Materials Today: Proceedings: Bhupinder Singh, Harjot Singh Gill

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Wind turbine blade design for low rotational inertia materials at variable
speeds with different twisting angle using Q-Blade
Bhupinder Singh, Harjot Singh Gill
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Punjab 140413, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this current investigation, the comparison and analysis of two-dimensional model for aerodynamic
Received 2 November 2019 characteristics of the wind turbine blade was studied. The aero profiles of NACA0008 and NACA0012H
Received in revised form 6 June 2020 compared and simulate. NACA0012H aero profiles were transformed to three-dimensional model with
Accepted 24 June 2020
variable twisting angles and compared with exhaustive literature. The blade element momentum
Available online xxxx
(BEM) method was used for the calculations of aero profile’s lift, drag, pressure coefficients using Q-
blade software. Coefficient of lift, coefficient of lift and drag ratio and Coefficient of moment is getting
better result of NACA0012H from NACA008 this may be due more chord thickness. Power and coefficient
Small wind turbine Blade
Q-Blade software
of power is better in NACA0012H with 30° twisting angle with TSR and Thrust. A parametric report gen-
NACA008 erated here showed advanced estimations of cutting edge aero foil and twist speed in Q-Blade program-
NACA0012H ming. Power coefficient increase up to blade in three airfoils with different twist angle and finds the
Aero-foil maximum power near to 10.0 TSR value.
Renewable energy Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Symposium on Synth-
esis, Characterization & Processing of Inorganic, Bio and Nano Materials – 2019.

1. Introduction wind turbines are 0.25–0.45 [2]. However, aerodynamics

analysis more focuses of wind turbine investigation by earlier
Electrical energy from wind turbines is currently named scientific community [3]. Table. 1.
more proficient and worthier than other environmentally
friendly power vitality assets. This wonderful advancement
can be essentially ascribed to the improvement of expansive 2. Blade design theory and modeling
wind turbine innovation. Be that as it may, little wind turbines
are still in their formative stage. In the previous decades, the From examination of cutting edge structure hypothesis, it is
introduced power limit of wind turbines had a yearly develop- conceivable to choose best airfoil for sharp edge, so the edge can
ment rate of roughly 30%, while that of little wind turbines was more productive for execution. A wind turbine rotor comprises of
just 9%[1]. The generator is the fundamental segment of little airfoils that create lift by uprightness of the weight distinction over
wind turbines and changes over mechanical vitality into electri- the airfoil, delivering a similar advance change in weight found in
cal vitality. In this way, diminishing the expense of generators the actuator plate kind of investigation. The examination has been
in such turbines would positively bring down their general cost, finished by utilizing energy hypothesis and sharp edge component
along these lines making them cost focused. A noteworthy hypothesis [4]. Energy hypothesis alludes to a control volume
explanation behind the diminished usage of enormous wind investigation of the powers at the cutting edge dependent on the
turbines is the utilization of costly great generators by current protection of direct and rakish force. Edge component hypothesis
frameworks. Past examinations on vitality have effectively alludes to an examination of powers at an area of the sharp edge,
yielded economically accessible little wind turbines, in this as an element of cutting edge geometry. The aftereffects of these
manner demonstrating that power produced by little wind tur- methodologies can be joined into what is known as strip hypothe-
bines is practical. The rough power coefficient of small scale sis or edge component force (BEM) hypothesis [5]. This hypothesis
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Symposium on Synthesis, Characterization & Processing of Inorganic, Bio and Nano Materials
– 2019.

