Regular Writing - Screen Time

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Regular writing (Topic: Screen Time)

Dictionary meaning: Screen time

the amount of time devoted to a particular actor, topic, plot line, etc., in a film or TV show: The female
characters got less screen time than the male characters in all the film festival nominations.

Digital Technology. the amount of time a person spends watching or interacting with content on the screen of a computer, phone, TV, gaming
console, etc.:What's the maximum amount of screen time recommended for children under two?

View your report and set limits

Screen Time gives you a detailed report about how your device is used, apps you've opened, and websites you've
visited, any time that you want to see it….

Individual response (1min@ question)

1. Does screen time affect (children’s/ teenagers’/ adults’) behavior? How?

2. What are the risks of too much screen time?
3. Suggest some tips to parents on their children’s screen time.
4. What are the pros and cons of screen time on us?

Video: (5:15) Screen Time: How Much Is Too Much?

Extended reading:

The Unexpected Effects of All That Screen Time

It’s a common observation. When physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston found out
that kids spend an average of 6.5 to 8 hours a day looking at screens, as a doctor she
wondered: “What impact does all this screen time have on health?”

Ruston investigates this question in her documentary Screenagers , which explores how young people use digital
devices and the possible effects on their brains. She discovers digital media use can produce a drug-like effect, felt at
any age but most intensely during the teen years. When parents abruptly take away the device from their child, a
meltdown typically ensues. “I think so many parents are feeling out of control,” Ruston says.

We spoke to Ruston and other experts about the health effects of screen time from childhood through adulthood.


A 2018 Nielsen report found that adults log a total of 11 hours of screen time a day. Here are some of the ways this
might be affecting our health:
Vision. Staring into a screen for extended periods of time can cause “computer vision
syndrome.” You’re probably familiar with the symptoms: strained, dry eyes, blurred vision,
and headaches. Poor posture can also cause neck and shoulder pain.

Sleep.  Studies link heavy computer and mobile phone use to more sleep disturbances. University of Gothenburg
psychologist Sara Thomée, one study's lead researcher, says the blue light from digital devices suppresses the sleep-
promoting hormone melatonin, keeping us from having restful sleep.

Addiction and reward seeking.  Dopamine, the “feel-good hormone,” is part of the brain’s pleasure and
reward circuits. Playing video games turns on similar brain regions as those linked to cravings for drugs and gambling,
Ditto for social media — every time we see a new post or get a reaction to ours, it’s like a hit of brain candy.

Weight.  Even two hours of TV a day can increase the risk of weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease in adults.
(Computer use doesn’t seem to have as strong a link.) There are probably several factors to blame, including less
active time, less sleep, and seeing more ads for unhealthy foods.

Overall health.  Most of the time we’re on our screens, we’re sitting down. Sitting for hours at a time boosts the
risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. One study found that spending more than
four hours a day in front of a computer or TV more than doubles your likelihood of dying or being hospitalized for
heart disease — and exercise won’t reduce the risk. Check out our infographic  for more information.  

 Tweens and Teens

During the preteen and teen years, the brain goes through major transformations. This may be why tweens and teens
are especially vulnerable to the impacts of screen time on brain function and emotional well-being.

Learning. One study found that kids and young adults who spend a lot of time on TV and video
games were twice as likely to suffer from attention disorders. “Anything that affects attention
affects learning,” says Victoria Dunckley, an integrative child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist
and author of Reset Your Child’s Brain.

Self-confidence.  More time watching videos or other content on digital devices means less time exploring and
creating their own experiences, stories, or art. “I think the key to develop self-competence and self-confidence is
creating,” qualities important for healthy relationships and overall well-being, Ruston says.  

