The Change Towards Tec's Educational Model
The Change Towards Tec's Educational Model
The Change Towards Tec's Educational Model
The Program for the Development of Teaching Abilities (PDHD) was defined
analyzing the findings of studies about educational changes (Fullan and
Hargreaves,1992) which have helped to determine its characteristics and
methodologies. The following are the results of these investigations:
As pressure from post-modernism is present, innovations multiply, old ideas and purposes
start to disappear, the functions of professors are broaden and they are expected to form
citizens to compete in a working market that is becoming more flexible and specialized for
a society that is then more plural and diverse.
Barth, 1990
The PDHD was created with the following characteristics having as reference the
last mentioned considerations and the basis of the learning principles in which this
program is founded:
The structure of the program has as main goal to develop an educational project
through planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of a course with the
characteristics of the educational model. The PDHD also incorporates courses
and workshops which support the development of the project in each phase. This
process includes activities which are divided in two options:
? Option A: for professors who develop a course using the educational model
in a technological platform. Professors implement, evaluate, and prepare
the necessary didactic documentation so other professors can use it as a
? Option B: for professors who adopt a course developed by a colleague and
which was approved and published in a technological platform.
Option A
All the redesigned courses are offered to students in a technological platform which
could be LearningSpace, Blackboard, WebTec, or others. Students and professors
work in this platform during all the semester. This is why the professor requires
previous preparation in order to use this platform efficiently. In this preparation the
professor acquires knowledge about the databases that integrate it, what type of
information is put in each one, how they work, and the applications that are
The objective of this phase is to inform, create awareness, and take the professor
towards the implementation of Tec’s educational model. If a professor does not
know and accept the demands implied in the process of change, she/he will not
easily initiate it. This phase is formed by short workshops and activities based on
reflection, analysis, and group discussion about the following topics:
From that moment on, the professor begins the process of educational change,
which has three stages.
In this stage professors reflect on what they want to achieve with their students
how they are doing it and how they will do it and what they need. In this stage they
get trained on methodologies and didactic techniques that are promoted within the
Tec community Project-Oriented Learning, Problem-Based Learning, Case
Studies, and Collaborative Learning. Because of the diversity on knowledge and
experience professors´ have, this stage is composed by a series of required and
optional activities according to the professors´ needs.
Also in this stage other optional workshops are incorporated so professors can
participate to complete their formation:
These workshops vary depending on the demand and the professors´ needs as
they advance in the process, that is to say, the PDHD Program (Program for
Development of Teaching Techniques) becomes flexible and under continuous
When a professor designs a course, either individually or collaboratively,
he/she obtains a global vision, foresees all the process and makes decisions that
he/she documents in the technological platform in an organized, structured and
integrated form. In this process a professor show his/her independence and
The elements and decisions that a professor incorporates in the design of
his/her course are basically the following:
To design a course requires training and reflection time from the professor,
because he needs to handle pedagogical concepts that generally a university
professor has not been trained for. On the other hand, although professors have
done their programs and plans prior to the course, these programs were not as
rigorous as they are today considering that now they have to be posted in a
technological platform.
Because the traditional educational model is based upon classroom sessions, the
information of the course was transmitted orally to students and professors did not
need time to make decisions since teaching was supported only by implicit
A redesigned course, besides incorporating the educational model, has other
advantages: it avoids improvisation, makes professors reflect on their professional
practice, allows to contrast intentions with results and do research-action in the
classroom incorporating the continuous improvement as a normal operation and
the transition of oral tradition to information culture more appropriate to the new
educational approach.
The objective of this stage is for professors to develop the abilities and attitudes
needed to implement and evaluate a course in accordance with the Educational
Model. This is because the fact of having a redesigned course in platform does not
guarantee its success when being implemented. The activities on this stage are
made by professors and are based upon continuous reflection about the way the
course is taught, the goals achieved and the obstacles faced. During the
implementation of the course, the professors´ way of teaching is guided by
continuous tutoring from a facilitator from his Campus and it is integrated by
activities such as the following:
The results on this stage are incorporated into the didactic documentation of the
course. This is a very effective way of promoting reflection and improvement; also
it is a way of sharing with other professors the knowledge that is being built when
implementing the educational model. When finishing this stage, the course goes
through an evaluation process, approval and publication in order to be transferred.
In the previous stages, the professor has developed the abilities and attitudes in
accordance to the profile established by the Mission: a professor who reflects and
acts as a learning facilitator who uses methodologies and didactic techniques
supporting the Educational Model. A professor who talks with his/her colleagues to
exchange experiences and gets involved in improving continuously as well as in
innovating education.