Please cite this article as: B. Singh and H. S. Gill, Wind turbine blade design for low rotational inertia materials at variable speeds with different twisting
angle using Q-Blade, Materials Today: Proceedings,
2 B. Singh, H.S. Gill / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table1 of execution were not vital; just relative estimations of execution

Airfoil Thickness. were required as the paper’s point was to clarify the stream
Name Thickness (%) at (%) Points Style material science present for correlation with an indistinguishable
Spline foil 9.03 31.20 60 computational model [13].
NACA0008 8.00 30.00 35 The chord length of the blade should be larger at the inner sec-
NACA0012H 12.20 22.50 63 tion and towards the outer section it should be smaller for improv-
ing the performance at low wind speed.[14] For increasing the low
start up performance, the twist angle is increased and the higher
can be utilized to relate cutting edge shape to the rotor’s capacity twist angle is set towards the root section. This creates an angle
to extricate control from the wind. of attack which is most appropriate for the low start up wind speed
a) Determine relative flow angle, / using following equation but this can also lead to stall at the higher wind speed. The twist
angle at the tip section of the blade is kept at lower value, this also
Uð1  xi Þ 1  xi
tan£ ¼ 0 ¼ 0 contribute in low start up but can lead to stall at higher wind
rð1 þ xi ð1 þ xi Þkr
speed [15].
Where xi and xi’ is axial and rotational induction factor,
kr is local tip speed ratio [6]
kr = k(r/R) 3. Results and Discussions
Where k is Tip speed ratio [7] and r/R is elemental section
radius R = Rotor radius The Fig. 2 had airfoil NACA 0008 and NACA0012H named
b) Determine lift coefficient and drag coefficient respectively, blades. The Blade NACA0008 shown in the graph representation
using following equation: from point 0.0 to 15° of Alpha value. Value of alpha shows the little
Cl = lift coefficient deviation on y-axis to a value of 0.01 and inclination of alpha is
Cl = (6 1 10–5) a4)  (0.002 a3) + (0.023 a2) + (0.028 a) + 0.44 recorded up to 15.0 with inclination to 0.05 of on value. Similarly
(4) the airfoils NACA0012H have deviation in its value from point 0.9
Cd = drag coefficient to 0.05 which shows its efficient working under various controlled
CD = (1 1 10–5 a4) B + (0.0005 a3)  (0.007 a2) + (0.033 a) conditions in simulation.
+ 0.029 Fig. 3 show the pure comparison analysis of value of O and Xrt
the value so much fluctuates with range between 0 and 1.0 and on
2.1. Airfoil Model y-axis its value between 0.0 and 1.4 and to the negative y-axis
value from point 0.0 to 0.6. On starting as shown in figure the
The Fig. 1 shows the different airfoil in Q-Blade software such as airfoil NACA0008 had its value range from 0.2 to 0.6. The value
NACA0008 and NACA0012H. Analysis shows that maximum lift of NACA0012H has its value starts from 0.0 to 1.4 in positive devi-
and coefficient and less drag coefficient is obtained from ation up to points 0.8–1.0.
NACA0012H airfoil. So airfoil NACA0012H is the picked airfoil for Fig. 4 shows the figure drawn between 0 and 1.2 of ᾳ with neg-
cutting edge plan and recreation in Q-Blade programming. While ative values starts from 0.0 to 0.6. The value of alpha ranges is 0.0
making rotor, every one of its airfoils and joined polar information to 11.0. The figure depicts the deviation n y-axis starts from 0.0 to
should be characterized well for predominant execution utilizing 0.7 values and the other airfoil NACA0012H range is 0 to 1.3.
splines with NACA0012H generator, for this the NACA0012H is The Fig. 5 depicts the comparison analysis between the Cl/Cd to
stacked [8]. Fig. 1 indicates the blade geometry without optimized. the value of Alpha. There are two blades which are mainly depicted
It is very difficult for manufacturer to optimize twist angle for easy whose value goes from 0.0 to between 10.0 and 11.0. NACA 0008
productivity and cheap cost.[9] and NACA0012H were taken and as the value of alpha increases
the value of Cl/Cd goes to a steep increase of value around 60 of
2.2. Blade Model NACA 0012H. The value of NACA 0008 goes from the 0.0 to an
increase of 45 which is the second highest. As a result the
VAWT was designed and built as geometrical features of blades NACA0012H is considered as best of the value in simulated values.
are shown in Table 2 and wind turbine diameter is D = 500 mm and There are five airfoil named in NACA0012H, NACA0012H-
height of turbine is h = 1400 mm. [10] The section of the VAWT Straight, NACA0012H with twist angle 15°, NACA0012H with twist
that was analyzed was the airfoil of its NACA0012H blade, in which angle 30°, NACA0012H with twist angle 40°, The Fig. 6 shows that
with different circular angle and twist angle and maximum lift the airfoil NACA0012H with twist angle 30° has the maximum
coefficient CL max at an angle of attack of a  15° and a maximum power output obtained during the experimentation and then the
lift-to-drag ratio CL/CD at an angle of attack of a  5.5°. [11] NACA0012H with twist angle 40° finds the maximum power near
The wind burrow display is proposed to address major compre- to 10.0 TSR value. The airfoil NACA0012H with twist angle 15°
hension of VAWT execution, and the Cp expressed isn’t expected to has slight some less power produced at near between 2.00 and
speak to a specific full-scale free-working gadget.[12] Total levels 4.00.

