Case # 1
Case # 1
Case # 1
General data:
3 days old, male, Chinese, from Malabon
Chief complaint:
Yellowish discoloration of skin
Physical Examination:
Asleep, comfortable
HR 130bpm RR 43cpm
Weight 2.75kgs Height 48 cms. HC 30cms
Jaundice on face to thigh, (+)
No deformities on the head, open fontanelles, icteric sclerae
Symmetrical chest expansion, clear breath sounds
Adynamic precordium, normal rate regular rhythm
Globular abdomen, dry cord, normoactive bowel sounds, soft, no hepatosplenomegaly
Grossly male genitalia with descended testes
No gross deformities of the extremities, full pulses
CASE # 2
8 year old female, Filipino, from Tondo, Manila came in for fever and rash of 3 days duration
What other information in the history and physical examination do you need to come up with a
logical impression?
What is your impression? Give at least 2 other differential diagnosis and give bases.
How will you manage the case?
General Data:
CC: prolonged jaundice
3 weeks PTA, noted to have gradual abdominal enlargement, prompting consult today.
Ancillary History
Family Medical History: (-) Family history of bronchial asthma or malignancy, (-) family history of DM and hypertension
Immunization history: given BCG x1, OPV x1, DPT x1 dose only.
Nutritional History: Purely breastfed
General Survey
Awake, not in CP distress
Weight =6 kg, length =63 cm, HC = 42, CC=40, AC= 39
Vital signs
BP 80/50 HR110 bpm RR 39 bpm T 36.5C O2 sats (room air) = 100%
No rash, (+) jaundice
Head and Neck
AFSF, pink conjunctivae, icteric sclerae, (-) nasal congestion, (-) cervical lymphadenopathies
Chest and Lungs
equal chest expansion, (-) retractions, no wheezes
Adynamic precordium, normal rate and regular rhythm, no murmurs
Normoactive bowel sounds, (+) distended abdomen,(+) hepatomegaly,
Full and equal pulses, (-) edema/cyanosis/clubbing, CRT less than 2 sec
Date Normal
WBC 5 x109/L
RBC 3.1x109/L
Hgb 110 g/L
Hct 0.38%
MCV 85fL
MCH 25 pg
Platelets 350x109/L
Neut% 0.7
Lymph% 0.3
Mono% 0.0
Eo% 0.0
Baso% 0.0