In this stage, professors are expected to consolidate and master the abilities
mentioned above so that they are used in a natural way. Professors carry out three
types of activities that characterize this new profile:
? To participate in updating processes and development in his/her area of
specialty or in innovating education processes and educational
? To share the knowledge and experience generated when implementing
the Educational Model through activities such as participation in
international, institutional or local forums; working in collaborative
networks with other colleagues for continuous improvement and
progress in the process; publication of articles and research.
? To put into practice the improvements of the course proposed at the end
of the semester, to evaluate the results, to document them and continue
incorporating permanently innovations and improvements to the course.
One important characteristic of this stage is that professors carry out the
responsibility and engagement in this process working in a more independent way,
because it is them who design the plan to be followed. At the end of the semester,
a professor writes a final report about his/her experience. This report is analyzed
along with his/her facilitator and together they do observations and reach
At the end of this stage, professors fulfill the formal training process within
the PDHD (Program for Development of Teaching Abilities) get certified in this
program. Professors are expected to follow their new role as part of their everyday
teaching, it is then when the goal of having a cultural change in teaching is
reached. All of the above implies a change in the way of thinking and the way of
carrying out the process of education so that the students´ profile is reached.
During the process of development of professors until the time they get certified in
the PDHD (Program for Development of Teaching Abilities), he/she is
accompanied by a facilitator that acts as a partner, he/she guides the reflection
process, coordinates the professors´ activities, offers feedback and evaluates the
stage of design, implementation and improvement of the course.
The facilitator is a full time professor that has more experience in the
process; has participated in all the stages of the PDHD (Program for Development
of Teaching Abilities), has implemented a course in a computer platform and has
acquired a didactic technique. This is done to set an example for the professors
he/she is tutoring; also, he/she has received advanced training in a foreign
university; not only in the mastering of a didactic technique, but also in abilities and
attitudes required to play his/her role of facilitator of the educational change.
In this working structure, the facilitator has the following functions:
Stage 2 Stage 2
Structure and course design Adoption and adaptation of
the course selected.
Publication of the
course approved
to be transferred.
Stage 3 Stage 3
Implementation and guided Implementation and guided
practice of the course. practice of the course
adapted to the professor´s
Evaluation and
approval of the course
at System level for its
Stage 4
Normal operation and continuous
Improvement of the course.
At present, all the campuses have a working structure and the necessary
resources for the implementation of the educational model. PDHD workshops
are published in the platform of Blackboard to be transferred. There is a
database where model courses which use a didactic technique. There are also
enough experienced facilitators who have been certified in each didactic
technique. These facilitators have been distributed in all the campuses in order
to advance in the implementation of the educational model.
All the System continues working so all the courses, with no exception, fulfill
the characteristics of the educational model. The following is the advance of the
implementation up to June of 2002:
The conditions of each campus and the professors’ needs and preferences to
receive training are varied. In order to attend all the variables, the workshops and
activities which are offered can be in the classroom, on-line/classroom, on-
line/satellite, or totally on-line. (See Table 7.1).
The educational change is not maintained with the last mentioned activities. The
following is required in order to achieve an effective result:
Table 7.2 shows the comments of a professor about her experience in the
implementation of the educational model.
This entity, together with the Systems’Academic Council, took the responsibility to
develop and support the implementation of the educational model in the
professors’practice. It was done through the following activities and functions.
? Define Tec’s educational model and the pedagogical frame in which it is
based, as well as the creation of the working structure to carry out the
implementation of the model in the whole system.
? Establish the conditions, directions, guidelines and criteria for the
implementation of the educational model and the processes to follow them
? Develop and promote training programs for professors’formation and
development, and establish activities and mechanisms to keep them active
and in continuous formation process.
? Provide information related to the educational model through electronic
documents, to offer theoretical and technical support to the professor in a
continuous and accessible way.
Guadalupe Suárez
Department of Agriculture and Food Technology
Campus Querétaro
? Collect experiences of professors who have implemented the educational
model and share it with other colleagues in order to use them as support
? Investigate the world educational tendencies and the best experiences in
educational innovation, as well as information about universities which are
leaders in educational changes to be sure that the professors will have the
most advanced training.
? Develop schemes for the didactic use of computer technology that would
help professors develop situations and learning spaces and integrate them
to their teaching practice.
? Create, publish and administer data bases where courses are registered
and undated, and analyze and publish the results in order to improve them.
? Evaluate continuously the needs professors have to generate supporting
mechanisms and make the necessary changes to the development process.
? Be a link between the campuses and the central system to coordinate the
activities and guarantee the advance of the implementation of the
educational model.
? Give feedback and work together with other entities of the Institution to
make decisions and supporting actions required by the educational change.
In order to offer better training to the professors, it was decided to learn form the
experience of universities which are leaders in educational innovation. At the
same time, it was possible to encourage the professors’international formation,
participating in workshops in foreign universities.