Fig. 1. Foil Shape of Spline foil, NACA0008 and NACA0012H.

Please cite this article as: B. Singh and H. S. Gill, Wind turbine blade design for low rotational inertia materials at variable speeds with different twisting
angle using Q-Blade, Materials Today: Proceedings,
B. Singh, H.S. Gill / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Table 2
Blade Model Geometry Features.

Sr. No. Blade Name Parameter Front view Top View

1 NACA0012H WITH CIRCULAR ANGLE-60 Circular angle = 60, Twist Angle = 0 Blade Length-1.4 m

2 NACA0012H STRAIGHT Circular angle = 0, Twist Angle = 0, Blade Length-1.4 m

3 NACA0012H WITH TWIST ANGLE-15 Circular angle = 60, Twist Angle = 14, Blade Length-1.4 m

4 NACA0012H WITH TWIST ANGLE-30 Circular angle = 60, Twist Angle = 28, Blade Length-1.4 m

Fig. 2. Cm Vs Alpha. Fig. 3. Cl vs. Xtr1.

The Fig. 7 shows the power output of airfoil NACA0012H with Fig. 8 shows the airfoil NACA0012H with twist angle 30° gives
twist angle 15° produces the maximum power to 2.4 Watt and the maximum power under the thrust of 1200. Airfoil NACA0012H
the NACA0012H with twist angle 15° produces as up to 2.4 Watt with twist angle 15° has 2nd highest thrust noted as such. Airfoil
of power [11]. Six airfoils power is noted in simulation as the airfoil NACA0012H with twist angle 40° has the 3rd highest thrust noted
with in red line with 30° produce the power up to 1.7P (W). down.

Please cite this article as: B. Singh and H. S. Gill, Wind turbine blade design for low rotational inertia materials at variable speeds with different twisting
angle using Q-Blade, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 B. Singh, H.S. Gill / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Cl vs Alpha.

Fig. 7. Power vs TSR.

Fig. 5. Cl/ Cd vs alpha.

Fig. 8. Power vs. Thrust.

The Fig. 9 states the value airfoil NACA0012H with twist angle
30°, giving the highest value of Cp at 10 TSR ratings value the air-
foil with 40° twist angle records the second highest value as
defined in the simulation figure. The normal blade NACA0012H
gives the record lowest value of Cp in negative recording of 5.

4. Conclusions

The airfoil NACA 0008 and NACA0012H blades shape compared

in Q blade open simulation software. Cl and Cm are higher in
NACA0012H the Blade NACA0008 Alpha Value is point 0.0 to
15.0 and Cm is 0.03. Similarly the airfoil NACA0012H has deviation
in its value from point 0.9 to 0.05 and Cl/Cd goes to a steep increase
of value around 45 and 60 of NACA 0008 and NACA 0012H
Fig. 6. Power to TSR review. respectively.

Please cite this article as: B. Singh and H. S. Gill, Wind turbine blade design for low rotational inertia materials at variable speeds with different twisting
angle using Q-Blade, Materials Today: Proceedings,
B. Singh, H.S. Gill / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-

cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.


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Please cite this article as: B. Singh and H. S. Gill, Wind turbine blade design for low rotational inertia materials at variable speeds with different twisting
angle using Q-Blade, Materials Today: Proceedings,

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