBS
absence of any cross-over effect. Also, unlike the ambient temper- imparts an additional strength of nearly 17% with moderate tem-
ature samples, the 30, 50 and 70% GGBS samples at high tempera- perature curing, independently. When normalised against the con-
ture are unable to surpass the moderate temperature control trol samples at high temperature, the equivalent strengths,
samples at 28 days. without and with Admixture 1, at 30, 50 and 70% GGBS are 56
With the addition of admixtures in the 30% GGBS samples and 63%, 41 and 48% and 20 and 25% respectively.
(Fig. 19), the reaction rate is improved at pre-early age, which sub- At 1 day, the general observations from Fig. 23 are that with 8 h
sequently slows down and eventually appears to achieve a better of additional curing at 20 °C in a water bath, the strength of the
strength at 28 days in comparison to the ones without admixture moderate temperature control samples increases by only 10%. Also,
but proves to be statistically not significant as discussed in a later the smallest improvement observed in all GGBS samples with
section. Here Admixture 1 and 2 both perform equally in regard to Admixture 1 under moderate temperature conditions, in compar-
the early age and 28 days strengths. However, they are unable to ison to the 16-hour strength, is 30%. Admixture 2, on the other
achieve the strength equivalent to the control samples at pre- hand, is unable to activate strength development at moderate tem-
early and early age. For a 50% GGBS (Fig. 20) substitution, Admix- perature. The thermal activation is playing a significant role in the
ture 1 outperforms the mix without admixture and with Admix- strength activation of GGBS at 1 day as evidenced by the fact that
ture 2, at all ages and provides additional strength over and the strength of the control samples increases by around 30% from
above that due to the temperature activation. For 70% GGBS ambient to moderate temperature. The strength of the samples
(Fig. 21) with admixtures, there is again no significant benefit at cured at moderate temperature, when normalized with the control
pre-early age, however Admixture 1 helps in achieving much bet- samples at ambient temperature, for 30, 50 and 70% GGBS are 94,
ter strengths at later ages whereas Admixture 2 reduces the 64 and 45% respectively. Both admixtures improve the rate of
strengths. Thus, it can be concluded that Admixture 1 is able to strength development, however the effects of those achieved in
activate higher percentages of GGBS at high temperature at later the case of Admixture 1 are more prominent. For example, the
ages, however at a pre-early age a measurable advantage is only equivalent strengths of moderate temperature cured specimens
realised after 1 day. in the presence of Admixture 1, when normalised against ambient
At 16 h, the general observations from Fig. 22 are that with temperature control samples, are 86, 77 and 48% respectively.
increasing percentages of GGBS, the strength decreases at moder- These results when normalised against the control samples at high
ate temperature are they did at ambient temperature. Both admix- temperature, the strengths without and with Admixture 1, at 30%
tures can activate the GGBS at moderate temperature where the GGBS are 71 and 65% respectively; at 50% GGBS are 48 and 58%
thermal activation is playing a significant role in the strength respectively and at 70% GGBS are 34 and 36% respectively. Thus,
development of GGBS at 16 h as compared to ambient tempera- it can be concluded that the presence of Admixture 1 results in
ture. With respect to the control specimens at ambient tempera- measurably improved strength at ambient temperature conditions
ture, the admixtures are unable to activate the strength whereas at the moderate temperature condition, there are mixed
development of control samples at ambient temperature whereas responses.
they reduced the strength of control mortars at moderate temper- At 28 days, the general observations from Fig. 24 are that the
ature. The strength of the control samples increases by around equivalent strengths of specimens cured at moderate temperature,
220% with a 15 °C temperature increase for the initial sixteen when normalised against the control samples at ambient temper-
hours, which is notable. The strength of the moderate temperature ature, are 103, 99 and 98% respectively. The equivalent strengths
specimens, when normalised against the control samples at ambi- of the specimens cured at moderate temperature in the presence
ent temperature, for 30, 50 and 70% GGBS is 124, 91 and 47% of Admixture 1, when normalised against the ambient temperature
None Admix 1 Admix 2
Average Compressive Strength (MPa)
0% 30% 50% 70%
% Slag
Fig. 24. Compressive strength at 28 days for all specimens cured at moderate temperature.
C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524 519
Average Flexural Modulus of Rupture (MPa)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 25. Relationship between modulus of rupture for CEM I 42.5 R and slag cements with age and without admixture for 30, 50, and 70% cement replacement at moderate
520 C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524
4 C0NM
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 26. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS modulus of rupture and age with and without admixtures for 30% slag at moderate temperature.
Average Flexural Modulus of Rupture (MPa)
3 C0NM
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 27. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS modulus of rupture and age with and without admixtures for 50% slag at moderate temperature.
however, able to activate the strength development process in GGBS cured at moderate temperatures and Admixture 1 is able to acti-
samples, but it falls short in matching the rate of strength develop- vate the GGBS. The thermal activation is playing a significant role
ment of the control samples at early age. For 30, 50 and 70% GGBS in the strength development of GGBS at 16 h. With respect to the
samples at later ages, the hydration of GGBS increases and the more control samples, the admixtures are reducing the strength of the
rapid rate of hydration leads to similar strengths at 28 days. control samples cured at moderate temperature. The strength of
The admixtures are added in order to activate the hydration the control samples increases by around 100% with a 15 °C increase
process of GGBS at early age and the results are as shown in in temperature during early age curing. The strengths of the spec-
Figs. 26–28, for 30, 50 and 70% GGBS replacement, respectively. imens cured at moderate temperature, when normalised against
In the case of specimens with 30% and 50% GGBS at early ages, as the control samples at ambient temperature, for 30, 50 and 70%
shown in Figs. 26 and 27, Admixture 1 is able to marginally GGBS is 120, 85 and 50% respectively. Both admixtures improve
improve the rate of strength development whereas Admixture 2 strength development, however the effects of those achieved in
has a marginal effect on only 30% GGBS samples. In the case of the case of Admixture 1 are more prominent. The equivalent
70% GGBS, shown in Fig. 28, the activation effect of both admix- strengths of the specimens cured at moderate temperature in the
tures only begins at 3 days, wherein Admixture 1 is better able presence of Admixture 1, when normalized with ambient temper-
to activate the samples. ature control samples, are 140, 115 and 65% respectively. Thus, the
At 16 h, the general observations from Fig. 29 are that by mortar mix with Admixture 1 at 30% GGBS imparts additional
increasing the percentage of GGBS, MOR decreases for samples strength of 20% under moderate temperature curing, indepen-
C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524 521
4 C0NM
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days)
Fig. 28. Relationship between CEM I 42.5 R and GGBS modulus of rupture and age with and without admixtures for 70% slag at moderate temperature.