The internationalization Vice-rectory carried out the following activities to give
support to this process:
The role of the Virtual University during the implementation process of the
educational model has been very important, since it provides satellite spaces which
allow professors to communicate and interact with professors form other
campuses. These virtual spaces have facilitated the following activities:
Many directors of different campuses are carrying out efficient activities to support,
advance and sustain the process. Some of the strategies used by the directors are
The effort made in five years to install the educational model in the teaching
practice has generated important experiences and knowledge. It has also lead
to meaningful achievements, in the inside of the Institution as well as in
international environments where Tec has achieved acknowledgments as a
university which is leader in educational innovation and in the use of
technological resources.
During the process of the educational change, professors have been an
active group which has required an organized workplace to carry out activities
and share them. They have also required support from their campus to
participate in these activities and different kind of rewards. Some of the
achievements are shown below.
? Problem, cases and project bank used by professors. These banks have
been tested and validated. Each teaching tool includes the didactic
documentation, settings and its correct use in the course. There are also
data bases with approved and published courses which are available to
be transferred.
? Committees to check the quality of problems, cases and projects to
guarantee the quality of the courses where they are taught.
? Collaborative networks of professors who work together to unify criteria
on learning methods, evaluation, activities and other interesting matters
such as exchanging ideas about problems and solutions to implant their
courses with good results.
This collaborative working culture which has been developed in the Institution
is confirmed with the suggestions given by the professors in the polls:
? Form multidiscipline teams which evaluate the courses together with the
professors who developed them.
? Participate in collaborative teams with professors who teach the same
? Introduce the observation method to give specific feedback to the
? Keep in contact with experts to get feedback about the courses.
Studies on the impact of the educational model in the classroom have been
made every semester. These studies show the level of the model
implementation. These are some of the achievements obtained which are
described in the detail in the figure 7.4:
? Professors are more reflexive and focus their attention in students
learning process. They make changes and adjustments to the process
in order to obtain better results for the students and achieve the
established goals.
? Students working form includes, in a balanced way, a high percentage
of collaborative activities. Professors’exposition has diminished and
students keep on working individually.
? Students’working load has increased in redesigned courses, and even
though they consider it excessive, it is getting closer to what has been
established by the Institution to encourage students’responsibility and
working culture.
? The development of abilities, attitudes and values has increased in a
high percentage. The most fomented HAV’s (acronyms in Spanish,
Abilities, Attitudes and Values) are: self-learning, collaborative learning,
the ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate responsibility, honesty
and working culture.
? The use of technological tools has become a natural way of working
which students like and use efficiently. According to some of the
students’comment the consider them valuable because they allow them
to do homework, discuss with their classmates about some topics, carry
out projects and have access to informational resources, communicate
with the professor and his/her classmates at a different time, construct
models and role play.
? With respect to quality, most of the courses that offer this educational
model are in the ranges of good and excellent.
Tec is member of the ECIU since June 2001. The founding institutions of
the consortium have several characteristics in common, some of the most
relevant are that all of them are academically strong in Engineering and
Social Sciences. These institutions are young, enterprising and progressive
and keep a close relationship with the industry and the regions where they
are located. In addition, they develop and apply new methods for teaching,
learning and investigating. They also assure an innovative culture within
their boundaries, experiment new management ways and interchange
useful experiences.
The strategic plan of this consortium in which Tec participates has as its
principle to promote joint activities to strengthen the innovative nature of its
members. This can be done cooperating in education to establish programs
with good results, establish innovative technologies and flexible educational
programs, students’progress and cooperation programs on the use of
computer technology and telecommunication.
During its development, the consortium expects to form solid
associations with the government, businesses and industries, with this it will
be possible to promote the cooperation among scientific groups and
strengthen spin-off companies which have international ranges. Likewise, it
expects to offer life formation beyond its national boarders and establish
certification and validation criteria of the ECIU courses and loan
interchange to generate resources to carry out joint programs and promote
the growth of their operations and influence out of Europe.
Figure 7.5 Universities that integrate the Problem and Project Based
Learning Center.
Campus Guadalajara, head office of the International Congress of the
Educational Innovation in Economics and Business Network (EDINEB)
There is nothing more difficult to manage, risky to guide and uncertain to have success
than to lead the introduction of a new order of things. Macchiaveli
The change in the educational model did not happen in a moment, and it
was not the work of a single person. It has extended through out the time
and it has been group work. This is a comment of a professor (2002): I think
we are learning little by little about the educational model and the platform,
and at the same time we are improving them. This is a process that takes
The complexity of the educational model and the results of the studies
done to the educational changes show that in order to have them operate
normally, they have to go over certain stages. Using a retrospective look to
Tec’s experience, it is possible to identify four stages which Tec has passed
during these five years of constant effort: the definition stage, the initiation
stage, the implementation stage and the institutionalization stage.