Social skills.  Online experiences can build community and foster communication and creativity. But
as Screenagers  points out, tweens and teens might hide behind the screen to avoid tricky or awkward
conversations, like approaching a crush or making new friends .  “Rather than challenge themselves to do that in
person, they go to the screen for a diversion,” Ruston says. That lack of face-to-face interaction can also feed online

Emotions and personality.  In 2010, researchers found that kids who logged more than two hours a day in front
of a computer or TV screens had a higher chance of psychological difficulties on a standard questionnaire. Studies in
young men show that playing violent video games is linked to more aggression and less sensitivity to others. Also,
imaging studies have found that internet addiction and game addiction can shrink the brain regions responsible for
planning and executive functions, empathy, compassion, and impulse control.,,, It’s unclear how quickly or easily the
brain returns to a “normal” state after you stop playing video games, Dunckley says. On the other hand, games that
reward cooperation and support can lower stress, boost mood, and promote helping behaviors.
Addiction and reward seeking. A recent survey  found that 50 percent of teenagers admitted
being addicted to their mobile devices. Ruston learned that the brain’s dopamine center is extra
sensitive during the teenage years, making the rush of playing video games feel even more intense
and addictive.

Sleep.  Similar to the findings in adults, screen time can have damaging effects on sleep. A 2015 study of 10,000 16-
to 19-year-olds in Norway reported that those who clocked in four or more hours of screen time a day (outside of
schoolwork and homework) had about a 50 percent higher likelihood of lying awake for an hour or more before
finally falling asleep. And according to a recent study, lack of sleep in teens is linked to more risky behaviours like
drinking and driving.

Weight and overall health.  Just like in adults, watching two or more hours of TV is linked to weight gain in this
age group. Studies have also noted higher cholesterol and blood pressure in kids who watch more TV.

 Young children

Our kids are swimming in screens. According to a recent study, 92 percent of babies had used a mobile device before
their first birthday. Nearly 35 percent have their own mobile device at age 2 and that number is 75 percent among 4-
year-olds. Nearly a quarter of kids ages 2 and under have TVs in their rooms, and at age 4, almost 50 percent do. On
the other hand, the American Academy of Pediatrics Studies suggest that screen time may be affecting the normal
development of fundamental learning, language, and emotional skills.

Learning. Kids younger than 30 months have a limited ability to learn from video, according to
some studies., They learn more from live interaction with people and immediate feedback. The
American Academy of Pediatrics discourages media use by children under 2 and says there is no
proven educational or developmental benefit at this age. Screen time also takes away from
unstructured play time, which is important for learning and problem solving.

Language skills.  Research has shown that TV can hamper language development in kids by displacing time spent
interacting with caregivers. Digital devices might have a similar effect. “TV reduces speech between parents and their
infants and toddlers,” says David Hill, chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Communications and
Media Executive Committee. “It’s really that casual, everyday speech that helps them develop language skills.”

Emotional development.  Some experts worry that using digital devices as “shut-up” toys to occupy kids during
day-to-day tasks like grocery shopping or eating out might prevent them from learning how to regulate boredom,
distress, and other impulses and emotions.

Vision.  In recent years, many countries are experiencing epidemic levels of myopia, or short-sightedness, and
indoor time may be to blame. In Seoul, South Korea, for example, 96.5 percent of 19-year-old men wear glasses.
Researchers think it may be due to lack of exposure to sunlight, which might be important for proper eye
development. In a 2013 study, teachers at a Taiwanese school made kids stay outside for their entire 80-minute
recess period (instead of letting them stay inside). Only 8 percent were diagnosed with myopia a year later versus 18
percent at a neighboring school.

Sleep.  Research has linked screen use among children with shorter, lower-quality sleep. A 2014 review paper of
school-aged kids and adolescents correlated screen time with poorer sleep. They saw especially strong links between
screen time and delays in bedtime, as well as a shorter period of time spent asleep. A study published a year later
found that compared with kids who didn’t sleep near a small screen (like a cellphone screen), those who did sleep
near a small screen reported about 20 fewer minutes of sleep and were more likely to report insufficient rest or

Weight.  Several studies have found that the more TV children watch, the more like they are to be overweight. Kids
with TVs in their bedrooms are more at risk, and childhood TV habits affect the risk of being overweight as adults.

The common theme across age groups:  More screen time means less time for activities that are good for
your health and well-being. The most important question to ask yourself is, “What is screen time displacing?” Hill
says. “Is it displacing sleep, communicating with each other as a family, exploring the world and exercising?”

Ready to kick your screen habit? See our tips for adults and families…..


Write about the topic “screen time” in about 120 words.

________________________________________________________________________(word count: words)

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