None Admix 1 Admix 2
Average Modulus of Rupture (MPa)
0% 30% 50% 70%
Fig. 29. Modulus of Rupture at 16 hours for all samples cured at moderate temperature.
None Admix 1 Admix 2
Average Modulus of Rupture (MPa)
0% 30% 50% 70%
Fig. 30. Modulus of Rupture at 24 hours for all samples cured at moderate temperature.
522 C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524
None Admix 1 Admix 2
0% 30% 50% 70%
Fig. 31. Modulus of Rupture at 28 Days for all samples cured at moderate temperature.
dently. These results when normalised against the control samples Thus, the Admixture 1 under moderate temperature curing con-
at moderate temperature, the equivalent strengths without and ditions is unable to activate the GGBS in the similar percentage
with Admixture 1, are 60 and 70%, 40 and 60% and 25 and 30% terms as at ambient, but in absolute terms, the quantum of activa-
respectively. Thus, with the addition of Admixture 1 a minimum tion remains similar. This can be seen, for example, for samples at
benefit of 10% is observed when compared to strengths normalised 1 day, under ambient conditions with 30%, 50% and 70% GGBS
at moderate temperatures (Fig 30). which have the absolute strength gain of 1.8 MPa (37%), 1.2 MPa
At 1 day, the general observations are that with 8 h of additional (25%) and 0.72 MPa (15%) respectively; whereas for moderate tem-
curing at 20 °C in a water bath, there is a 10% increase in strength perature curing the equivalent absolute strength gains are 1.1 MPa
for moderate temperatures control samples. Between 16 and 24 h (17%), 1.6 MPa (25%) and 0.65 MPa (10%) respectively, which can
the minimum observed increase in strength is 20%. The thermal be considered broadly similar.
activation is playing a significant role in the strength activation
of GGBS at 24 h. The strength of control samples increases by 4. Conclusions
around 30% from ambient to moderate temperatures. The equiva-
lent strengths of the samples cured at moderate temperatures, This experimental research has investigated flexural and com-
when normalised against the control samples at ambient temper- pressive strengths of mortars with 0, 30, 50, and 70% GGBS with
ature, are 90, 65 and 50%. Both admixtures improve strength devel- two different admixtures under an initial 16 h of curing at ambient
opment, however the effects of those achieved in the case of and moderate temperature conditions followed by subsequent cur-
Admixture 1 are prominent and hence are discussed. The equiva- ing in a water tank maintained at 20 °C. The following conclusions
lent strengths of the samples cured at moderate temperatures in are drawn from this study:
the presence of Admixture 1, when normalised against ambient
temperatures control sample, for 30% GGBS is 107%; 50% GGBS is a) The slower rate of strength development due to the use of
90% and 70% GGBS is 60%. When normalised against the control GGBS is addressed to a certain extent by using admixtures
samples at moderate temperature, the strengths without and with and thermal activation. Of the evaluated techniques, thermal
Admixture 1, for 30% GGBS are 70 and 80% respectively; 50% GGBS activation is realised as a primary activator and an accelerat-
are 50 and 67% respectively and at 70% GGBS are 37 and 45% ing admixture as a secondary activator, but a crucial one at
respectively. Thus, the presence of Admixture 1 results in a mini- low temperature. Also, from the statistical significance anal-
mum increase in strength of 15% and 10% when normalised against ysis related to admixture performance, the new admixture,
the control samples at ambient and moderate temperature. Admixture 1, proves to be more effective for GGBS strength
At 28 days, Fig. 31 the equivalent strengths of the samples cured activation as compared to the proprietary Admixture 2.
at moderate temperatures, when normalised against the control b) In the present study with mortars, substituting 30% GGBS
samples at ambient temperature, are 99, 98 and 99% respectively. appears to be a practical proposition in relation to precast
The equivalent strengths of the samples cured at moderate tem- factory use because activation using higher temperatures
peratures in the presence of Admixture 1, when normalized with and admixtures can close the gap in the strength develop-
the ambient temperatures control samples, are 101, 100 and ment loss due to its inclusion. Within 1 day, 30% GGBS can
112% respectively. When normalised against the control samples achieve 94% and 100% of compressive strength and MOR
at moderate temperature the equivalent strengths without and respectively with respect to control samples cured at ambi-
with Admixture 1 for 30, 50 and 70% GGBS are 94 and 96%, 93 ent temperature and 70% and 80% of compressive strength
and 95%, and 94 and 107%, respectively. Thus, there is a marginal and MOR respectively for control samples cured at moderate
gain in strength for samples cured at moderate temperatures. temperature for the initial 16 h. Further, at 28 days, more
Nearly 90% of the control strength is achieved at 28 days in all than 90% of the control compressive strength is achieved
conditions. for both ambient and moderate temperature conditions.
C. Korde et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 506–524 523
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