This stage considers the time spent to figure out which direction the
Institutions’efforts should have in these years. This process took shape in
the mission 2005 in which the goals, directions, programs and strategies to
carry out the educational model were established. The initial impulse
towards the educational change was done by the Institute’s Council and the
team of rectors. This initial impulse was a good strategy since it assured the
supply of resources needed in the process and opened a permanent
dialogue which allowed to check continuously the fulfillment of the
objectives, and at the same time it helped to feel more secure about the
feasibility of the project, a confidence environment and a space where
problems and solutions could be discussed. This stage was known and
accepted by the Institution’s personnel.
Initiation stage
This stage was carried out with the participation of the professors of all the
campuses and of all the levels and disciplines who decided to be part of the
process. The first part of the stage changed the professors’schemes and
also the teaching schemes. In this stage, there were more barriers,
resistance and obstacles, it was possible to advance living together with
conflicts and constant effort and negotiations. These are some of the
reasons that explain this situation:
? A great number of professors who have passed through educational
innovative cycles showed indifference and considered the change
as the latest educational fashion. Others inferred it as a hidden
message about something they were not doing correctly and those
who had been working with professionalism and dedication were
surprised about the change and asked themselves: Why do we have
to change if we are doing things the right way?
? The educational change demands more form the professor. They
have to participate intensively in training activities, in the didactic as
well in the technological area. These activities alter their working
pace and require time, disposition and support. In addition to this,
there were fears about incorporating abilities, attitudes and value.
They considered that professors’attention would divert from
learning contents which are necessary for students’formation.
? There was no experience, neither models to follow and everybody
had to learn through the process. The Program for the Development
Teaching Abilities (PDHD) was being adjusted to the professor’s
needs, eliminating or reducing some of the activities that were not
considered useful and other activities were incorporated. In this way,
it was possible to identify the need to offer the professors more
training in teaching methodologies and techniques, and give them a
more specific orientation in their course design.
? There was a distrust environment when it was observed that the
results did not occur as fast as they were expected and because the
students did not have the desired conditions, there were technology
failures and the school organization and spaces were not prepared
for the new educational model. These situations were considered
barriers and obstacles to implant the educational model, instead of
an opportunity to improve it.
? An educational change which is so complex required time to be able
to understand it completely. At the beginning, it was just seen
partially which lead to define the educational model form isolated
aspects which were given an absolute value. This erroneous opinion
became an obstacle to comprehend the relevance of the whole
change and also interfered in the communication of the participants.
This partial perception of the educational model started a series of
prejudgments and myths which are described in Figure 7.4.
Application stage
Institutionalization stage
After five years of having stated the educational change, it can be assured that the
Tec of Monterrey has entered an institutionalization stage, although, it is done at
different levels, according to each campus. It is possible to get to this stage when
the educational model is not an innovation anymore and the institution assimilates
it as a structure. It considers the collective approval and the global comprehension
of the change. It is distinguished because all the entities of the Institution are
engaged in the process, efforts are coordinated, the processes are defined, the
required infrastructure is created as well as a working structure. In addition, all the
campuses have human, academic and technological resources to work
independently. At this level, it is possible to develop a strategic plan and control
risks. In this stage, professors use a common language which allows them to share
ideas and experiences.
The director’s role in this process is very important because he/she directs the
plan and incorporates the innovation to the campuses operation. To assume this
leadership implies to pay attention to the ideas, experiences and contents each
professor has and it is through the exploration of the different experiences, ideas,
values and abilities that directors and professors can negotiate their point of view
of these changes and its implications and carry out the implementation
successfully. (See Figure 7.6)
The institutionalization is not a final stage because it will always be innovative
and it is based in a continuous improvement process.
It is expected that in the year 2005, the institution will be defined as a university
where the educational models is applied with quality to all the courses.
Figure 7.6 Stages in the changing process of Tec’s new educational model.
? The educational
model is a normal
Established operation.
model ? Experiences are ? The professors
shared with improve
Initiation Reflection colleges. permanently.
? The models are ? The innovation is
constructed. continuous.
? Stability ? Positive results are ? The organization
? organizational obtained. adapts itself.
? Acceptance
structure. ? There is permanent ? Directors
? Comprehension
? Professors’domain.? Partial active participation. participate.
Comprehension ? Positive
? Satisfied in the ? There is continuous ? There is a
? Myths and attitude.
operation improvement. permanent
prejudices ? Open
? Value improvement
? Administrative ? Interest
? Academic conflict
? Distrust
? Professor and